For And About Teenagers IF YOU GO BACK W I T H H I M , WE'LL TAKE THE CAP AWAY.' A Winner of an Oscar Party THIS WEEK'S LETTER: "I am 16 and was going with my boyfriend for 14 months Finally, we broke up for 3 weeks and now realize that we can't keep away from each other We both want to go back together. But my parents are against it. They won't let me go back with him and I really want to go hack as bad as he does. My parents said they'll take the car away if I do. Should I go back with my boyfriend and be happy--with no car--or should I forget about him and satisfy my parents? What should I do?" OUR REPLY: You have to an swer your own question. We can tell you that your parents have reasons ior their actions. Take responsibility for communicating with them and finding out what those reasons are. Make certain they're clear about your inten tions. Be truthful and honest in sharing your feelings with them. They love you and you love them. Work together to handle the situation. We're glad to hear you admit it's possible to be happy with no car, though it would probably be hard to be happy if you're going against your parents wishes. * (licim of Mm of «na lor personal rcpNM caimX ha and/or com mania from rootfors. TO* ANO ABOUT TEENAGERS. BOX FHANKFOHT, KV. 40M1.) from HISTORY S SCRAPBOOK D A T E S A N D E V E N T S F R O M Y E S T E R Y E A R S February 27, lS3S-"Sit-down" strikes are outlawed by the Supreme Court. February 28, 1933-Adolf Hitler's government Issues a decree supressing civil liberties in Germany. February 29,....-This extra day comes every four years because it takes the earth 365>4 days to revolve about the sun and those four one-quarter days make one whole day every fourth year. March 1,18Q3-Ohio is admitted Into the United States as the 17th state. March 2,1923-'4TIME" magazine is published for the first time. March 3, 1837-Congress increases the membership of the U 5. Supreme Court from seven to nine justices. March 4, 17»-The first U.S. Congress, meeting wider the re cently adopted Federal Constitution, convenes in Federal Hall in New York City. The meeting had to adjourn, however, since there wasn't a quorum of members present. California brings us both the prestigious Academy Awards and bl&ck ripe olives. Here's a party idea starring both. Why not ask friends over on Oscar night. March 29. to watch the 48th Annual Academy Awards telecast live on ABC-TV. hon oring film achievements for 1975. You'll be the winner if you in clude this colorful snack bread on your buffet table. Whether it's part of a pre-Awards buffet or late-night supper, this easy-to-prepare snack bread, topped with onions, melted cheese, and tomato and ripe olive wedges, will please all your fans. "AWAW-WINNING SNACK BREAD 1 (6-ox.) can pitted California 2 caps packaged biscait mix ripe olives I medium tomato, peeled VA caps sliced onions Vi cmjm ,hredded pncem 2 tablespoons batter or Swiss cheese margarine 3 tablespoons chopped parsley F. Drain ripe olives; cut into wedges. Melt til te Preheat oven to 425 butter. Add onions and cook until tender but not browned. Pre pare biscuit mix according to package directions. Knead lightly, then roll thin into a • x 12-inch Rectangle on greased baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cut tomato into thin wedges. Remove bread from oven. Spread cooked onions over bread, then sprinkle with ripe olives and cheese. Arrange tomato wedges over top and sprinkle lightly with parsley. Return to oven, and bake about 15 minutes longer. Serve hot, cut into squares. Makes 12 (3-inch) squares. In 1840, the bones from the skeletons of 100 mammoth, 20 arctic elephants and countless other smaller animals were removed from one sand pit in Kentucky. Cheese Puff Is A 4-In-l Sandwich * The insatiable sandwich snatcher is usually under the age of twelve, dotes on peanut butter and jelly and hamburg ers, though not necessarily at the same time, and would al most rather skip dinner than sample the broccoli amandine. If your youngsters are in satiable sandwich snatchers, you can expand their appetite horizons by serving them a sandwich that's more interest ing than bologna. Cheese Ham Puff will appeal to them--espe cially after they've spent a chilly afternoon making a snow man. Developed by home econ omists at Meadow Gold Dairies, Cheese Ham Puff is four sand wiches smothered in a protein- rich batter and baked. CHEESE HAM PUFF (Serves 4) 8 slices white bread or four English muffins, split 1/4 cup (V2 stick) MShdow Gold butter, softened 8 slices cooked ham 8 slices process American * cheese 3 eggs, beaten 2 cups Meadow Gold buttermilk 1 teaspoon grated onion t 2 teaspoons horseradish \/4 teaspoon dry mustard Spread bread slices with but ter. Arrange four slices on bot tom of buttered 8-inch square pan. Cover each with a slice of ham and cheese; repeat layers. Combine eggs, buttermUk, onion, horseradish, and dry mustard. Pour over sandwiches. Bake in pre-heated 325-degree oven for 1 hour. Serve imme diately , Food and England The first food law of England was the Assize of Bread of 1203. It dealt with false weights. Offen ders were driven through the streets with loaves of bread tied around their necks. Cheddar cheese is named for the village of Cheddar in England where it originated. "10-2" Copy From The "B0SSMAN" at r**££] asnc|aacn BASE (KYY8174) MONITOR CH. 14 The Citizens band - officially called The Citizens Radio Service -- is an Federal Communications Com mission approved 2-way communications service for everyone. R is intended to provide short-distance ra dio-telephone communications for business and personal activities. R is the largest and most widely used communi cations medium with the exception of the telephone. There are approximately one million licensed CB*ers who operate around five million transceivers. (Trans ceivers are a combination receiver and transmitter unit. They range from desk-top and console models for base stations to in-dash and under-dash models for cars and other vehicles and to small hand-held walkie-talkie units.) Licensed operators are U.S. citizens or resident- aliens who are 18 years old or older. Persons much younger can operate licensed stations if they are members of the licensee's household or business. The licensee is technically responsible for any violations that may be committed by other operators. The range of a station depends on several variables. These include antenna type, antenna height, atmospheric and manmade noise on the channel and interference from other stations on the channel at the same time that you are. * Generally, you can expect a base station to base station range of around 25 miles in the city and 25 to 35 miles in the country. Base to mobile range is around 10 to 12 miles in the average city and up to 20 miles in the country. Reliable contacts between mobile units averages 5 to 10 miles in cities and pos sibly up to 15 miles in the country. Please call or stop in as we have a wealth of infor mation on CB and how it can be useful 1 to you. We tarry a complete line of helpfull books plus the FCC Part 95 Rules & Regulations. Watch This Space Every Issue For Interesting CB Information I r $ K £ S \ 3719 ML Elm Lafayette RETAIL & WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS OF ELECTRONIC MERCHANDISE McHenry, III. Ph. 385-4646 February Special . SUITS AND SP0RTC0ATS BROKEN SIZES CllitC WERE TO $110 lllll w •••••••••••••••••••••* Sportcoats WERE TO $75 •••••••••••••• + jo. T,ig enough to Serve You" . "Small enough to Know You" 1245 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. Timely Tips Dip shears in warm water before supping raisins, marsh- mallows. dates and candled fruit For an unexpected delight, try doves on vegetables such as squash, sweet potatoes, beans and beets i. 'm shopping If you go to the store hungry, you may buy things you don't need Shop for foods that are good sources of important nttnents Variety in foods and meals is the best way to make sure your diet is nutntionallv well balanced Law Defines Access To Personal Records "A citizen can gain access to information about himself, or herself, and obtain a copy of all or any portion of it and correct or amend it," an official from Washington DC. reported recently to Jimmie D. Lucas, county executive director of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service < ASCS), Lucas said ASCS offices are receiving explanations about the Privacy act of 1974 that went into effect at the end of last September because such offices'maintain some records on employees, committeemen, farmers and certain in dividuals who do business with ASCS. He indicated that James H. Dinwiddie is coordinator of the privacy and freedom of information effort, and director of the Data Systems division of the Agriculture depart ment's ASCS agency. Dinwiddie said, "The Privacy act affects each one of us as citizens. You can now determine what personal records are collected, main tained, used or disseminated by any federal agency. And ad ditional disclosure* without the individual's consent are prohibited "Regarding your social security number, no federal state or local government agency can require you to disclose your number, unless they had legal requirement for it prior to Jan 1. 1975." Din widdie said The explanation noted that even on existing requirements, you must be told the authority for the disclosure and what use will be made of the number. Dinwiddie noted that except for the social security number provision, the Privacy act of 1974 applies only to federal record systems. It does, however, create a Privacy Protection Study commission which will recommend legislation covering the private sector. "We will probably be seeing continued legislative interest in what Justice Louis Brandeis once called 'the right most valued by civilized man...the right to be let alone," Din widdie said. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY ». 19J* mm resident alien, may con- .> tribute if he or she has a tax liability of $1 or more For joint returns, the tax liability must he at leaat S3 in order for both taxpayers to make a designation. Wives and husbands may make different ^ choices concerning whether they want to contribute. Chariest K Miriam. IRS district director for northern Illinois, pointed out that par ticipating in the check-off.* neither increases the amount of tax owed nor decreases any refund due * All moneys designated comes from tax liability and goes into a special fund to be distributed to eligible > presidential candidates • • • • • • • • • • • Taxpayers may designate f l of their 1975 federal income tax. or 92 on a Joint return, to the presidential election campaign fund. However, the 1975 return is the last one on which tax payers may contribute money to the fund for use in the 197* Presidentail election Taxpayers have designated approximately 162 l million for the fund since the income tax dollar check-off procedure was initiated on 1972 returns About $31 9 million of the total came from designations on 1974 returns Every individual, except a f 9999 '9999 THE LAW SERVES YOU i GIVE YOUR LANDLORD OR TENANT NOTICE! If you are one of the thousands of Illinois residents who are landlords or tenants of rental property, the Illinois State Bar association savs you should be aware of the statutory requirements or notice you must serve prior to a legal termination of your lease. Notice serves the important function of making the other party aware that a new place to rent or new tenanta must be found. These statu tea were designed to protect all parttsa to tfce-H lease when termination is required '*1 When the rental is for a certain period, the tenant ia bound In give *• up possession on that date and no notice to quit or demand for * possession la necessary. But when the leaae Is baaed on a week la week or aome other penod-to> period baata, the require men ta of , notice apply. Theae requirements are aa follow* • PERIOD OF LEASE NOTICE KKQt !IRFD A. Week-to-week Ttlayt B Greater than week-to-week but »dav* leas than year-to-year gp ,t«v« C Year to-year a migtfka wfca la md ¥i D. Year-to-year of farm lands ye* letittm i*h nhI** ma> it* he eau»t m a . SOMETHING TO LEAP ABOUT . . . SUPER SPRING FASHIONS FOR EVERYONE V > r REALTHTEX HER MAJESTY CARTER'S LEVIS _ JOCKEY TOBIAS WEATHER TAMER QUEEN CASUALS TIME & PLACE HIGH TIDE DEENA NUNN-BUSH DEXTER CONNIE NINA KEDS CONVERSE & ilPLUS A SPECIAL LEAP YEAR TREATl 11 FEB. 26 H THURS. FEB. 27 FRI. FEB. SA1 28 FEB. 29 f. SUN. Kill ENTIRE SELECTION 1| Men's, Women's & Children's I SHOES on aril (Not including Sandals) '%0f •JLLLV. 1 Ol iluj Men's & Children's K 50%qffj fSBB WBsanm I 1 1219 N. Green St 395-1112 McHenry III. Mon. thru Thurs.. 9 to 6 Fri. 9 to 9 Sat. 9 to 6 Sun. 9 to 2