SKCTT/W 2 - PAGE IL \IVfih \U U UhDNI SUAY. APRIL 2&1V7S •OMI. CURAD jto»i •ottoi balls I# Cotton Balls 2 19* Soft, firm, ft abtorbont for cosmotic uto ft baby caro. 60 in bag. Mfgr. 19c Tho "Ouchless" plastic bandago. 10 in box. DAILY 9 TO 9 SUNDAY 10 TIL 6 * PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., APRIL 21 THRU SIIN.# MAY X Prices effective while quantitlos last. Wo rotorvo tho right to limit quantities. 4400 W. ROUTE RT/47 & CNTRY MrHFNRY CLB. RD.t imNOIS WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS DAIRY FRESH GOLDEN GUERNSEY Milk 1 GALLON REG. 1.27 \ *3* >0£ \ot A c\«o t«eth BflHINGSODH. Peak Toothpaste 10* Mfgr. 44c Tho toothpaste with baking soda. Personal 1.3 oz. size. O o o Beautiful Ivy Terrace Lawn Furniture Taka your choica of any of thoso lovaly pieces A saval Wrought Iron with Antique Whlta finish. Colorful floral prints, supported vinyl upholstary ... wathabla. CMrtis' SwIOf ' R«g. 89.94 Chaise Leange R*fc.78.94 Swhrsi Recker Rag. 56.94 PURE ORANGE JUICE from flOIIM SGal. Site Our Reg. 93c i1Spray Wilkinson Double Edge Blades Mfgr. jM C 95c Stainless steel, double edge razor blades. ^ in pkg. \5 Plastic fable Cletfci Huge assortment of tough plastic, flannel-backed tabla cloths. In prints ft solids. 52" x 70". Reg. 2.97 'j •f *sc;v J?' K' Hi- f nit * t\ffk t !iai 1 (* -t&m 'St. 4s. 4 HOUSt* IAMBI MIC'*-101 & *ag. 1.74 14% os. of fast killing for mule I >Special £ r;Purcho*®5 Bress IMili This Reg. sola 7.87 Only Manufacturers' List $171 FAMOUS BRAND short sleevo dross shirts with orig. labels. (14V»-17). Save at least $11,131 Nature Casiiab Features "nature" sole ft stit ching on moc toes. Women's sizes. Men's A Beys' Tough rubber toe cops ft vinyl ankle padding. Men's 6'/«-12. 11-2, 2Y..6. Celestas Pely- Ltte Ceeler Reg. 12.97 10" 30 qt. capacity. Built-in snap latch. Dry storOge tray. No. 5280A. Ceeler Reg. 23.87 44#qt. urethane insulated cooler won't rust, leak, corrode. Wipes dean. No. 5254. FOR A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN "JUST ARRIVED vv >^4 14 X jtf LARGE SELECTION OF BEDDING PLANTS Choose from flowers, and vegatables including: Pansies, Marigolds, Dahlias, Cabbage, Broccoli, Tomatoes a tray camp'"? comfort X M. tag ;7. #56 Urethane insuloted; stainless, eeslly cleaned. Inner lid Is handled cup. No. 5502. WRANGLER NO. 3 DENIM-LOOK Slaaping Bag Double weather stripping, double Up aluminum zippers. 34 x 78. ARMAC NO. 3 PATCH DENIM Slooping Bag Patchwork shell. Full all around zipper. 34 x 77. _ - q- Reg. 16.97 • 1 O 7 YOUR CHOICE OUTDOOR BEAUTY YOU'LL ENJOY YEAR AFTER YEAR! Assorted Flowering Shrubs Provides a wealth of bright colors. Each is 2 to 3 feet in height. Our ReR. 1.97 I 3 7 Fresh Packaged Rose Bushes Lovely look for Spring!! Beautiful bright rose bushes of the finest quality for a bright fresh look for your flower garden. 30% Off 6 Our Reg. 1.17 87* Border Fence z- -- _ An attractive addition to your garden " h or lawn. Reg< 1>97 1 37 PLANT A GARDEN THE EASY WAY! RENT A ROTO TILLER WE'VE GOT A MODEL TO FIT YOUR JOB! SETT Reynolds Wrap Reg 497 37c eo. mm 25 sq. ft. of aluminum foil. Magic 47 Non-toxic heavy duty cleaner. Wayne Saaip Reg. 55.04 Keep your cellar free of water. 1