Spring Eva Freund Grove 675-2135 HOSTED BY MAYOR - 1976 Heart Fund Prince and Princess of the Chicago Heart association, Brad Peckler and Candy Ramsey, both former open heart surgery patients, are hosted by Honorary Heart fund chairman, Richard J. Daley, Mayor of Chicago, while Louis C. Duncan, general campaign chairman, announces that contributions to the Chicago Heart association and its divisions have reached the half way point to the overall heart fund goal of $1,500,000. The campaign, which started in February, continues through June. Candy resides at 3708 Hamlin street, McHenry. GOP League Holds 1976 Convention Carl R. Hansen, president of the John Ericsson Republican League of Illinois, has an nounced that the organization will hold its 1976 annual con vention and banquet Saturday, March 13, at the Sheraton-Inn Walden, in Schaumburg. The convention, the eighty-second annual for the Scandinavian I STORE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 10-5 Republican organization, is the election of officers for the state league. The John Ericsson league, founded in 1894 to promote Republicans of Scandinavian descent, serves as an umbrella organization for local county chapters state-wide. The league is the oldest, existing Republican organization in the state of Illinois, and takes pride in its eighty-one year record of success. George Lindberg of Crystal Lake, who serves as state comptroller, is president of the McHenry county chapter. Morttorlous Service Rewarded By Bronx• Trophy Charles Heppner was presented a bronze Trophy for twenty-three years of meritorius service as a volunteer fireman in Glenview where he and his wife resided before moving to Spring Grove. This leadership award was received by him at the ninth annual Glenview Civic award night at Glenview country house on Feb. 19, at a Bicen tennial dinner in honor of good citizenship. Other awards received by Mr. Heppner through the years as a fireman were a gold badge and a watch. MOVE TO MONTANA Major and Mrs. Charles Korus and family have moved to Montana arriving there on Feb. 28. Major Korus is stationed at Malmstrom Air Force base. Mrs. Korus and children spent the past six months with her mother, Eva Freund. Her husband had an assignment/ in Turkey for one year. The oldest daughter, Sherri is still living with her grand mother, Eva Freund. She is a student at Richmond-Burton high school and will finish out her school year. PROGRAM ON CANCER At the next meeting of the Christian Mothers society on March 18 held in St. Peter's hall, there will be a program on the importance of early dedection of cancer and periodic check-ups. The program will start at 8 p.m, there will be a speaker and a film-strip. All women are invited to attend and bring a friend. Cake and coffee will be served. Teacher Of The Week (District /.»> Houdtni They also take man\ local field trip* such as to the hospital, fire house and the library Her students are in volved in the bask skills taught at the first grade level They PAGE S • PLAINDFALF.R WEDNESDAY. MARCH 10, 1V76 are using creative writing to enrich their Language arts skills Mrs Martin resides in McHenry BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Robert Sturm, who is going to be twenty years old. March 8 and to Suzanne Moore. March 10 \A j 385 4520 B[ AU f Y SALON spuryeons This Week.•• Save on body shapers by Lovable®* •• fust 2*59 each, or TUES. 9-5 WED. 9-5 (Senior Citizens Day) THURS.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-5 Seam-free special. Style 702 -- smooth and seam- free, fiberfill-lined with cross-over styling and plunge front. Stretch straps, undercup band, sides, back. White. 34-36 A; 34-38 B and C. Full figure comfort. Style 710--3-section cup for up lift, shoulder pads for com fort. Wide straps, sides, back. Undercup stretch band. White poly/cotton. 38-42 B; 38-46 C;40-46 D. Doubleknit cross-over. Style 750--soft, smooth tri cot. Stretch sides, adjust able straps. White. 34-38 B; 34-40 C. Style 751 - fiberfill contoured version, in 34-36 Ar 34-38 B andC. Cotton knit camisole. Style 709--airy, cool cotton knit with fiberfill lined under- cups. Wide camisole straps with stretch ends for easy comfort. In white, 34-36 A; 34-38 B; 34-38 C. •1 » 1656 9 I t (tr"iwi j McHenry, III. 4400 W. Rte. 120 385-4100 CLUB MEETS Dolores May entertained members of her club at her home on Thursday evening, Feb 26. Dessert lunch was served after which cards were played Prizes went to Emma Kattner. Margaret Weber and Evelyn Clark * LENTEN SERVICES The holy season of Lent opened on Ash Wednesday with a Mass at 8 a m. and Mass at 7 p.m at St Peter's church. Distribution of Ashes was given at both Masses During Lent, there will be Mass every morning at 9 a m. and 7 p.m on Wednesday Stations of 'the Cross will be held every Friday at 7 p.m Lakeland Park Marilyn Nystrom 385 7014 Surprise Party For Neighbor EMPLOYMENTSURVEY During the week of March 15- 20, the U.S. Bureau of the Census will conduct its regular survey on employment and unemployment in this area, according to Forrest P. Cawley, Jr., director of the Bureau's Regional office in Chicago. In addition to the usual questions on current employment, the March survey will have questions on the work experience and income of household members last year and whether they have moved since March 1, 1975. MABE1. MARTIN Mrs Mabel Martin is a fu»i grade teacher at Landmark school She is a graduate of Southern Illinois university and has taken graduate studies from National College and l^i Verne college Mrs Martin previously taught in Paris. IL, Mur physboro and was a civilian Instructor for the airplane mechanics school in Gulfport, MS She is married and has one son She enjoys reading, sewing, playing bridge and is a member of the Language Arts committee. Her students recenUy visited Mill Run and enjoyed "Young A surprise birthda> partv was held in Chicago tor one of our local citizens. Louis Arroyo It *as planned by his sisters-in-law Carmen Pinto and Ester Bara>as. along with his wife Terri The party was one of the largest of the year and was a complete surprise to Ixm' Many of his friends from McHenry were there including the Licastros. the Steiners. the Stuarts, the Haerles, the Davidsons, the Emerys and many out-of towners The food was out of this world, including enchiladas, tosdados. beef, salad and hot peppers that were really hot' The music was supplied by a Mariachi band for dancing and the entertainment was a belly- dancer that had Lou's eyes bulging, stuffing her costume with money supplied by the guests l<oujs has been a neighbor for many vears and his friends are man> in McHenry He has been active in the McHenry l^ons club the local Moose lodge and in the Lakeland Park property owners association Everyone had a good time and wished Louis good luck Incidentally. Louie is fifty \ears young, but doesn t look it' EARLY MORNING . PARKING Alderman Walter Schaedle has checked into the situation of parking on our streets Some people have gotten tickets and were upset There is a city ordinance that prohibits early morning parking on streets So if you want to avoid receiving a ticket, please follow °the or dinance LITTLE LEAGUE SIGN UP Roys and girls. Little league registration will be held March 13 and 14 at the lakeland Park community house from 12 to 4 p m both days The children must be between the ages of eight and twelve and must have birth certificates with them ANNIVERSARY Happy anniversary to Mr and Mrs L Michaels who will be celebrating on March 9 Sharon Gaddlt Recovers From Hoart Surgory Sharon Gaddis's open heart surger> March 2 has been a success In commenting, the doctor said he had never seen any one recover from such a serious operation as fast - The Gaddis family has a summer home in Sunrise Ridge, and Sharon s grand mother Grace Smith, lives at 3803 Lake Shore drive. Wonder l^ike Sharon will welcome cards from her many friends in Wonder Lake The address is Children's Memorial Hospital. 2300 Children s Plaza. Chicago 60614 Pyramids Quetzalcoatl is the world s largest pyramid Ijoratrd some M miles southeast of Memco Qty. it's the largest monument ever constructed It n 177 feet tall with a base area of nearly 45 acres Its total volume has been estimated at 4 3 million cubic yards Most of the world's pyramids were built between the eh and 12th centuries A Good Reason to Visit McHenry State Bank . . . to use your own Personal Bank Vanlt your own safe deposit box! Where your most valuable items can be kept absolutely safe. Where are you now keeping car titles, deeds, birth certificates, stocks and bontjs, insurance policies, coin collections, rare stamps, etc.? They should be in a really safe place. Your safe deposit box at McHENRY STATE BANK % \ A FULL SERVICE BANK McHenry State Bank 3510 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. Phone 385-1040 \l lll ^ i \ t * B \ \ K V