PAGE 10 - PLAINDKM.ER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13,1975 Consumer Forum f%xxssexxxxxxx9exxxxxxs&ixsexxxxsexsexxx3exx%x%xsa by Ill inois Attorney General William J Seott On Dec. 17, 1973. the Attorney General of Ill inois Public Health Trust was formed by court order. I requested this court action as a meaningful way of using $1,183,525.36 in excess consumer funds resulting from the settlement of treble damage ant ' trust claims in a nation-Wide price fixing action against the five manufacturers of the widely used anti-biotic drug, "tetracycline. This case marked the.first t ime in Ill inois history that the Attorney General recovered funds on behalt of individual Ill inois consumers in a class action antitrust case. In the court order, grants from the Attorney General of Il l inois Public Health Trust are to be made to tax exempt groups working in the areas of drug abuse and lead poisoning prevention and acute cardiac care. During 1974. sixteen such organizations throughout Illinois received grants totaling $263,850 from this ongoing, invested trust. Additional grants have been and are being made to applicant organizations in 1975. Today I would like to give you an example of how this public- trust grant money is being used by some of the recipient groups In Chicago, BUILD. Inc. received a $16,900 grant from the Attorney General of Il l inois Public Health Trust to continue a community based drug education program serving three public elementary schools in the Westown com munity. .This_ peer oriented program trains volunteers from eighth grade classes who then work, under professional supervision, with children in fifth grade classes. It is hoped that the trained youngsters will have a significant impact on their peers so that they, too, will become "turned on" to a life without drugs. In Aurora, the Visiting Nurse association received a $7,000 grant from the public health trust to purchase and equip a van which will be used in the lead poisoning screenings of youngsters in Aurora and Aurora township. The van, which enables the screening to be conducted in the neigh borhoods. is equipped as a mobile clinic.- In Peoria, St. Francis hospital received an $80,000 grant from the public health trust to provide the essential equipment to establish a remote cardiac monitoring system linking St. Francis hospital with hospitals in seven surrounding communities: Carthage, LaHarpe, Avon, Galesburg, Pekin, Hopedale, and Eureka. When completed, this system will l ink the in tensive care units of each of these remote hospitals with the cardiologists and other trained cardiac personnel at „ St. Francis on a direct telephone line basis. In this way, the St. Francis personnel can monitor continuously the condition of a cardiac patient at a remote hospital and advise the per sonnel there immediately on how to care for the patient. In Lawrenceville, the Lawrenceville County Health department received a $10,000 grant to establish a community based drug education and counseling program serving three southeastern Ill inois counties: Crawford, Lawrence and Wabash. The program focuses on the high schools during the school year, and has established an office in each county during this summer. Part-time counselors are available in each county. For further information concerning the ongoing At torney General of Il l inois Public Health Trust, please contact Jon N. Will , executive director. Attorney General Of Ill inois Public Health Trust, 160 North LaSalle Street, Room 900, Chicago, 111 60601 Kathleen Bolger In Asslstantship Program At NIU Kathleen Bolger has ac cepted a request from N.I.U. 's Dr. Phyllis Cunningham, head of the girls ' Physical Education i department to teach at the university this coming year under the assistantship program. Under this program, Kathleen will earn a Master 's degree in Physical Education while teaching and coaching at the college level. Miss Bolger graduated summa cum laude from Northern Ill inois university in 1972. In addition to her out- s t a n d i n g " a c a d e m i c POET'S CORNER THE NEW LAND, AMERICA A ship left the old continent and traveled across the sea... On board were people who had left their homeland, in order to live free.... They came from all walks of life, and had just one thought in mind- to live, work and grow old, in peace... . . -» this reason was enough to leave their land of birth behind. When this ship threw anchor on this land of the Free.... they walked together ashore... and fell down on their knee. The land was rich and far.... could see one's eye... ---- " They knew life would be hard but with work and prayer every goal can be reached, even the impossible like touching a cloud in the sky... As the years passed by..: this country became proud and strong. The people called themselves Americans, they built their homes... and now they knew where they belonged. TAX FACTS They made this land what it is today, and we, the generation of this century, should bow our head before the people, the emigrant, who gave this country to us that we might honor and defend it... and live among each other and all nations, in peace, by Maria Heiser v„ achievements, she starred in basketball , swimming, field hockey, baseball and tennis, while participating in the university's interscholastic athletic program. The successful farmer is the one who put the "arm" in farm. IRS District Director Charles ,F. Miriani has announced that some $1.5 billion was refunded to Chicago area individuals and businesses during the past seven months. "These dollars were refunded as a result of over withholding on the part of the taxpayers involved," Miriani said, "Almost $1.2 billion was refunded to individuals alone." A total of 2,792,529 individual refund checks were issued during Ithe twelve-month period, accounting for $1,185,882,307.37 in refunds. "This year was not an easy one for taxpayers. Not only were economic conditions seemingly tough, but the IRS taxpayer service operation was really overloaded. We apologize for any in conveniences that were caused. We didn't have the opportunity to plan for the rebates, which caused a very large taxpayer service workload." "We normally gear up our operation for January through April 15, but the rebate questions and inquiries more than doubled our workload." ' * During the month of May the IRS district office received 103,400 telephone calls from taxpayers, most of which concerned rebates. "I know that many Chicago area resident^ called and called, getting a busy signal each time." Miriani added, "But most finally got through." A total of $365,212,010 in rebates was sent to 2,771,032 Chicago area taxpayers. The iTOgfjj BACK TQ SCHOOL SALE SAVE 1.11 BOYS'NUMERAL KNIT SHIRTS 2 88 REGULARLY 3.99 Cool, open eyelet ny lon knits, big school look! Numeral style in smash colors. Ma- chine-wash S XL. SAVE 2.11 GIRLS' FASHION SADDLE SHOE. New color combos. Vinyl uppers, man-made cush ioned crepe soles. D8V2-4. REG. 9.99 SAVE 50% STOCK UP NOW ON KNEE-HIGHS 2 PAIR FOR 99 BOYS'TURTLENECK KNIT SHIRTS H i t c o l o r s i n o F O R machine-wash Acrilan* acryl- $ ic 8-18 Savp REG. 2.49 Special buy. BOYS' COTTON UNDERWEAR S m ooth , S o f t , n n/\ n a b s o r b e n t . * * r U K Br ief , T-shi r t "1 Q(> values . 6-16. SAVE 1.11 BOYS' PRINT SHIRT HITS 4 88 SAVE 2.11 BOYS' SOFT-SOLE CASUAL SHOES Suede uppers, Y"" m a n - m a d e 4 soles. D312-7 REG. 9.9S D8V2-3. reg. 8.99 6.98 Come in and Register now to Win a complete REGULARLY 5.99 L i v e l y p a t t e r n s i n springy textured poly ester. Pearl-like but tons, trim fit. No iron needed. 8-20. SAVE 2.11 BOYS' PLAID FLARE JEANS REGULARLY 6.99 Zesty plaids, now-look styling. Tough poly- ester-nylon-cotton. No i r o n n e e d e d . S l i m , regular sizes 8 to 18. Save at Wards now. 7.99 Huskys' .'. 5.88 back to school outfit for your son. This outfit, which retails for over $30.00, includes co-ordinating jacket and jean, a Chambray shirt, a package of crew socks and a package of our best T-shirts and briefs! SAVE 1.11 BOYS' RUGGED FLARE JEANS Elastic back polyester-cotton O88 Fabrilock®dou- ^ ble knees. 3 to 7. REG. 3.99 REGULARLY 99c each Pick argyles, cables or patterned fancy styles. In a variety of fabrics and wanted .colors. Girls' sizes, medium and large SAVE 1.50 STRETCH SETS FOR GIRLS 49 SET REGULARLY 2.99 Nylon slacks and tops in dyed- to -match b lue , green, red, gold. Pull-on slacks have stitched crease. Maching-wash; no ironing needed. 9-36 months, and 2 to 6x. SAVE 1.11 THREE-PIECE RAIN SET, 4-6X 488 REGULARLY 5.99 "Slick loojl" raincoat and matching tulip hat in crinkle vinyl. Clear vinyl bubble umbrella. SAVE *3 BOYS' HARNESS-STITCH OXFORDS Fashion vinyl with man- O O made sole, heel. D3'/2-7. 11.99 sizes D8^-3 8.88 REG. 12.99 HALF PRICE SALE RUN-RESISTANT MESH PANTYHOSE 99 FOR REG. 99c EACH Nude heel style with reinforced toe for extra wear. Nylon; in super fashion shades. Girls' and Jr. Teen sizes. 'V' " % M** W •' BIG PEDICURE - One of the performing elephants with The Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. World's Largest Circus has her toe nails trimmed. The circus is bringing threeVherds of elephants to Crystal Lake Wednesday, Sept. 3, on grounds bn Manor road, south of Rte. 14. It is sponsored by Lake Region Y's Men's club. Performances are at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Send them Back in Style STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fr i .TO a .m. - 9 p .m. Saturday 9 30 a .m. 5 p .m. Sunday I 2 Noon - 5 p .m. Crystal Lake 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 459-3120 F R E E P A R K I N G average rebate check was $131.79. BIBLE VERSE "Stand thou still a while, that I may show thee the word of God." 1. Who made the above re quest? 2. To whom was he speak ing9 3. On what occasion? 4. Where may this verse be found? Answers To Bible Verse 1. The Prophet Samuel. 2. To Saul. 3. Just prior to his anoint ment by Samuel and his proclamation as first King of the children of Israel. 4. I Samuel 9:27-b. SPECIAL for BOX-SEAT viewing Tfcsfl" 1976 ' ̂ ' SOLID-STATE DIAGONAL CHROMACOLORII IThe SOMERSBY • G4025W - Beautifully styled decorator- compact 19" diagonal Zenith 100% Solid-State Chromacolor II. Energy-saving Titan 300y Chassis with Patented Power Sentry Voltage Regulating System. Brilliant Chromacolor Picture Tube. Solid-State Super Video Range Tuning System. Synchromaticl 70-Position UHF Channel Selector. Chromatic One-button Tun ing. Automatic Fine-tuning Control. Simulated Wood Graining.] COME IN TODAYl 23 // 100% SOLID-STATE DIAGONAL CHROMACOIORII The ASHBURY • G4543W - Contemporary styled lowboy| console 23" diagonal Zenith 100% Solid-State Chromacolor II. Energy-saving Titan 300V Chassis with Patented Power Sentry| Voltage Regulating System. Brilliant Chromacolor Picturc Tube. Solid-State Super Video Range Tuning System. Synchro-| matic 70-Position UHF Channel Selector. Chromatic button Tuning. Automatic Fine-tuning Control. Simulate Wood Graining. Price* shown art distributors suggested retail prices. '598 88 SEE YOUR "ZENITH DEALER SKN STREET MALI CAREY Appliance yyy 1241 N. Green St. | ' | 385-5500 DAILY 8:00-5:30 Wed. 8:00-Noon Friday 8:UU-9:0U i