\ PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER- HELPING PAWS BY Nancy Hanson 815-459-2641 There is a Pet Population explosion in the United States that is producing millions of unwanted cats and dogs every FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1975 year. Puppies and kittens are being born at the rate of 10,000 an hour, 165 a minute. In the United States, at this moment, there are more than 15,000,000 homeless dogs and 25,000.000 homeless cats. Every day, well-meaning people dump kittens and puppies in garbage cans, along roadside, and in the woods. They think that sofhehow these creatures will learn to fend for themselves. In reality, they are sentencing the animals to a slow, agonizing death. The end may come through starvation, suffocation, .freezing, or disease. Or it may come under the; wheels of a car. Few will live out their lives without constant fear and agony. The only way this cruelty can end is for each pet owner to be ^.llllllllllllilllMlllllllimilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllll^ FOR WOMEN | ...SHAGS | ...NATURALS | ...LAYER CUTS | You CAN Tell | The Difference = STYLING FOR MEN By Appointment E 13317 VV. Elm St., McHenry 815-385-7771 E Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiir JANE'S responsible and have his cat or dog spayed or neutered. Helping Paws is constantly asking for volunteers to shelter dogs and cats until they can be adopted. This need is a constant one, since there are so many helpless little pets that are born, unwanted. If you would like to help us, or adept " one of our animals, please call 815-459-2641, any week day from 10 a.m. to noon or 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Labrador, all black, male under 1 year, housebroken, good with children, Has all shpts. 385-4669. Small mixed breed, 4-month- old male, black, very cute and sweet. 815-459-0317. Looks like a small sheepdog, male, about 1-year-old, shaggy, brown, red, beige, and gray, partly housebroken, only 14 inches high, cute but shy. 312- 381-9408". Husky-Collie, male, under 1 year, black with white accents, I blue eye, and one brown, white face mask, housebroken, good with children, likes other animals, rides in car, very gentle, long hair. 312-658-7882. She has a terrier face, is mixed breed, about 1 year old, black and brown medium length fur, 10 inches high. 815- 459-3774. Spaniel mix female, 5 months old. white with black spots, fluffy hair, DHL shot, housebroken, beautiful, smart, lovely disposition, will be a large dog 312-516-7095. Pointer mix, five-month-old male, white with black short hair, will be a large dog. 815- 943-4229. Chihuahua mix, male about 2 years old, reddish tan with black markings around eyes and ears, short hair, 10" high, loves children, housebroken. 815-338-4420. P B. Norwegian Elkhound, male, brown and white medium length thick fur, old enough adult to have cataracts on both eyes and arthritis. 312-358-6992. CATS FOR ADOPTION Mother and-or two kittens, now 8 weeks old. Mother, tabby, kittens are brown and black. 815-455-1186. - Neutered male cat, young adult, gray with black stripes, white under chin, DHL shot, does not tolerate other pets, dewormed. 312-516-7953. Large Black, 1-year-old neutered male domestic cat, l o v e l y d i s p o s i t i o n , housebroken, good with children and other cats and dogs. 815-459-7854. Black with brown stripes, adult female, she has white under neck and down nose, short hair, housebroken. 815- 459-8379. Affectionate, housebroken, good with children, gray 9- month-old female. 815;455-0053. Black long hair, medium size female, young adult. 815-338- 4151. Mother and-or two kittens. Mother mostly white with some gray spots. Kittens are female, one calico and one gray and white 9 weeks old. 312-639-5286. HAMPSTERS FOR ADOPTION Eleven hampsters, 2 albino, 3 wooly bear, 6 golden, both sexes, babies and adults, Habitrail included if all go to one home. 815-344-1382. LOST AND FOUND Found: Bassett and Toy Poodle, both male, chain collar on Bassett, none on Poodle, found 4-15 in Mineral Springs. 815-385-5694. Lost: German Shepherd, 7 year old male, black and tan, choke collar, lost 4-1 in Woodstock. 815-385-4557. Humor is a rare gift; if you can laugh at the world, and yourself, you're lucky. Refugee Recalls Life In Russia Under Communism KATHARYN IWANOWSKI "Many Americans think that shortages and economic chaos in the Soviet Union are a result of Communism's failure. But just the opposite is true. Deliberate starvation and the shortage of goods and services <w<4 zssn Agency Drugs VV y 7aae~Wz£ue HARDWARE STORES "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY 385-4426 REG. 89' SUCARYL 3.5 OZ. PACK PACKAGE Equivalent To 2 Lbs. of Sugar 65 OR OVER? SAVE! WITH OUR SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT PRESCRIPTION PLAN! JUST ASK US SUCARVL Discount Price * MELC0RCALCULAT0RI f > No. 390 Discount Price • [aJEUB •ma •soa • i J23 FREE EXTRA PRINTS iy With tacn bei W Of Kodacolor W Receive One r Extra Set Absolutely Free ^1Kb 'Wm iH i FREE FILM J KODAK (110, 126. 127. & 620) WITH FILM PROCESSING S OR MORE PRINTS KODACOLOR (Excapt Coupon Spoclali) REG. '10.99 BLACK & DECKER VA" DRILL Discount Price 99 Wo. 7004 REG. *1.66 7pc. ALL PURPOSE SCREW DRIVER SET Discount Price 19 SAVE 60'-*1.40 CLAIR0L CLOUDS OF HERBAL ESSENCE BATH LINE Body Bath 8 Oz. - Reg. Price - $2.39 Body Powder 6.5 Oz. - Reg. Price - §" $2.29 Body Splash 8 Oz. - Reg. Price - $1.59 Your Choice LIMIT 1 OF EACH COUPON EXP. 5-8-75 % REG. 15* LIFE SAVERS ASSORTED FLAVORS Discount Price LIMIT 3 COUPON EXP. 5-8-75 I\! I \Tlo\-l i(, :r C()i i'o\ SAVE 56' ANACIN ARTHRITIS PAIN! FORMULA 40'S Discount CQ( Price w ̂ LIMIT 1 COUPON EXP. 5-8-75 W * 1 M 1 . A 1 l < > \ - 1 K . I H T . K ( < > l P < > \ I REG. 59 CHAP STICK LIP BALM Discount Price LIMIT 2 COUPON EXP. 5-8-75 [\1 I A I K )\-l K.I! IT U ( <>l P<)\ (WtfWWto m PRITT GLUE STICK .22 0Z. Discount Price LIMIT 1 COUPON EXP. 5-8-75 INI I A rio\-i K. i; ( ! .1 P< )\ 1 w-w-w/. SAVE 96* REG. '1.89 EFFERDENT1 60'S extra sttotiqth efferdent DENTURE CLEANSER 60 TABLETS . Discount Price LIMIT 1 COUPON EXP. 5-8-75 IM I.A I K)\-l K. K ( or pox wlj gs ViMl/a&cz HARDWARE STORES "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" are nothing more than signs of Communism's success." Thus says Mrs. Katharyn Iwanowski, a naturalized American citizen who suffered under both Communism and Naziism. Mrs. Iwanowski will be speaking in McHenry at the American Legion hall. Post 491 May 8 at 8 p.m. Her speech, entitled "Shortages and Rationing-Memories of Russia", will describe the conditions she and her family witnessed under the Soviet dictatorship, and the same conditions she sees developing in this country. Mrs. Iwanowski watched the Communists create a terrible .famine in her former homeland. "Millions of people were deliberately starved to death when the government took away our food," she recalls. However, she survived and, during World War II, she again found herself a victim of tyranny when she was im prisoned in a German war camp. In 1952, her dream to come to America came true. Ever since she became a citizen in 1958, she has spoken out about her love for America and her fear of the threats facing our country. "Aiherica is wonderful," says Mrs. Iwanowski "and being an American citizen is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Just to bo here, to enjoy freedom under God. and to leave the fear of the secret police behind is like a dream come true. But, Americans do not seem to appreciate the wonderful right of freedom", she adds, "nor are they aware that signs of tyranny are beginning to ap pear here." - "We must educate our selves," she continues, "and study the effects of big government. If we do not in form enough of our fellow citizens in time, we will live and suffer in a dictatorship like those I left behind in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia." As a uniquely qualified American, Mrs. Iwanowski is currently on an extended speaking tour throughout this part of the country. This program is one in a continuing series of lectures sponsored by Chapter DXRQ, the local chapter of The John Birch society. Tickets for this engagement can be obtained by contacting Mrs. Joseph Himpelmann, or by writing to the chapter at 3611 N. Middle avenue, McHenry, or at the door the night of the speech. Study Plan For Multi-Year License Plates Michael J. Howlett, Secretary of State, has initiated a study of multi-year and permanent plates with the goal of putting one or the other automobile licensing system in effect within three years. Howlett said he has ap pointed a task force to in vestigate licensing procedures currently followed by other states. With legislative approval, this plan could be in effect by 1978, according to Howlett. Multi-year license plates are sold from every two years in some states to every five years in others. During the interim years, these states produce annual tags which the owner must purchase and affix to the plate. Permanent plates have a "life span" that corresponds to the automobile for which they are purchased. They are non transferable and remain with the car no matter how many times it is sold. In states where permanent plates are used, tags are also produced and sold on a yearly basis. Douglas Anderson To Graduate As Pastoral Tralng rDouglas M. Anderson, 7803 Wooded Shores drive, Wonder Lake, will gradual^ as a Pastoral Traing (Greek em phasis) major from Chicago's4 Moody Bible institute Friday, May 23. The graduation ceremonies will begin at 2:30 p.m. in MBI's Torrey-Gray auditorium, 840 North LaSalle street, Chicago. Douglas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson of British Columbia. His future plans are to go on for further schooling at Northern Illinois university. 0T FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 2V2 MILE RADIUS REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES, OF First National Bank Of McHenry IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON April 16, 1975 PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER TITLE 12, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 161. ASSETS Cash and due from banks (including $ NONE unposted debits) 1,034,881.47 U.S. Treasury securities 1,202,498.71 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 2,789,028.05 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,215,112.52 Other securities (including $18,000.00 corporate stock) .. .468,108.46 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to reseU 300,000.00 Loans 6,724,728.65 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures and other assets representing bank premises 314,248.66 Real estate owned other than bank premises 19,554.57 Other assets (including $ NONE direct lease financing) 124,027.84 TOTAL ASSETS .. 14,192,188 93 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,599,297.71 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 9,393,412.38 Deposits of United States Government 83,982.59 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 520,000.00 Deposits of commercial banks 72,760.93 Certified and officers' checks, etc 357,460.33 TOTAL DEPOSITS $13,026,913.94 (a) Total demand deposits $ 3,113,501.56 (b) Total time and savings deposits. .$ 9,913,412.38 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 98,084.00 Other liabilities 316,306.56 TOTAL LIABILITIES 13,441,304.50 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) 5,516.04 TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES 5,516.04 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Equity capital-total 745,368.39 Common Stock-total par value 300,000.00 No. shares authorized 15,000 No. shares outstanding 15,000 „ Surplus 300,000.00 Undivided profits « 145,368.39 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 745,368 39 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 14,192,188.93 MEMORANDA Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 12,914,195.60 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 6,938,729.00 I, Neida D. Rechisky, Assistant Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true and • correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Neida D. Rechisky We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. Donald C. Daley Richard D. Fowles David T. Kent Directors
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