HELP WANTED WAITRESSES WANTED. Apply in person Pink Harrison's Re sort 385-0323 4-23-TF-1-2 PAGE It • PLMNDKUKHHEPfHESDAV. APRIL U, IfTf CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB Help Wanted COOKS Apply in person Thursday April 29th 2500 Chapel Hill Rd. 4-28 1 Spring is the time to start! i Sell cosmetics, fragrances J and more from the world's i largest toiletries company. Call Mrs. Bauer 815-385-5385 for the facts. ; 4/14-4/30 ; MACHINIST • 3 years Minimum experi-i oence Top Wages. Holidays, i > Hospitalization and Life In-( < > surance. Vacation. Over-, i > time available Excellent i > working condition. IPrem Enterprises, Inc. 385-2700 4-28/4-30 WAITRESS Wanted Must be over 21 Call 385-4280 for appointment 4-28/4-30 **************** I MALE & FEMALE { < GENERAL FACTORY < ; ADC0 PLATING [ [ 3923 West Avenue :[ [ McHenry :[ ;[ " 4-23/4-28 ; [ ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ t GENERAL FACTORY Immediate openings. Full time. For heavy assembly work. Experience in elec trical assembly required. Knowledge of blue print reading helpful. Paid holi days, Insurance program, Educational reimburse ment. Apply in person: Power Conversion Products Inc. 42 East Street Crystal Lake, n. 815-459-9100 4-28/4-30 i wsssr WANTED WAITRESSES BUS HELP for banquets Phone ANDRES STEAK HOUSE 815-678-2681 or 2691 , • 4-23/4-28 HELP WANTED UDIES WANTED For light assembly work, in t clean, modern coil and transformer plant, in Johnsburg. Experience not required. 7 - 3:30 or 4 - 9 Shifts Prem Enterprises Inc. 3519 N. Chapel Hill Rd.J (Johnsburg) McHenry, II. An equal opportunity employer 4-21/4-30 BARTENDER WANTED Apply In person 7518 Hancock Drive I Wonder Lake, II.: > • 4-281 • •»»•«>»«>« SPURGEONS DEPT. STORE of McHenry needs FULL TIME & PART TIME HELP. Applicants must be res ponsible, neat, friendly & hard working. Benefits in clude Paid vacation & sick days, store discount,profit sharing & more. See Store Manager in person 4-28/4-30 BOYS AND GIRLS 11-15 Years old To work after school and Saturdays. Earn $15.-$25 per week Call Mr. Fred 385-7558 4-16/4-28 1 RECEPTIONIST TYPIST | I Apply in person: | 1 See Bob O'Neill 1 Overton, | Pontiac, Cadillac | | 1112 Front Street | | McHenry, II. | 385-6000 | 4-28/4-30 BOATS & MOTORS 16' Sea Sprite with 105 HP Chrysler outboard, Trailer, top, side curtains, bilge pump, Excellent condition. Less than 100 hours. Phone 815-385-0170 (days) or 815-385-2718 (even ings) 4-28-TF-1-2 25 ft. OWENS CABIN CRUISER 1965, sleeps 4, new interior, extras $2,750.312-381-9443af- ter 6:30 4-21/4-28 14' semi V alum, car topper, finished wooden floor boards with oars excellent condition 815-653-7451 $250. 4-30 Shore Station, good condition. Phone 385-2642 after 4 p.m. 4-28/4-30 1976 Hustler 115 HP, E-Z loader trailer, many extras, 20 hours, custom interior, 55 MPH, stored in McHenry. $4,100 312-969-4829 after 5 and weekends. 4-28/4-30 GARAGE SALE Garage Sale, Saturday May 1, Sunday May 2, 8:00 am to 5 pm 804 S. Pearl Ave., McHenry Shores, Beds, dressers, refri gerator, dehumidifier, elec trical appliances, bedding and clothing. Many, Many other items. 815-344-0566 4-28/4-30 Thursday, Friday, Saturday April 29, 30, May 1 9-5 House hold, clothes, misc. 3910 W. Grand Ave., McHenry, 4-28 APRIL 30 to MAY 7, 10 til 6, 1502 N. Court St., across from City Park. Wedding dress, tennis racket, gerbils, chamel eons, wig, misc. 4-28/4-30 Garage Sal*, Thursday, Friday & Saturday April 29, 30 & May I, 9 to 5 numerous household items; size 18-20 ladies clothes 4804 Winnebago, Wonder Lfke 4-28 Garage Sale - 606 N. Kent Rd., Kent Acres. April 30 - May 1 9-5 Stove, clothing, much misc. 4-28/4-30 Thursday - Friday - Saturday, April 29-30 May 1, 10-7, Cor ner Elm & Westwood, Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, Furni ture, lamps, dishes, electric appliances, misc. 4-28 Fri., Sat., Sun. 9 a.m. to 1p.m. 8510 W. Elm St. Wonder Lake, II. Clothing, baby bed, window air conditioner, other misc. items. 4-28 6 Family Sale - Toys, books, knick knacks, clothes - baby thru adult - inexpensive and r excellent condition, some fur niture. April 29, 30 & May 1 9 to 5. 4204 W. South St., Cooney Heights. 4-28/4-30 MAINTENANCE { i &CLEAN UP MANi WANTED Applications for Sales Position Fashion Department Apply Mr. Dean BEN FRANKLIN STORE 4-28/4-30 BOATS & MOTORS Classic Century Coronado 21' 1958 Mahogany plank construc tion, 300 HP Chrysler Hemi, excellent ski and family boat, Moody Tandem trailer, spare shaft, props, gen., etc. Skis, rope and life vests $3,500.385- 4424 4-28/4-30 1971 Larson 17* Fiberglass, 155 HP, V6 O.M.C. motor, has con vertible top and full boat cover excellent condition. May be seen at Fox River Valley Boat Co., 1310 N. Riverside Drive, Mc Henry. $3,300. 4-23/4-30 1966 14 ft. Switzercraft, 50 HP Mercury, Gator-tilt trailer, boat cover $500. as is. 385- 3143. Keep trying. 4-23/4-28 27 ft. CHRIS-CRAFT Cavalier Cruiser, excellent condition. Loaded with extras $6,850. firm 312-587-2500 Ken. 4-23/4-30 ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Johnsburg Community club basement Thursday April 29 9:00 to 4:00 Friday April 30 9:00 to 7:00 Saturday May 1 9:00 to 12:00 4-28 SUPER GARAGE SALE BAKE SALE Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Apr. 29-30-May 1 9 am to 5 pm sponsored by WONDER LAKE TENNIS BOOSTERS East Side Firehouse G A R A G E S A L E Tuesday through Saturday, 1413 Freund Ave., antiques, appli ances, glassware, baby clothes and buggy, maple dressers, tools, sports equipment, and much misc. Open 9 a.m. Daily 4-28/4-30 MOTORCYCLES '74 Honda, CB 450, excellent condition, low mileage, extras 385-8299 4-28/5-7 NORTON 750 COMANDO 5000 miles, Front fork extended 8 inches, 2 chrome pipes, his and her seat, 2 Helmets. Must sell- in service. 385-0624 4-21-TF-1-2 Plastic bifocals, champaign gold colored frames. Black soft leather pouch. 312-395-0567 4-29/4-30 SITUATION WANTED Painter for hire. Will work by hour or by job. Reasonable prices. Call 385-7797 4-2/4-30 SITTER AVAILABLE May 1st. Mature & reliable. 728-0506 4-28 Child care in my licensed home All ;ages. Reasonable. Experi enced. Highland Shores, Wonder Lake. Call Laura 653-3261 4-28 HELP WANTED i wirer/solderFiT' Perform wiring soldering operations on electronic systems and sub-assemblies. Must be able to follow wire list and interpret wire diagrams. Minimum of 1 year experience in these areas is required. Please call for appointment 312-223-4801 StreeterAmet Slusser & Wicks St. | Grays lake | An equal opportunity employer 4-28/4-30j '1 I I I I I I I I I I I 4-28 3 FAMILY I I BASEMENT SALE! I | ALL MUST GO! | Plants & animals, clothes- Jg &boys siz. 3 - womens sizgj S;9-10, furn., lamps, manyi§: :|:|nicknacks, games & toys. ¥: :§Assorted tea pots, adding g: machine, books (many new)^: gtape players, clocks & :§ radios, like new, Hope £ chest! Much, Much morejg numerous to mention. 2622 Myang McHenry & 385-9468 SjiThurs., Fri. & Sat. 10-6 g •M 9 Dv/%ur< Looking for a New Job? Read the Classified NOTICE 8 v.: too .V Come & Browse, :£ There's lots to see -g 4-28 K f t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********** RNs & LPNs 7 to 3:30 & 3 to 11:30 Experience Preferred But Not Necessary PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON WOODSTOCK RESIDENCE 309 McHenry Ave. - Woodstock 4-28/4-3oJ: GARAGE SALE 620 West Rand Rd. (Bungalow Inn) McHenry Fri. Apr. 30, Sat., May 1 Sun. May 2 Variety of women's new apparel at V2 price. Very large and small sizes. Por table Zenith Stereo $50., Many misc. items -- clo thing, toys, picture frames, dishes etc. String art pla ques $7.50. Hand knit slip pers. Electric stove $50., Very old commercial range with grill $60., gas or woodburning fireplace heater. $125., We r«ill "dicker." 4-28/4-30 CONGRATULATIONS DICK "CATFISH" BARROWS . 1st anniversary on April 29th when you quit smoking. Your Friends 4-28 iWJ&ritoiifMtTM vmi»» FACTS! . FIGURES i There are 251.5 person* per square mile living in Pennsylvania, making it the seventh most densely popula ted state in our nation--yet the third most populous. • • • One Pennsylvania real es tate man employs five sales men and lists more than 230 industrial buildings of 10,000 square feet or more, yet he won't make a penny commis sion on any of them! \ " PERSONALS Reduce safe and test with Go Bese Tablets & E-Vap "Water pills" Bolger Drugs 4-28-TF-l PETS FOR SALE Quality Dobermanpuppies.bred for temperament and size. Ped igreed and A.K.C. Reasonable. 312-587-5166 after 5 4-23/4-30 Extra nice miniature Schnauzer at stud $50. Grooming for all breeds. 815-675-2469 4-28/5-7 C A R D O F T H A N K S We wish to express our heart felt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings received during the illness and passing of our loved one. Special thanks to Dr. Mowery and the nurses at Mc Henry Hospital, Father Bartel, Father Rauen, from St. Johns, and the Priests from St. Marys and St. Patricks The family of Aloyslus J. Adams 4-28 WANTED TO RENT 1 or 2 car garage equivalent in space, for storage. 312- 658-8058 after 5pm Call collect 4-21/4-30 Wanted for June 1st. 1 large or 2 bedroom house or apart ment in McHenry area. Refer ences, no children or pets. 385- 1008 4-28/5-7 WANTED TO BUY Metal turning lathe, 6" or lar ger swing, 3* to 6' bed. Call after 6 p.m. 385-1008 4-28/5-7 VACANT PROPERTY Choice Country homesite, Won der Lake area, 9 plus acres, tall oak and hickorys, on black top. Terms available. A.T. Mc Intosh & Co. 312-372-2040 Ex tension C. 3-31-TF-1-2 Vi acre homesite, excellent lo cation near Riverside Dr. Kama Ave. McHenry 385-8299 4-28/5-7 LOT, HIGH & DRY, beauuiut view. Just north of Fox Lake in Spring Grove Township 80' x 220* A real buy at $4,000. Phone 312-546-3483 4-21/4-28 His name is Clarence Otto and his job as a professional aite specialist is to find busi nesses homes in Pennsylvania. During his 14 years with the Department of Commerce, Otto has brought more than 100 new industries to the state! REAL ESTATE All cleared land, corner of crossroads, ideal for trailer park development. 2 miles from Mauston, Wis; Sheltered by wooded bluffs, includes 4 room house, full basement, garage and workshop on 3 acres, fruit trees, 2 wells, hot and cold running water, Phone Joseph Cernanski, 608-847-7620, Exit I 90, Mauston 4-28/5-7 4 bedroom Cape Cod in Rich mond. 2 baths, plenty of closets and storage, 1800 sq. It. on Nippersink Creek in front of perk, next to Little league and Golf Course. Walking distance to schools and town. Mid 30*s Call after 8 p.m. 815-678-4228 4-28/4-30 McHenry Country Club Sub. 3011 Charlotte Ave. Owner moving, must sell. Custom built 3 bedroom ranch, with attached heated garage, central air cond., 14' x 14' summer house, private beach & river rights, city sewer, very reasonable heating and tax es. Too many extras to list. Appraised low 40*s. Shown by appointment. Call 385-2809 NO BROKERS 4-28/4-30 If you want a custom carpenter built home, not a prefab. We have homes for your viewing. bob steck & SONS 815-385-0804 McHenry Shores, III. 3-24/4-30 NOTICE £iimimimiiiiimimiuimiiiiitiuiiiiiii^j FLEA MARKET | ANNOUNCING E Spaces will be available for E =a new flea market in down- = =town Crystal Lake. Location: = = c E Rosenthal's Sale Barn E = Corner Crystal LakeAve.E & Main Street Crystal Lake, III. = Saturdays & Sundays E Only = Flea Market is an enclosed E Ebuilding. Space rental in-E = eludes free parking & free E Sadvertising. DON'T DE- = ELAY. Spaces aee limited. = SReservations for spaces S Eare now being taken I Call ROSENTHAL'S TRUE VALUE EFor Further informations 459-2700 I' 4-7-TF-l E SlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllF PET COLUMN LOST amall mixed breed male dog, could resemble collie, short hair, town & white color 497-4227 4-28 FOUND FOUND: 2 to 3 month old puppy, on Flounders Road Please describe and identify. 312-497-3647 4-28 GIVE AWAY 5 kittens, 5 weeks old, 3 black, 2 white. Mother Siamese 385-0347 after 3 p.m. 4-28 10 month old golden retriever 385-1734 4-28 sit 1 WANT AD < if. vr if ."' ! 1 >viv Yit, m ' • H Si • ligfc r* *3A4L * ft** PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD