H E L P W A N T E D H E L P W A N T E D BARTENDER WANTED Apply in Person CORK n CLEAVER 7518 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB Help Wanted COOKS BARTENDERS Apply in person Thursday April 22 2500 Chapel Hill Rd. .. 4-21 H E L P W A N T E D Help wanted for lawn mainten ance, full and part time. 385- 5512 4-21/4-23 m " Cleaning lady wanted, respon sible, references required, all around good cleaning. 385-8650 or 385-2726 4-21/4-23 HELP WANTED Manager Part time Manager needed for Thursday, ! Friday and Saturday Must be well groomed ' and enjoy meeting the public , Apply in Person Only McHENRY THEATRE.,, 4-21/4-23 AVON Spring is the time to start! Sell cosmetics, fragrances and more from the wprld's largest toiletries company. Call Mis. Bauer 815-385-5385 for the facts. | 4/14-4/30 •PiTPi pfiocEssina Due to an increased work load, a progressive area manufacturer is currently recruiting for experienced individuals in the following Data Processing Areas: PROGRAMMING COMPUTER OPERATIONS KEYPUNCHING Qualified candidates should have several years experience in one of the above areas - and be able to function with a minimum of super vision. Salary commensurate with ability. Send letter or resume including earnings history in confidence to: BOX AP 3 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F STEADY PART TIME PERSON for camera & stripping work in local printing plant. Must know all phases of camera and stripping. Experienced persons. Call 385-2600 between 9-5 4.21 YOUNG WOMAN FULL TIME MARK'S MARINE Apply in Person 3622 W. Elm St McHenry 4-21/4-23 NOW HIRING AND ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR GENERAL FACTORY Looking for capable and experienced people who can handle responsibility and challenging positions. • ENGINEERING FILE CLERK • GENERAL ASSEMBLY We offer competitive salaries and an excellent company paid fringe benefit program. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 5801 W. Route 120 McHENRY, ILL. (815) 385-3500 LADIES WANTED For lightassembly work, in t clean, modern coil and transformer plant, in Johnsburg. Experience notj required. 7 - 3:30 or 4 - 9 Shifts Prem Enterprises Inc. . 3519 N. Chapel Hill RdJ (Johnsburg) McHenry, II. An equal opportunity employer * ] r " ~ 4-21/4-30 HELP WANTED General Maintenance man for full time temporary position. Outdoor/indoor work. Qualifications: un employed for 30 days or more and live within 15 miles of McHenry Shores. "C" drivers license bene ficial. 385-8500 Village of McHenryShores 4-16/4-21 4-21 mmnvmiEK We have an immediate opening for a Computer Programmer with 2 to 4 years experience with COBOL applications. The ideal candidate will be familiar with Honey well O.S./2000 equipment in a manufacturing environment^ We offer excellent company benefits plus salary commensurate with experience. Interested parties may contact personnel at 815-385-7000 or send letter or resume to: BRAKE PARTS COMPANY :[ EXPERIENCED i [ SECRETARY S • c to assist owner in admini- t • (stration of local business.' K '1 Must be able to assume'* ' * responsibility in absence of ( principal. Furnish details, { . (of experience and capabil- • 1 -1 ities in first letter. •* * c/o Box AP4 J ' \ McHenry Plaindealer ' * i i 3812 W. Elm St., . [ McHenry, II. 60050 1600 N. Industrial Drive, McHenry, III. 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F RESPONSIBLE PERSON Wanted to drive truck to Chicago Part Time. Must have good driving re cord. If interested contact: BOBBIN COIL SPECIALISTS 815-385-6205 Before 2:30 p.m. 4-21/4-23 H E L P W A N T E D Retired or time on your hands* Make money at home. Doll House Furniture 1" to the foot. For more information Call 4:30 -7:30 Evenings. 385-1214 4-21/4-23 RETIRED MAN for summer yard work, part time. Call 385- 0012 between 9:30 a.m. • 3 p.m. 4-21/ 4-23 Turn spare hours into money. Make Doll clothes at home. For more information: Call 4:30 -7:30 evenings. 385-1214 4-21/4-23 Part time, weekend and evenings. Cook and waitress. Apply in Person, International House of Wine & Cheese, Rte. 12, % mile north of Richmond, n. 4-21 Baker wanted. Experience preferred, but not necessary. 385-0044 4-21-TF-1-2 Presser wanted, full time. Gem Cleaners. 3004 W. Rte. 120, 385-2231 4-21/4-23 GIRL Full Time 7 am - 3 pm Riverside Laundry 1304 N. Front St. McHenry, II. 385-9635 4-14/4-21 4-21/4-23 TRAINEE FOR PRODUCTION SUPERVISION NIGHT SHIFTS Excellent Opportunity For Responsible Person To Learn PLASTIC MOLDING PROCESSES Opportunity For Advancement EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS » Good Starting Wage • . Paid Life Insurance - Paid Hospital and Surgical Insurance - Paid Major Medical STOCK BONUS PLAN Call Jean Wilke 815/648-2416 FILTERTEK, INC. Price Road - Hebron, Illinois AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER BOYS AND GIRLS 11-15 Years old To work after school and Saturdays. Earn $15.-$25 per week Call Mr. Fred 385-7558 Mi ! • k ************** 4r 4-21/4-23 4-16/4-28 **************** 1 INSTALLATION AND * ! SERVICE ' J Due to the expansion in our,. ' ELECTRONICS I I DIVISION "we have an opening for aj> ] I man to do Intercom Instal-i • . | lation and Service. Solid1' • gState electronic/schooling?' " K experience necessary. We \ [ ] [will train. Excellent fringej. * benefits. j > 1 • I < I' • I ' SCAN-AM CO. * Apply to: McHenry, II. 815-385-3499 } 4-16/4-21 j. **************** SECRETARY GIRL FRIDAY In Sales office of Robino Ladd Co., McHenry. Good starting salary with excel lent company benefits. For more information Call 385-8830 4-21/4-23 • AUTOMOBILE • MECHANIC • Chevrolet dealership needs • well qualified automobile • mechanic. Must have good • experience and complete • knowledge of mechanics. • Good compensation and all • fringe benefits. Apply to • Jim Lewis, Service Mana- • ger in person. • PAYTON CHEVROLET Highway 31, South • McHenry • ••••••••• 4-21/4- 1> 1> I i CHROMA CORPORATION (Lakemoor) 815-385-8100 R E A L E S T A T E R E A L E S T A T E UX15UAL OP)*ORTVMTY' 4 bedroom. IS bath, two story home on 2H lots. Formal dining room, living mom with fireplace, family room off kit chen. Apply tender loving care and it will be your dream house! iz (L CRYSTAL LAK8 R E A L E S T A T E BY BUILDER, new 3 bedroom ranch with attached 2 car gar age $35,000 815-344-2479 4-16/4-23 PAGK II • PLAINDE ALERHEDNESDA Y. APRIL tl. IfIS great grandmother. Mrs Anne Krueger of Arlington Hta.; grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krueger. also of Rolling Meadows; her Mom, Dad. sisters. Beth and April, and brother. Billy Tricia received her First Holy Communion on the fourteenth and will take training to become an acolyte. She plans on becoming a Sunday school teacher ten tatively next year Congratulations to both of our young ladies in the community on their special happenings. BIRTHDAY WISHES Belated wishes to April Baker, she celebrated her big day on April 9. Pearl Zabroeki will add a year on the twenty- third. Dawn Meyer wtH share the twenty-seventh with William Sinkler. Jo Bartelt on the twenty-eighth, and Laura Meyer on the thirtieth Best wishes to all of you birthday falks Lakemoor Alma Hueckstaedt •Lilymoor 3855689 CASHIER Mature Woman j Part time evenings and weekends. Call for appointment. 385-4427 McHenry Walgreen Agency 4-21/4-23 YOUNG ADULTS We need 2 young adults to work evenings. Earn $100.00 per week Call Ms. Perry 728-0622 4-16/4-23 1 WANTED Artos Wire Cutting and Stripping Machine Operator Apply in Person CRV ELECTRONICS 913 N. Front St. McHenry, II. 4-16/4-23 CAR WASHER FULL TIME Must be at least 18 years old I Apply in person 1 SUNNYSIDE DODGE | 4810 W. Rte. 120 | McHenry 4-21/4-23 FEMALE j FACTORY HELP Must be accurate J Good company benefits I Full or part time. I Contact: I Sheri Blue I If you want a custom carpenter built home, not a prefab. We have homes for your viewing. bob steck & SONS 815-385-0804 McHenry Shores. III. 3-24/4-30 S I T U A T I O N W A N T E D Will baby sit in my licensed home, hot meals. 385-3849 4-21/4-23 SITTER AVAILABLE May 1st. Mature & reliable 728-0506 4-21 Painter for hire. Will work by hour or by job. Reasonable prices. Call 385-7797 4-2/4-30 V A C A N T P R O P E R T Y Yi acre homesite, excellent loca tion, in Maretta Estates 385- 8299 4-21 /4-23 LOT IN SUNNYSIDE, 2/3 acre 1 block off Wilmot Rd. 385- 7519 4-9/4-16 Choice Country homesite, Won der Lake area, 9 plus acres, tall oak and hickorys, on black top. Terms available. A.T. Mc Intosh & Co. 312-372-2040 Ex tension C. 3-31-TF-1-2 LOT, HIGH & DRY, beautiful view. Just north of Fox I^ake in Spring Grove Township 80' x 220* A real buy at $4,000. Phone 312-546-3483 4-21/4-28 LOT in McCullom Lake Estates 150' x 75' Best offer. Must sell 312-543-0698 4-16/4-23 If YOU CO SH0WINC WITHOUT FIRST READING THE MCHENRY PLAINDKALER YOU'RE LOSING MONEY AND TIME Dane* Plans UnabU To B« Completed In Tim• The Lakemoor Bicentennial commission regrets to inform the readers of this column that their '50s dance had to be cancelled due to the lack of time to make the final arrangements which would make it a successful project. The Queen contest will be held on June 12; applications may be had either by calling Sue Reese at 385-7859 or by going to her home at 131 Sheridan, Lakemoor. Girls must be between the ages of 12 and 15 and the contest is open to all girls of the Lakemoor and Lilymoor area. All completed applications must be returned no later than May 8 The first session for the contestants for the Charm course will be held Tuesday, May 11 in the municipal building from 7 to 9 pjn. One parent must accompany their daughter's first session to find out what the requirements are regarding clothing and-or other necessities. A Variety show will be held the same evening, June 12. Anyone may apply to take part in this. You do not need to live in this immediate area to participate. Contestants are to contact Pat Morrison at 385- 8707. Meeting for the show will be held on Saturdays at 1 p.m. in the municipal building. Age also is no barrier. LILYMOOR - NEWS During the Association meeting. Rich Gossell gave his membership report. Some residents said they would join, others gave reason why they wouldn't. It seems to me that Rich ran into much the same opposition that others (in cluding me) ran into in trying to get them to become a member ir. the past. If you live in Lilymoor, whether you rent or own the house you live in, you do use our roads; and as long as the upkeep of the roads is the responsibility of the people of Lilymoor, then how do you or why do you feel you need not join the Association7 If you are a member, you can find out if your neighbor is, if they are not and if you are satisfied to share your dues paid in, to maintain their portion of road, well, congratulations to you, and if you are not a member and are willing to let this happen, well, shame on you. You do not have to be a total member What I mean is, as long as you dispose of your garbage and trash in a sanitary manner, you "may join the Associatiqp as a roads only member The dues for that type of membership is a little less than half the full member dues and that much you owe your neighbor and your own con science CLEAN UP Lilymoor is planning a subdivision clean-up on April 30 and May 1 In order for it to be successful, your help is needed Parents and or interested HELP WANTED Spurgeon's Beauty Salon in Mc Henry is expanding and we need experienced hairdressers full or part time. Apply in person to Salon Mgr. or Store Mgr. Benefits include Store Discount, Paid Vacation & Profit sharing. 4-14/4-23 I 4-21/4-23 OUT OF MONEY? NEED WORK? No experience necessary, work evenings. Our aver age worker earns more than $200.00 per week. Call Joe Manor 312-833-1221 4-14 4-23 Plant A Garden The Easy Way! RENT A ROTO TILLER We've Got A Model To Fit Your Job! fHORNSBYS ^ fum,l. (pnn-n - 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHeniy, Illinois Daily 9 to 9 Sunday 9 til 6 adults are needed to help the children and young people of the community If you are willing to help by taking part in it. then call me or stop by and let me know We need all the help we can get It was also decided if anyone has any large items, a donation of cash would be appreciated to help defray the cost of disposing of said items Don't forget if you are able to take part in the clean-up in any way at all, contact me or the president. Al Ryan at 385-2518, as soon as possible. CONFIRMATIONS Sundae , Marrison was con firmed on Sunday, April 11. at the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry Following the ceremony, her parents held open house at their home in Lakemoor. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Booster, Sundae's godparents of Eastwood Manor; her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Pauline Hoffman of McHenry; Mr and Mrs Terry Morrison of Island Lake; Mr. and Mrs Eugene Bolda of Algonquin and Ms Florence Koch of Lakemoor. , Several of Sundae's friends from school, dropped in also. They were Kim Reese and Lisa Schlieben, both of Lakemoor, Karen Keller of McCullom Lake; also Jerry Ness and freind Jim of Eastwood Manor Then on April 14. Sundae received her First Holy Communion. She will soon begin training to become an acolyte. Patricia Goebel was also confirmed on the eleventh of April Following the ceremony at the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry, the family shared a special dinner with Patricia's god parents. Loren Pickering of Glenview and Maryette Goebel of Chicago; her great grandmother. Mrs Lily Bat- taglia of Rolling Meadows; ANNIVERSARY WISHES The best to George and Edna Garbacz on the twenty-second,* to John and Toni Victor on April 24, and to Michael and Lorene Martin who will be celebrating their twenty-fourth during the same week as the others listed here Many happy returns of the day to all three couples NEW RESIDENTS The welcome mat is laid out for Dave and Vlrgie Eggert. they have recently moved back to Lakemoor They both were residents there quite some time before they were married. CLASS REUNION On Saturday, April 10. the graduating eighth grade class of 1940, of Unite school in Chicago held a reunion in a banquet room of the Royale inn. The guests of honor were five of the teachers that taught Norman and Pacita (Pat) Morrison and the three hundred and fifty students that also attended the affair. They arrived for the occaakm from California, New Jersey. Florida, and areas surrounding Chicago and met with those still living in the city. Following the dinner and the speeches, a dance was held and from what I hear very little dancing took place. Everyone was getting re-acquainted and talking over their childhood memories, also all that has taken place over the many years from 1940 till 1976. CANE GANG Recently Marilyn Ryan decided it would be nice to take her daughter for a stroll in the city park. Little toddlers have their own ways of strolling and in keeping a watchful eye on Killeen. Marilyn didn't see the hole or rut and Marilyn twisted her ankle, and after much time and much pain later her doctor passed sentence on her and made her a member of the cane gang. I hope by the time she resds this, a lot of her pain will be gone TIL NEXT TIME. EUREKA • Exclusive 6-way Dial-A-Nap' rug height adjustment • Top filling disposable duat bag preventa clogs, kttpi auction strong • Edge Kleener cleans that last tough inch along baaeboards Keg. 169.95 UPRIGHT Keg. $20.00 ATTACHMENTS TOTAL VALUE $89.95 Super Sale Price MOOt l 1417 a 6- position DIAL-A-NAP" 9 g disposable dust bag Has a fiuge 560 cu in capacity Cleans Shags CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 N. Green St. McHenry 385-5500 Don't forget to visit our bargain basement! !