SECTION 2 - PAGE S - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, APRIL21,1S7S of 1st awallty MwM* i... m m«r« I Llm It A 17" X 2r KM. 2.36 23" x 29 R«fl. 3.48 Hand 'om Hi* owmI In I Thoy'ro wall p«it*r», rwfn 1 mora. Polyosfor PRICES EfRCTIVE WED., APRIL 21 THRU SUN., APRIL 25 Prices tff*ctlv« while quantities lost. Wo reserve the right to limit quantities. OPEN DAILY 9 til 9, SUNDAY 10 til 6 4400 W. Rte, 120 McHENRY, ILL. Rte. 47 & Cntry. Clb. Rd. "'^onSTOCK. ILL. Discount prkas plus sonrlce and quality add up to tramondous yaluo. Compare I our film davoloplng prkas l| bo surprised at tha savings. Rag. 25.96 Quality-crafted from woven wlckor with romovobie hood, ilnor ft pod. Jumbo - 36" * 20" x 40", in white. Hot Cydo Real motor sound! Ad|ust. Bucket toot. Wide track mog wheels. Rag. 11.99 Soft leather strops ft braided ropo. Woodon wodges. Women's sizes. Super treads for traction, suodo too caps, padded collars. Mon's sizes. Hornsby s ownl Package of 5 twin cartridges. Fits most twin blodo razors. Knit Shirts froyod log 100 por cont cotton short sleevo T-shirts in asst. colors. (S, M, L, XL) Savo $11 Rag. 2.46 Stovons char actor Tank Taps spandex-nyton Save $1 on cotton knit tank tops In solid colors with contrast trim. All slzos. Toddler Boys leisure Suits Rag. 2.94 2-pc. cotton polyester pinstrlpo suits in bluo or ton on white. (2-4) Sovo $6 Rag. 13.87 Jr. Boys' Knit Shirts Welch Stroller Kalgbt fabric R«g- -m IT .57 yd. • y<|. F*gfl 28.86 Shortsleevo poly oster knit shirts In asst. colors. Folds compactly for easy traveling. Safety crotch strap. Sits child upright. Groat for warm woothor waraioaes. 45-45" wide. to Balls Assot. color hardwood pross, with doluxe rocket cover with ball pocket. Dacron.. . Nylon . .. Wool . . Long life cover. Extra duty felt. 3-can. R#g> 2.96 Reg. 4.47 Mfgrs. 3.79 28 oz. more tears" lather. Mfgrs. 2.09 Groat anti septic for the sunl 10 oz. bottle. Mfgrs. 89c Your choice of 11 lustrous shades. Helps make nails hard. GARDEN SUPPLIES Safe T tennis set with magic safe TJ>alL 2 rockets, 1 ball-set. For glowing kids. t%" inflated ball. Bright colors I REDWOOD PLANTER BOX J*™ T64 36" long WHITE SHRUB FENCE °M1r>3R7*fl' ft 7$ 36" long by 11" high # » WHITE 5 LEAF TRELLIS 72" high -yVJ Our Reg. 2.67 COLONIAL KETTLE PLANTER Our R*g. A 97 4.97 £ Black. Indoor or outdoor use. W e ' v e G o t E m ! A m e r i c a s F a v o r i t e L a w n P r o d u c t s ! Onion Sots or Dahlia Bulbil •YOUR CHOICE tt7i Choose from beautiful dahlia bulbs ... or onion sets, great for companion planting in your garden. An array of lovely colors for bathroom. 4 rolls-pack. IS^fBuikkr fertilizer recommended developing fertilizer For use on oil vegetables. One feeding is usually enough. 20 lb. bog.