County Homemakers At j Births Annual IHEF Conference 1 Special guests are shown with President Evelyn Osmon, left to right, front row, Eleanore Reid, McHenry Unit secretary; Jerreene Merritt, 11th district president; Evelyn Osmon, McHenry unit president; and lolene Biangardi, McHenry County, council president; back row, Margaret Datz, McHenry unit secretary; Pat Huxmann, nth district secretary; and Becky Gabel, McHenry County council secretary. "Home: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" is the theme of the 1976 annual conference of the Illinois Homemakers Ex tension federation, March 1ft- 18. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Among those attending are seven homemakers from McHenry county, says Nancy Moore, McHenry county Ex tension adviser Dr Effie Ellis of Chicago, a consultant on child growth and development, will deliver a talk titled the "Quality of Life." Dr. Ellis was one of the original architects of the American Medical association's "Quality of Life Program," which was concerned with the prevention of illness, the maintenance of health and etiology of disease At the annual Elsie Mies % 1% ChurcH Women United- The McHenry unit Membership team, left to right, front row, are Doris Henken, chairman; Pearl Cooper, Frances Matchen and Midge Scharf; back row, Tina Boeker, Adele Butler, Jane Grothman, Alyce Brda and Lorraine Freund. Earlier this month World Day of Prayer service for this area was held af Christ the King church in Wonder Lake. Guests registered and gathered for coffee and break fast cakes baked and served by the hospitality guild of the sodality at Christ the King. Therese Jinga, hospitality chairman for Church Women United, and all the ladies who helped her in the kitchen, made this an enjoyable time for everyone to meet socially. The churches represented were Nativity Lutheran, Christ the King, Zion Lutheran, Faith A m P r i ra n L ef i io n Auxi l iary News McHENRY UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper Special guests at the annual Membership dinner of the McHenry unit were Mr and Mrs. Matthew Merrit of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huxmann of Villa Park, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Biangardi of Fox River Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gabel of Fox River Grove, E.J. Osmon and Ed Datz. Mrs. Merritt is the 11th district president; Mrs. Huxmann is her secretary; Mrs. Biangardi is the McHenry County council president and Mrs. Gabel is the McHenry County council secretary. Approximately 100 members and guests were present to see the following members receive their 'honor guard' pins: Margaret Stilling, 30-ypar pin; Lorraine Gausden, Nadine Larkin and Mary Meyer were awarded their 25-year pins; Lorraine Boyle, Ethel Buch, Christine Hanford, Judy Homo, Marilyn Harrison, Marie Howe, Marian Reinwall, Margaret Scharf, Elaine Nell, Mary Lou Thennes, Adele Weber and Eileen White all received 20- year pins. Recipients of 15-year pins were Dorothy Buchert, Sylvia Cooper, Lydia Fenner, Loretta Freund, Marlene Goetschel, Florence Holly and Colleen Miller, while Karen Alford. Doris Henken, Helen Heuser, Shirley Smith, Laura Weber, Gertrude Murray and Dorothy Wilson received 10- year pins. Mrs. Merritt commented on the good work the McHenry unit is doing in all aspects of the American Legion auxiliary and congratulated the unit for having 100 percent quota plus six in membership. Membership chairman, Mrs. David (Doris) Henken, was in charge of the dinner and awarded the membership committee with gifts of ap preciation. Midge Scharf, once again, was the "Top-Go- Getter", with Pearl Cooper right behind. Other members of The Membership team were Frances Matchen, Alyce Brda, Tina Boeker, Lorraine Freund, Adele Butler and Jane Groth- mann. The gals were congratulated for a 'job well done'. The past presidents of the McHenry unit were introduced to the members and guests, as well as the past presidents of the McHenry County council and the 11th district, the latter being Minnie Meyer and Ruth Mrachek. Husbands and guests were invited after the dinner for dancing. The wonderful dinner was prepared and served by members of the McHenry Rifle squad, with Bernie Matchen and Ed Reid in charge of the cooking. A donation was made to the Rifle squad by the auxiliary members, the Rifle Squad in turn donated the money back to the Auxiliary to be used for new drapes for the hall. banquet Wednesday. Reid Lewis. French teacher from Elgin, will present a travelog of the Joliet-Marquette ex pedition. IHEF members will also attend sessions taught by the University of Illinois Extension staff Following ii a list of topics: Our Response to World Hunger; Polls and Public Opinions; The Bugs in Your Life; The Informed Health' Consumer; Family Recreation at Home; Consumerism: Past* Present, Future; -Care of Plants in the Home; Working Women and the Law, Colonial Illinois; Estate Planning; Comfort Conditioning Your Home. Those attending from McHenry county include Mary Harrer of McHenry. Presbyterian, Oak Park Seventh Day Adventist, St. Patrick's, St. John's, St. Paul's, Mt. Hope Methodist, Ringwood Methodist, St. Gilbert of Grayslake, Crystal Lake United Methodist, and St. Mary's. After the coffee hour, everyone gathered together , in church for the service which was prepared this year by the women of Latin America for the International committee for the World Day of Prayer. The service reflected the concern of Latin American women for education, for all of life. Father Tranel, pastor at Christ the King church, gave the opening talk, in which he welcomed all the churches that had come together to pray. He reminded of the very definite unity that exists among all because they are brothers in Christ, who believe in the same God. Judy Lermer led the service. Mrs. Walkington, Betty Gabel, and Barb Barthuly gave the Bible readings. Sister Virginia Lawrence, program chairman for Church Women United, was organist for the service. <Petile ^uibine Award Winning Restaurant THURSDAY SPECIAL Beef Royal Thin slices of beef tenderloin saute' with fresh mushrooms and bordelaise sauce. Served on bed of rice pilaff. k50 »5! FRIDAY SPECIAL -- Stuffed Crepes St. Michel^ with American sauce. Stuffed with scallops, crabmeat, lobster and shrimp $5 25 These specials include Soup de Jour, Salad, Vegetables, Bread and Butter. PLUS SERVING OUR REGULAR AND GOURMET DINNERS 220 W. RAND ROAD 815-385-7495 LAKEM00R East of McHerny Before You Buy A New Car, See Us. We Make Auto Loans. Too. McHENRY S A V I N G S « I Q M A S S O C I A T I O N McHenry Savings W AND LOAN ASSOCIATION^^ 10520 Mam Street (Rts 12 & 173) • Richmond Illinois • 678-2061 1209 North Green Street • McHenry Illinois • 385-3000 SAVERS HOURS 900am to 4 30pm Monday Tuesday and Thursday 900am to 8 p m Friday 9 00 a m to 3 00 p m Saturday McHenry Dnve-ln Window open Wednesday 9 00 a m t • 2 00 p m Closed Wednesday in Richmond McHENRY MONEY MACHINE OPEN 24 HRS A DAY EVERY DAY' ESEE A girl. Rebecca Marie. *as horn to Mr and Mrs John Gilmore, 216 Burnett avenue, I-ake Villa She is the first child of the Gilmores and was born Feb 27 in McHenry hospital, weighing 7 lbs . 6 oz Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Tiddens of Northbrook and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence Gilmore of St Charles Mrs Gilmore is a second grade teacher at the J C Busch elementary school, Johnsburg MCHENRY HOSPITAL BIRTHS Mr and Mrs Juan Ruiz. 703 Hilltop. McHenry. are the parents of a girl born March 10 A girl was born to Mr and Mrs Edward Okpisz, Jr.. 770H Camellia, Ringwoodon March 9. March 10 will be the birthdate of a girl born to Mr and Mrs Michael Flowers. 5504 May -avenue. Richmond Mr and Mrs John Dupree, 3913 W Oak. McHenry are the parents of a girl born March 12 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr and Mrs Richard Tomlinson. McHenry. are the Others who participated in leading the hymns and acting in the skits were Toni Stowe. Mary Yager. Jan Maksymiak. Roberta Dicker, Pat Crocco. Helen Urquhart and Vince Kaminski Baby sitting was offered by Elmira Simone parents of a bo\ born March 14 A girl was bom to Mr and Mrs Henry C Jackson. Wonder Like on March 14 March 13 will be the birthday of a ho> horn to Mr and Mrs Mark Bentz. Spring drove j^iiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiimiiiiitg | Hospital Notes MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital recently included Eleanor Pratt, Bar bara Diebold. Sandra Kringstad, Margaret Stowell, Bernice Donovan, Malinda Michels. Ida Barker. Philip Fleming. Jr . Raymond lx>h, Johnny Short. Tracy Dotson. Jon Mark Clary. Brian Clary, Monty Hayes. Martin Jarvis. Barbara Ftno and Frances Steffes. McHenry. Dominic lodice, Samantha Iodice, .and Harry O'Dell, . Wonder l.ake. James Bartell. Island l.ake, • Katherine Rzeczkowski, Ringwood, Hilbert Moore and Elsie Burgovne. Ingleside MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memorial hospital. Woodstock included Jerome May, Cheryl Groff, Keelyn Cronson. Kim berly Szalaj, Thomas Davis, Nancvetta Monear. McHenry. Julia Risko, G. l^eroy Strom. Wonder l,ake, Theresa Dettke, Ingleside HARVARD HOSPITAL Diana Rother. McHenry. has been admitted as a patient to Harvard hospital. Harvard Community] Calendar MARCH 17 Hilltop School Bicentennial Program - Election of HPTO officers -- School Cafeteria -- 7 W pm Cornbeef and Cabbage Dinner V F W Clubhouse 5 to 8 p m McHenry Kiwanis Serving - Public Invited Pi$takee Highlands Women s Club Ninth Annual Luncheon and Card Party - VFW Hall - 12 Noon - Tickets Available At the lV»or St Patrick s Day Card Party And Luncheon Spring Grove r • St Peter's Hall - 12 Noon -- Sponsored By Christian Mother s Society McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Bus Luncheon Theater Trip to Rockton -• Bus I .eaves McHenry State Bank -- 10 a m MARCH 18 and 25 Auditions •- "Butterflies are Free" -- McHenry Country Club -a 30 to 11 p m - Information or Interview -- 815-675 206fi Or ARTS - Box 542, McHenrv, II MARCH 18 Joyce Kilmer Court 573 -- Catholic Daughters of America -- Business and Social Meeting * • K o f C H a l l - 8 p m Senior Citizen Walk-In Center -- Card and Crafts -- St. Patrick's Party -• 10 a m to 4 pm Drivers Refresher Course - Second Session 10 a m to 12 Noon City Hall McCullom Lake Con servation Club •• Regular Meeting McCullom l,ake Beach House -8pm Christian Mothers Meeting - 7 30 pm - St Peter's Hall - Spring Grove - Program Follows -8pm *- Public In vited - Coffee and Cake MARCH 18 Valley View School Fashion Show 7 30pm - School Hall • &5I5 W Route 120 United Methodist Women -- General Meeting - 7 30 pm « Program "Crosses of Christendom ' - First United Methodist Church MARCH 19 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM Regular Meeting - Oak Room - St Mary 's School- • 7 1 p m M ARCH 20 „ J o h n s b u r g P i g t a i l Registration J C Bush School -llam to 1 p m ' Birth Certificate Required MARCH 22 McHenry Senior Citizens -j.. Club Meeting - 7 30 p m - East Campus Cafeteria MARCH 23 McHenry Chapter No 547 - Order Of Eastern Star -- Stated Meeting -8pm MARCH 24 McHenry Grams Grand mothers Club Fashion Show - 7 30 p m St Patrick'* Church Hall -- Refreshments --* Tickets Available At Door STORE HOURS: MON.-FR 1.9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 10-5 spurgeons 2,3 and 4 pie ce Spring pant sets, \is week... Junior, misses' and women's sizes in all the' new looks you'll want to wear this Spring snappy pantsuits, twin sweaters with pants, shirt or jacket with shell and pant trios, plus 4-pc. sets with matching and contrasting pants. You'll find an exciting selection of fabrics and icolors in solids and patterns, reg. $13.99-S26 11.99-20.80 OPEN SUNDAY 10 10 S h this we«k 385 4520 B E A U T Y S A L O N TILS. 9-5 WEI), (Senior ( iti /ens I)av) THURS.-FRI. y-'y SAT, 9 .5 & 1 8 9 1 6 5 6 9 ;aro 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHeniy, III. 385-4100