Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that on the 6th day of December, 1974, there was filed in the Office of Richard L. Tazewell, Superintendent of Educational Service Region of McHenry County, a petition for the organization of a Com munity Unit School District in and for the following described territory, to-wit: Of all that part of McHenry Township, described as follows: Deginning at the northeast corner of Section 5, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian; thence west on the north line of McHenry Township to the west line of the east half of Lot 2 of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Towrtship 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Prin cipal Meridian^ thence south on the west line of the east half of Lot 2 and Lot 1 of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence west on the east and west quarter section line of said Section 5 to the west quarter corner thereof; thence south on the west line of said Section 5 to the center line of a public highwav running in a north westerly and a southeasterly direction and commonly known as Barnard Mill Road; thence southeasterly on the center line of said Barnard Mill Road to the west line of the east half of the southwest auarter of said Section 5; tnence south on the west line thereof to the southwest corner thereof; thence south on the west line of the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Prin cipal Meridian to the south west corner thereof and the east and west quarter section line of said Section 8; thence east on said quarter section line to the east quarter corner of Section 8; thence south on the east line of said Section 8 to the southeast corner^ thereof; thence west on the north line of the east half of the east half of the nor theast quarter of Section 17 to the northwest corner thereof; thence south on the west line thereof to the southwest corner thereof; thence east on the south line thereof to the southeast corner thereof; thence south on the west line of Section 16, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian to the southwest corner thereof; thence east on the south line of Section 16 and 15 to the southeast corner of Section 15; thence south on the west line of the nor thwest quarter of the north west quarter of Section 23 to the southwest corner thereof; thence east on the south line thereof to the southeast corner thereof; thence south on the west line of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 23 to the southwest corner thereof ; thence east on the east and west auarter section line of said Section 23 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 23; thence south on the west line of the nor theast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 23 for a distance of 543.10 feet to a point; thence east parallel to the north line of said quarter, quarter section to a point on the east line of said Section 23; thence south on the west line of Section 24 to the north line of the south 408 feet of the north 1535.16 feet of the west half of the south west quarter of said Section 24; thence east on the north line of the south 408 feet of the north 1535.16 feet on the west half of said southwest quarter to the northeast corner thereof; thence north on the east line of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 24 to the northeast corner thereof; thence north on the east line of the west half of the north west quarter of said Section 24 to the north line thereof ; thence east on the north line of Section 24 to the easterly shore line of the Fox River; thence southerly on the easterly shore line of the Fox River to the north line of Freunds Oak Glen Subdivision; thence east on the north line of said sub division to the west line of Section 19, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian; thence south on the west line of said Section 19 to the north line of the south half of Lot 2 of the southwest auarter of said Section 19; Hear God's Word Wherever You Are. SPONSORED BY: GUETTLER'S SERVICE STATION thence east on the north line thereof to the northeast corner thereof; thence north on the west line of Lot 1 of the southwest quarter of Section 19 to the northwest corner thereof; thence east on the east and west quarter line of Section 19 to the east quarter corner of said Section 19; thence north on the east line of the northeast quarter of Section 19 to the northeast corner thereof, thence east on the south line of Section 17 to the south auarter corner thereof; thence north on the north and south quarter line of Section 17 and Section 8 to the north quarter corner of said Section 8; thence east on the south line of Section 5 to the northeasterly shore of Pistakee Lake; thence southeasterly on the nor theasterly shore line of Pistakee Lake to a point on the east line of the northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 45 North, Range 9; thence north on the line between McHenry County and Lake County to the place of beginning all in McHenry Township, McHenry County, Illinois. The petition was filed in the Office of Richard L. Tazewell, Superintendent of Educational Service Region requesting that election be held for or against the establishment of the Community Unit School District in the territory described herein and it in cluded a proposition on a separate ballot authorizing the issuance of $3,033,600.00 school building bonds by the Board of Education of the proposed district for the purpose of building and equipping a senior high school building, to pur chase a site for said building and to make improvements to the site. Take notice that a hearing upon said petition will be held in the County Board Room, Room 203, McHenry County Court House, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, on the 7th day of May 1975 at 1:30 o'clock p.m. The petition may be examined and reproduced at the cost of the examining party in the Office of the Superintendent of Educational Service Region, Room 108, McHenry County Court House, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, between the hours of 9:00a.m. and5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Dated this 9th day of April, 1975. Richard L. Tazewell Superintendent of Educational Service Region of McHenry County, Illinois (Pub. April 11,18,25,1975) BANANAS Place 4 firm-ripe bananas in a shallow, ovenproof serving dish. Add Ms cup dry, white wine and dot Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 23, 1925) Henry Miller passed away at the home of his daughter. Mrs. George Chamberlain. at Milwaukee, Wis., April 12. He was born in Germany, Oct. 4, 1834. At the age of 20 lie set sail for what in those early days was referred to as the "new country", arriving on the shores of the United States in May 1854 He came direct to McHenry township and settled at Johnsburg. In the early- sixties he decided that a monumental shop could expect to do some business. He established such a shop at Johnsburg. As the years passed by, his business showed a steady and substantial growth. In 1891 he took his son, John H. Miller, of this city into part nership with him and a short time later established a branch in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. C G Berner. who passed the winter months at Eustis, Fla., arrived home and the former has re-opened his shoe repair shop. F.H. Wattles was elected mayor over John Stoffel by a vote of 283 to 121. " The West Side is to be given its third meat market which will be located in the Brefeld building recently vacated by Roy Hankermeyer's cash and carry grocery. P.J. Schaefer will be the proprietor. A large gang of road workers and equipment were camped on the McHenry-Ringwood road just outside of the city limits last Saturday night. Mrs. Jacob Stock and family- are now nicely settled in their new home on Pearl street, having moved to town from the farm. The McHenry flour mills owned and operated by William Spencer will soon add more floor space with full basement underneath. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 25. 1935) The golden wedding of a local couple, Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Freund, was celebrated April 23 at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry with butter. Sprinkle with Vt teaspoon ground allspice and a pinch of salt. Spoon over four tablespoons guava jelly Bake in 375 F oven about 15 minutes, basting occasionally. Serve warm. Yields four healthy portions. Nell, at what is known as the White House on Route 20. Mr. and Mrs. Freund were married by Father Fegers at John sburg. Brilliant sunshine and clear skies, the first this region has enjoyed on Easter Sunday since 1927. A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's church April 23, when Miss Hannah Glosson and "Mr. Ed ward W. Tonyan were united in marriage with Fr. Charles Nix officiating. Miss Mable Gorman, night operator at the local telephone exchange, has been absent on account of illness. The McHenry Scouters committee dance will take place at the Bridge ballroom. There will be cards and dan cing to a fifteen piece or chestra. The proceeds will be used to send a local scout to the National Jamboree at Washington, DC., this sum mer. There are eight local boys in line for this wonderful event but only one boy from McHenry will be chosen. Mark I. Oster, music professor of Chicago will be at the home of Mrs.,C.W. Goodell to make arrangements to organize a class in vocal music and voice culture. The McHenry Plaindealer instituted a new customer service this year and furnished local citizens with election returns from the township, school and city elections. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Mav 4. 1950) The Ringwood community was saddened by the unex pected death Monday. May 1. of Harold Evans, 53, who died at his home of a Tieart attack Two wild geese with the spirit of wanderlust, honked their way over the south end of town on Sunday and finally settled in a vacant lot just east of Center street After circling over the area they settled in a yard to the rear of the Dorr Andersons, where two domesticated geese are kept. James Ford of Cicero is the new owner of Brit?'s Restaurant on Riverside drive, having purchased the business from Eric Bjorkstrom. Miss Mary Ann Bolger of Richmond road was selected by faculty members of the local high school to represent the junior class at girls Illini State at Jacksonville. Hickory Creek farms of McCullom Lake recently purchased eight purebred Aberdeen Angus cows from Curtis Candy company in Cary. Pvt. Warren L. Schied. son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schied. Route 3, McHenry, currently with the 13th signal company which is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all com munications of the First Calvary division has been promoted to the grade of private first class, arriving in Japan in December, 1948. Miss Maurie Taylor, girls gym teacher at McHenry high school for the past 14 years, has done a great deal of writing also. Much of Maurie Taylor 's writing has been educational articles for educational publications. One of her most recent efforts is a puzzle book fil led with cross word puzzles anagrams and other word games. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 29. 19651 Reno Bertelotti , principal of McHenry Junior high school for the past seven years, has been engaged by the board of High School District 156 to act as assistant principal there starting next fall . He will replace Jack Thomas, who has resigned to accept the duties ol assistant principal in a Las Vegas. New, school. Representatives of the Ad miral Corporation attended the city council meeting and an nounced that it wishes to stay in McHenry and enlarge the present plant if parking area can be found. They hope to have expansion completed by Jan. l , 1966. and employ 900 persons. The council and industrial committee will assist in an attempt to solve the problem. Herb Reihansperger, owner of the Stoffel and Reihan sperger Insurance Agency, West Main street, was recently honored by the Aetna Casualty and Surety company at a luncheon at the Aurora Country- club. The occasion was the fift ieth anniversary of the agency's association with the insurance company. The firm of Stoffel and Reihansperger was founded in 1884 bv Simon Stoffel Sp-4 Thomas Justen of the 330 Transportation Helicopter Repair, who has been stationed at Vung-Tau-Viet Nam, forty- miles from Saigon the past year, is spending thirty days leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen. His next assignment is at Fort Carson, Colo. PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 1»75 geweaUfiuiMJ WITH TORKELSOI •LINCOLN-MERCURY Why Buy A 1975 • Sports Car . . . When You \\Can Get A 1976 Capri II Now At 1975 Prices USED CARS DIAL-A-DEVOTION PHONE 8 1975 BRONCO V8, 3 speed transmission. Wester^ ,Hydra-turn snowplow, attachment. 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY , GRAND CPE. 'V8, automatic, power steering, brakes, factory air conditioning, AM-FM stereo, vinyl top, 4,000 actual miles, spring yellow. 1974 MUSTANG FASTBACK 4 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, electric rear window defroster, whitewall tires, sporty wheels, light green metallic. 1974 MUSTANG ' 2 door hardtop, 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission, radio, whitewall tires. "Medium Blue". 1974 PINTO RUNABOUT 3 door model, 4 cylinder, 4 speed transmission, AM-FM radio, "Light Green Metallic". 1973 G.M.C. 3/4 TON PICK-UP 2500 Series, 4 wheel drive, 350 V8, 4 speed transmission, AM radio and tape player, heavy duty. "Bright Red". 1973 FIAT 850 SPYDER Roadster, 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission, AM radio, "Light Yellow". 1973 PLYMOUTH GOLD DUSTER V8, automatic, factory air, power steering and brakes, vinyl top, vinyl interior, radio, whitewall tires, "Jet Black". 1972 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4 door sedan, full power, many extras, luxury at its finest, "Raven Black". 1972 MERCURY M0NTEG0 MX 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, radio, whitewall tires, vinyl roof, "Medium Green Metallic." 1972 CHEVROLET IMPALA CUSTOM CPE. 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, radio, whitewall tires, vinyl top. "Light Gold Metallic". 1971 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, power windows and seats, vinyl roof, 38,000 actual miles, "Light Gold". 1971 MERCURY M0NTEG0 MX 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, radio, whitewall tires, wheel covers, vinyl roof, "Medium Blue Metallic". 1971 BUICK CUSTOM S 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, AM radio, tape player, whitewall tires, vinyl roof, "Tan". 1971 P0NTIAC LeMANS SPORT 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, bucket seats, radio, whitewall tires, vinyl top. "Light Tan". 1970 MERCURY CYCLONE GT 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, bucket seats, radio, whitewall tires, "Candy Apple Red". 1970 TORINO GT 2 door fastback, V8, 4 speed tran smission, factory air, whitewall tires, "Dark Green Metallic". 1970 MAVERICK 2 door sedan, 6 cylinder engine, automatic, factory air, radio, whitewall tires, "Light Gold Metallic". 1969 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRI V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, luggage rack, radio, whitewall tires, wheel covers, "Candy Apple Red". 1968 DODGE CORONET 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, radio, "Medium Gold Metallic". TORKELSON LINCOLN • MERCURY SALES 9-9 Mon. • Fri. Sat Cloud Sun. McHENRY, ILL. - Ju*t West of Ti 1 ML ft SERVICE r8-5 Mon. thru Fri. Closad Sat • Sun. • • PLAN ART SHOW -- Previous McHenry Country Art shows have featured a broad range of styles and mediums. Shown is an example from the show last year at the Parkland School location. Closing day for registrations this year is June 1. Village of Sunnyside Evelyn Sandell 385-2696 Residents Help Census Taker Complete Task We have completed our census through the cooperation the residents gave to Betty- Lehman, who did a good job helping out BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Congratulations are in order for Ken Gaylord. He had a birthday last Saturday, he just turned 13. Many happy returns. Rudy Gamperl is celebrating his day on the sixteenth. CLEAN-UP DAY Clean-up day this year will be Mav 13. NEW DAUGHTER We would like to congratulate Mr. and Mrs Bill Roberts. They have a new baby girl , named Elizabeth, born last Saturday Her li t t le brother. Eric, is anxiously waiting at home for his new baby sister ATTEND MEETING Kate Eichhorn and I went to the Bicentennial commision meeting at Woodstock last Monday. Tempers never seem to improve with use. or mellow with age. 1976 CAPRI Priced From M117YS LeSABRE J lowerwc© f o r e v e r y , b l o o m i n ' t h i n g ' ' SPECIAL SAVINGS FOR BETTER HOMES & GARDENS SWEETHEART ROSES Special price effect ive until Sunday, April 20, or while supplies last. $1 49 DOZEN ALL PERMANENT FLOWERS ON SALE FOR 2 WEEKS SAVE 20% 2 SPECIAL OFFERS 1. Bring your own container, select permanent flowers from our vast assortment and we will arrange- them (if desired) all for 20% OFF REGULAR PRICE 2. ALL Pre-made permanent arrange ments on SALE - 20% OFF (Sale ends Sunday, April 27) SAVE *1.00 50 lb. Grand Prize Lawn & Garden Gypsum 5" *1.95 (Sale ends April 20) WEEKEND NURSERY SPECIAL Ideal for hedge or screen TALLHEDGE COLUMNAR BUCKTHORN REG 10 FOR 3' Potted >5.25 '39.50 4' Potted *7.00 '49.50 (Cash '// Carry Price - Delivery Extra Planting charge hasciJ <>n regular price) NEI/ER BEFORE HAVE SAVINGS BEEN SO GREAT! WEBER 0NCE-A-YEAR SALE SAVE $10to $35 CHARCOAL ELECTRIC - GAS B u y W E B E R ' K e t t l e s a t S a l e P n c e s t o t t h e F I R S T T I M E e v e r 815-459-6200 owe »• WOO Route 14 at 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs,, Fri. 9 to 6 Saturday 9 to 5' Sunday 10 to 4