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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1975, p. 23

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/ I / P A C K 7 - v S E C H O N T A O-PLAINDEXLER-JULY 1 6 , 1975 EDITORIALS A Million To Die Dr. George Rosemond, president of the American Cancer society, says lung cancer deaths are increasing at a grim rate, especially among girls and women who are being tempted-ttfto tobacco addiction by attractive (but stupid) ads about cigarettes. Currently, fifty out of every 100.000 men are dying each year from lung cancel and Rosemond says four out of five of them are being killed by cigarettes. The,rate for girls and women is lower but is fast catching up with the male death rate. , The ACS says 81,000 Americans stricken with the dread disease this year (of a total of 91,000) will die% These figures are increasing each year, not because many haven't stopped smoking, for millions have^but because there are more and more people and many new smokers. ^ Also" lung cancer chances increase with longevity of the habit and the big increase in smoking in the past forty or fifty years means many are going into their thirtieth or fortieth years, "in the next ten years lung cancer alone, if present rate continues, will cost about a million American lives,'" Rosemond warns. Suck on. and you may be among them, gentle reader. The Distinguished One of the rackets making the rounds in recent years is the publication of reference books supposedly listing distinguished Americans. Many of the mailout letters fill the solicited with flattery, alleging that he has been carefully selected (a great honor, etc.) to be included in the, directory. Aside from Who s Who In America," the standard work in this field, and a few other volumes, many of the new efforts are money- making schemes to separatt*the easily-flattered saphead from a bit of folding green Maybe it's worth it, to pay fifty or more dollars, to see one's name in a book purportedly listing the nation's leaders. Yet one suspects the suckers taken in will hide these publications sooner or later to avoid embarrassment. Have a nice summer! PREDICTED 54 v.. v ^ .sf pvt HOUGHTON HEATING • Air Conditioning • Gutters PHONE 385-5476 McllKNHY EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INS. F i r e A u t o F a r m L i f e R e p r e s e n t i n g R E L I A B L E C O M P A N I E S 4 4 1 0 W R t e l ? 0 M ( H e n r y 3 8 5 3 3 0 0 DENNIS CONWAY A U T O L I F E F . I R E State Farm Ins. Co. 3 3 1 9 W E l m S I M c H e n r y I I I 3 8 5 7 1 1 1 Farm Equipment George P. Freund,Ino. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Hd. McHENRV Bus. 38^0420 Res. 385-0227 Schillings IDONOtt LAKE FUNERAL HOME Herb Halm Director 815-728-0233 DR. LEONARD B0TTARI 3 0 3 N R c H m o n d R d . M c H e ' ^ n r y e . n s m i n c d C o n t a c t L e n s e s G l a s s e s f i t t e d V o n T u f 5 . T h u r s . F r i 4 6 p i T u e s T h u r s F r 7 9 p m S a t 9 3 0 t o 3 0 0 P h 3 8 S 4 1 S 1 o r 3 8 5 2 2 6 2 McHENRY LETTER SERVICE P a g i n g S e r v i c e N o w A v a i l a f M i m e o g r a p h i n g T y p i n g A d d r e s s i n g W a i l m q L i s t s 3 5 0 9 W P e a r l S t M c H e n P h 3 8 5 0 2 5 8 3 8 5 8 0 2 0 M o n d a y t h r u S a t u r d a y r V McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES S A L E S S E R V I C E 8 , R E N T A L S M o n S a t 9 5 3 0 F n d a y t i l 9 0 0 9 3 G r a n t S t . C r y s t a l L a k e P h 4 5 9 1 2 2 6 l l R E U I RADIAL T IRES FOR ALL CARS E u r o p a M o t o r s I n c 2318 Rte. 120 8 1 5 3 8 5 0 7 0 0 KITS • STANDARD STANDARD SERVICE EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS fires, Batteries. Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385 0720 3817 W. ELM STREET • RADIATORS • Cooling System Specialists • AIR CONDITIONING • Trailer Hitches Fabrication • STEEL SALES . • Welding & Ornamer^al Iron Esaanzsgrri 3X6w- ADAMS BROS. ' -Rte. 120 Mc Henry, (Next to ( .em Cleaners) 3;>5-0783 CopuMt! M at our new q Important Correspondence • Accounting Records Invoices ^Statements Project/Product Specifications quick-action copy center. Inventory Sheets Order & Bid Forms Catalog Sheets & Bulletins -"Promotional Letters & Flyers Trv This Convenient New Service Soon! McHENRY PRINTING SERVICES 3909 W. MAIN 385-7600 easy-to-use XEROX' equipment! Refugee Disaster The idealistic nonsense of trying to bring South Vietnamese citizens en masse to this country is now an admitted disaster among congressional investigators. , Aside from the relatively few whose lives were endangered, and who would have been more easily and appropriately resettled in Asian countries, there seemed no logic in the emotional binge which rushed 131,000 into U.S. camps by air. Today most of these camp refugees have no jobs, no prospect for a job and are highly dissatisfied, many wishing to return to South Vietnam. Meanwhile, the U.S. taxpayer finances the fiasco. A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Weekly Market Review Well, here we go again and right on cue!! There is little doubt that the first half of 1975 will be remembered as the chicken little period when cries of "the sky is falling" echoed through Wall street every time stocks paused a bit. That 100 to 150-point Dow Industrial correction that the Bears, theunderinvested Bulls, and the nervous recent buyers have been predicting almost weekly in JHie face of higher and higher prices must be an outgrowth of last year's panic. No question, the surgery done on investors in 1974 left scars which for many investors may never heal. This nervousness has kept enthusiasm under control which is bullish for stocks and stockholders but it hasn't done the nervous set any good at all. One of the outstanding lessons of the 1975 Bull, and it's an old lesson, is that one should join a stampede and not get in its way or fight it. Certainly stocks have come a long way from D.J. 570 in December and as sure as a hangover follows over indulgence, somewhere along the way we will get a correction worthy of that title. However, of much greater concern is what is the risk reward ratio of buying stocks now. If one believes as we do that both technically and fundamentally the ratio is quite favorable, all but the most nimble of traders should worry about what to buy and not if he should buy. The market has made little progress for almost two weeks and the background news has provided lots of excuses. The dominant worry was and is the continued firmness in the short term money market which was highlighted by the >/4 percent prime rate increase last Thursday by the First National City Bank. With the economy not even off its knees yet, a return to much higher short term interest rates seems very unlikely short term. From abroad, it was reported that inflation in London is running at a 33 percent annual rate while domestically gasoline prices jumped up several cents and the gloom and doom merchants painted horror/Stories about second quarter earnings. Certainly lots of fuel for ^he Bears but not, we believe, the reason for recent market heaviness -- stocks simply were and are somewhat overbought and entitled to a rest. In our opinion, it is only a rest and not a R.I.P. from HISTORY'S SCRAPB00K DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS July 18, 1918-American troops crossed the Marne River, World War I, July 19, 1941-England launched operation dubbed Victory Propoganda to enlist support against rising tide of fascism. July 20,1969-United States landed the first man on the moon. July 21, 1861-Famous Battle of Bull Run is fought in the American West. July 22, 1896-America's gracious gift from France, the Statue of Liberty, is unveiled in New York. July 23, 1841-Bunker Hill monument, in memory of those who fought for freedom, is completed. July 24, 1847-Mormons first reach Salt Lake, Utah, after a long and costly journey. Are You New In McHenry Area ? •••••••••• Do You Know Someone new? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA ! ! ! ! ! CALL JOAN STULL 385-5418 4? A :V̂ & um wnctm Keepin Healthy (Illinois Department of Health) How would you feel if someone's baby were born with a serious birth defect because you hadn't had your child immunized against rubella (three-day or German measles)? The possibility is not as remote as you may think. Each year, in the United States, thousands of babies are born with hearing, vision or mental deficiencies because their mothers contracted rubella during pregnancy. And, usually the mothers caught the disease from a child. Rubella is often thought of as a harmless childhood disease. And, for the child who has it, that's probably true. But, for the unborn child whose mother contracts the disease, rubella is a tragedy. It can cause blind­ ness, deafness or mental retardation, especially if the mother is* infected during the early stages of her pregnancy. The most practical way to stop, or interrupt the spread of rubella from child to expectant mother, is to make certain that all children have been im­ munized against the disease. Mass immunizations of women of child-bearing age are not the answer, for scientists don't yet know what will happen to the baby if therubella vaccine is administered to a woman who is pregnant...or who becomes pregnant within two months after receiving the vaccine. Concern over this is so great, in fact, that public health officials do not recommend rubella immunisation for any girl over the age of 12 unless she is proven - by laboratory test - to be susceptible, and she has medical consultation to assure she won't be pregnant for at least two months after vac­ cination. So it's up to you...the parents and guardians of small see to it that your children are immunized against this disease. Public health officials have expressed concern about the alarmingly low rates of rubella im­ munization among small children, especially pre­ schoolers. If more children aren't immunized against rubella, they have warned, there is a very real possibility of a major outbreak of the disease in Illinois. Check your children's im­ munization records today. If they haven't received rubella vaccine, take your children either to your physician or your local health department and have them immunized. Don't Legislative Highlights 4 . (79th General Assembly) - Passed Senior citizen tajc relief 33.3 percent property tax assessment level for all counties 9.5 percent usury rate extension Unemployment compensation hike Medical malpractice suit limitations Restrictive abortion law State fair reform Free tex^ooks for all school children Monthly payment of legislative salaries May primary election Full funding of state aid to education formula Rape law reform Defeated Congressional reapportionment, Equal Rights Amendment Collective bargaining for teachers and other public employees Branch banking ' v - Accelerated building program Norfault divorce Marijuana decriminalization r Consumer protection agency independent of the Attorney General's Consumer Fraud office Life sentence for third felony conviction No-fault automobile insurance Gun control I Increased truck weights and speed limits T.; ' Taxpayers Ask IRS U This column of quesUons and answers on federal tax matters is provided by the local off ice of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and is publ ished as a publ ic service to taxpayers. The column answers quest ions most frequently asked by taxpayers. the completed employer . , form to your Q. My family has just adopte an orphan from a foreign cou try who will live with us in-t»e United States. Are there a special tax deductions or ex­ emptions I can claim? A. There are no s p e c i a l tax deduct ions or exempt ions for adopt ing an orphan f rom a for­ e ign country . However , i f the chi ld was legal ly adopted, or was p laced in your home for adopt ion by an author ized agency, before the end of the tax year , and i f you prov ided more than hal f the ch i ld 's sup por t for the year , you may c la im the chi ld as a dependent . summer job that will make up my entire income for the year. My total earnings will be several hundred dollars. What can I do ! to keep from having my federal taxes withheld? 1 A. I f you paid no income "t IDt last year and expect to pay i none th is tax year , you are e l ig ib le for exempt ion f rom fed | era l income tax wi thhold ing. This exempt ion ent i t les you to have no federa l income tax ! w i thheld f rom your pay, a l though FICA (Socia l Secur i ty) and any Sta ' .e tax wi l l s t i l l be ; w i thheld. I Just obta in a Form W 4E f rom your employer or the Q. I am buying a new sum­ mer home to be used as a vacation site for my family. Is this transaction eligible for the new five percent housing credit? A No The f ive percent tax credi t appl ies only to new pr in c ipa l res idences, ( i .e . , you l ive there most of the year) . A sum mer home or a vacat ion home does not qual i fy for the f ive "^percent credi t . For more deta i ls on the housing credi t , contact taxpayer ass is tance m any IRS of f ice. Q. I recently received as a wedding gift several hundred shares of stock in a major corporation. Is this gift taxable? A No. Gi f ts you receive are not income. However , any d iv i ­ dend or other f inancia l benef i t ! you der ive f rom th is g i f t is Q. I have been hired for a i nearest IRS of f ice and return i taxable income. UNDERSTANDING DRUG ABUSE a health column from the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare of detecting and measuring the level of marihuana in a per­ son's body, possibly through an instant saliva test, a varia­ tion of the breathalizer, or some other technique. Feeling High? Don't Drive! For a long time, that's been good advice to people who drink alcoholic beverages. It's equally good advice to people who smoke marihuana. Most "pot" smokers, like most people who drink, will probably acknowledge that their reflexes and coordination slow down when they use the drug. Some, however, may main­ tain that getting "high" has no effect on their driving abil­ ity. New scientific tests show that they are wrong. In simulated driving tests in laboratories, people who take doses of marihuana are notably slower at braking and starting and shift gears less often than they would nor­ mally. The bigger the dose, the slower their performance becomes. Similar results have now - been reported from tests of risk harming an unborn child, either you own or someone else's, by letting your children infect an expectant mother with rubella. The time and effort you expend now to have your children immunized, might very well be the effort that saves one of tomorrow's children from a lifetime of blindess. deafness or mental retardation. For information concerning immunization write to the Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois Immunization Program, 535 West Jefferson Street, Springield. Ill , 62761. marihuana smokers' perform­ ance on a driving course and in actual city traffic. These tests are part of an extensive marihuana research program being conducted by the Na­ tional Institute on Drug Abuse, a component of HEW's Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Adminis­ tration. On the driving course, par­ ticipants first had the chance to get to know the route-- and its pitfalls--through re­ peated road tests. After they smoked marihuana, their learning and their scores de­ clined nearly one-third for those who smoked mild cig­ arettes and more than one- half for those getting stronger doses. In actual traffic situations, not all drivers were affected, but there was a significant de­ cline in performance among those who smoked the most potent marihuana cigarettes. Unusual behavior noted by observers at the cars' dual controls included: missing of traffic lights and stop signs, careless passing, little notice paid to pedestrians or station­ ary vehicles. Furthermore, marihuana use increased the drivers' heart rates, thus adding to stress while driving. The scientists conducting the driving study concluded: "Driving under the influence of marihuana should be avoided as much as driving under the influence of alco­ hol." There are at present no means similar to the "breatha­ lizer" test, used to examine the level of alcohol in a driver's system, to determine at roadside if a marihuana smoker is too "high" to drive safely. However, there may be in the future. Research is underway to develop methods Knowj?" .•'H ± D o h i g h r a d i o a n d t e l e v i ­ s i o n t o w e r s h a v e a t e n d e n c y t o d r a w l i g h t n i n g a n d t h e r e ­ b y l e s s e n t h e d a n g e r t o l o w e r s t r u c t u r e s a n d t r e e s n e a r b y 9 Y e s , h i g h m e t a l t o w e r s w i l l o f t e n d r a w e l e c t r i c a l d i s c h a r g e s f r o m c l o u d s p a s s ­ i n g o v e r h e a d . S o w i l l e s p e ­ c i a l l y t a l l b u i l d i n g ^ . S i n c e t h e e l e c t r i c a l c h a r g e s o f c l o u d s a r e a t t r a c t e d b y t h e n e a r n e s s o f h i g h g r o u n d s , l i k e t r a n s m i s s i o n t r w e r s , t h e s e t o w e r s o f t e n / p u l l t h e l i g h t n i n g t h a t w o i / l f l o t h e r ­ w i s e d i s c h a r g e l a f e r , e l s e ­ w h e r e . / I f y o u l i v e i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f v e r v ; t a l l b u i l d i n g s o r h i g h m e t a l t p w e r s -- t h e s e s t r u c t u r e s w i l l a c t a s t h e o l d l i g h t n i n g r o d s w e r e s u p ­ p o s e d t o -- d r a w t h e l i g h t n i n g a n d g r o u n d i t h a r m l e s s l y . T h e t e n d e n c y o f t h e s e t a l l t o w e r s t o a t t r a c t l i g h t n i n g i s r e c o g n i z e d t o a n e x t e n t t h a t b u i l d e r s i n s t a l l s p e c i a l l i g h t n i n g d e v i c e s t o c a r r y - o f f t h e f r e q u e n t b o l t s t h a t , , • s t r i k e J . h e r n . I n a l i g h t n i n g s t o r m , s t a y a w a y f r o m s u c h s t r u c t u r e s , t a l l t r e e s a n d a n y o t h e r h i g h o b j e c t s . Your Information KNOW YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES IT BEST /• K0ENEMANN Country Made Sausages, Hams and Bacon GERMAN IMPORTS AND CHEESES A Full Line Of Delicatessen 815-385-6260 ^aexxx9esxxxxsexxx%xxx%xxxxxx: v A B E K N E W The story of Abe Lincoln must be completed Young Abe took a sack of grain to a mill After watching the miller at work for awhile. Abe commented. T can eat that grain as fast as you're grinding it " "How long do Tbu think you can keep that up^" grunted the miller "Until I starve to death." said Lincoln Dear F riends, In the absence of prearrangement, the next of kin alone has the right to choose the funeral director and to decide the funeral arrangements. No one should attempt to influence or usurp this right of choice. Advice should be given only when asked, as the selection of a funeral director is a very personal matter,. Respectfully, IA A PETER /W.JISTEN W l & SON FUNERAL HOME McHenry, Illinois 385-0063

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