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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1975, p. 11

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PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1975 G E N E R A L R E V E N U E S H A R N G P L A N N E D U S E R E P O R T General Revenue Sharing provides federal funds directly to Ideal and state governments This report of your government's plan is published to encourage citizen participation in determining your government's decision on how the money will be spent Note Any complaints of discrimination in the use of these funds may be sent to the Office of Revenue Sharing. Wash.. D.C. 20226. PLANNED EXPENDITURES (A) CATEGORIES 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 4 HEALTH 5 RECREATION 6 LIBRARIES 7 SOCIAL SERVICES FOR AGED OR POOR 8 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 9 MULTIPURPOSE AND GENERAL GOVT 10 EDUCATION 11 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 12 HOUSING & COM­ MUNITY DEVELOPMENT 13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 OTHER (Specify) 15 TOTALS (B) CAPITAL $ $0,000.00 $ 5o,ooo.oo (C) OPERATING / MAINTENANCE $ 1 ,̂000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ i5,ooo.oo U,077.00 $ Ii9,077.00 THE GOVERNMENT OF MCHENRY TDMfiSH IP ANTICIPATING A GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PAYMENT OF *99,OP FOR THE SIXTH tN•IITLt.VFN-: PERIOD JULY 1 1975 THROUGH JUNE 30. 19 76 PLANS TO SPEND THESE FUNDS FQRTHEPURPOSES SHOWN ACCOUNT NO 14 3 Q56 pi 2 MCHENRY TDMfiSH IP TQMfiS'H I p SUPERS-* ICQR MCHEHRY COUf i TY 1 2 5 7 H G R E E N ST flCHZHRY ILL 6005u 1628 © £s 3• -6 (D) Submit proposals for funding consideration by. Walter J. Dean J*1j 1, 1975 to. A copy of this r.port. and supporting docum.nts. are open for public scrutiny 1257 N Qreea St.j MoHaary, Illlnoii 60050 (E) ASSURANCES <Refer to instruction E) I assure the Secretary of the Treasury that the non-discrimination and other statutory requirements listed in Part E of the instructions accompanying this report will b. complied with by this recipient government with respect en^lement funds reported hereon Signature of Chief Executive Officer Walter J. Wan, Supervisor 6-13-75 Name & Title -- Please Print "( Published June 18 , 197^ Legal Notice Public Notice is hereby given (hat on June 5, A.D. 1975, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as K&M AUTO SER­ VICE. located at 926 N. Front Street. McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 5th day of June, A.D. 1975. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. June 18, 25, July 2,1975) Legal Notice Public Notice is hereby given that on June 5th, A.D. 1975, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as SHEAR HONESTY BEAUTY SALON, located at 3325 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 5th day of June, A.D. 1975. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. June 18, 25, July 2, 1975) Vie For Dairy Princess Title McHenry County Dairy Princess candidates vie for the chance to succeed Ellen Gardner, right, at the annual Dairy Banquet this Thursday night, June 19, at Woodstock. From left are Kay Roesslein, Hebron; Marsha Kaping, Harvard; SueBorhart, Huntley; Cheryl Gieseke andKathy Luerssen, both of Harvard; Deb Utech, Crystal Lake; Regina Perenchio and Patricia Peterson, both of Harvard; and Ellen Gardner, reigning McHenry County Dairy Princess. Missing from photo is Pamela Dollman, Union. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) >\ l< .< >V\| K'V I'A'Ai N PAINT SALE Limited time. LNEX OUR BtST INTERIOR FIAT S GUARANTEED ONf COAT AMD HAS UNSURPASSED TEST PROVEN WASHABii tOO DECORATOR CCH ORS se tr** textures of dll n ihi l ! I HUM INTERIOR FLAT PAINT GUARANTEE Hides previously pointed wnoofh surface o* ony color with one coot fol lowing lobel dir t .oni 0negol tencov«r»450%q ft Words wil l supply FREE pom' t 0 mure coveroge o- your opf ion refund fHe pure Ho** p» «f »• fo i ls to meet this c la im and lobel -s re turned - proof of purcHote Save *3 Life. Our best latex interior flat. In 100 colors. Guar. 1-coat coverage, guar. 8-yr. durability. Washable. Easy soap and water wash-up. 11.99 Great Coat, gal., 8.99 REG. $11.99 GALLON fO« *000 S* PP.Mf O MlTAi G.QC Guarante House Paint One Coat Guarantee^ % Excellent DurafrWy Non-Fading/Non-C^* :l °rws to Touch to 1/2 r* Clean- U p -- t m f d » Lead or Mefcury GUARANTEE >il point xs guoronteed t , »ver any color pointed w •oca with one coot (e«cep* •ough wood shmgles f>ofc®s ond s tucco) whe» ppl ied occordmg to lobe direct ions of o rote no* tc •••ceed 400 vq f t per goJ on If th is point foi ls tc « over os s toted here br ing *^e lobel of this point tc vOur nearest Words bronc • • nd we wil l furnish enoug' point to insure coveroge Or " f /our opt ion wil l refunr complete purchos» Save 8 4 Acrylic Latex 30 guaranteed 1-coat exterior flat. Blister, weather-resistant. Dries in just 30 minutes. Quick and easy clean-up with soap and water. 30 colors. REG. $11.99 GALLON Save *2 to *3. INTERIOR FLAT PAINT GUARANTEE Hides previously pointed smooth w foce of ony color with one coot fol lowing lobe ' direct ions One gol lon covers 450 sq f t Words Wil l supply FREE point to insure coverage or a t you ' opt ion refund the purchase pr«e if •* fo i ls to mee ' this cloim ond lobe ' «s re turned With proof of pur chose 'NrERtOR LNEX FUtf swwcraDMfcaff (3CP 2 exterior^1 Latex Frws# One ^ s iFast GUARANTEE 'n i% point ,s guoronteed t< (Over ony color pointed sur •oce with one coot (e*c«p ' 1 ough wood shingles hakes and s tucco) whe< -ppJied according to lobe direct ions of o rate not tc »-«ceed 400 sq f t per go ' on If th is point foi ls tc over os s toted here brmo ">e label of this pomt t< • Our neorest Words broncf <nd we wil l furnish enough point to insure coverage or t your opt ion wil l refunc •ne complete purchos< G-OUC. Guaranteed On* C°*' House 4 Trim Paint Dr 'es to Touch in 1/2 Hr Clean-Up , . • ead or Mercury Ha2«,rc*s jAL G.O.C. 25-color guaranteed Exterior latex house paint 1-coat interior latex flat. guarantees 1-coat hiding. '3 off *3 off REG. $9.99 GALLON REG. $9.99 GALLON Flows on smoothly with reduced drip and spatter. Dries quickly to a washable flat finish. Easy soap and water clean-up. S-25 semi-gloss, gallon, reg. 9.99 6.99 10% OFF WALLPAPER SELECTIONS IN Excellent for trim, too. Easy to apply. Dries quickly to a blister-resistant flat finish. Available in white only. Hands and tools wash easily in plain soap and water. LATEST DESIGNS AND COLORS. SAVE *2 OlIR EXTERIOR LATEX PAINT 3" G r e a t f o r wood, stucco and cement surfaces. In white only. GALLON REG. $5.99 save Via. WARDS BEST TAR DRIVEWAY COAT Thicker bodied GALLON than asphalt f qq Resists oil and K«. spillage. REGi$9_99 Save *30 WARDS Mi-HP Sprayer/Compressor 2.0 CFM at 40 PSI. 7^-gallon air tank, safety valve, beltguard. With regulator, hose and gun. 14988 -JB-- • a.̂ REG. 179.05 CHARGE IT WITH CONFIDENCE --OPEN A WARDS CHARG-ALL ACCOUNT NOW We help with your homework. Boosting dairy products is one of the easiest, most popular activities in McHenry county - still one of Illinois' major dairy- producing states--and leaders in the efforts to make people aware of the inherent goodness in milk products gather for the annual dairy banquet this1 week. The twenty-first dairy banquet will be held at 7:30 p.m. this Thursday night, June 19, at the McHenry county fairgrounds in Building D. The public is invited to attend and a few tickets are available through the Farm Bureau. Among highlights will be the announcement of any DPC Award recipients and the crowning of the new Dairy Princess. Dairy Princess candidates were judged last week as officials seek the successor to the personable Ellen Gardner, Solon Mills. A total of nine candidates are in this field of bright, talented farmers' daughters, each eager to represent the McHenry County Dairy Promotion council as the ambassador of goodwill for the entire dairy industry. Miss Gardner will represent the McHenry County Dairy Promotion Council in the 1975 Illinois Dairy Princess contest later this summer. The new Dairy Princess from McHenry county will accompany Miss Gardner to learn more about the promotional activities expected. Candidates include: Sue Borhart, Huntley, sponsored by McHenry County H e a l t h I m p r o v e m e n t association. Pamela Dollman, Union, sponsored by Kishwaukee Valley AMPI. Cheryl Gieseke, Harvard, sponsored by Federal Land Bank association of DeKalb- Woodstock. Marsha Kaping, Harvard, sponsored by McHenry-Lake Holstein club. Kathy Luerssen, Harvard, sponsored by Wisconsin Dairy. Regina Perenchio, Harvard, sponsored by Country Com­ panies. Patricia Peterson, Harvard, Jerome Buch At Convention Of Rotorians Jerome Buch, McHenry, attended the convention of Rotary International held June 8-12 in Montreal, Quebec, Candaa. He was accompanied by his wife, Ethel. Among the lfne-up of distinguished speakers who addressed the sixty-sixth an­ nual convention of the organization were Jesse Ownes, U.S.A. star of the 1936 Olympics; Sir Edwin Leather, governor and commander-in- chief of Bermuda; Com­ missioner Arnold Brown, Territorial Commander of Canada and Bermuda for the Salvation Army; and William R. Robbins of the U.S.A., president of Rotary In­ ternational. A special presentation, "International Understanding- What Can One Man Do?", in­ cluded Marc Lalonde, Minister of National Health and Welfare for Canada; Silvia Bacon, U.S. associate judge; and Owen Freed, a U.S. attorney. Some 15,000 Rotarians and their guests from an estimated eighty countries world-wide attended the meeting. STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday - 12 Noon - 5 p.m.* •Our (i . irdcn Shop Opens j( 10 a.m. on Sundays /VU )IVT( »( )/V\t K'V ihVi} a a 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 459-3120 F R E E P A K K I N G A-l HEARING AID SERVICE Free Loaners-Complete Service on all Makes Custom Earmolds-30 Day Trial on New Aids Try Before You Buy! Maico-Zenith-RadioEar Qualitone ROBT. STENSLAND & ASSOC. 3937 W. Main St. 385-7661 Behind-the ear AID oo ^Je|423rl99 sponsored by McHenry County Farm Bureau. Kay Roesslein, Hebron, sponsored by Northeast Illinois Production Credit association. Deb Utech, Crystal Lak' . sponsored by McHenry County Farm Bureau Young Farmers committee. Since early June, the can­ didates have been taking part in parades and making news media appearances. A press luncheon to present the new Dairy Princess to the news media people will be held in early June. The Dairy Promotion Council (DPC) award is recognition given to some person who has contributed to the promotion of dairy products over a period of time. It is not awarded every year, but John Pfingsten, chairman, said two will be presented this year. Henry Marlowe will be toastmaster. Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) > )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff ) ) -VS- ) ) CHARLES N. LINDWALL and ) CONSTANCE L. LINDWALL, ) His Wife, CHARLES W. ) LINDWALL, JUDITH L. ) LINDWALL and UNITED ) STATES OF AMERICA and ) UNKNOWN OWNERS, ) Defendants ) IN CHANCERY NO. 75 CH 758 The requisite affidavits for publication have been filed, notice is hereby given you, " U N K N O W N O W N E R S " , defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit of McHenry County by the said plaintiff against you and other defendants praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by Charles N. Lindwall and Constance L. Lindwall, his wife, Charles W. Lindwall and Judith L. Lind­ wall to McHenry Savings and Loan Association, recorded February 26, 1973, in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, as Document No. 587488, conveying the premises described as follows, to-wit: The Westerly 50 feet of Lots 2 and 3 in Block 21 in the Original Plat of McHenry on the West side of Fox River, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 6, 1840 in Book B of Deeds, page 160, in McHenry County, Illinois. Mailing Address: 3425 W. Pearl Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of the said court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, " U N K N O W N O W N E R S " , defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or o t h e r w i s e m a k e y o u r a p ­ pearance therein in the said Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit of McHenry County, held in the courthouse in the City of Wpodstock, Illinois, on or before Tuesday, August 5, 1975, default may be entered against you and each of you at any time after that day and a decree entered in ac­ cordance with the prayer of said complaint. Dated: June 12, 1975 Margaret O'Neil, Clerk R.A. STUEBEN Attorney for Plaintiff 3918 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. 60050 Phone: (815) 385-0268 (Pub. June 18, 25, July 2,1975) /V ^

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