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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1976, p. 3

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[ •H Births 1 Mrs. Rose Ann VandenBrink, McHenry, is the grandmother of a new granddaughter, Jessica Ann Walsh, born March 24 in Lutheran General hospital. Jessica is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guerkin Walsh, 9606 Higgins road, Rosemont. She weighed 9 lbs., U oz., and has a sister, Molly, two and a half years, to help take care of her. Her grandfather is John Van­ denBrink of Sheldon, la. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith, 810 W. Nancy, McHenry, are the parents of a boy born March 30. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dillon, 814 Wooster Lake road, Ingleside, March 31. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black, 1710 Lake wood, McHenry, are the parents of a new daughter born on March The Veterans administration operates the largest health­ care system in the United States. Landscaping Painting Demonstration Slated Legal Notice DON NEUBAUER The Northland area Art league, with the help of Don Neubauer, will present a full Hold Speech-Hearing Convention April 9-10 The Illinois Speech and Hearing association will hold its 16th annual convention in Chicago at McCormick Inn April 9 and 10. New approaches and techniques in the areas of speech, hearing, and language will be presented. Guest speakers will include both local and national authorities in the areas of speech and hearing. The guest speaker at the association luncheon to be held April 9 at 11:45 a.m. will be Joseph M. Cronin, state superintendent of education, Illinois Office of Education. All interested individuals are in­ vited to register and attend this two day conference. Presentations during the convention include sixteen sessions of contributed papers in the areas of speech and language development and disorders, hearing science, rehabilitative audiology, and professional affiars. New WHO KNOWS? 1. How did December get its name? 2. How many U.S. Presi­ dents were born in De­ cember? 3. Name them. 4. What flower represents December? 5. Where does mistletoe grow? 6. When is the first Ad­ vent Sunday? 7. What is its signifi­ cance? 8. Name the ancient birthstone for Decem­ ber. 9. Who wrote "Huckle­ berry Finn"? 10.Name the 19th Presi­ dent of the U.S. Answers To Wto Kiows 1. From the Latin word decern, meaning ten. 2. Three. 3. Martin Van Buren, Woodrow Wilson and Andrew Jackson. 4. Narcissus or Holly. 5. Mistletoe grows as a parasite on the limbs of various trees. 6. November 30. . 7. A church season which includes the four Sun­ days before Christmas. 8. The ruby. 9. Mark Twain. 10.Rutherford B. Hayes. RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-tks INN ntfKtiM cwpit dseeiaf MdiiM that rumtff... rims catpet fihwi with hot mm dMiii«i| NlvtiM mi lifts *11 dirt ciian.TreshS ODOR-FREE! --mm .... n /j* mmmwmj (12% HCS. * $5.00 MNN.) JHH HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I •:00 P.M. -9:00 AM. ' >10.00 HORNSBYS _ f a m i l y centers 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHEHRY. ILL features in this year's program include a Saturday morning 'Meet the Experts' breakfast where interested participants can discuss, in depth, a topic of particular interest. Also on Saturday morning, round table discussions will be held to encourage the exchange of information on a wide variety of topics. As in the past, several symposia have also been scheduled: topics included are differential diagnosis in stut­ tering, management of geriatric patients, and simultaneous language. Short courses in applied phonology, voice disorders, elec- tronystagmography, auditory, vibratory, and visual speech perception; and neural and central auditory system disorders are being offered. During the convention, exhibitors will be displaying their materials, including primarily speech, hearing, and language testing equipment and aids. There will also be several professional exhibits. Members of the Illinois Speech and Hearing association serve a large number of handicapped in­ dividuals in the state of Illinois. Through meetings such as these, information and ideas concerning quality services for the handicapped can be ex­ changed and continuing education can be provided for those professionals providing services for the com­ municatively impaired. length film demonstrating landscape painting at 8 p.m. April 9 at the Crystal Bowl meeting room, located at Rtes. 31 knd 176 in Crystal Lake. The style demonstrated is impressionist, but a variety of applications and methods will be shown, giving a complete look at the process of painting a landscape from beginning to end. Neubauer studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, and taught there for three years before coming to McHenry. He is now with the McHenry Board of Education. In addition to teaching at the elementary school level, Neubauer teaches adult education classes. The public is invited to enjoy this informal series of monthly art programs. Refreshments are served following the presentation. A small donation is requested from non- members. Bank On Energy Savings In Thi Attic There's been a lot said •bout conserving energy and reducing fuel bills since we lined up for gasoline during the famed oil embargo. Yet with all the rhetoric, many of us still face constantly increas­ ing utility bills. "Many homeowners have attacked the high cost of heating their homes by seeking short-term solutions -- like turning down the thermostat or wearing extra sweaters. Now they discover that those methods still won't save them much money at today's rates," notes Sharon Kay Ritchie, director of the Certain-teed Home Institute. "Since about 30% of a home's heat loss occurs right through the roof, you can reduce your fuel bill signifi­ cantly by insulating your attic. There should be a min­ imum of 6 inches of fiber glass insulation (R-19) on the attic floor," Miss Ritchie says. In the average home (1400 sq. ft.) this insulation pays for itself in three years in utility bill savings. Other long-term energy saving home improvements include adding storm win­ dows and doors, caulking around windows and door frames and adding weather- stripping. For more information on saving money on heating and cooling, write to the Home Institute, Certain-teed Pro­ ducts Corporation, Box 860, Valiev Forge, PA 19482. • • • * Freedom isn't always the right to do and to say what you please. TAX DEED NO. 79-3643 FILED: Mar 29, 1976 TO. David R. Wirti. Earl G. Smith, Trustee A-l Accoustic ft Drywall Co. UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED. TAKE NOTICE Use Wood When making custard, beat eggs with a wooden spoon. This permits only a small amount of air to be incorporated into the mixture and makes smoother custard. The Language Of Flowers Mule jUoscs . "YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE* j U JUMS. . . . . . . "L LOVE YOU* $05 c$ . "I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU* j t f o s « s . . . . . YMJEALOUS- ^UfcctlWt $05*5 . . . "I LL ALWAYS REMEMBER" Carnations. . *IM CARRYING THE TORCH FOR YOU* JWfiil* Carnations . . . 'YOU'RE SWEET AND LOVELY" jf\nfc Carnations . . . . I'LL NEVER FORGET VOU " $tripeA Carnations . . . "SORRY 1 CANT BE WITH YOU" Ijtfffou) Carnations . . YOU HAVE OISAPPOINTED ME" & r c t u i . . . TO A BEAUTIFUL LADY' C a m c f f i a . . . . "YOURE A FLAME IN MY HEART" jltffiilc Camcffia . . . "YOURE ADORABLE " fPinl!: Camtfffid. . . "| M LONGING FOR YOU* €artania . . . . 'YOU RE LOVELY " iDioftfs . . . • 4 . "ALWAYS TRUE" jftaisus . . . "I LL NEVER TELL" Stop in for your free copy of "The Language of Flowers -Hoclz OUJ£Z± (municipality It special Deaths CLARAC WRAY Services for Clara C. Wray, 73, of 1220 River Terrace drive, McHenry, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Peter M. Justen k Son chapel, with Mr. Loyal Ortman of Jehovah Witnesses officiating. Burial was in Woodland cemetery, McHenry. Mrs. Wray died March 31 In McHenry hospital. WALTER "WALLY" ISELY Walter "Wally" Isety, 23 N. Pistakee Lake road. Fox Lake, died in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Monday, March S, at the age of 69. Mr. Isely was born in Monroe, Wi., Nov. 6, 1906, the son of Henry and Marie Isely. He had been a resident of Fox Lake for the past thirty-two years. He was an Army veteran of World War II and a former member of the National Guard, Company "K", in Monroe, he was the former owner of the Wally and Sally Cab company in Fox Lake. Survivors include his widow, Sally; two daughters, Mrs. Carmen. (Jean) Mobile, Libertyville, and Mrs. Jerry (Linda) Kuznicki, McHenry; five grandchildren; four great­ grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Ray (Verona) Nordyke, Whispering Hills. He was preceded in death by a brother, LeRoy Isely. Visitation was scheduled Wednesday afternoon, 4 to 9, with funeral services to be held Thursday at 3 p.m., at the K.K. Hamsher funeral home, Fox Lake. Interment will be in Avon Centre cemetery, Grayslake. THOMAS P. VOASE Thomas P. Voase of 912 S. Totem trail, McHenry, died Monday, April 5, in McHenry h o s p i t a l . F u n e r a l arrangements were incomplete at press time at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home. County of McHenry Date Premises Sold November 26, 1973 * Certificate Number 760 Sold for General Taxes of (Year) 1972 Sold for Special Assessment of Not applicable icipal assessment number) Warrant No. Not applicable Inst No. Not applicable THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at 1503 N. Park §t McHenry. Ill W Side Park St 66" N of Broad St. Legal Description or Per­ manent Index No (15-14709) <Ex SWly 14 ft) SEly 86 ft Lot 9 Blk 9 West Side Fox River, Citv of McHenry Doc 507680 McHenry Twp. This notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on August 20. 1976 This notice is also to advise you that a petition has been tiled for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not mam on or before August 20, 1976. This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of McHenry County in Woodstock, Illinois, on Aug. 24, 1976. You may be present at this hearing But your right to redeem will already have expired at that time. this property has four or DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at 3013 Mourine Dr. • McHenry. Illinois Legal Description or Per­ manent Index No (1S-36&5) Ely W Lot 22 It Ely «» I<ot 23 Blk 3 in Hunterville Park DR 404 P 275 a-k -a Part of Lots 22 * 23 Deac. As Follows Beg at Slv cor Lot 22;*Th NEly alg SEly Ln ad Lots 22 & 23 to Ely cor Lot 23, this property has four or ling units and you own less dwelling units and you own and live in it as your principal residence, you may obtain 30 days additional time to redeem your property, at additional cost, by appearing in court at such hearing on Aug. 24,1976, in the County Court House in Woodstock, Illinois. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before August 20, 1976, by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, at the County Courthouse in Woodstock, Illinois. For further information contact the County Gerk. Interstate Bond Co. Purchaser or Assignee (Pub. Apr. 7,9,14,1976) Legal Notice TAX DEED NO. 73-3643 FILED: Mar. 29, 1976 TO: Wallace M Webb, Betty L Webb UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED TAKE NOTICE County of McHenry Date Premises Sold, November 26, 1973 Certificate Number 555 Sold for General Taxes of (Year) 1972 Sold for Special Assessment of Not applicable (municipality & special assessment number) Warrant No. not applicable ^ Inst. No. not applicable THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR ly l said Lot 22. Th SEly Alg SWly L n s a i d L o t 2 2 t o P O B McHenry Twp This notice is to advise vou that the above property Has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on August 20. 1976 This notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this propertv if redemption is not maoe on or before August 20. 1976 This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of McHenry County in Woodstock, Illinois, on Aug. 24, 1976 You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time IT i less dwelling i and live in it as your principal residence, you may obtain 30 days additional time to redeem your property, at additional cost, by appearing in court at such hearing on Aug. 24,1976, in the County Court House in Woodstock. Illinois. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before August 20, 1976, by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, at the County Courthouse in Woodstock, Illinois. For further informstion contact the County Gerk. WCP Associates Purchaser or Assignee (Pub. Apr 7.9. 14,1976) Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Filing To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed PAGE 2 - PLA1NDEALEH the iiiukms Commerce Com­ mission. Springfield. Illinois 62706 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY By E L Johnson General Manager (Pub Wed , Apr 7.14.1976) Legal Notice TAX DEED NO 73-3143 FILED Mar 29, 1976 TO United States Of America Dept Of The Treasury Internal Revenue Service. Trio Lumber Co . Walter Bengsen d-b-a Stadium Oil ft Car Wash Floyd M Foss. Trustee UNKNOWN OWNERS OR PARTIES INTERESTED TAKE NOTICE • County of McHenry Date Premises Sold. November 26, 1973 Certificate Number 633 Sold for General Taxes of (Year) 1972 Sold for Special Assessment of Not applicable (municipality ft special assessment number) Warrant No. Not applicable Inst. No. Not applicable THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at 1817 W River Terrace Dr., Johnsburg McHenry, 111. Legal Description or Per manent Index No. (1S-7919) Pc 45 ft Wide AdJonSEptSec, 18-45-9 ft Lot 1 J A Millers Sub No 2 DR 619 P 232 McHenry Twp. * WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1990 This notice is to aovwe »<*• ' that the above property has * been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale wW expire on Augiat 20. 1976. This notice is also to atfvtse" you that a petition has boon riled for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to'! possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before August 20. 1976 This matter is set for hearing . in the Circuit Court of McHenry *! County in Woodstock, Illinois, on Aug. 24. 1976 You may be present at this hesring but your right to redeem will slresdy hsve m 0 this property has four or ling units and you own expired at that time less dwelling unii and live in ft as your principal residence, you may obtain 90 days additional time to redeem your property, at additional cost, by appearing in court at such hearing on Aug 24.1976, in the County Court House in Woodstock. Illinois. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before August 20, 1976, by applying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, at the County Courtnouae in Woodstock,! Illinois For further informstion contact the County Clerk. WCP Associates Purchaser or Assignee (PubjApr. 7,9,14,1976) Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with tne Illinois Commerce Commission, under Advice No. 3697, for a modified version of the Directory Assistance Call Service plan and for Semi-* Private Directory Service. A copy of the proposed filing may be inspected by any in­ terested party at any business office of this Company in Illinois. All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of MP TH* MCHKNRT Pumouun Etfhliiiwl liTK 3812 Wmi Elm Sum* P»»one 306-0170 McHenry. IHtnota 90090 Published Every Wednesday A Frdey at McHenry. (Hindi Second Class Post spa Paid at McHenry. Ilhnots By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY NATIONAL NIWSPAPtft HIWPPB Su NNASIISTAMM MitfKt-197* SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Year....™ $10.50 l Year $15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County nnie DI I SV* DAYS ACE 1111 AGAIN! The frankly feminine, leg-flattering hem is back! And nothing perfects that lanky lady look better than these pretty white steppers, poised on taller, self-covered heels. Crossover bands in white or bone smooth, $19. Strapper in platinum or white shiny, $21. 1213 N. 3rd Street McHenry 385-2300 Plant Doctor In Retldenae Mon. thru Thurs. 9-6, Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 9-2 » LRDSTDNE 1218 Hi. Green St. McHenry 385*0182

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