X Medical Staff Strives To * t Improve Care Of Patients Karen Muza, nuclear medicine technician, attended a weekend conference at Northwestern university. Dr. Daniel Horan, radiologist at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock, took part in a refresher course on mammography given by the Radiological Society of North America. Members of the laboratory department, where Dr. Frank Elmudesi is department head, hold monthly meetings for wide-ranging discussions and workshops. Doctors at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County on the third and fourth Fridays of every month hold educational meetings where they discuss cases of significance-cases where doctors will learn from what is related by •> the attending physician and by Dr. Horan and Dr. Elmudesi. The reports of those two departmental heads pertaining to what has been learned through the use of sophisticated health care techniques is valuable as doctors work hard to improve their diagnosis and care of patients in the future. These examples of how the hospital and medical staffs strive to improve the care patients at Memorial hospital represents the total com mitment of these health care people in the best tradition of the 1975 National Hospital week slogan: "A Constant Concern for a Healthy Community." National Health week is being observed by 7,000 hospitals in the United States now through this Saturday. "At Memorial hospital we are as concerned about keeping people well as with restoring health," said Bert Hanson, executive director. "Memorial hospital is in creasingly the center of the community's health care ac tivities and responsibilities. We are developing new methods to deliver improved health care. At present we are instituting our utilization study program with a special committee, and we'll be telling the public more about this as it prepares for day-to-day accounting, ef fective in a few weeks. It will be in full operation before July 1; the goal is to make sure patients stay only as long as it is necessary to be hospitalized-- no longer and no less time." Advancements in equipment have helped improve the diagnostic techniques made possible through technicians in the radiology department. Both for diagnosis of patients who need help, and for patients who seek preventative health Rlght-To-Life Branch In Fund Raising Protects Recently, the McHenry branch of the Illinois Citizens For Life held a meeting at the R. Svoboda residence. It was announced that the organization is now affiliated with the Illinois Citizens For Life North East region, which covers DuPage county, Crystal Lake and McHenry in McHenry county. Some members of the organization were also in troduced to the fundamental steps in preparation for public speaking engagements. The first fund raising project was also discussed. This was held Mother's day, Sunday, May 11, at which time they worked with the Newman center selling roses. The next meeting will be Monday evening, May 19, at 4609 W. Home avenue, Lakeland Park, McHenry. All are welcome to attend these meetings, men, women, young adults and senior citizens. BIT PROFESSIONAL ctppft dwriing Pisults! RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-Ummw : portabls, Msy-to-uM hot watar j attraction carp* cleaning nudum , that gtKtfy... rinaas carpat fibara j with hot watar and i claaning aolution f looaana and lifts all dirt,grima and raaiduaa to tha carpat surfaca \ y whara thay are imma- I diately vacuumed up - leaves your carpat* CLEAN. FRESH and ODOR-FREE! idn COAST TO COAST "Your Total Hardware Store" 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenrv. IIF care advice, the skills these technicians apply are im pressive. Nuclear medicine is a new mode of diagnosis that came into existence at major hospitals and research centers about 10 years ago. Memorial hospital started a nuclear medicine department one and one-half-years ago and has come from five scans a month to approximately seventy at the present time. "We are able to diagnose many things which are impossible to find using ordinary techniques," explained Dr. Horan. "For example, using radioisotopes and the new scanning equipment in the nuclear medicine department, we can scan the bones. We can diagnose brain tumors and thyroid tumors that X-ray won't show. We can plot the progress of an illness and watch the patient's recovery, especially with stroke patients. Pulmonary emboli or blood clots to the lungs are detected early before being visible on the chest X-ray study." The radiology and nuclear medicine departments have nine technicians. Dr. Horan's main duties are to interpret nuclear and X-ray results and to maintain tight quality control. As new techniques develop, he and his staff members are on top of the best ways to learn. For example, a break through in the use of in tensifying screens and film developed by E.I. duPont Co. has made the use of mam mography in spotting breast cancer a major advancement. Dr. Horan has taken a refresher course in this technique, a technique that uses less radiation than for merly and which provides higher quality results. Lumps are noticeable in mam mography much quicker than through breast self- examination.. The fifteen people in the laboratory meet every third Tuesday to discuss problems related to their work. In ad dition, each is asked to bring a problem of his choice to the meeting and make a presen tation on it. "Work with other depart ments is discussed regularly to SECTION 2-PAGE l^PLAINDEALER-WEDNESnA v mav t f4 f 1975 assure careful coordination," PRESENT PLAY said Dr. Elmudesi. One of the most successful comedies of the New York stage during the 1960's, entitled "Never Too Late", will be presented by Townsquare Players, Inc., at the Woodstock Opera House for the opening May 16 with additional per formances May 17, 23 and 24. There is an 8:30 p.m. curtain time. « Summarized Hanson: "The social and economic well-being of our community is dependent on the health of our resideht^. By helping to keep people well and helping people recover when they turn to our hospital for health care, we are proud to make a significant contribution to the welfare of the entire area. Our concern is a constant one, seven days a week, 365 days a year." DEEP BOOK The deepest book ever written? How about "Twenty Leagues Un der The Sea " PRICE BUSTERS! PRICE BUSTERSIPRICT BUSTERS! PRICE BUSTERS! PRICE BUSTERS! PRICE BUSTERS PRICE BUSTERS! limit qucntftl#*! Fun Time! 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Sizes (S-M- L-Xl) All 1st quality -- all now stylos 11 h/efflflflft 1 Gallon Coleman Fuel Limit 1 to a customer. Fuel for gasoline stoves, lanterns and catalytie hoatorsl! Coleman Double Mantle Lantern Our R*g. mmQT 19,97 I M No. 220H-195 Features double life generator. 2 pint capacity burns 10-12 hours!! Coleman Two Burner Stove Our Reg, Compact, economy two-burner camp stove! Strong steel case! No. 425E49U Coleman Efficient Propane Stove gap Our Reg. 29.87 Camp stove runs on 16.4 oz. disposable propane bottled Heavy duty con struction. Complete .•̂ V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V Gelusil 12 ounce Liquid Antl Acid Our Reg. Effective 12 ounce site of Gelvsllll Safe gentle effective liquid ontlacldll (Mfgrs. 1.80 site.) 1.17 96c "LET'S GO CAMPING" Children's Happy Go Lucky Sneakers Our Reg. sb ££ 2.69 Sturdy, stitched canvas snugly laced! On longer wearing soles!! Sizes: (5-12) Men and Boys' Athletic Shoes W 300 Heavy duty uppers -- tread soles. Cushion insoles and built-in arches! 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