PAGE 20 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. APRIL 11. 1875 Henry Block has 17 reasons why you should come to us for income tax help. Reason 1. We are income tax specialists. We ask the right questions. We dig for every honest deduction. We want to leave no stone unturned to make sure you pay the smallest legitimate tax. DWKil T H E I N C O M E T A X P E O P L E 3911 W. MAIN Open 9-9 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. Phone 385-8630 ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Implement New Mobile Care Program With Nurse Course To implement the Mobile Intensive Care program lor McHenry county and western Lake county, the nursing service of McHenry hospital will present a seventeen-week coronary care course for registered nurses, beginning April 16. McHenry hospital is committed to fulfill certain requirements as the Coronary Resource hospital in the i egional Mobile Intensive ( 'are program: therefore, we must provide extensive coronary care education to all nurses who will staff our Emergency room and Intensive Care unit, announced Anthony. Corcoran, executive directoW- of the hospital. The Mobile ICU program will utilize not only two-way radio communication between participating Intensive Care ambulances and McHenry hospital, but also telemetric transmission of a victim's electrocardiogram from the site of the cardiac emergency to the hospital. This will enable hospital-based physicians to advise ambulance personnel on the treatment to be given a victim before and during his JACKSON ASPHALT PAVING Driveways Blacktop Sealing CAU. ANYTIME WOODSTOCK - 338-4739 Parking Repair 1 <WJa xssn Agency Drugs transfer to the nearest hospital. "The thirty-four nurses who will participate in the com munications between am bulance personnel and the hospital staff must be able to identify all arrythmias tran smitted on the EKG strips. They must also be acquainted with the medications and CPR techniques available to am bulance squads," Corcoran said. Sponsored by the Emergency Medical System committee of McHenry county and western Lake county, the Mobile ICU program has enlisted the participation of all three hospitals in McHenry county, the cooperation of town and village governments throughout the area, and the promised participation of 16 ambulance units. All three hospitals will monitor communications between Intensive Care am bulances and the advising physician. They will all receive the EKG strips from the am bulance, and will hear the emergency room physician's instructions. Ambulance . ' J" personnel will notify the nearest hospital of their estimated time of arrival when they begin, transfer of the cardiac victim. Participation of ambulance units requires that they be on duty seven days a week, and twenty-four* hours a day. They must promise a response time, under normal circumstances, of four to six minutes within their service area. In addition, their members must undertake the 120-hour training course required by the State of Illinois for certification as Advanced E m e r g e n c y M e d i c a l Technicians. "The course which we are offering to registered nurses is similar to the EMT-II course being offered ambulance squads by the Trauma center at McHenry hospital, except that the nurses will also learn follow-up nursing care," Corcoran said. "The course has been developed by Karen Eckstein, R.N., M.S.., our assistant director of nursing service. Miss Eckstein, a nurse clinical specialist, is former coor dinator of the Trauma Nurse Specialist program for the State of Illinois." Lecturers for the course will be Dr. Honeid Baxamusa. specialsit in internal medicine and cardidlogy, and Dr. "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY 385-4426 REG. '4.95 REALTONE AM POCKET RADIO Discount Price 99 65 OR OVER? SAVE! Jnml/a&te. HARDWARE STORES WITH OUR SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT PRESCRIPTION PLAN! JUST ASK US REG. 59' LAUNDRY BASKETS FREE EXTRA PRINTS REG. 69' BEAVER STEEL WOOL 6 PADS PER PAK Discount Price Discount Price H^with Each Set Of Kodacolor W Receive One F Extra Set Absolutely Free f̂ BaB J 1 FREE FILM i KODAK (110.126. 127. & 620) WITH FILM PROCESSING 8 OR MORE PRINTS KODACOLOR (Excapt Coupon Specials) YOUR CHOICE '3.99 S31 RUE TEMPER. SAVE 46* REG. 2/92( WESTINGHOUSE LIGHTBULBS 60 75-100 WATTS Discount Price 2\46' •E5S35S5SSE55E uia*ua**. SAVE 20 LIMIT 4 COUPON EXP. 4-17-75 >1 ! .A'noN-i'K.irri ' .H coupon * a •* I s k W to W ^ SCREWDRIVER ASSORTMENT Discount Price 0^ LIMIT 3 COUPON EXP. 4-17-75 \; i nxmxxxm SAVE 46* COLGATE 5 01. Discount Price LIMIT 1 COUPON EXP. 4-17-75 •AiWUVtfVVir INFLATION-1 K. ;R COl PON WWW. SAVE 29* o f r ' l TAMPAX 10'S Discount Price £ LIMIT 1 COUPON t <)l PON wy wy wy ii IM'LATION-FIGir "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. 385-4426 McHENRY Waheed Sahibzada. also a specialist in internal medicine and cardiology. Martha Joyce, K.N.. who is nursing clinical supervisor of the Intensive Care unit at McHenry hospital, will teach the nursing approach in coronary care. Registered nurses who will participate in the Coronary Care course are Judy Bender, Grace Bentz, Barbara Bliss, Vicki Bolash, Janet Chinlund, Janet Conway, Karen Eckstein, Lee Elia and Rick Evans. Also rnrol Freund, Margaref Grams, Pat Halper, Moll a Haugen, Linda Hem- mingsen, Carolyn Holmes, Vivian Johnson, Martha Joyce, Flo Kotz, Janet Kusch, Kathy LaGreca and Ann Lanzarotta. Also Chris Laubenthal, Lucille Lytle, Sharon McGowan, Bernice Musielak, Isabelle Ocheltree, Shirley Olson, Mary Lou Thompson, Theresa Van Fleet, Evelynne Walter, Elizabeth Warrick, Angeline Wolf and Marilyn Zujewski. - . . McHenry Shores Mrs. Rose Lillegard 385-4517 Absentee Ballots Available For General Election Absentee ballots for the April 15 general election to be held in the Village of McHenry Shores are available for those people who will be out of the county from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. the day of the election. By calling the village clerk (385-8500) you can secure the necessary in formation. There is only one polling location, the village hall, 3211 Beach Drive. The village hall is centrally located making it easy for everyone and within walking distance. Let's try to make this a 100 percent turnout. Don't forget, Tuesday. April 15 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. There is still t ime for you to register to vote. ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Lonnie Ritchason of Hilltop boulevard won the Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award at Northern Illinois University in the management department at DeKalb. The award consists of a specially designed silver medal, a year's subscription to the Wall Street Journal, and a plaque. In order to be selected the winner, Lonnie had the highest grade point average as a management major. The award was presented at the annual awards dinner held April 4. Those attending the dinner were Mrs. Karin Rit chason, wife. Mrs. Ritchason of Dundee, Mrs. Nick Gerady of Almond, Wis.," (Grandmother >, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pflug, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ernsting, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pflug all of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Vogl of McHenry Shores. Lonnie and his.lovely wife, Karin, have one son, Keith, 5 years old. Some of Lonnie's other achievements include being on the Dean's list twice. National Honor Society and Beta Gamma Sigma. Our sincere congratulations for this outstanding achievement. BUILDING PERMITS For a new house on Stillhill and Broadway to OEA Con struction, Septic addition to Raymond Pogor on McHenry avenue, and to Louis Schmitt a driveway and utility shed on Meadow avenue. PIER SPACES For those who have piers and those who wish to acquire a pier space, contact Donald Hen- derlong now that it 's on your mind. Village of Sunnyside Evelyn Sandell 385-2696 Hold Election At Village Hall Tuesday April 15 Just a little reminder to let you know, Tuesday, April 15, there's an election in our village. It will be held at the village hall, 4206 N. Wilmot road, in the rear of the Sun nyside Inn. The poles are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. CENSUS TAKER The census taker for the village will be Mrs. Betty Leh man. She will have her I.D. card, so please cooperate with her. REGISTRATION I have been appointed the registration officer, so if anyone wants to register for the election, give me a call and I will gladly help you. BIRTHDAYS We would like to wish Betty Lehman a very happy birthday on the ninth. Zelda Malochleb and her sister Ann Gonko have a birthday today. Clare Mullen's birthday is also today - he just turned 15. Many, many more happy birthdays to all of you. SERVICE NEWS Army Private Randall A. Espinoza, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Espinoza, 1610 Ranch road, McHenry, com pleted a basic health science course at the Army's Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Students learned to perform routine patient care and treatment. REG. ; PUFFS 49' i 200's SAVE 10' PLASTIC Discount Price !• Discount LIMIT 1 COUPON EXP. 4-17-75 LIMIT 2 COUPON EXP. 4-17-75 9 mSl/cdlue FREE DELIVERY r^SjERVlCE^ HARDWARE STORES WITHIN 2K MILE RADIUS When it comes to boats under 35 feet, we cover the water front. A low-cost State Farm Boatowners Policy protects boat, motor and trailer on the water or on the road. Call me. Dennis Conway 3317 W. Elm, McHenry 385-7111 State Farm Fi re and Casual ty Company Home Of f ice: B loomington, I l l ino is S T A T I F A R M I N S U R A N C E