PAGE 22 - FUINDEALKK WKUM.SUAY, AI'KII. 28. 1W« w ££ Wild Orphans Victims Of Both Love, Profit FAST LADY...Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney, only woman in competetive drag racing and only'woman li censed to drive a Top Fuel dragster did it the hard way. Since 1971 she has won ^nearly 50 per cent of her match races in 20 states. OFFER ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP -- Discussing plans for 91.000 of the Rotary Scholarship committee, and C.R. Chuck Peterson, Rotary club scholarship are Robert Swartzloff. left, principal of committee member. West campus, who receives details from Dave Benrud. chairman STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD The McHenry Rotary club is this year awarding a scholarship for the first time to a graduating senior, The amount of the award will be $1,000 and will be presented as a tuition grant. Any student graduating this year who lives within the boundaries of School District irrf and attends either McHenry Community high school or Marian Central high school is eligible to apply for this grant through the school counselor. The only exception is students directly related to McHenry Kotarians. The award will be based upon the ability of the individual, the desire to continue education, and upon financial need. The deadline for the filing of applications is the end of the school day May »6, in the counselor's office. Applicants who are finalists will be invited to attend the Rotary luncheon Thursday, May 13. They will be introduced _to the club and will make a 3 to 5-minute presentation on a subject of their own choosing. CAMPING SALE Flame ret ardent Meet* Standard CPAI-84 9x12' CANVAS/NYLON CABIN TENT Canvas roof, nylon walls protect from weather. In terior room for 6 adults. 10488 HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Real Estate Associates Meet Seeking Analysis "How To Use Transactional Analysis In Selling Real Estate" was the program topic of the April meeting of the Associates division of the McHenry County Board of Realtors. Jim Bickers of Elgin was the speaker. Mr. Bickers provided us with a most interesting and challenging Drogram," stated Joe Clinard, Associates president. The Associates division meets the first Thursday of every month for a luncheon and program at the Branded Steak House. Rt. 14 in Crystal Lake, at noon. REGULARLY 139.99 Long SorVICQ on Ammom day I FRIDAY APRIL 30 Qtuntilm limited first comt tint wvcd limit of on? trw pti l«Mtll| ffOMI MCl No ptMtllJW MfttM'V Mtato Sufftf l4>h 2.11off W&rds hardtop camper. * 1488 50% off. c-fi 4. t-t» _ It's fully equipped and versatile. 2-part kitchen can be used inside or out. Dinette seals 4 people or converts to a third lied. Has screened windows with inside zippers. REG. 1699.00 CAMPERONLY SAVE 3011 WARDS 6-HP OUTBOARD REGUlJlRLY 499.99 Wards 2-cylinder, wa ter-cooled motor has F-N-R gearshift and anti-pollution recir culating fuel system. SAVE 40" WARDS 7.5 HP OUTBOARD 189"" REGUlJlRLY 229.99 Air-cooled motor has n e u t r a I s t a r t . p i s o t s ISO to reverse. Tank i s b u i l t - i n . c o n n e c t s e a s i l y t o r e m o t e t a n k SAVE 411 ^•i \W COLEMAN" 44-QT. [STEEL COOLER 'Cooler has steel shell ABSplas- 22 tic inner shell, and bundles REG. 26.99 25% off STEEL TOP CAMP TABLE Convenient 30x 30" size. Baked- o n s i m u l u t e d woodgrain top. 9 7 5 REG. 12.99 SAVE l50 FLOATABLE LANTERN I I i ^ l i 1 n i p a c l . w e a l h e r p r o n l lantern REG. 2.99 SAVE "1 UNBREAKABLE THERMAL BOTTLE Widemouth bot- tle of unbreaka ble, rustproof plastic. Pint. 50 KEG. 2.50 4-lb. Kodel® polyester insulated sleeping bag. Reg. :il.99 Sleep warm with 4 lbs. of Kodel1* polyester insulation. With soft cotton flannel lining, rugged nylon outer shell, full-length heavy- duty zipper. It's machine washable. Wild animals do not make good pets. And most people who attempt to raise wild mammals or birds fail in their superficial role as foster parents of wildlife. That is the double-edged opinion of Dr. Gary Duke, a wildlife professor in charge of the raptor rehabilitation program at the College of V e t e r i n a r y M e d i c i n e . University of Minnesota. i feel compelled to harp on this subject." said Dr Duke, adding that "most wild orphans were not orphans in the first place." The wildlife professor said people who adopt wild animals often believe they are helping a motherless nestling, when in fact, the act of kindness may become a kiss of death for the so-called orphan. The typical backyard rabbit nest is a good example to illustrate - the problems associated with misguided interest, he says. During daylight hours, a lactating rabbit will not make many trips to the nest to nurse her young. If the nest is located in a flowerbed near the kitchen window, observers may panic if the parent rabbit is not around. "With good intentions, the concerned person or persons remove the young rabbits from their nest," Dr. Duke con tinued. "The following day the rabbits start going downhill, and one of them dies. The would-be foster parents call the DNR or the Fish and Wildlife Service or they call us. "If the rabbits have not been out of the nest too long, I tell the caller, - Put 'em back and let the mother do her thing'. Of ten, however, too much time has elapsed and the foster parents end up with a shoebox full of dead rabbits." The adoption of wild babies is a perplexing problem. On one hand, wildlife agencies "have encouraged the public to respect and appreciate wildlife. On the other, the affection mania has been responsible for the untimely demise of mammals and birds that were loved to death as short-lived pets. The problem centers on the individual animal. Professional 20% off. 2V4 GALLON INSULATEDJUG Sturdy plastic construc tion. Leakproof spigot. Polyurethane insulation. 720 REGULARLY 8.99 1/2 off. -- PIUS -- A SECOND BIG FEATURE RATED X ADULTS ONLY Mostly Couplet COLOR STEARNS®/WARDS FOAM LIFE VEST USCG approved vest. Keeps wearer afloat indef initely. Nylon lining, shell. 14" REGULARLY 29.99 For Your Camping & Boating Needs /V\OVT< .(>V\E NY spirit value *76 lue 9\J STORE HOURS Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 12 Noon to 5 p.m. Crystal Lake 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 * Phone 459-3120 FKKK PAKK!IN<; management focuses on wildlife populations. Do losses from adoption seriously,affect a healthy wildlife population" Argued in a technical vein of hard-nosed biology, which allows for some cropping of surpluses from any species, probably not. The same parameters that apply to pheasants would apply to songbirds, for example. But it would take Old World courage to suggest a recipe for robin pie," once a table delicacy in the south. And adjustments must be made to protect dwindling populations. What would happen, conservationists ask, if people were allowed to take individuals from the Kirtland's warbler population, an endangered species.? Some wildlife managers believe the problem is a matter of common sense, humane considerations, and per spective. They question whether "respect" and ' love" should be used interchangeably when establishing a per spective for wildlife. The play on words also plays on human emotions and impressions, they say. "Profit" is still another reason why people snatch babies from wild nurseries. A limited number of people engage in illegal imports of exotic animals. "These people attempt to sell the animals for profit," said David Swendsen, assistant special-agent-in- charge at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Office in Twin Cities, Minn. Despite the laws of courts and nature, people still tinker with wildlife in obnoxious ways. In doing so, Swendsen said, they gamble with potential fines, embarrassment, and prison sentences for serious convictions-such as selling migratory birds. In 1975, three Minnesota residents were convicted in U.S. district courts of selling migratory birds, a felony under the Migratory Bird Treaty act, he said. Special Agent Swendsen offered a philosophical com ment on the adoption of wild babies. "If you want a a dog, cat, horse or mule. The wild pet can bring more grief than pleasure." CROSSWORD PUZZLE W.F. MILLER. JR. William F. Miller,. Jr., of Wonder Lake will celebrate his :t0-year service anniversary with Illinois Bell Thursday. April 29. Miller, who lives at :12I0 Fast Lake Shore drive, is a senior plant assigner in Elgin, lie is a road commissioner and board member of the Wooded Shores subdivision. Miller is a steward in the local In ternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers' union. Who's Crazy? After trying without success to reason with an uncooperative telephone operator, the caller finally lost his patience and hollered through the phone, "Am I crazy, or are you?" "I'm sorry, sir," she replied, "but we don't have that infor mation." rjk SltOUi •QtirMciWflbd 21-23 N. Ayer Harvord, Illinois ?4 Hou' Movie Information (815) 943 4451 MODERN CLEAN CONTROLLED X-RATED FEATURES NOW PLAYING 7 & 9:45 Nightly -- 18 t Ovtr -- DOUBLE FEATURE -- NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH "STORY OF O" -- THIS IS THE REAL THING ACROSS 1 Heavy book 5 Knightly drink 8 Epochal 9 Quiescence 13 Jaunty 14 Carl or Rob 15 Attention 16 Average 17 Jujube 18 American inventor 20 German city 21 of Eden" 22 Dill herb 23 Military unit 25 "I Pagliacci" heroine 26 Vase handle 27 -- d'Azur 28 Gist 29 Heavy 32 Ex-boxer, Lee -- 33 -- volatile 34 Malay isthmus 35 Wear ragged 37 Easy task 38 Garment feature 39 Bacteriol ogist's wire 40 Gear, as a profit 41 Hum bugs DOWN 1 Plains In dian home 2 Mountain nymph 3 Conjugal condition (2 wds.) 4 Young pig 5 Downright 6 Unfriendly glance 7 Spire ornament 10 Plighting one's troth (3 wds.) 11 Lose one's cool (2 wds.) 12 Printing goofs T O D A Y ' S A N S W E R seee aaca esas aagagg EHES aSOQQQ BSE] HQS crasi fflQUE BHSB HSHEI •HHBC SSEHE USEE flsaa ebsdhb •EE EQE SEE ssraues aaBB SEEESE BQBB 16 Affectation 19 "The Divine --" 20 Italian city 23 Wins all tricks, as in piquet 24 One of the kingdoms 25 Coward or Harrison 27 Wine 30 Blot out 31 Neck sections 33 Wine's delicacy (Fr.) 36 Bowling pins, by count 37 Weep Am mWF- LOSE WEIGHT THIS WEEK ODRINEX contains the most powerful reducing aid ever released to the public without a prescription--clinically proven by a leading University Hospital An amaring hunger tamer that suppresses the appetite, lets you enjoy three good meals a day--the tiny ODRINEX tablet helps you eat less without being hungry - down go the calories, down goes your weight No crash diets or strenuous exercises Safe taken as directed-will not make you nervous lMk super, (Ml super as you start slim mmg down today with the ODRINEX plan Satisfaction guaranteed or money back BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. GREEN ST.. McHENRY MAIL ORDERS FILLED TED...Lynna Harbison, DallasfTexas, taught tier- self to play three-finger chords on the piano when she was four. Now, at age 24, she plays professionally. Lynna was. born practically blind, but with a eift for music. A-l HEARING AID SERVICE Free Loaners - Complete Service on all Makes Custom Earmolds-30 Day Trial on New Aids Try Before You Buy! Maico-Zenith-Radio Ear Qualitone ROBT. STENSLAND & ASSOC. 3937 W. Main St. 385-7661 Behind-the-ear AID j 1 QQ Reg. $239 ORNAMENTAL IRON Railing*Columns Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: , McHenry 385-0783 t