i m . * * * r n m m m m - • _ r : POET'S CORNER WHY It is a sunny afternoon as I walk up to the top of a hill The air is filled with the fresh smell of flowers and everything is peaceful and still. I lie down in the grass and look up, toward the blue sky. Suddenly I can hear a strange sound like many children, crying... ...and now I can see not far away from me a grave, long and wide. I look for names on a stone made of marble, but all I can see is just one single word - why and now I begin to remember... Yes , there was a time, not long ago... when children, unborn, had no right to life they were destroyed - because no one would care, a child meant then, great sacrifice. A mother had to give up her courier, her wish was forever to be young and pretty there was no time for children, everywhere... How shameful it was, to carry a child and to feel everyone's eyes, filled with pity. A father wanted to enjoy every dav in his own life. He had no time to be bothered by a little girl or boy... Life is too short, as it is, so why spoil it rather use this time for pleasure than to repair a broken toy. Just the parents of men and women... who spoke and acted that way... , sat back in their rocking chair and closed in silence their eyes, but their lips began to pray. They had no right to say a word of warning to their selfish children now and here they knew, that the day would soon come when it was too late for prayer and tears... ...and time passed by, one year followed another, the streets were quiet and still no children could be seen, anywhere... and no woman became a mother. It was the silence of death... in the fields, the streets and at home. The people enjoyed each other, day and night and forgot, that the day would soon come when they will be old, forgotten and alone. ...and more years came and passed by silence was now everywhere. Many forgot the sound of a small child's cry and some began to wonder... if it was right to live that way and not to care. The old were soon buried... and the selfish generation from yesterday was now getting old and tirecT... of all the fun of life and play. They looked around with a helpless stare and asked this question... What will become of this world without people, can it exist? Are we maybe to blame for this, for an empty globe in this hemisphere? It was almost too late to start a new generation in this land but God, felt pity once again... and now you can hear children laugh and cry and see them walking together, hand in hand. ...but graves like this, can still be found in every town and large city. They are filled with unborn children... who could not find someone who felt pity. This grave must remind us now and in the future, to come... that we are all God's children, on earth and only His will must now and always be done. ...as I walk quietly away from this grave on that hill... a cloud suddenly darkens the summer sky soon it will rain maybe... these are the tears of the children who had to die... and I thank God, that I am alive... by Maria Heiser I AM I am what God meant me to be I cannot follow my sisters or brothers, He had plans for them to be others. We all try to do His will, Some will reap and some till. Some have riches and some have nil. Don't envy others 'cause they have all, God is on your side and He is big and tall. Rosa L. Nichols Dutch Traders Shareholders in the Dutch East India Company received divi dends that in a single year equaled close to 40 per cent of their investment during the years from 1600 to 1800 when the Netherlands monopolized Europe's trade with Southeast Asia. In that period the Dutch sailed around the world trading gold, silver, iron, lead, textiles and manufactured goods for silk, indigo, opium, medicinal plants, tea, coffee, sugar and spices. r j lif Oliou1 hiticrtd 21 23 N Ay«n Harvard I l l ino is .111 V ,, • • illi 14.11'. V0DI»N - C lU* CONTROLLED X-RATED FEATURES NOW PLAYING 7 I 9:45 Nightly -- It i Over -- DOUBLE FEATURE -- Ever wonder who* kind of people pbceTH06E ads? them in... Personals in COLOR adults only -- PUIS -- CAMPUS GIRLS RATED X ADULTS ONIY COLOR M P PACE 11 • PLAINDEALER-FRIPAV. APRIL ». If» I QUIT SMOKING CLINIC APRIL 19th-23rd Sponsored by McHenry Business & Professional Women s Club and McHenry Hospital Name-- Address Phone- If you wish to attend return to "No Smoking." P O. Box 1976. McHenry. Illinois 60080 Trailer Hoal Safety COMPLETE E.M.T. TRAINING - Receiving certificates from the State Trauma coordinator, John Priest, are employees of the McHenry Medical group, who have successfully completed the Emergency Medical Technicians (E.M.T.) Training program sponsored jointly by the state and the McHenry Medical group. Sitting, from left, are Nancy Ohtson, Linda Free, Susan Kapp. Karla Clirisman and Betty Bares: standing, from left. John Arient, Terrt Brodiii. Terri Burke, Caren Opelka. Patricia Mltby, Pat Sciluffo and Calvin Wynveen. Cynthia Rath and Donna C. Rohrer were absent. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD I Youth On The Move | (From Ann McArdle, Home Economics Extension adviser, McHenry county) Open House - The University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine will open its doors to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 10. Open house activities will include tours of the college's new large animal clinic and other facilities, films, exhibits, and demonstrations. Ad missions information will also be available. In addition, Parkland Junior college students will be on hand to discuss Parkland's veterinary technician program and ad missions requirements. The University of Illinois veterinary clinics are located at Hazelwood drive and Lincoln avenue in Urbana. 'Know America' • Add to your Bicentennial celebration by spending a week in Washington, D.C. High school, church, historical, and other adult and youth groups can enroll in a program, titled "Know America", being of fered by the National 4-H foundation at the National 4-H center in suburban Washington, D.C. Although May 10-15 and Nov. 1-6 have been designated for this program, other dates can be arranged. You will ex perience history by visiting monuments and places that play a vital-role in our nation's development and operation. You will meet face to face with congressmen and other of ficials to learn government structure, functions, and methods of dealing with con temporary issues, such as how you can make your voice heard and your vote count. As a consumer, you can discover how economic choices and policies affect you. And as a citizen, you can get ideas to help you conduct and par- COURTHOUSE SQUARES • * * * If in doubt, do a favor for the person who re fused to do one for you. NBW IN QjWNOt Let us help you get to know your new community as quickly as possible. Our hostess will call on you and present you with gifts, greetings and useful informa tion. Call Maiy Ann Bellak 385-5705 Mamerite Kaiser 385-2710 ticipate in action-type programs back home. "Know America" is being conducted by the National 4-H foundation in behalf of the Cooperative Extension service of the State Land-Grant Universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Tuition, five nights lodging, and meals are all available for less than $150. Persons interested in lear ning more about "Know America" or making reser vations should write Know America '76, National 4-H Foundation, 7100 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20015. DUTY-FREE...America's first over-the-counter duty free shop has begun operation at the new Mirabel Inter national Airport in Montreal and traveler re-action is highly enthusiastic. Inlike other duty-free shops in Canadian or American airports where goods are delivered to passengers at the aircraft gate, the Mirabel shop is set up beyond customs, with the result that the passenger im mediately receives the articles he or she purchases. If you trailer ymir boat, then banting safety begins in your driveway not out on the water. v The boating authorities at Mercury outbonrds re m i n d o w n e r s o f t r a i l e r boats to cheek your trailer before lieginning your next voyage. Lights should be tested, and bearings should be properly lubricated now before the boating season really gets underway Hear ings should then be checked a t s p e c i f i e d i n t e r v a l s throughout the summer. Tires should always be i n f l a t e d t o t h e r e c o m mended pressure Check them frequently. The winch should be taut and locked, and all tie downs should be secured Extra gear stowed inside the boat should be properly trimmed < balanced >. Also m a k e s u r e y o u r s a f e t y chains are criss-crossed un der the tongue of the trail er to prevent a tragic loss All required and/or rec o m m e n d e d s a f e t y g e a r should lie aboard, such as owjner papers, anchor, run ning light*, fire extinguish er, horn or whistle, ade quate number of. personal flotation devices, paddle or oar, pump or bailer, flares, anchor line and proper fuel c o n t a i n e r s D o n ' t f o r g e t emergency food and charts. An old salt once quipped that the prop*' place to launch your boat is on the water, not the highway. The Mercury lads make the suggestion that you might compose two boating checklists One would con tain all the things you want to be sure to take along The other would contain all the things you should chcck before you leave Show Your Husband He CanAfford That New Bedroom Suite. Bring Him to Skorberg's we MAN ZVHO TRULY STRIVES FOR SUCCESS NEVER PAUSES TO BLAME BAD LUCK *100 Bring Him In Now-Tke Selection Is Great, Tool These And Othersj A Great styling in this modern bedroom. Triple dresser with mirror, chest and headboard included! $599 4 PIECE SET REGULARLY S699.99. DELIVERED Mediterranean bedroom - dresser, twin mirrors, headboard, and chest included. Save now. Great! 4 PIECE MEDITERRANEAN SET REGULARLY S499.99 - DELIVERED $399 £ Bedroom elegance captured in this simulated walnut suite. Dresser, mirror, chest, and headboard included. REGULAR $599.99 S V Jh 1 499 DELIVERED AND SET UP AH -ir . S618 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake, III. Phone 459-5070 Mon.AFri. 9-9; T-W-Th -So 9-5; Sun: 12-5 tttsbfc»h«d 1930 Skorberg's, fwmdiM