SECTION t - PAGE • - PLAINDBALER-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY ii. 1171 mmmmmmmmmmman individual members, to have fun, and entertain others. Fantastic > a _ a f I results show how imaginative and creative adolescents can be IY/N f f 4>K In I ho IVf nu/cl when working together on such a project Many acts include music If \JUltl III I llv groups, dramatic features, and dance groups. The theme of the (From Ann McArdle, Home Economics Extension adviser, lfW McHenry County Share the Fun night will be "Let Us McHenry county) Entertain You" and will be presented May 5 and 6 at 7 p.m. at the Share The Fan - The purpose of 4-H is to develop youth through Woodstock high school. The program is open to the public, the involvement of parents, other adulta, and volunteers who organise and conduct learning experiences in a community setting. The focus is on human interaction designed to develop skills, abilities, and understanding in youth and adulta as participation and influential members of their community. The central aim is for youth to acquire a set of skills for preceiving and responding to life's significant events. One event geared toward developing skills in 4-H members is the Share-The-Fun festival. Each club or part of a club is eligible to participate in one act The purpose of such a program is to give 4-H members an opportunity to discover and develop talent within Developing Yoar Memory - With exams over, and a semester beginning, now is the time to begin good study habits. Cramming for exams and tests is the wrong way to retain valuable knowledge. Often this information is forgotten within a short period of time. Knowledge is built upon knowledge, therefore when retaining material we can become a more fulfilling person and do well on exams! Below are a few hints in developing your memory. There are two types of memory: (1) routine (by repetition) and (2) reasoning. Routine- a. One of the most used means of memorizing is to repeat a passage or a table aloud, looking back at the material only when necessary. There is a major weakness in this method; the mind can start to wander too eaaily. , b. Another method is writing the material, covering-uncovering. Use a sheet of paper to cover the page, then slide the paper down, a line at a time, as you memorize. Keep going back to the beginning. c. A third method is nonsense-association. For facts, names, dates, etc., work out some device which will clinch the information in your mind, no matter how silly the device may seem. Reasoning: , a. Find out why you are memorizing something, and make sure that you understand the meaning of the use of the material that you are memorizing. b. As you are memorizing something, test yourself on what you are learning. c. Use the "whole" method of learning. (1) In the whole method you see the whole picture. You get a you great Tbefa broad outline of what you are learning.*°" arf all the parts and relationships among them. In toepwi may see only one part or only a few parts, not •» SDen(j a (2) In part-by-part learning, chances are that you w^spena a ater amount of time on the first part than on the other parts, latter parts have a tendency to be neglected. <L Remember the important thingB. e. Fit the period of study to the material you are studying. 1 f. Recite aloud to yourself. g. Overlearn material that you want to remember. h. Learn actively. Think about what you are reading or hearing. i. Review frequently. • y Just A Reminder - The first session of the Tractor Operators certification for 14 and 15-year-olds will begin Saturday, Feb. 14 from • a.m. until noon at the McHenry County Extension office, 11909 McCoimell road, Woodstock. Enroll now by telephoning our office 815-339-3737 or 335-4747, or dropping us a note. TAX FACTS Farmers may have to file their federal income tax return and pay that tax by Monday, March 1. Charles F. Miriani, IRS director for northern Illinois, said that farmers who did not file a declaration of estimated federal individual income tax by Jan. 15 should file their 197S tax return and pay all tax due by March 1 to avoid a penalty. Farmers are defined as those Dersons who earned at least two-thirds of their 197S gross income from farming. IRS Publications 22S, "Farmers Tax Guide," and 506, "Tax Withholding and Declaration of Estimated Tax," provide additional in formation and are available free at IRS offices. Teacher Of The Week (District 15) MIKEDREHER Mike Dreher is a seventh grade Science teacher at the McHenry Junior high. He is a graduate of Northern Illinois university and has taken graduate studies from Northern and LaVerne colleges. He resides in Woodstock with his wife and four children. Mr. Dreher is a member of the Science committee in District 15 and also teaches a Physical Education course for grades 2 through 8 for the District 15 summer school. Gardening, fishing and golf are a few of his activities away from school, while 'coaching boys' Softball and being the seventh grade team leader keeps him busy at school. Geology was one of the areas of interests studied recently, with the new Science program involving the Environment next on the agenda. His students are also beginning to investigate various, ideas for the Science Fair which will be : held this spring. Mr. Dreher has brought some mini-courses into his program such as using the TV and horseshoes. Mr. Dreher's hometown is Evergreen Park. Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE ) PETITION FOR ADOPTION ) OF BABYG.IRL MORALES. > a female child. ) No. 75 F 232 ADOPTION NOTICE TO. ROBERT TORRES and ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN Take notice that a petition was filed in the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Illinois, for the adoption of a child named BABY GIRL MORALES. Now. therefore, unless you. ROBERT TORRES and ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, file your answer to the Petition in said suit or otherwise file your appearance therein, in the said Circuit Court of McHenry County. 2200 North Seminary /Avenue, City of Woodstock. Illinois, on or before the 18th day of March, 1976, a default may be entered against you at any time after that day' and a juuKinent entered in ac cordance with the prayer of said petition. Dated: February 5, 1976, Woodstock. Illinois. -s Margaret O'Neil Clerk of the Circuit Court Samuel J. Diamond Attorney for Petitioners 3431 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 815-385-1580 (Pub. Wed , Feb. 11,18,25, lQVfi) AsemiN • m a a - •wnn i Qwivis 100 New! Adam's Finn 8 Ftn M&m. liAWK Haw! feats 8 |Ata*|û H AMSI mncmpvn Mini" Ptrspimitf Spray Our Reg 3.07, 5 ounce tlx*, ftlllaMa't VIIMHV B Cricket lighter f|nrL fiihsslamn hrl Our Reg 1.42. Twice as fast as aspirin. Our Reg 1.47. Givas 1,000*8 of lights. Our Rag. 1.54. A rainbow of colors! rag. or un scantad. Our Rag. 1.13. 4 at. sixa. Mffgrs. 1.39 sixa. SHI mm Sw 20% M ••Mil Ml Um rtiM for 101 jobs. Jumbo whit* or docorator color*. Rog.tK Soft Vinyl Jacktis •tylo |ockot» In (IS-IS). : Whllo tbay PPHJESE NATIONA JRITF^JTRISED BELLRL^ 11 ••••••COUPON^JggS * * . Br Mff rt. $12 to $171 doM out on to- ordlnatlng pant* "•* " v and top* k* Jontionl SIin IS IS) In litoil stylo*. icjSe •Srs CooV • * • 70° tV vl * 202 Raal Our Rag. 2.97. Spring loadad drag. HI Rag 1 Our Rag. 1.17. Famous and da* pandabla. Sixa 18"x27' ai » 9IIVJP Novelty Ibriin Flos Evonflo TWENOF an* ttoO; t0o9 Zobco 1545^H Rod. RmI Comb* Zobco 404 •pin cost root with 2 pc. $•/,' Hk«r|bti *>° -o*» Coloman Fool 0ns Gallon Unbroakoblo 4 oi. 5 S oi. S animal choractor*. Our Rag. 59.97, A fantastic buy on cribs from tha famous baby paopla "Thayar"! Slngla drop sida, 12 spindlas in whita or walnut. (Mattross pricad saparataly.) mmmmm 111! Prices effective whila quantities lost. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Spocially Mondod lor Iontarns, camp *tova* and hoatar* All new "76" stylos! Chooso from day-data, calandar, electric, 17 iewol, salf winding, ate., and, of coursa, -tho now Timax Quartx and Solid Stata Quartx watchos. In gold, silvar, vinyl, or loathor bands. •and Save 25% on NEW Samonite Scandia Elegant vinyl luggage. Strong, soft side construction packs really full. Colors..Dover Wh ite, Bronco Brown, Sahara Tan or Monaco Blue. A. Tot* B. Carry-On C. 14" Traveller D. 29" World Travallor f • 24" Travallor (not sdown) F. Jumbo 2-Suitar (not shown) A Woman's Comfy Utility Oxfords Moa's and Boy's MORHSBYS C f a m i l y centers -- Cushion crape sola in woman's sixas. Sura -traction troad sola. (2V..4), (4V*-12). 4400 W. ROUTE 120, McHENRY, ILLINOIS Charge Itl A'e accept Mastercnarge and BankAmericard! |hnyionKai Tiny Toaka Mhmio Wbmlo 1 Slinky Toy From Jama RT. 47 & CNTRY. CLB. RD. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Authontic styling, stool chassis. Famous toy that walks down stairs* I