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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1975, p. 8

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I t \ t , l s - l i AINDEALLK 1 KiDAV, JUNE 20, 1975 third degree Dr. Vierke has received from NIU. He previously received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from that university. r Spring Grove Man Is Awarded Doctor's Degree John K Vierke of 8008 Yel.Jevue, Spring Grove, was awarded a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Ad­ ministration by Northern Ill inois university at N Il l 's -evenly fifth annual com­ mencement in May. This is the 7cs>cs5cs>' Dr Vierke is director of curriculum at Fox ,^,ake schools. He and Mrs. Vierke have a son and a daughter Dr. Vierke's parents are Mr and Mrs. Robert Vierke of Rich­ mond. (0fl£ dinner fox [una and c pektailk Tuesday thru Sunday - J2uncpL <Sf2£cial' $2.25 I ! SUNDAY BRUNCH FROM ~§ • 11:30 to 2:30 I I | <zSfi£.cLa innsx SERVED FROM 2:30-8:00 SUNDAY ONLY (lom inm.1 $6.50 J2ci do.Li.tns. 385-7495 2200 W. RAND RD. McHENRY <s><s>cs>, AtcHE/VRV McHENRY 385-0144 WKDYS 7:00-9:00 S-S 7 to 9 BUG PG . a2J 7:00-9:00 S-S 1-3-5-7-9 BUG PG G "RACE WITH THE DEVIL" PG IWKDYS 7:30-9:30 |S-S 1:30-3:30-5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 "RACE WITH THE DEVIL" PG I 1 Dcnii m 1 WKDYS 7:00-9:00 S-S 1-3-5-7-9 W r wnv.r.r.?,; FOR ONE WEEK BUG SHOWTIME 8:45 *4.00 CARLOAD PG ALSO "TERROR in the WAX MUSEUM" PLUS BONUS LATE SHOW FRI-SAT ® "TALES OF THE CRYPT"[PG] FLEA MARKET SUNDAY HAM TO 4PM BUY-SELL-TRADE BARGAIN PRICED ITEMS!!! Whispering Oaks (Whispers from the "Oaks") Marilynn Hamilton 385-6962 and his family from Frankfort, Brother-in-law Carl Heinrichs and his wife. Pat. of Norridge. and sister-in-law Therese Wall of the O^ks all helped Bob Foy of Oakwood Drive to celebrate his day. FAMILY CELEBRATION The Phil Hamilton family celebrated Father's Day on Saturday evening amidst ail the excitement of the big storm. Son .John and his family from Carpentersvil l e a n d daughters. Susan Hamilton from Fox River Grove and Lesley Turner from Chicago, all met to remind Father that he is a pretty great guy. GOOD NEWS Good News.. . .John Altirecht of Front Royal Court returned to work as Chief of Police at Circle Campus of the University of Il l inois after his heart attack. Granddaughter Elanor. Mason ot Wheaton. helped Grandpa celebrate Father's Day by taking him lising in one of our ponds. . .and caught fourteen tish' Fourteen seems to be a lucky number. John and Mil have a favorite pair o! ducks who visit them regularly John kept asking Mr. and Mrs. Duck to bring their family over so on Father's I)a\ Mama and Papa brought then family to visit--all fourteen l itt le ducklings! VISIT McGRAWS Bill McGraw and son Jerry of Schaumburg, spent Father's Day with Grandfather Lowell McGraw at his home on Wiltshire Drive Grandma enjoved the visit , too. ROMANCE BLOOMS Romance has blossomed again in Whispering Oaks. Thursday. June 12, George Yanak claimed Mrs Sue Devereaux as his bride at St. Marx's church in McHenry. Mr and Mrs Fank Kilroy were their attendants. Relatives and friends wish this popular couple the verv best Many Families Made Happy On Father's Day While the weather was dull and grey on Father's Day. there was a happy glow over Whispering Oaks. One Grandpa was seen out walking with his two grandchildren. both "dressed to the nines." another was seen walking with his grandson and a new German Shepherd puppy. Elmer Reighart of Oakwood Drive and his son, Lee, presided over the gril l , while Lee's wife. Bonnie, and the Reighart daughter. Betty Lou, and her husband and four children helped Jerre prepare the rest of the feast . .The Jim Ericksen family really celebrated Father's Day with eighteen guests. It was a triple celebration; Father's Day. Jim Sr's birthday and Jim Jr.'s birthday. Jim. Jr. . was born on Father's Day. No one can top a son as a gift ' A marvelous t ime waHhad by all . . .enjoying years of old family movies after a scrumptious dinner. . . .Son Tom Podiatrist To Address County Diabetes Group Helen II Numbers, D P M Crystal lake podiatrist , wil l speak to the McHenry county branch. American Diabetes association, on 'Care of the Feet" at the new organization's second meeting, at K p.m.. Tuesday. Juh 1. in the Loras room of St. Thomas the Apostle's Oak street 'and Route 176) church "Diabetic persons will be especially interested in what Dr. Nubers tel ls us about the care of the feet." "said Jack Sweeney, president of the branch. "Her long and distinguished career qualit ies her also to answer individual questions." Parents of diabetic children and families of diabetic- patients are urged to attend the meeting, Sweeney said. Fur­ ther information on the organization may be obtained by call ing John .J Sweeney, Jr. , Crystal Lake, or the secretary of the branch. Mrs. Gayle Gustafson. C512) •>39-4404. Anger is excited principally by pride. GOLDEN WEDDING Two of Whispering Oaks best loved people celebrated their golden anniversary of 50 years on Friday, June 13. Elmer and ,Irene Zickerman make their retirement home in a condo on >() a k w o o d I) r i v e . Congratulations! HOSPWALIZED- We are sorry to report that Mary Hillenbrand of Oakwood Drive is back in St. Francis hospital . Evanston, for ad­ ditional surgery. She is in room 570 Please get those sunny cards on their way, it 's been a long hard pull for a gallant l a d v . CONDOLENCES Our belated sympathies to Ted and Bobbie Anderson of Hampton Court on the loss of their daughter-in-law. Bar­ bara. Mrs Ed Anderson, who lived in Wheaton HEART ATTACK VICTIM Again. Whispering Oaks is indebted to the McHenry Rescue Squad for their quick action m getting Ed Schlaeger of Ashley Drive to McHenry hospital after a very severe heart attack. Ed is sti l l in the hospital and is not al lowed visitors at this t ime but pretty cards always help cheer up a shut -in. RETIRED ORGANIST With great regret. Mil Albrecht has resigned her well loved job as church organist for the Rowmanville Baptist church on northside Chicago. Mil has served the church for :55 years. I hat is a jot) well done, especially since the Albrechts have l ived in Whispering Oaks now for 3 years. FIRST GOLF TOURNEY Co Chairmen Walker Thomas. John Fitzgerald and John Doerr were especially happy at the great turnout for the l irst i hopefully) annual Whispering Oaks Community Center golf outing, held recently at Chapel Hill Country club Fight foursomes teed off and later wives and friends total l ing sixty-one turned out for dinner and the awarding of BRING YOUR FAMILY IN TO COSRATE OUR MOVE TO McHENRY \ PUT YOUR FAMILY IN THIS FRAME FAMILY GROUP SPECIAL On any sitting of two or more people in our studio during the months of June, July & August, we are eliminating the professional charges. Therefore, whether you have 2 or 15 in the family, you can have an 8 x 10 professional portrait for *23.00, an 11 x 14 portrait for '39.00 or a 16 x 20 for only s85.00. Out of studio sittings additional. Additional portraits can be ordered at reduced prices and the sitting can be used later for Christmas cards or gift giving. CALL 385 0093 FOR AN APPOINTMENT PHOTOGRAPHY ty NIBS (FORMERLY LANGD0N STUDIO OF CRYSTAL LAKE) 3814 W. MAIN ST., McHENRY I I I I I I I I I I I American Legion Post 491 -RINGWOOD ROAD, McHENRY- FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) • PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT • OTHER MENU AVAILABLE • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FRI. 2 BEERS & A COKE SAT. BOB & THE BLUETONES Hi i i i i i i i i i i i prizes Everyone agreed that it was a grand day. FLAG RULES Driving through Whispering Oaks on Flag Day was truly a pleasure, seeing the many beautiful f lags blowing in the wind on such a lovely day The sight made one really proud to bean American. Sgt. Major Joe White (retired) of Oakwood Drive is our local expert on the display of the retirement of Old Glory. "When a flag is in such poor condition that it is no longer a fitt ing" emblem for display, it should not be cast aside or used in any way that could be termed disrespectful to our National Colors but should be destroyed, preferably by burning, showing the proper respect for the emblem of our country." Mr. White said. He added that the American Legion Post No. 491 of McHenry will hold a f lag burning ceremony on Monday, July 14. at 9 a.m. at the Legion hall on Ringwood road. The public is invited and may bring their old f lags if they wish them retired. If anyone wishes their f lag to be picked up. Joe will be glad to stop by. Please call him at 385- (>609. CALIFORNIA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cathcart and son. James, of San Jose, Calif . , recently returned to their home after a two week visit with Phil and Marilynn Hamilton on Oakwood Drive. Mr Cathcart was in the Chicago area on an extended business trip so it gave the family a chance to spend some time together. While the Cath- carts were visit ing, Alan's sister. Jean, and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson of St. Charles, were guests for dinner and the evening so it was a renewal of friendships for the Nelsons and the Hamiltons. Mike Erickson, a real f isher­ man. introduced James to the joys of f ishing in our lake and Boone Creek, so to James there is no place as great as the Oaks. Mrs Cathcart is Marilynn's sister. ••RETIRED" SCRIBE It has been what seems like a very long month since writing the last column. Your scribe has "retired" from a most interesting but t ime consuming FT (full t ime) job, that kept me from doing the things I would l ike to do such as keeping a weekly column going for W.O. Won't you please give me a call when something really in­ teresting has happened to you, such as interesting visitors or a marvelous trip or maybe you won the lottery! Close knit friendly Oakers would l ike to know and cheer for you, too. Deadline will be Monday a.m. so please call anytime, 385-6962. Thank you for helping the column to grow?. HOBBY SHOW Sunday. June 22, is the date of the annual Hobby Show and Art Fair to be held at the Whispering Oaks Community 3The people hits next door" ELLEN BURS7YN kHISkl(ISK)ril: l i .N()N AJCE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE BEER GARTEN SANDWICH BAR LIQUOR MART .DELICATESSEN ^VH&RVmillR! center. Since its inception in 1971 this affair is looked for­ ward to each year as the displays are most interesting and in many cases most unusual. Chet Conrad, chairman of the show, advises that this year there will be several new exhibits not seen in previous years. The members of the Whispering Oaks community center can be truly proud of the display of interesting hobbies and talent. Again this year the members of the "Daubers'/ wil l exhibit their many beautiful oil paintings. The show will be open from 2 to 5 p.m. and] everyone is welcome. How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it. -Marcus Aurelius. FOR FUN! "MINI GOLF" OPEN MON., THURS., FRI., SAT., 1 to 5 - 7 to 11 SUNDAYS 1 to 11 CLOSED TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY N. FRONT ST. RTE. 31 SOUTH OF RTE.120 IN McHenry (NEXT TO THE ROLLER RINK) SAVE 95* BEST VEfl REG. $1.95 WED. & THURS. SPECIAL JUNE 25 &26 Rember Bmy Tuesday 1$ Coney Day Only 19* Ea. A&W RESTAURANT 2214 W. RTE. 120-McHENRY, ILL. 385-9725 ALSO AT ANTIOCH A & W-W. RTE. 173-ANTIOCH, ILL. LET'S MAKE A MEAL AT PAT'S SUPPER CLUB ( FORMERLY THE SHERMAN HOUSE) SPECIALIZING IN CASUAL DINING AT ITS FINEST! PAT NOW FEATURES: A LUNCHEON SPECIAL TUESDAY thru FRIDAY From $\M OR ENJOY A COMPLETE DINNER WITH THE FAMILY TUES.-WED.-THURS EVENING For $2.50 FAMILY STYLE DINNERS Sundays & Holidays L ( irt FM0AV SPECIAL! $3.95 P O O R M A N ' S L O B S T E R ALL THIS IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR MENU FEATURING • STEAK • PRIME RIB • BABY BACK RIBS • ROAST DUCK • SEAFOOD • JUMBO LOBSTER • SEAFOOD PLATTER PAT'S SUPPER CLUB 7812 US. RTE. 12 SOLON MILLS, ILL. For Reservations Call 8 2 Ml. S. OF RICHMOND 675-2411 8 INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Oni lNE&CHiESE V2 Ml. NORTH OF 173 ON RT. 12 I RICHMOND, ILL. 815-678-7171 PARTY SHOPl HOME OF WORLD CHAMPION UHLtSt. PARTY TRAYS & CATERING. ^^W^^^yAILGIFTBOXCHEESE^^ TASTE THE CHEESE - SIP THE WINE FINE FOOD & COCKTAILS DINE IN OUR CHARMING RESTAURANT ON NATIONALLY FAMOUS SANDWICHES UARESE'S TS INTERSECTION HWY. 120 & GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-3120 FULL COURSE DINNERS S£ftU£0:-i llam to 12am 11am to 10 SUNDAYS Turf TARE OUT SERVICE ON EVERYTHING • Shishkebab UUE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT NO COVER - NO MINIMUM UAR£S£'S SUNDAY BRUNCH •SMORGASBORD UARESE'S 9 to 1 Mon. thru Thurs. 11 am to 2:30-5 to 8:30 pm Fri. & Sat. 11 am to 2:30-5 to 9 pm Sun. 1 to 8:30 pm Call Us For Parly Or Banquet Reservations Ph. 385-3120 j

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