9 PAGE 14 • PLAINDEALKR-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18. lt?t BUSINESS SERVICES F O R R F N T F O R R E N T V A C A N T P R O P E R T Y HELP WANTED No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memorlam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in »d\ance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad trier the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. Or Fit £ HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. •' SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 A U T O S 1974 Ford, LTD, 4 door, one owner, 22,000 miles, excellent condition, air conditioned, p.b., p.s., $3,200.00 344-0530 2-18-2-20 72 VEGA HATCHBACK, automatic, radio, with new engine and many extras. $1200.00 385-8167 • 2-18 TFl-2 1964 FORD CUSTOM 500, 6 cyl. runs good $125.00 344-2970 before 3 p.m. 2-18-2-20 73 CORVETTE convertible, 4 spd., fcm/fm, p.s., p.b., imm aculate condition. AAilt driven $6200.00 , 385-1313/385-0290. 2-18/2-20 A U T O S '73 Dodge Charger, 4 speed, excellent condition $2,400.00. 385-2645. 2-18/2-20 PETS FOR SALE NORWEGIAN ELK HOUNDpups males, silver & black $35 to $45 dollars 385-7897 2-13/2-20 BUSINESS SERVICES Highest prices paid for Junk cars and trucks. Day or Night. 815-459-0081 2-4-TF-1-2 Commercial artwork for catalogs, sales literature, ads. Design, keyline, assembly & finished art. RJAY DESIGNER • (815) 385-2622. 2-18 B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E S WET BASEMENTS MADE DRY DEPENDABLE EXPANDS TO McHENRY COUNTY ESTABLISHED LAKE COUNTY COMPANY... 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE 'DRAINTILE AND SUMP PUMP INSTALLATIONS EXTERIOR PRESSURE PUMPING PROCESS WRITTEN GUARANTEE. . .LOCAL REFERENCES CALL OR WRITE DEPENDABLE BASEMENT WATERPROOFING 2913 NO. RICHMOND RD. McHENRY, IL. 60050 815-385-2980 ' 2-11-TF-1-2 FREE ESTIMATES •UOOOPMI TAX RETURNS Established for 21 years With • An experienced staff to handle your individual problems. • Computer verification at no extra charge. • Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE 385-4410 For an Appointment JjPanl A. Sehwegel & Company | 4410 W. Rte. 120 McHeniy, II. 1-28/3-10 NTERI0R & EXTERIDRi REMODELING OF ALL KINDS Aluminum, steel & Vinyl siding and trim. Seamless • gutters and downspouts, in | f colors. Winter Discount GUTTERS UNLIMITED ALUMINUM a PR0DUCTSvSERVICES I 815-385-9427 815-653-9720 Free Estimates Jj SNOWMOBILES '69 POLARIS SNOWMOBILE good condition $325 815-653- 9944 2-13/2-18 : 2 Snowmobile, 1971 Polaris TX charger, 335, $500. 385-7450 2-13/2-18 FOR SALE To placing your Classified Adv. but they work like. . Theres No Trick! WRITE YOUR OWN & SAVE $$$$ 15 WORDS or LESS $1-50 2nd Time $2.50 10c for each additional word per. insertion FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenrj, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ No Refunds insertions Please insert as written for Must be paid in Advance LADDRESS No Commercial Accounts 23" Zenith TV. Console-walnut grain. $50.00 Firm. 385-7984 \ 2-18 SAVE CASH: in the Bargain basement at Carey Appliance on Scratch-N-Dent appliances, all at reduced prices. Also a large inventory of used and model home appliances. Stop in today at Carey Appliance. 1241 N. Green Street, McHenry. 2/18-2/20 Snare Drum-Stand-Stixs. $15. 385-2418. 2-18 Hospital bed $15.00/ brand new coaster wagon with removable panelled sides $20.00, Blue Le ather & chrome potty chairs $15. each, walker. $10. 385- 2880 '2-18 Philco AM Car Radio, Craig 8- track player with 2 speakers - Everything sold cheap. Call 385-6011. 2*-18 B A B Y N E C E S S I T I E S , automatic swing $6.00, car seat $7.00, changing table $6.00, Simmons Colonial crib com plete $60. 385-9375. 2-18 USED FOX mini bike, with 2 cycle engine, like new. 4821 Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry. 385-3269. 2-183-12 2 YOUNG HORSES, MUST SELL, best reasonable offer. 815-675-2126. 2-182-20 Two snow tires, mounted on wheels for 11975 Mustang II, $40.00. Value $92.00. 815-385- 5356. 2-182-20 SEASONED FIREWOOD prompt delivery $35 per ton 815-338-3981 or 338-1169 2-4-TF-1-2 Furniture of 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50% off will separate. Terms. 312-398- 5250 1-28/2-27 RESALE SHOP. Opening February 20. Socializing in good used denim jeans, washouts, all sizes, other clothing and misc, items, also new jewelry and other new items. 10007 Main St., Rich mond, II. (Across from High, School) Hours 11:00 - 5:00 2-112-27 Good farm land available for cash rent. Approximately 150 acres, vicinity Rte. 31 and Ames Road. 312-381-6409. 2-182-20 2 BEDROOM APT. Available March 1, good location in McHenry, Green St. Area. 385- 0310. 2-182-20 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, stove, refrigerator, electric and garage 1 mile from town. $195 month plus security deposit. 385-6080. 2-182-20 Large modern office with private adjoining office, paneled, aif^ond., and heated, plenty of parking, also smaller office available. 385-5572 or 385- 5200. 2-182-27 Small neat 2 bedroom house in Wonder Lake, $165 month. 653- 9509 or 653-4846. 2-18/2-20 2 bedroom apartment, no pets, Security deposit required. Call after 5 p.m., 385-4903. 2-18/2-20 5 room unfurnished 2nd floor apartment, range, no refriger ator, garage, adults only limit of 2, $150.00 monthly, in city, available March 15, no pets. 385-0439. 2/18-2/20 Commercial space 1,340 sq. ft., » including office. Paved parking, good location, just east of McHenry on Rte. 120. 385-0997 HILLSB0R0 GOOSE NECK TRAILERS • 16 to 30 ft. in stock • Grain dump trailers and flat^eds ALSO COMPLETE LINE OF BR ADEN WINCHES Adams Enterprises 3017 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Ph. 815-385-5970 2-4-TF-l 2-4-TF 1-2 4 bedroom older waterfront home, stove and refrigerator furnished, security deposit re quired. $350 per month. Byrnes Brothers. 385-6900 2-13/2-18 SELL OR RENT 2 bedroom all electric River Road Realty 815- 344-1183 2-4-TF-1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 2-4-TF 1-2 NOW READY TO RENT NEW REED'S MALL Crystal Lake Shopping Center Reasonable rents. 300 sq. ft. area & up. Limited number available Call * * > 459-5250 or after 5:30 pm 459-7217 2-11/2-20 1 * * * * t * i * * * # 2 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE * * * * Country kitchen, modern ^ appliances, 2 fireplaces, £ rent $250. Deposit and references required. ^ Available March 15th £ 385-4498 $ 2-18/2-20 * s|c sfc s|c j|c )|c j|c s|c )ft s|( s|c )fc }|c )fc: NEW BUILDING One bedroom apartments available now. Stove, refri gerator, dishwasher, dis posal, laundry, air condi tioned, and pool. $210 per month 815-385-7599 or 815-344-0880 2-4-TF-1-2 S0UTHGATE APARTMENTS Available now 1 bdrm from $190. Fully carpeted, deck, stove, refrig. & air cond. furnished. Adults. 1 year lease & sec. dep. required No pets Apts. shown by appointment. Call LEE J. C00NEY 385-4345 2-6/3-19 FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate • 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 * 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3S12 l\. t.!m M.-McHenry Phone: 3JS5-0170 » • « • • • • • • n m | , ! | Two bedroom apartment 386- 8042 or 385-5925. 2-4-TF 1-2 2 bedroom apartment in McHenry, $195 per month, security deposit, 1 year lease. No pets. 385-1980 2-4 -TF 1-2 VACANT One Plus acres zoned light Industry. McHenry area. Terms available. Arthur T. Mc Intosh & Co., 312-372-2040 ex tension C. 2-4-TF-1-2 SITUATION WANTED Painter for hire. Will work by hour or by job. Reasonable prices. Call 385-7797. * 2-182-25 AUCTION REAL ESTATE AUCTION Saturday February 21, 1976 11:00 A.M. Lot 5, Block 1, Lakeview acres, Richmond, Illinois. 2 Miles east of Richmond on Rte. 173 to Lakeview Road (Twin Lakes Road) turn North. Property is just South of Stateline on West side Approximately 60' xl70' lot on the channel. *'V.. \ 1 Terms: 20 percent down day of auction. Balance on delivery of Title Policy. Final sale price subject to confirmation of 16th Judicial Circuit Court, Probate Division. ESTATE Of JOHN STETZ UNION NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY EXECUTORS For further information call Auctioneers WINNING'S AUCTION SERVICE Elgin 312-741-3483 McHENRY COUNTY YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU - SEEKING DIR. OF COMMUNITY DEV. (M.A. plus ExpJ FAMILY THERAPIST & CLIN. SUPERVISOR (M.A. plus Exp.) 2 COUNSELORS (B.A. plus Exp,) FOR JOB DESCRIPTION WRITE Tom Timro 840 N. Seminary, Woodstock, 60098 or call '815-338-7360 •OODOBDOPOOOO--O WW 0000000004 ************ • ( ( <( t < -t ' K I • K I •C •i SALES TRAINEE-SALESMEN Nationally known manufacturer of grain dryers, hay tools, refueling tanks and pumps and lawn care equip ment seeks young aggressive person preferably with firm background to become a sales trainee, prior to going on the road as a full time salesman. Trainee would be paid hourly rate during training period at home plant in Crystal Lake.' Following training period, must be willing to re-locate. Salesmen are paid salary, commission and expenses. Vehicle and leads provided. Send resume to: JOHN BUCKNER Mathews Co. Box 70 Crystal Lake, III. 60014 Personal interview will be arranged. 2-18/2-20 l > 5> j i> j i j i- >• i i i i> i • ]• i > i> i - j i - i> ]• l- ft********************************** C A R D O F T H A N K S THE MAN WE CALL DAD For the man who gave me life, I thank you Lord. For the wonderful man we call Dad. • For his joking, his eternal optimism, the joy he sheds, the friends he's always made. For the home he provided for us. For the courage and determination with which he bucked the world for his family. Dear Lord, for this father I thank you. For this wonderful Dad. I thank you for the lessons he taught us: To be honest - never to take so much as a postage stamp. To be brave - that so long as you did right you had nothing to fear. To believe in yourself, because you're often the only one who will. To be grateful, to appreciate little things, a bucket of cold water from the wall - a tart red apple, a bird on a telephone wire. For these lessons, dear Lord, I thank you. For his great love for our mother, I thank you. Because he thought her the most beautiful woman in the world, we did too. Because he worshiped her, courted her, waited on her, we too revered and adored her. And while this may have spoiled us (we though all marriages were like theirs), itis a happy thing to remember. For this, dear Lord, I thank you. v I am glad that of all the men you might have chosen, it was he who brought me into being. Thank you for this father, Lord Thank you for this man we call Dad! And to his wonderful family of loved ones, his neighbors, friends and to all who paid tribute to Joseph^Williams on his passing to God's heaven, we say a heartfelt "Thank You", from his daughters, Bea Newkirk, Virginia Williams and Rosalie Doherty From the book WHO AM I GOD. By Marjorie Holmes Copyright C, 1970, 1971 by Marjorie Holmes Mighell Published by Doubleday and Company, Inc. 2-19 f Part or full time job opening I in McHenry, afternoon and I (evening hours. Need matures I person or responsible college student. I For more information and J interview: Call Pete Jung 459-4889 2~mamnl . SALES REPRESENTATIVE Equitable Life is expand ing in McHenry County, seeking local resident with degree or business exper ience. Unlimited potential Contact D. MARCH 815-459-4517 2-13/2-25 Part time waitress wanted. Must be personable and ex perienced. Apply in person. Long Horn Steak House, 615 W. Rand Road, McHenry, n. 2-182-20 Mature woman for part time work. No experience necessary. Cashier. Call for appointment 385-4427, McHenry Walgreen Agency. 2-192-20 Sell Auto Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 2-4-TF-1-2 Needed: Young man for growing Finance Company. Experience preferred but not required. Must have car. Heights Finance 344-0844 2-13/2-18 MAN A/OR WOMAN LIGHT JANITORIAL WORK Part time mornings Ideal for semi-retired persons Apply in Person to Manager McHENRY THEATRE 2-18/2-20 Live in housekeeper in a Mot herless home for a 1 year old and a 3 year old. Responsible woman. Salary, private room, good home. After 6:00 p.m., 815-385-7236 2-4-TF-1-2 BABY SITTER NEEDED in Lakeland Park area. 2 pre school age children. 385-6118 after 6 p.m. 2-18 Drivers wanted, men or women. Retired Or 2nd job. Permanent part time work. Call 312-526-7999 between 9:00 a.m.-l:00 p.m. 2-18-2-27 HELP WANTED FULL TIME GIRL 7 am to 3 pm RIVERSIDE LAUNDRY 1304- N. Front St. McHenry. NO PHONE CALLS 2-13/2-18 MACHINE OPERATORS Experience helpful or will train. Full time 8am to 4:30pm Apply in person only. Under New Manage ment. McHenry Mfg. Co. Formerly Strand Dress Mfg. Co. 3011 W. Rte 120 McHenry, III. 2-18/2-20 PRODUCTION CONTROL PLANNER High School Education Required With 3 to 5 Years Experience Must be familiar with manual card system as well as com puter control. Knowledge of engineering blueprints and Mil of materials, capable of generating parts orders from long range sales forecast. SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH ABILITY , V Excellent Benefit Program PLEASE SEND RESUME IN CONFIDENCE TO P.O. BOX 709-F5 % WOODSTOCK DAILY SENTINEL Woodstock, Illinois 60098 AVON Can you work late after noon's, evenings, and Sat- ur<fcy*s? Be an Avon rep resentative selling qual ity products made by the world's largest cosmetic company. Over 18. Call:. Mrs. Bauer 815-385-5385 2-4/2-27 STUDENTS To work evenings and " weekends. Can efcrn $100 - $150 per week Call Miss Terry 815-728-0622 between 12 & 3:30 P.M. Only 2-13/2-18 STUARTS E Fashionable womens apparel chain of Hawthorne, Rand- hurst, Woodfleld & Chicago I now hiring far our new store soon to open at CRYSTAL POINT MALL CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Excellent salaries & liber al benefit program at no cost to you. FULL & PART TIME • Assistant Managers • Cashiers • Sales Lpply in Person •STUARTS I CRYSTAL POINT MALL CRYSTAL LAKE^ ILL. Interviews Man., Feb. 23rd 1976 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm GARAGE SALE HOUSE SALE - portable bar with stools, B.&W.T.V. Miscellaneous household items, 3807 W. Maple, McHenry. Feb. 20 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 21, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2-18-2-20 » BOATS & MOTORS MOVING OUT OF STATE i i i i i i 2-18/2-20 • Must sell. 72 Century j Cheetah 16J$ ft. 225 cu. ! in. inboard, fiberglass j hull, bilge pump, new skis | { and tow rope, trailer $3300 I also 72 Gremlin X, V8, 3 [ speed, bucket seats, mag I I wheels, wide track glass I I tires and hitch $1300 Call: I 385-8657 „ _ 2-18/2-20J