?f»AGE 8 • PLA]| EALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY "8, It76 ///» LADIES' PRE-WASHED Corduroy Bicentennial Project In Successful Conclusion Winter Coats LADItS--BOYS--GIRLS--MENS Vz Price FROM ORIGINAL PRICE 200 LADIES' Pants Vi Price OR LESS! ALL MERCANDISE PRICED • AS MARKED , ONE RACK OF LADIES' Robes-P.J.'s-Gowns Vz Price ALL MERCHANDISE PRICED AS MARKED LADIES' & GIRL'S Show Boots 100% WATERPROOF *nm 1 h Price FROM ORIGINAL PRICE 200 LADIES' Dresses 1 /2 Price OR LESS! TYPICAL VALUES: $22" . *6" jgoo _ $0oo j^oo _ $joo 400 LADIES' Tops & Blouses 25-50% OFF VALUES TO *16°° PANTS-BLAZERS-TOPS-SKIRTS $397 ̂$497 SPECIAL PURCHASE Curtains & Panels SPECIAL PURCHASE 1 GROUP 1 GROUP 97 2/$C00 ASSORTED v?;| 2 TO 8 BUTTONS PER CARD ( 6 Cards/ EACH CARD OR $100 SPECIAL PURCHASE Laundry Baskets llxk x 14 x 9 REG. *2.22 . NOW $1 66 2/J097 X EACH OR £ WINTER Hats-Scarves-Gloves HEAVY ACRYLIC WEIGHT M ENS-BOYS-WOMENS-GIRLS 1 12 Price FROM ORIGINAL PRICE Girl's & Infants' Wear ONE GROUP MARKED DOWN 40-65% OFF M iiis. Mrs. Carroll E. Miller, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, proudly displays the final official Bicentennial Plate and announces the success of this four-year program. Mrs. Carroll E. Miller, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, the largest organization of women in the world, has an nounced the issuance of the fourth commemorative plate which completes the GFWC Official - United States of A m e r i c a n B i c e n t e n n i a l Commemorative project. The ' 1976 plate, "Proclaim liberty throughout * all the land," features three jubilant Americans ringing the Liberty Bell, one of the most cherished and revered ' symbols of American feedom. "This final plate," Mrs. Miller said, "will be available through local Women's clubs across the nation by the first part of February., It pleases us that women from nearly every club in America are participating in this exciting project." Local Women's clubs affiliated with the GFWC are the "exclusive agents" to sell the plates/ Four years ago, in an effort to celebrate the nation's Bicetennial and to rekindle the wondrous "Spirit of 76" the GFWC commissioned. an American artist to sculpture in glass a series of four collector's plates. Each plate features a scene depicting one of the four major movements of the American Revolution and, in their entirety, depict a com plete and moving "Portrait of Liberty." These beautiful handmade commemorative plates are designed and produced for the GFWC by the prestigious Fenton Art Glass company ,of Williamstown, West Virginia, and a new design has been released each year for four consecutive years (1973-1974- 1975-1976). Mrs. Miller explained that the first plate each year for the four-year program has been presented to the nation's First Lady for display at the White House. "In addition," Mrs. Miller added, "we are proud that the Freedoms Foundation- has accepted our 'Official' Bicentennial plates for per manent display at Valley Forge, PA." Health Exports Tell Of Possible Anthrax In Yarn The McHenry County Department of Health has just learned that in late January, there was a fatal case of inhalation anthrax in California. It is believed that the source of infection was animal-origin yam exported by Sarfraz Brothers of Lehore, Pakistan, and obtained from Creative Handweavers, Los Angeles, Calif. Sarfraz Brothers also sells to Tahki Imports, Ltd., New York, New York. Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, has been recovered from a variety of animal-origin yarns obtained from both Creative Hand- weavers and Tahki Imports. Contaminated products are sold in 4 oz. skeins or balls and may include camel hair, goat hair, or sheepswool. They may be sold in natural colors such as white, gray, tan or red or may be dyed various colors. The balls or skeins are commonly sold in plastic bags and the On July 4, 1976, clubwomen will gather at Independence Hall for a final ceremony when 1 the moulds of the plates will be publicly destroyed, thereby creating a limited edition. Mrs. Miller commented, "This means that not only will the plates become treasured heirlooms with great personal value, but their market value is sure to increase as well." In closing Mrs. Miller said, "We believe that our Bicen tennial Plate Commemorative project has been the most s u c c e s s f u l n a t i o n - w i d e program to celebrate our country's -200th birthday. We are proud that these plates will serve as lasting reminders of this historic anniversary and that they will, for years to come, rekindle the spirit of those brave patriots who established the greatest country the world has ever known." \ yarn is coarse and thick. This yarn is most commonly used in fabricating handicrafts such as wall hangings and macrahie objects. These distributors also sell pure cotton and pure synthetic fibers, but these products are not known to be involved with the anthrax agent. Products distributed hy Tahki Imports are labeled with the company name, com position of the yarn and the statement "Made in Pakistan", while those from Creative Handweavers are unlabeled. If you have yarn which you believe is involved and may be contaminated with the anthrax agent, you should place the yarn in a plastic bag sealed with a twist tie and place that bag into a second plastic bag and seal it. The yarn may then be brought to the McHenry County Department of Public Health Office where they have an incinerator which can properly destroy the yarn without placing the anthrax agent into the air. If you have any questions concerning, this you should call the McHenry County Department of Health at 338-2040 Extension 230. K of C Plans I Annual Retreat; The annual retreat for men of the McHenry area, sponsored by the McHenry Council of the Knights of Columbus, will be held March 26-28 at the Rack- ford Retreat house. « c All men are welcome - to register, regardless of tlfeir religion, for a weekend * of reflection, relaxation, And spiritual renewal. Contact Joseph W. Wagner, 385-3565 or Jerome B. Steinbech for more information or reservations. * * • • Nothing increases admiration of children their parents like a larj estate for division am the heiTs. I Hurry! At Prices Like These . . . They Won't Last Long! STORE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 1 10-5 / - 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-4100 McHENRY MARKET PLACE I 385-4520 I BE AUTY SAl ON TUES. . 9-5 WED. 9-5 (Senior Citizens Day) THURS.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-5 AUTO SKRV1C I lor !Y1ore Good Years In Your C ar rvir , 1 . its! - • Lube, Oil & Filter r 7 r. • Complete chassis lubrication, oil change and filter • Helps (ensure long wearing parts & smooth, quiet performance • Please phon.e for appointment • Includes light trucks Up to 5 qts. of major brand 10/30 grade oil. 10/40 grade $1.50 extra Front-End Alignment $U88 Any U.S. made car - parts extra if needed Excludes front-wheel drive cars • Complete analysis and alignment correction - to increase tire mileage and improve steering safety • Precision equipment, used by experienced mechan ics, helps ensure a precision alignment Engine Tune-Up $W95 6cyl- Add $4 for 8 cyl., $2 for air cond. $4 less for cars with Electronic Ignition • With electronic equipment our mechanics fine-tune your engine, installing new points, plugs & condenser • Helps maintain a smooth running engine for maximum gas mileage • Includes light trucks Brake Overhaul $5495 U.S. drum type cars and light trucks, all four wheels Install new linings, seals, return springs, fluid & precision-grind drums • Includes total brake system analysis to ensure safe, dependable service • New wheel cylinders $10 each, if required. Free Brake Inspection - No obligation. I he Goodyear Promise: 1 . We do p ro fess iona l work ? , We do on ly the work you au tho r i ze 3 . We re tu rn worn -ou t pa r t s Buy Now At Low Goodyear Prices Our All-Weather 78 polyester cord tire provides a thrifty fit for American cars...and budgets Plus $1.82 to $2.65 F.E.T., depending on size, and old tire. Whitewalls just $3 more. 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