New Series Designed To Bring Pleasure To Horse Lovers, Visits To Farms In the coming weeks we hope this series will bring pleasure to horse lovers everywhere, encourage those interested in finding out more about horses to visit the farms and stables featured, and join us at the 34th Harvard Milk Day where we will be holding the 2nd Annual Harvard Milk Day Horse Show on Saturday June 7th in Har vard, Illinois. PART I THE MORGAN HORSE - Antrim Starland celebrates its 10th year looking back over more years than she wants to tell. Suzanne Koerner remembers herself as a little girl growing up in the city of Detroit, Michigan holding on to a dream of having a horse of her own. She dreamed, read, thought, and lived horses every moment to the distraction of her parents who knew a horse was not possible in the heart of the city. It wasn't hard to dream in those days when kids flocked to the theaters on Saturday afternoons to see movies like 'Thunderhead', My Friend Flicka, and National Velvet. The dream faded slowly as the years passed by but was never quite gone. It was a good thing that a little of that dream was kept alive for 300 miles away a young man was growing up in Park Ridge, 111.,' who hadn't the slightest idea that he would some day live on a farm and be deeply involved in the breeding and training of Morgan horses. It was a mutual interest in sportscars that brought Star and Suzanne Koerner together. After a first year marriage with sportscars as a hobby Star decided to make his wife's dream of a horse of her own come true. As a combined birthday and Christmas present Star gave Suzanne a black registered morgan stallion. The stallion, King's Top Man, after a suc cessful show career went on to become the foundation sire for Antrim Starland Morgan Horse Farm. In competition Kings Top Man was shown in park •saddle, fine harness, and as halter. He has been Grand Champion Stallion of the Illinois State Fair'and is one of the past National Grand Champion Stallions of the Morgan breed. The Koerners chose Morgans because both Star and Suzanne have a keen interest in American history. The Morgan is the first breed of horse to originate in America. The Morgan breed will celebrate its Bi-Centennial in 1989,200 years after the birth of its sole founding sire the famous Justin Morgan. The Morgan since its inception has been known as an excellent driving horse, so it was natural for Star Koerner to transfer some of his love for sportscars to driving horses and collecting antique vehicles. Th Koerners are active members of the Mid west Carriage and Driving Club and the American Carriage Association. Since Morgans both ride and drive in addition to being known for their in telligence and loving disposition Star and Suzanne knew that they had a way of preserving part of our American heritage and having horses that the whole family could enjoy. On its 10th an niversary the pastures of Antrim Starland are dotted with Morgans of all ages. The oldest being Fanny DeJarnette a 21 year old Broodmare heavy with her 17th foal, down to the frolicking youngsters born this spring. At the age of 15 King's Top Man reigns serenely over his band of mares, while his sons and daughters carry on his fame in the show ring. In 1974 this two year old son, Star-A Cloud King, was Reserve Champion stallion at the Illinois State Fair. A daughter, S R. Sara Smith won the Junior Park Saddle class at the same show. In 1973 Sara Smith won the two year old futurity and was Reserve Champion mare at the Illinois State Fair. Another son, Star-A Astro King, a Black gelding was Reserve Champion Junior Pleasure Saddle horse at the Morgan Jubilee Horse show in 1974. The little girl from Detroit has realized her dream and more. Besides helping to manage Antrim Starland, Mrs. Koerner is Co-Chairman of the fast growing Harvard Milk Day Horse Show. The Milk Day Horse Show has 8 classes for Registered Morgans in addition to classes for Registered Pintos and a full compliment of Open and Youth classes. Join us at the Harvard Milk Day Horse Show and make it a point 'to get acquainted with the Morgan horse soon. Harvard can be justly proud because!® three Morgan farms all nored for their fine horses are located near by. Land of Oz Morgan Horse Farm, Liberty Morgan Horse Farm, and Antrim Starland. For more detailed information about the Harvard Milk Day Horse Show contact: Suzanne Koerner, 19113 Streit Road, Harvard or John Coates, Box 333, Harvard. The Harvard Milk Day office, 200 Front Street, Emma Bosselman Executive Secretary, Phone (815)' 943-4614. CATTLE SHOW The Harvard Milk Day Cattle Show committee met last Thursday night to organize the 1975 Milk Day Cattle Show which will be held at the high school grounds at 1 o'clock June 7, immediately after the big Milk Day parade. Many, many, things were discussed such as: ordering tents, selecting a judge, entry fees, premium booklets, trophys and ribbons, and changes that would have to be made for 1975. One of the main changes in the premium list is that four new classes have been added which include: Junior and Senior Grade Heifer Calves and Junior and Senior Grade Yearling Heifer calves. Also it was decided to have five weekly articles in the paper entitled 'The Dairy Breed of the Week', in which we will endeavor to inform the public about the five major dairy breeds, plus a picture of an animal of that breed, which will appear in the 1975 Cattle Show on Milk Day. Deaths ARLENE E.MAY Miss Arlene E. May, 56, 1907 North street. Spring Grove, died April 17 at her home. Born July 31, 1918 in Spring Grove, the daughter of the late Ben J. and Emma M. Freund May, she lived there all her life. Among her survivors are three sisters. Mrs. Steve SYCAMORE SPEEDWAY'S OPENING NIGHT The first stock car race of the 1975 season will be on Saturday, April 26 at Sycamore Speed way. High-lighting the schedule will be Super Late Models, Lo Buck Late Models, Socker Stocker Six Cylinders, and the , Spectator group. ONE MINUTE SPORTS QUIZ 1. Name Muhammad Ali's next opponent. 2. When is the fight sched uled" 3. Who won the Greater Greensboro Open Golf Tournament9 4. Who was named ABA's 1975MostValuable Play er9 5. Who won the opening game of the 1975 baseball season9 Atswers To Sports Qiiz • \ - z sjaSpoa saja^uv soqaq] paSpa spay n^uupuio -g •sjauuiM-oD sb sja -obj Biretpuj 'sauuxooiM ^aSjoao pus sjaN M^OA M3M aq? jo 9uiaj3 snnnp •jdoitstaM uio.L *£ 'SL6I *91 AW *z •ai^T uoa *i ORNAMENTAL IRON Railings-Columns Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. lite. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783 HORNSBYS family centers ncfl Nilsson Duit On Mon Dei o y o u a/ * JA RC/1 --^ THE CUFSS WHO L O U R E E D -- L I V E THE GREAT fATSBY LESLIE WEST , iKpiKlhlj. \j ̂ cl r Records >7 Tapes ROSTNXC MILSAP A Xa*9«ndl In My Tinw Market Place Shopping Center HORNSBYS ^ family centers 0 Daily 9-9 Sunday 9-6 (Estelle) Schmitt, Elkhorn, Wis., Mrs. John (Shirley) Sanders, Richmond, and Mrs. John (Joan) Popelka, Spring Grove; two brothers. Bernard. Spring Grove, and Allan, Mundelein. A funeral Mass was offered Monday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Peter's church. Spring Grove with burial in the church cemetery. Arrangements were made by the Peter M. Justen and son Funeral home. PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1975 Seek Participation In Bicentennial Contest The construction of the Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, was begun in 1866. using native timber, no nails, and much glue made from buffalo hides. Early response indicates that many thousands of Illinois grade and high school students will participate in the Bicen tennial essay contest, which is being sponsored by Michael J. Howlett. Secretary of State. Entries of 150 to 200 words on the theme "What is the Spirit of '76?" are being received by principals throughout the state. Deadline for essays is June 1. Contest competition will include three divisions. Red, grades one through four; white, grades five through eight; blue, grades nine through 12. "We hope that all of our eligible school children enter this contest," Howlett said. "This is one way they can express themselves in dividually about our heritage, country and the significance of next year's Bicentennial." Contest guide instructions for teachers have been mailed to public, parochial and private schools. Principals have been asked to select the two best essays in each division under their supervision and forward to Secretary Howlett in "Springfield. Sub-committees in each of the twenty-four Congressional districts from the news media will judge all entries in their respective districts. They will select the best essav in each division and the final seventy- two essays will'go to Secretary Howlett's Bicentennial com mittee. This panel, which selected the winners in the Bicentennial License Plate design contest last year, will narrow the competition to the best essay in each division. From the final three, a grand champion will be named this fall with a $1,000 educational savings bond award. The two runners-up will receive $500 bonds. 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Night DAILY 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 A.M. SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 4400 W. RTE. 120 - McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385-7300