V PAGE 10 • PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IS. 1«7« (ion* mm** No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindeaier is not responsible for errors in clas sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOLRS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline \S EDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. ' • * FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 1969 Buick LaSabre, custom 4 dr. sedan, air conditioning, electric windows. $750. 344- 1132 2-13 1968 Volkswagen Beetle, clean, new tires. $600 or best offer After 6, 385-9603 2-13 1971 Volkswagon, square back mechanically perfect, needs a little body work. $1,400.00. Call before 10:30 A.M. or after 7:00 P.M. 653-9643. 2-6-2-13 AUTOS 1973 Chev. Monte Carlo Lan dau, 350, 2 bl. p.s., p.b., a-c, AM-FM, rear window defogger, like new condition. 385-55)2. 2-112-13 1939 PONTIAC 2 dr. sedan deluxe 8, needs restoration, 95 percent complete $650 or best offer. Call after 7 pm 815-675- 2256. 2-11 2-13 '66 Ford, 4 dr., wagon, 6 cyl., automatic, runs good. $285. 815-653-5701 2-13 1974 Pontiac Firebird Gold, Formula 400, AM/FM, 4 speed, wide tires. 11,000 miles. $3,850.00. Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front Rte. 31 McHenry 385-9303 2-13 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 3021 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. Phone (815) 385-0778 Open: 8:00 - 6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M. 2-6-TF-2 AUTOS 1968 Chevrolet, Belair, 4 dr. sedan, small V8, auto trans., clean, excellent runner $375.00. 385-4576. 2-13 '70 Maverick, 250, 6 cyl, 2 dr., auto trans, p.s., $1,100.00 or offer. Call after 5:00 p.m., 385- 5839. 2-6 2-13 1953 Pontiac, only. 50,000 m. Mechanically excellent. Needs body work. $450.00or best offer. Call 815-344-0414. 2-112-13 '72 Ford LTD, Country Squire, 10 passenger, V8, auto, trans., p.s., p.b., air, low miles $1,275.00. 385-5156. 2-112-13 SNOWMOBILES '69 POLARIS SNOWMOBILE good condition $325 815-653- 9944 2-13/2-18 Snowmobile, 1971 Polaris TX charger, 335, $500. 385-7450 2-13/2-18 '72 SCORPION STINGERETTE with cover, excellent condition $400 385-5092 2-13 BUSINESS SERVICES Highest prices paid for Junk cars and trucks. Day or Night. 815-459-0081 2-4-TF-1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES • BUSINESS SERVICES REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE • Basements „ • Porches • Family Rooms • Garages i Room Additions • Patios & Repairs O.E.A. Construction 815<-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 2-6-TF- m "CEDERGREN & SONS" PAINTING CONTRACTORS Exter ior - Inter ior- v Wall Papering "Third Generation" 815-385-6758 815-344-1551 . 1-2/3-26-TF-2 1974 Ford Maverick 6 cylinder, AM radio, 5,400 miles $2,650.00. Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front Rte» 31 McHenry 385-9303 2-13 1973 Cadillac Sedan de Ville Loaded with all Cadillac options. 35,500 miles $3,995.00. Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front Rte. 31 McHenry 385-9303 2-13 , 1971 Pontiac Firebird Esprit 350 engine, AM/FM, air automatic 62,900 miles $2,650.00. Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front Rte. 31 McHenry 385-9303 2-13 1973 Toyota Corolla AM/FM radio, 8 track, automatic, 25,800 miles $2,195.00. Hauskins Motor Sales 926 N. Front Rte. 31 McHenry . 385-9303 2-13 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE • 24 hour answering service and comolete mailing service • Paging Service • Printing • Mimeographing • Typing • Photocopying 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-0258 •INTERIOR & EXTERIOR] REMODELING OF ALL KINDS 1 INTRODUCING THE WEEKEND SPECIAL We will cut pipe to size - FREE. We will thread pipe - x FREE. Need lumber cut to a special size? We'll cut it - FREE. Take advantage of this valuable service. Good, Saturdays, and Sundays during February. ROSENTHAL'S HOME PRODUCT CENTER Crystal Lake. 459-2700 2-6-TF-2 I Aluminum, steel & Vinyl | siding and trim. Seamless • gutters and downspouts, in fl 6 colors. Winter Discount GUTTERS UNLIMITED ALUMINUM i ! ! PRODITCTS "SERVICES j 815-385-9427 815-653-9720 | Free Estimates * J| 1-23/3-5 To placing your Classified Adv. but they work like. . . There's No Trick! WRITE YOUR OWN & SAVE $$$$ 15 WORDS or LESS $1.50 2nd Time $2.50 <3 l()c for each additional word per. insertion r FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ No Refunds Please insert as written for insertions Must be paid in Advance ADDRESS No Commercial Accounts NEED SOMETHING DONE? • Carpentry • Roofing • Cement Work • Siding • Patios • Additions • New Homes No Job too large or small CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 2-6-TF-2 BUSINESS SERVICES WET BASEMENTS MADE DRY DEPENDABLE EXPANDS TO McHENRY COUNTY ESTABLISHED LAKE COUNTY COMPANY. . . 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE DRAINTILE AND SUMP PUMP INSTALLATIONS EXTERIOR PRESSURE PUMPING PROCESS WRITTEN GUARANTEE. . .LOCAL REFERENCES CALL OR WRITE DEPENDABLE BASEMENT WATERPROOFING 2913 NO. RICHMOND RD. McHENRY, IL. 60050 815-385-2980 2-11-TF-1-2 FREE ESTIMATES CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE F o r A l l V o u ' * ' W • \ u N E E O S * S T A R T I N G P R U B L E M S a U r - * 1 0 W B A R R E N T A L Two Phones For Service! TOWINC 385 5840 385-0258 TAX RETURNS Established for 21 yean With An experienced staff to handle your individual problems. Computer verification at no extra charge. Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE 385-4410 For an Appointment Paul A. Schwegel A Company 4410 W. Rte. 120 , McHenry, II. 1-28/3-10 TOP DOLLAR For your junk cars or trucks. One day service. Call anytime 385-5156 • 2-6-TF-2 BICENTENNIAL SPECIAL Garage Sale 14 x 20 Garage $1,492. 16 x 22 Garage $1,776. . 20 x 22 Garage $1,976. I Concrete installed per local I building Codes additional. IO.E.A. CONSTRUCTION 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 2-6-TF-2 FOR SALE 2 Snow Tires mounted on wheels for 1975 Mustang $40 value $92 385-5356 2-11/2-13 OAK FIREPLACE WOOD, with kindling, split and delivered. $30. per ton. Harry Hans, Jr. 385-3927 2-4-TF 1-2 SEASONED FIREWOOD prompt delivery $35 per ton 815-338-3981 or 338-1169 2-4-TF-1-2 Full set of Spaulding left handed golf clubs with bag. $100. Ex cellent condition. 385-5839 after 5 p.m. 1*28/2-13 % i *4 Pastel, Pencil, Charcoal, or Oil Drawn from Life or From Photo. 815-385-3815 I * Seawalls • Piers I j, • Boat ,Hoists ! • Boat Propellers i Repaired • Trailer j Hitches if Heliarc • Portable i FREE ESTIMATES | McHenry Welding j 2912 W. Rtfc. 120 - McHenry j kfla WWW P. Cai/lr^ ¥ (Across from Dog & Suds) Furniture of 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50% off will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 1-28/2-27 CB radio, Johnson messenger, . 250 base CS1 modulated desk mike plus hand mike $160.00, Seafe? Deluxe Coppertone stove 30" $60.00, Water softener "Servi Soft" M520, fully automatic $90.00, Wonder Lake, 653-5736. ^ 2-112-13 Automatic knitting machine, deluxe model, Trico Fix, with ribbing attachment. Best offer. 344-0895. 2-112-13 21" RCA color walnut console T.V., excellent condition. $165.00 or best offer. 385-8669. 2-11/2-13 RESALE SHOP. Opening February 20. Specializing in good used denim jeans, washouts, all sizes, other clothing and misc, items, also new jewelry and other new items. 10007 Main St., Rich mond, II. (Across from High School) Hours 11:00 - 5:00 2-112-27 96" Turquoise print couch and turquoise chair, good condition. $135.00. 385-2769. 2-112-13 . 1 - . ' -- : -- • -- : -- r - i 8151385-4929_ 2-6-TF-2 FOR SALE SALE STARTS SATURDAY - Antiques: large cedar chest on legs, 4 Brentwood kitchen chairs, parlor chairs, large stripped pine kitchen cabinet, leather top coffee table, dres ser with oval mirror, rockers and much more. 815-675-2072 2-13 ) * RECREATION SALE, 1971 Pol aris 432 cc Charger, snow cru iser sled, Leland double trailer all for $950; Also 18 ft. "Hur ricane" deck boat with 1969 115 HP electric start Evenrude engine $2100 Call after 6 pm 385-1831 2-13 *73 Bob Cat, »72 Yamaha, '73 Motoski, trail car, double trailer. $850 takes all 3 ma chines & trailer Call after 5 pm 653-9971 2-13 AM/FM radio - Cassette Re corder good sound tapes off ra dio tapes, Hand Mic. included Call 385-1491 2-13 Elec. soda pop dispenser - 3 spigot small type 2 yr. old $460 will sacrifice $100 385-5269 2-13 2 Duralon Premium snow tires 78MS 4 ply F78-14 tires, very good condition $15. each; 2 Craiger E-T mags with Good year A70-13 tires almost new 385-3565 2-11/2-13 FOR RENT Available March 1, 2nd floor 3 bedroom apartment. $220 shopping center 2 blocks,se curity deposit, no pets 385- 0169 2-6/2-13 Commercial space 1,340 sq. ft., including office. Paved parking, good location, just east of McHenry on .Rfef. 120. 385-0997 * 2-4-TF 1-2 S0UTHGATE APARTMENTS Available now 1 bdrm from $190. Fully carpeted, deck, stove, refrig. & air cond. furnished. Adults. 1 year lease & sec. dep. required No pets Apts. shown by appointment. Call LEE J. COONEY 385-4345 2-6/3-19 NOW RFadT^RENT NEW REED'S MALL Crystal Lake Shopping Center Reasonable rents. 300 sq. ft. area & up. Limited number available Call 459-5250 or after 5:30 pm 459-7217 2-11/2-20 FOR SALE CUSTOM TRAILER HITCHES ALL CLASSES FOR ALL VEHICLES 15% DISCOUNT WITH AD j OFFER ENDS FEBRUARY 29th, 1976 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE ) 385-4929 2-6-TF-2 i ALUMINUM PLATES 25',A Plate , - 6 Plate Minimum < Size 23 X 35 .009 Thick . Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3S12 \V. l.irrt m.-McHenry Phone: 3*5-0170 * * * * n F O R R E N T SELL OR RENT 2 bedroom all electric River Road Realty 815- 344-IK 3 2-4-TF-1-2 4 bedroom older waterfront home, stove and refrigerator furnished, security deposit re quired. $350 per month. Byrnes Brothers. 385-6900 2-13/2-18 SLEEPING ROOM In McHenry. Employed gentleman only 385- 8190/653-9641 2-13 2 bedroom apartment, no pets, Security deposit required. Call after 5 p.m., 385-4903. 2-112-13 WANTED, someone to share expenses on a two bedroom house. Phone 385-1493. 2-112-13 Two bedroom apartment 385- 8042 or 385-5925. , 2-4-TF 1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 2-4-TF 1-2 2 bedroom apartment in McHenry, $195 per month, security deposit, 1 year lease. No pets. 385-1980 2-4-TF 1-2 HELP WANTED FULL TIME 6IRL 7 am to 3 pm RIVEKSIDE LAUNDRY 1304 N. Front St. McHenry NO PHONE CALLS 2-13/2-18 u Lfiji nf ii'i -- SUPERVISORY 1 AIDE Needed for cafeteria, wash rooms, and corridors at East Campus High School. Man or Woman Call Don Seaton for further information. f 385-1145 2/U-2/13 NEW BUILDING One bedroom apartments available now. Stove, refri gerator, dishwasher, dis posal, laundry, air condi tioned, and pool. $210 per month 815-385-7599 or 815-3444)880 2-4-TF-1-2 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Equitable Life is expand ing in McHenry County, seeking local resident with degree or business exper ience. Unlimited potential Contact D. MARCH 815-459-4517 2-13/2-25 HELP WANTED FULL OR PART TIME, Mc Henry office of National Com pany needs 4 women over 17 to take telephone orders. Plea sing telephone voice only re quirement. Salary and bonuses 19 to $3.50 per hr. Call Mr. Evans from 9 am to 9 pm * 455-3587 or 455-3095 2-11/2-13 YOUNG MEN & WOMEN 19 and over Who like to talk & meet new people. Can earn $100 to $150 for part time hours in Public Relations work,, working the McHenry & Lake County Area Call 414-877-3897 2-11/2-re HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED With the recent expansion of our firm, we are in the need of TWO experienced real estate salesmen to complete our staff. Liberal commissions paid, Call Mr. Wieser or Mr. Amore for personal interview. WIESER, AMORE & ASSOC., INC. 1208 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-4880 MANAGER'S ASSISTANT Assistant To Order Department Manager Needed By Equipment Manufacturer. Duties to include typing, Scheduling And Expediting Equipment Orders COMPANY BENEFITS AND SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH ABILITY CALL B. D0WELL (815) 338-4500 • BROWN if MANUFACTURING Division Of APEC0 <*610 E. JUDD - WOODSTOCK, ILL . An Equal Opportunity Employer