Lakemoor-Lilymoor Sue Reese 385-7859 Bicentennial Dinner-Dance to Recall 1776 Era A coming event is the Bicentennial Sweetheart dinner-dance. Saturday, Feb. 21, at the McHenrv V.F.W. hall. Cocktails. 6:30 p.m., buffet dinner, 7:30, Round of beef, potatoes and vegetable Music from 9 to) 12. Tickets are now on sale. Anyone on the Bicen tennial commission has them or Call Lil Ann Baker, 385-0570. Lil is chairperson for this event. The Bicentennial Commission is coming in costume of the 1776 era. If you wish, you may do the same. Set you there. SAFETY TIPS FROM YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT The members of Company 3, McHenry Township Fire Protection District, Lilymoor station, advise us of these safety tips for the winter season. 1. Check your heating system, chimney and fireplace. Keep portable heaters away from curtains and furniture. 2. Know your limits. Shoveling snow or pushing cars can lead to sore muscles and strains or heart attacks. 3. When snowmobiling. know your machine and keep it in shape. Use common sense and ride in pairs. 4. Dress for existing weather conditions. Dress warmly and remember that for each one mile per hour of wind, the temperature drops 2 degrees. LILYMOOR ASSOCIATION The Lilymoor association had their meeting Tuesday, Jan. 13. Officers for 1976 through 1978 were chosen: Board members; Florance Martenson; Sherill Weber; Alma Hueckstaedt, Wayne Lenelll and Marylyn Ryan- Other committees are: Membership: Jerry Weber and Rich Gossell, Road and Sanitation: A1 Ryan, Welfare: Eunice Tobey and Alma Hueckstaedt, and En tertainment and Ways and Means: this committee consists of all board members men tioned above. The new signs for Lakemoor are up. Hope all of you have noticed them. Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728*0267 Interesting Theme Enjoyed By Club Mehibers The Wonder Lake Garden club had its January meeting on perhaps one of the coldest evenings of the season! Our gracious hostess, Mrs. Helen Gilliland, and our guest speaker, Miss Alice Clark, assisted by her sister, Miss Leta Clark, remained un daunted and so did we! The program was a real "highlight" about the local and state Audubon societies, their activities, conservation areas, bird feeders and types of food for our feathered friends. Added to this interesting in formation was a quiz naming the birds from pictures held up by Alice, with an unique bird feeder mad<rikit of a coffee can by Leta Clark, as their surprise gift for the winner. We are grateful to the Clarks for a lovely evening and to our hostess for her hospitality, steaming coffee and delicious desserts. Our next meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 12, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rita Grfiff . 8304 Howe road, Ringwood, In the meantime, stay warm! Publicity chairwoman, Mrs. Betty Alderson. BIRTHDAY NOTES Happy birthday to Karen Dusthimer, daughter of Don and Pat Dusthimer, who will be 15 on Jan. 21, to Jo Ann Liggett on Jan. 24, to Jason Heaver, who is five, son of Roger and Barbara Heaver, on Jan. 24, to Dr. Santo Ruggero on Jan. 25, to Tari Ruggero, daughter of Santo and Maryr on Jan. 26 and to Mary Mathews on Jan. 27. VOLLEYBALL On Jan. 11, the Wonder Lake ladies' volleyball team played the McHenry ladies at Edgebrook school. McHenry beat Wonder Lake, four games to two games. MEETING On Jan. 29, at 7:30 p.m., there will be a Parent Advisory Meeting at East Campus - McHenry high school. All parents are urged to come. HAPPINESS IS... » Happiness is...being missed. Happiness is...a sense of ac complishment in a job well done. Happiness is...a relaxing cup of coffee, along with the morning paper, after the kids have left for school. Happiness is...a warm pair of mittens. Happiness is...a clean house...well, that's what they tell me! Happiness is...Julie Coughlin and her Dennis, planning a fall wedding. Happiness is...thumbing through the seed catalogues and planning a bigger and better and even a bicentennial garden this year. Happiness is...pulling taffy. Happiness is...being confident that you will call this Wonder Lake correspondent with your Wonder Lake hews. Happiness is...finishing this column so that we can join the rest of the family watching the "Waltons". Bye. IN COMPETITION LINDA MARTIN Miss Linda Martin, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, Jr., of Lakemoor, has been selected to be a finalist in the 1976 Miss Illinois National Teen-ager Pageant to be held at the Holiday Inn, Decatur, April 2, 3 and 4. Hie pageant is the of ficial state finals to the Miss National Teen-ager pageant to be held in Atlanta, Ga., in August. Sue Roberts of Springfield, 1975 Miss Illinois National Teen-Ager, will crown the new queen. There will be contestants from all over the state com peting for the title of Miss Illinois National Teen-Ager. The reigning Miss National Teen-Ager is Kimberly Ann Jensen, Caldwell, Idaho. Each contestant accepted will be requested to participate in the Volunteer Community Service program of the National Teen-Ager pageant. This program teaches teen agers to share and to par ticipate in school and civic affairs. A mini-modeling charm course will be given during the weekend of Uie pageant. / The winner of the xMiss Illinois National Teen-Ager pageant will receive a scholarship from Eureka college, Eureka, a $500 cash scholarship and other prizes, plus an all expense paid trip to compete in the Miss National Teen-Ager pageant in Atlanta. $10,000 in cash scholarships will be awarded at the national pageant. Contestants will recite a 100- word "essay" on the subject, "What's Right About America"? Linda's hobbies include swimming,«, skiing, phqtocUib and reading. Bryan O'Neill Earns 4-Year Scholarship ' Bryan I. O'Neill, a senior at McHenry West high school and 4he son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. O'Neill of 2907 Regner road, McHenry, has won a four-year scholarship to the college ol his choice. Bryan was told by Capt. Glenn R, Miller. Illinois Air Force ROTC admissions counselor. University of Illinois. Champaign, that he was among high school seniors selected by the Air Force ROTC to receive scholarships next Fall when they begin college. "When you register for college, you will have your tuition, books and lab fees paid and also receive $100 a month from the Air Force," Captain Glenn R. Miller told Bryan, "We're proud of you for doing such an outstanding job." The commandant of AFROTC, Brigadier Gen. James R. Brickel of Maxwell AFB AL, certified that Bryan had been selected to receive the scholarship," ... as a result of meritorious achievement in academic studies and ex tracurricular activities, high standards of physical fitness, and a demonstrated desire to serve his country in the United 'States Air Force." G e n e r a l B r i c k e l congratulated the high school seniors who earned scholar ships through which they may complete degree requirements WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS KEEPING PEACE IS SOMETIMES A MATTER OF KEEPING QUIET. C O A S T T O C O A S T S T O R E S | , , , t o t a l h a r d w a r e VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED ANY MAKE OR MODEL including: HOOVER ELECTR0LUX EUREKA SUNBEAM KENM0RE REGINA G.E. ROYAL KIRBY RAINBOW COMPACT PENCREST COMPLETE ESTIMATES GIVEN BEFORE ANY WORK IS DONE OFFER ENDS JAN. 31ST SPECIAL 10 POINT VACUUM CLINIC Complete Cleaning & Lubrication PUT NEW LIFE IN YOUR CLEANER FOR ONLY 95 PLUS PARTS PARTS & LABOR GUARANTEED "I I I I I I I I CD I-- -o O GO COAH TO C»«»T STUEI] , total hardware and be commissioned second lieutenants in the Air Fore* He noted that such AFROTC scholarships, now expanded to include degree areas in scientific and engineering career fields, are awarded on a competitive and highly- selective basis A review of academic and extracurricular achievements of those selected showed that they ranked among the top S percent in class standings and attained an average score of 1260 in college entrance examinations ... JlllllllllltllllltlllllllllMtlHIIttlllllllllllltUj I 4-H NEWS I MODERN MISSES Modern Misses held their local achievement night Dec. 14 at 7 p m at the Zion Lutheran church. The president, Diane Muskovin, called the meeting to order Roll call was given and parents and guests were introduced. - Reports were given by~ various members of the club of the previous year: Public speaking, Julie Koss; ad venture land. Lisa Opfer; good grooming workshop, Beth Cable; window display, Lisa Opfer; eagle walk, Donna Godina; diabetes, Joann Bloom; 4-H food stand. Dawn Suchor; fair clean-up, Linda Muskovin; family picnic, Denise Freund, and officer school, Debbie Muskovin. ncriONl. PAGES. NT, JANUARY! fut> msm tsi '• GIFT OF ART - Marian Central ttudenU receive a special work ol art Iran a class In SfcaaAal. Oiina. Making the presentation Is Pamela May. second Iran Ml, win racalncd H daring a vlait In China last summer "to give to some students In the 17.8. as a geatnre af friendship." Fran tall are Sne Downes, Pamela May, fornler Richmond resident new living In San Frandsce: Andy and Jay Graver. »----• v PQNPE^nri Each member who had sewn a garment then had to model the outfit for the guests. A candlelight ceremony followed for the installation of new officers, who then took the front table and closed the meeting. Everyone enjoyed refreshments. The majority ian't nec essarily right Next month, it seem a. Major League baseball playera will be gin training for the 1878 aeaaon. WINK AND LIQUORS Fleischmann's [GIN 4610 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILLI0NIS PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 21st THRU JANUARY 27th Johnnie Walker Red SCOTCH |v« FIFTH • HALF GALLON FLEISCNI J&L "SSSBP eagram's V.O I WHISKY Mac Naughton Canadian WHISKY 99 SALE BEER NOT ICED 64 0Z. N BOTTLE Canflolds FIFTH cam* 4400 W. RTE. 120 385-6655 HALF GALLON Wolfschmidt VODKA taB8PUHn»ji Colonial Club Cordials ASSORTED t C O FLAVORS ' * ° FIFTH Royal Crown REG. or DIET 816 02. BOTTLES Plus Deposit 19 HALF GALLON Old Taylor STRAIGHT BOURBON $ 3 " FIFTH Pennsylvania Dutch Protzols 8 Oz. 49* From The Largest Wine Selection In Lake And McHenry Counti , ' ... Hf'j% ww Wrt" WI-?' rnkmk m • mmm w Bf if •?' it %> I ' -M, 7 ft St $£ Wiedemann's Beer i • 1212 0Z . CANS $2 19 CARLINGS Black Label $369 24-12 0Z. BOTTLES Plus Deposit MILLERS Lite Beer $ ] 3 9 VISIT OUR CHEESE SHOP 612 0Z . CANS 1 6 1 0 W . R t e . 1 2 0 P H . 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 3 2 0 0 i