PAGE 2 - PLAINPBALER-WEDNE8PAV. FEBRUARY It, lfW HEAD FASHION SHOW - Hm*v IIm Fukka shew to be presented by the auxiliary to McHenry hospital this year are a retaining chairman and a newcomer to the administrative functions of the benefit to he presented at the Branded Steak House. Crystal Lake, March*. Mrs. June D'Isa. left, Is co-chairman, while Mrs. Fran Herrmann, chairman, served as co-chairman last year. (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) Two Bridal Showers For Miss Pungio Regina Pungio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pungio, Crystal Lake, was recently honored at two bridal showers, one hosted by her prospective mother-in-law, Mrs. William Barth, Jr., McHenry. A delicious buffet lunch followed a linen shower given by Mrs. Barth for twenty-five guests. Later, a miscellaneous shower attended by ap proximately thirty-five friends was held at the home of Miss Pungio's parents. A buffet luncheon was served. Regina will become the bride of William Barth, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Barth, Jr., 3719 Spring Grove road. A Feb. 21 wedding is planned. TheMrs. The Miss TheMissv The Ms. All hair needs Professional Care Professional hair care is for the housewife, professional women, the little girl in all of us, and the liberated woman. . . . Y o u ' r e n e v e r t o o y o u n g , call today for an appointment. OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK1 BEAUTY SALON McHENRY 344-1019 1212 N. GREEN ST. (OFC. 8) Ye Olde Freedom Fest Comes To City Church Although there is no time machine that can Cake local residents back to 1776, mem bers of the First United Methodist church, McHenry, have put together the closest imitation of this period to date. Two evenings of historical vignettes will be featured Friday and Saturday, Feb. 20 and 21, from 6 to 11 p.m. The Freedom Fest captures five of the institutions pioneer forefathers created to give life meaning and value. Long before television, autos, Jet planes, and job commuting, these institutions shaped the American character: the one- room school, the steepled, white frame church, the village inn, the community drama groups, and the craftsmen and their crafts. The one-room school will sweep viewers back to the spelling bee, the cypering match, the school marm and the schoolmaster. Maurie Taylor has recruited school teachers and youngsters to reenact that institution as it was experienced 200 years ago. Equipment and materials were NOTICE Q«t Blus Cross * Bins SMsM And Unlimited Major Modleal NOW often bought with the famous box social, a happening one can observe at 7:15 or 8:45 p.m. Thirty church members have developed a dramatic spoof with a particular kind of corn- ball humor. "What's up, Paul?" is locally written and locally produced. It's hilarious and as corny as Kansas. See it at 6:30, 8:00 or 9:30 p.m. The inn will suggest the forefathers' yen for the elegant, with fancy chandelier, and white, laundered tablecloths. Guests will be served food of the period, venison stew and deerburgers, by long-skirted waitresses in bonnets. A group of couples will do the minuet and a square dance group will be on hand for the "swing your partner." The candlemaker, the bread baker, the blacksmith, the weaver at the loom or spinning wheel, producer of apple dolls and straw and corn husk dolls, will all be present to ply their arts and sell their wares. It will be an interesting step into the past and for those who want to delve a little further into the beginnings a Freedom Library will be featured with replicas of the early documents of this land and illustrated volumes describing traditions and history. Half of the proceeds of the Freedom Fest will be used for relief in Guatemala following the recent earthquakes. Call 815-338-4717 McHeniy County H.IA Enrollment Closes Merch 2,1976 For More Information, No OWigrtion, Contact Ham Cuts When a ham has been cut in half and the center slices re moved, the remaining pieces must be labeled portion or end. If the center slices are still on the ham. the hams may be labeled halves. The butt portion contains a little higher proportion of lean meat to fat and skin than the shank portion, but it is more dif ficult to carve Communityj Calendar FEBRUARY 16 McHenry Business and Professional Women's Club - Bicentennial Dinner - Dave O'Neal, Speaker - McHenry Country Club -- 7 p.m. FEBRUARY 17 Woodstock Senior Citizen Walk -- In Center - Dean and South Streets - Slides of Old McHenry County - 1 p.m. McHenry Lodge No. 158 A.F. & A.M. - Stated and Special Meeting - Entered Apprentice Degree - 7:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 18 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus, Luncheon, Theater Party - Pheasant Run ~ McHenry State Bank - 11:45 a.m.. •; .;...".. • FEBRUARY 19 Catholic Daughters of America - Joyce Kilmer Court No. 573 - Business Meeting and Social -- K. of C. Hall - 8 p.m. McCullom Lake Con servation Club ~ Spojnia Polish National Union Camp -• Flanders and Spojnia Roads ~ 8 p.m. Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi - Meeting. Woodstock Senior Citizen Walk-In Center - Dean and South Streets - Surprise Lunch Box Social - 12 Noon. Clinical Dietitian - Speaker - Miss Isabel Brody Whispering Oaks Community Center --2:30 p.m. • FEBRUARY 20 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Regular Meeting - Oak Room - St. Mary's Church -- 7:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 20 and 21 Freedom Fest - McHenry United Methodist Church - Main and Center - 6 to 11 p.m. - Dinner, 6 to 8 p.m. - Craft Displays and Entertainment. FEBRUARY 21 Lakeland Park Women's Club - White Elephant and Bake Sale - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House. Johnsburg Pigtail League - Registration --11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - James C. Bush School, Johnsburg. FEBRUARY 22 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Brunch - 11:30 a.m. - Branded Steak House. FEBRUARY 23 McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting -r City Hall - 10 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. Annual Meeting - Auxiliary of McHenry Family Service and Mental Health Clinic - Branded Steak House - 11 a.m. Phone Mrs. Richard Trownsell or Mrs.' Thomas Wallen for Reservations. FEBRUARY 24 McHenry Chapter O.E.S. - Stated Meeting - 8 p.m. Woodstock Senior Citizen Walk-In Center - Dean and South Streets - Cards and Crafts. FEBRURARY 25 McHenry Woman's Club Dessert Luncheon - Card Party - Benefit Public Library - V.F.W. Hall « 1 p.m. -- Public Welcome. FEBRUARY 26 Woodstock Senior Citizen Social Meeting ~ Knights of Columbus Hall - 8 p<m. FEBRUARY 28 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Oak Room - Cards ~ St. Mary's School - 7:30 p.m. Spring Grove - Bicentennial Kick-Off Dance "Spirit of *76" - St. Peter's Parish Hall - 2206 Florence McCeuley 943-6127 Mr*. Reva Barker Garden Preirie Mrs. Adeline Filip 338-2606 Mrs. Virginie Peacock 3364317 Mrs. Irene Bischhoff 338-0441 Glen Wright 338-5697 Mrs. Myrtle Pegles 943-6789 Helmuth Thurow 669-5249 Mrs. Gladys Lied berg 338-4236 Raymond Kuhlmen 648-2735 Lloyd Fruin 568-8487 Robert Seegars 459-5458 William Herris 678-4075 Harold Leisch 338-3882 Mrs. Elsie Kelahan 923-4365 & 9*outline Award Winning Restaurant THURSDAY SPECIAL Beef Royal Thin slices of beef tenderloin saute' with fresh mushrooms and bordelaise sauce. Served on bed of rice pilaff. *5M FRIDAY SPECIAL --Stuffed Crepes St. Michel- with American sauce. Stuffed with scallops, crabmeat, lobster and shrimp '5s These specials include Soup de Jour, Salad, Vegetables, Bread and Butter. PLUS SERVING OUR REGULAR AND GOURMET DINNERS Main Street - 8:30 p.m. - Sponsored by Lotus School PTO. FEBRUARY 29 Spring Grove - Father -Son Breakfast - St. Peter's Parish Hall - Christian Mothers Society Serving - After 9 a.m. Mass. MARCH 1 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Executive Committee Meeting -- Landmark School - 3 p.m. MARCH2 Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting - 12:30 p.m. - First United Methodist Church. MARCH4 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - Lakeland Park Community House - 1717 N. Sunset -- 12:30 p.m. Regular I^.P.P.O.A. Board Meeting -- Lakeland Park Community House - 1717 N. Sunset Avenue - 8 p.m. Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi - Meeting. MARCH7 Communion Mass - St. Patrick's Catholic Church - Breakfast Following - Knights of Columbus Hall. MARCH8 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - East Campus Cafeteria - 7: 30 p.m. MARCH 10 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Trip to Chicago Loop - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot - 8:45 a.m. MARCH il Regular Monthly Business Meeting - Knights of Columbus Hall - 8 p.m. MARCH 13 Shillilagh Shindig - John sburg Community Hall - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. - Sponsored by St. John's Home and Community Association. Friendship Club - Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting - First United Methodist Church Dining Room - 6 p.m. MARCH 14 Knights of Columbus - Singles Bowling Team - Men and Women McHenry Recreation - 1 p.m. MARCH 25 Johnsburg PTO Fashion Show - Johnsburg Community- Center - 8 p.m. - Open To The Public. Former County Pastor Women Aglow Speaker Women Aglow'in Christ will hold its regular monthly lun cheon Thursday, Feb. 27, at Martinettis in Crystal Lake, beginning at 11 a.m. The Rev. Ben Leonard, former Crystal Lake pastor, will be the featured speaker. The Rev. Leonard, a Crystal Lake pastor for over five years, through his dynamic ministry and inspired Bible teaching led scores of people to a new and vital relationship with Jesus Christ. At one time he was a rock singer; however, after a monumental turning point in his life, he has used his voice to praise the Lord. He is a former member of the Revival Time choir. He is now living in Alton, IL., with his wife and three children, pastoring a large church. Women Aglow in Christ is an i n d e p e n d e n t n o n - denominational Christian organization, whose objectives are: "To glorify the Lord in all that we do, that all who come may be increased in love, strengthened in knowledge, and led into a closer and deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ: And to fulfill the great commission (Mathew 28:19, 20)". Reservations must be made by Feb. 23 to Mrs. Walter (Ginny) Ulick, McHenry. All are welcome. Married 70 Years MR. AND MR8. JOHN H. JOHNSON Marriage vows first exchahged seventy years ago, were renewed by the Rev. Roger H. Olson of Nativity Lutheran church Feb. 15 for Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson of Wonder Lake. A small family gathering was held at the home of John H. Johnson, 93, and his wife, 89, hosted by their children. The couple exchanged nuptial vows Feb. 18. 1906, in a Norwegian church located on Huron and Ce^er, Chicago. The Rev. Christiansen officiated at the ceremony. The Johnsons have one daughter, Margaret, at home; a son. Raymond H., also at home, and a son, Aethur H., Whispering Oaks, McHenry. They also have two grandchildren, Arthur W. and Robert A. Johnson, and Ave great-grandchildren. A son, Arnold, is deceased. Travel Slides Provide \ ; PWP Chapter Program 220 W. RAND ROAD 815-385-7495 LAKEM00R East of McHerny Journey to South America at the next general meeting of Parents Without Partners Friday, Feb. 20 at 8:45 p.m., when Arthur Hart presents slides of his travels. Chapter 189 meets at the American Legion hall on the corner of Oak and Woodstock streets in Crystal Lake. Newcomers are asked to arrive no later than 8 p.m. for a special welcome and informative orientation. Refreshments and music for dancing will follow the meeting. Rounding out the month's activities are three Coffee and Discussions: What to Say After You've Said Hello; Polish Cooking, Poland and Its People; and Income Tax. For the more energetic there will be square dancing, volleyball, and family ice skating. A special Leap Year party will celebrate the extra day in February. PWP children and teens will enter their crafts and projects in the International Youth Tones Is Now A CB Lanpette Featuring a Complete Line Of EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES New Panasonic CB Now In Stock RETAIL & CATALOG SALES The Electronics Shopping Center 3719 W. ELM McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-4646 ASSOCIATf stone \T$HES\ ELAINE GAY PALMER ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Palmer, 912 Center street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elaine, to John Everett Paddock. John b the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Paddock, Jr., 3S12 W. Lincoln road, McHenry. Miss Palmer will he a 197S graduate of McHenry high school and. her nance graduated from Marian Central in 1974. No definite date has been set for the wedding. V.F.W. News More than 500 members of the Ladies auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars gathered at the twenty-ninth annual Patriotic conference in Chicago Saturday, Feb. 7. The morning session with Blanche* Kendzora, State Americanism chairman presiding, provided several interesting speakers. Eileen Shunneson of Elmhurst, spoke on her experiences and the customs she had an opportunity to observe during the year she spent in Japan. Bengt Lame of Sweden spoke of his homeland and compared customs of the young people in both countries. Both young people are con nected with American Field Service. The last speaker at the morning session was Mrs. Kathleen Walsh, lecturer, who spoke on "Lady, Your Mind is Slowing". The afternoon session was presided over by the state president of the Ladies auxiliary, Mildred Leff. The guest speaker for the afternoon was Howard R. Kaufmann, assistant Attorney General of the state of Illinois. Mr. Kaufmann is chief of the Consumer Fraud and Protection division. He spoke on "Consumer Fraud", jen- couraging the public to contact that division in cases of fraud. The suburban veterans' chorus, led by R.L. Daniels, provided a program which commenced with "The Star Spangled Banner" and in cluded such numbers as "When the Saints Come Marching In," "Where in the World but in America," "America, the Beautiful" and concluded with "This is My Country". The all man chorus brings cheer to hospitalized veterans in the area. The afternoon program was concluded with the singing of "Battle Hymn of the Republic", by Nancy Johnson, state soloist of the' Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars. The Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 4600 was represented at the conference by the president and three other members. Attractive barmaids smile as they prepare for the French Folltes scheduled Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 20 and 21, at the Johnsburg Community club. Standing, from left, are Julie Oeffling, Kim Olsen, Mary Nowak and Debbie Freund; kneeling, from left, Kim Huemann and Kim Spengel. exhibit to be held at the legion hall Feb. 29. March 5, election time, is approaching. Members are encouraged to get their nominations in now. Parents Without Partners is devoted to the welfare and interests of single parents and their children. To be eligible for membership one must be single by reason of death, divorce, separation, or unmarried, and have one or more living children. Custody is nbt a factor. Luncheon, Card Party Benefits Public Library A dessert luncheon and card party by the McHenry Woman's club for the benefit of the public library will be held Feb. 25 at 1 p.m. at the V.F.W. hall. The public is invited to at- French Follies Next Weekend St . Jo^iri the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg, is in the midst of one of its many fund raising events for the restoration of St. John's church. "That cpmmunity has been working for several years to raise a quarter of a million dollars to restore this 143-year- old church. The French Follies will be held Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 20 and 21, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Games of all kinds, several variety shows, exotic dancers, barbershop quartets and an auction are promised these who attend. Everything will be in the tend. Tickets may be pur chased from club members or at the door. A KEY TO '2,500* WORTH OF TREASURE |Coming To. Your Door (IN A PLASTIC BAG) MAR 3rd French motif, including a chef, attractive French bar maids and French pastries. SET SMORGASBORD Sunday, March 7, is the day selected for the annual, homecooked smorgasbord sponsored and hosted by the Activities club of the Prairie Grove school located on Route 176, just east of Route 31. Ad vance ticket sale is set for Wednesday, Feb. 25 at the school during school hours. Anyone wishing to save twenty- five cents per ticket is welcome to visit Prairie Grove on this day for smorgasbord ticket 'bargain day'. There will be no reductions at the door sales. The entire community area is urged to support this effort as all proceeds will be channeled toward completing the school. Bernice Ferraro-Publicity A match is a little thing but it can begin a big fire.