PAGE U • PLALNDEALER-WEDNE8DAY. MARCH IT. IWH HFIP WANTED 3BSBBCBBEB3ErfHHBj MAINTENANCE WELDER r , Experienced in maintenance J welding and machine repair. & Must be able to work from blueprints AA M Q D I N E MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood R*J. RING WOOD, ILLINOIS An Equal Opportunity Employer 3-17 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM RANCH, com pletely carpeted, large kitchen. 24 car garage.fireplace, 14 baths. Lakeland Park $38,000. 385-7848 or 344-1618 3-3 3-12 By Owner, 2 bedroom aluminum aided ranch, with one car gar age, completely remodeled throughout. $28,500. No brokers Call Days 385-9312 Evenings 385-5964 3-12/3-19 TOOL AND DIE 2nd Shift Fully qualified tool maker, capable of making new dies, fixtures, etc. - i '10'4 This is a permanent position offering good starting pay plus excellent fringe package. TFntermatic AJL INCORPORATED Intermatic Plaza Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, Illinois 60081 Telephone 815-675-2321 An equal opportunity employer M/F 3-12/3-17 I IF YOU DON'T WANT I A HOUSE THAT IS I • MADE OUT OF GINGERBREAD, BUT 1 • A LOT OF GOOD 1 1 QUALITY 1 Gall 1 N • BOB STECK & • • 1 SONS ' 1 • McHenry Shores 1 1 815-385-0804 • • 1 2-4/3-17 1 • •• m FOR SALE BY OWNER W0RTHM00R ESTATES $48,900.00 2 year old custom built Wick/frame U shaped ranch. On %acre. 3bedrm. 1% bath, family room with black stone fireplace, w/w carpeting throughout. 2 car garage, 1700 sq. ft. living space. Community Beach and boat privileges. 113 E. Navajo Trail By appointment only Call 815-385-0243 3-17/3-26 VACANT PROPt RTY WOODED LOT McCullom Lake. 70 x 150 $5,000 312-543-0698 3-10/3-17 VACANT One Plus acres zoned light Industry McHenry area. Terms available Arthur T. Mcintosh & Co.. 312-372 2040 extension C. 3-3-tf 1-2 PETS FOR SALE Registered 10 month old L.Haso Apso for sale $100 815-344- 1357 3-17/3-19 One Miniature white poodlj, AKC registered, 6 months old 385-5949 after 6 p.m. 3-17/3-19 WANTED TO BUY WANTED SECOND CAR 2 dr., automatic, power and air, good condition. 815-653-9652 3-17/3-19 WANTED TO RENT Wanted to Rent, 1 car garage, must have cement floor. Call 312-639-3236 3-12/3-17 If V0U 00 SHOPPING WITHOUT FIRST READING THE MCHENRY PL.MNOEALKR HELP WANTED Dependable babysitter needed, Lakeland Park area. 12:30 - 5:00 5 days a week. 385-5314 . 3-12/3-17 R E A L E S T A T E SALESPERSON. Work in miodern building, great location, high commissions, Axible hours, Call for in terview. Twin Oaks Realty, 3^36 W. Elm St., McHenry. 385- ?2«3. MOTORCYCLES '2*3 1973 TX 500 Yamaha has only 800 actual miles. Mint condi tion $915. 815-344-1098 or 815- 385-0314. 3-17/3-19 Penton 125, sell for parts. 385- 2335 after 3:00 p.m. • 3/17-TF 1973 CCM 250 MX 4 stroke, excellent condition $800. Phone 815-385-8921 after 4 pm 3-10/3-17 HORSES FOR SALE 7 year Buckskin mare, good color, good build, versatile, good jumper, experienced rider would appreciate. Must sell $500. or best offer. 815-385- 7236 3-18/3-19 YOU'RE LOSING MONEY AND TIME SITUATION WANTED Winter for hire. Will work by flour or by job. Reasonable juices. Call 385-7797. 7 3-10/3-17 ^ptEE-LANCE ARTIST seeks graphic design work (^b rochures , book le t s , igazine-newspaper layout, ckaging) Phone 385-5267. 3-123-17 SNOWMOBILES ftftf SCORPION Super Stinger otwcct electric starter, exce llent condition $750 or best 385"4107- 3-17/3-19 r 1972 440 Artie Cat, Panther, §• must sell $550. Call after 5 | pm 385-4843 3-12/3-19 I 1975 "Eltigre" 340 "Z" model f low mileagp 385-4036after 5 pm = 3-10/3-17 E ic f ^W! j iS t5 Ytanaha Motoc ros s D i r t Bike, 125 cc Excellent condition Ask ing $625 . Ca l l 385 -5193 a f ter 5 3-17/3-19 '69 Honda, CB 350 padded Sissy Bar. new paint, excel lent condition 385-8498 3-17/3-19 FOUND TUESDAY - METAL FRAME EYEGLASSES on Riverside Drive. Can be claimed for cost of ad 385-0170 3-12/3-19 PET COLUMN GIVE AWAY Shepherd mixed, female, medium size, 8 months old, very friendly, all shots. 459-7781 3-12 ' ' " ' " i t * * ' " " ' • Small black puppy, part Peek-a-poo, 3 months old. 385-5435 3-12 WATCHDOG, male, collie spaniel mix, medium size, 4 yrs. Has shots, housebroken, family dog 385-9073 3-17 To good home only, male Lilac point Siamese cat "Humphrey". 1 year old, 12 lbs. intelligent, great disposition, very affectionate 385-6425 3-17 1 Peek-a-poo, good w/children, 1 full blooded irish setter, needs room to run. To good home 385-2364 after 5 p.m. 3.17 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PERSONALS So-So attractive gentleman of 26 years, searching for female companion of 18-40 years, who is looking for a new start in life. Physical appearance is not of major concern, must be free to re-locate. Sfingle status preferred, but 'unmarried Mother with one child O.K. ^ferriage is possible. Only serious minded indi vidual need apply. Send letter briefly stating, why you answered this ad. Please include phone number. Contact Jason c/o Box MA 2. 0/0 McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. 60050 _ | 3*1<? -)lu 'JnTljouritrl X•HATED FEATURES NOW PLAYING 7 * *4S Nifhtty -- It 8 Over -- Douau KATU« -- AU. HAT* NOW *3 SO •50,000 SUMMIT TVs Fnt Lan 6am Shm UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY! 4 bedroom, 1% bath, two story home on 2% lots. Formal dining room, living room with fireplace, family room off kit chen. Apply tender loving care and it will be your dream house! VM 3 or 4 Bedroom Single Family Homes: $33,400 to $38,250 if mmm 1 mm stehk COLOR PUIS TNI TOUCH OF GENIE •0 MSSES MU • HOROttf) INCL HOMESITE Vets -- No Money Down. FHA and Conventional financing available. Fine Homes by William Seideman & Sons (m ̂ 0 --y .«--0 1235 Fairfield Road, Round Lake Beach, 111. 0M|i||||a|A a Models Open 7 days a week, 10 to 7 dUTTfiAS Telephone: 546-3636 WOODS HOMESITES AVAILABLE: Round Lake Lindenhurst • Lake Bluff • Sunnyside Homesites vary in Cost based on Size and Location Paris r Weusla Vi & ENTER YOUR NAME... YOU COULD V WIN TRIP TO PARIS Clf t , ws>k w,,h " «sSsaa==sr= Chompo9«® 'H m, 62 Second Prizes: Win 1 of 62 dinners for two at JOl Garden in Chicago*1 p*r*tor« 310 Third Prizes: 41 Famous French wine and cheese com binations • 5 per store APRIL IN PARIS ENTRY BLANK NAME ADDRESS. CITY_ TELEPHONE No Purchase Necessary. Need Not Be Present to Win. 'A Qualifications: No purchase necessary, inter thru Wednesday, March 31st. Drawing Saturday. April 3. 1976. You must be 18 or older to win. Winner need not be present. Dominlck's employees or Immediate families are not eligible, inter as often as you wish. TRIP MUST BE REDEEMED BY AUG. 31. 1976.NO SUBSTITUTIONS. /