\ IN VARIETY SHOW -- Debi Welch, Charlynda Johnson, Karen Stupey, Tina Licastro, Donna Lasko and Frank Malina will be dancing in the East campus variety show this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. All performances will be in the West campus auditorium. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 Junior Group Actively Involved Members Of Unit The Junior members of the American Legion auxiliary Unit 1169 of Wonder Lake are a most important part of our organization. They are our future. Junior members do not form a separate organization, but are actually members of the American Legion auxiliary. They are grouped separately merely because it has been found that their ages demand programs of their own. The Junior activities group is supervised by an adult chairman of the auxiliary unit. As the American Legion auxiliary unit, they have their own officers and have outlined schedules of the auxiliary programs which they par ticipate in wholeheartedly. They participate in Volun- Teen programs, make tray favors for veterans in hospitals, and entertain the aged. There are special projects that they participate in to help children in other countries. In the Foreign Relations program this year, the Juniors are par ticipating in Belize Pen Pal. The Juniors conduct money- making projects of their own to help finance scholarships. There are endless activities that these Juniors perform within their community and unit. Lois Haak, Communications Chairman SALE The Wonder Lake Tennis Boosters are sponsoring a super combination garage and bake sale to be held at the Eastside firehouse on Thur sday, Friday and Saturday, April 29, 30, and May 1, hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Pete Mrowka on April 28 Happy ninth birthday to Christopher Anderson, son of Bob and Judy Anderson, on April 28. Happy birthday to Nancy Parquette on April 30. Happy eighteenth birthday to Tom Nowacki on April 30. NEWCOMERS Welcome to Wonder I^ake to the Charles Plumlee family. Charles, his wife. Karen, and two children. Laura and Christopher, recently moved to their new home in Oakwood Shores from the bustling Chicago suburb of Schaum- burs. So far the Plumlees are adjusting to the "quiet" neigh borhood and waiting for the rains to stop so they can plant grass seed in their now muddy front yard. May your days in Wonder Lake be happy ones, Plumlee family! ANNIVERSARY Happy anniversary to Ron and Nancy Parquette on May 1. HAPPINESS IS... Happiness is...en joying the "fruits of the season", with fresh rhubarb ciistard pie and buttered tender asparagus for supper. Happiness is...girls jumping rope - while waiting for the bus to take them to Valley View. Happiness is...watching the early plants in the garden grow. Happiness is...hoping those early strawberry blossoms develop to their intended potential. Happiness is...a bunch of violets. Happiness is...a quarter from the tooth fairy. Happiness is...Arnold Hor- shack's laugh! Happiness is. squeaky, shiny clean hair. COMMUNITY CALENDAR April 28, Cub Scout pack meeting, Father-Son cake bake. 7:30 p.m. Nativity Lutheran church. April 29, 30, May 1, Garage-bake sale, Eastside Firehouse, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. May 1, Salute to America Dinner-Dance. Christ the King church. May 6, Sodality meeting, Christ the King church. May 7, Half day of school, Harrison May 11, Board of Education meeting, Harrison school. May 13, Spring Concert, Harrison school, band and chorus. May 16, Parish Council Meeting, Christ the King church. jfgh v spurgeons STORE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 10-5 Special values for and dining Colorful Lady Peppered sheets in no-iron polyester/cotton Reg. $4.49-4.99 Twin flat or fitted 2 for or 4.19 each Reg. $5.49-5.99 full flat or fitted 2 for $10 or 5.19 each Reg. $9.99 queen flat or fitted 2 for $16 or 8.19 each Reg. $3.59-3.99 pkg. of 2 pillowcases 2 pkg. $6 or 3.19 pkg. This week, save on our entire stock of Lady Pepperell sheets, including the lovely new "Jeffersonian Rose" with the look of an heirloom floral in peach, blue or ivory. Plus, you'll find an array of other prints, stripes and solids . . . all in perma-press Dacron* polyester/ cotton. Stock up now and save! Use Our Free lay-Away At Spurgeon's Save! Extra plump jumbo v goose feather-filled pillows 99 or 6.59 each For billowy comfort that doesn't need to be refluffed during the night--here's an extra plump imported white goose feather (crushed) pillow with heavy jumbo cord! 20x?7" finished size in blue or pink feather-proof cotton tick. THIS WEEK ONLY .'./. ALL PILLOWS ON SALE! your choice Compare at $3.99-8.99 52x52", 52x70", 60x84", 52x70" oval and 68" round Hurry in for first choice of these designer-inspired patterns on flannel backed wipe-clean heavy vinyl. Choose vegetable motif "Potluck", "Country Denim" border print of flowers and fruit, sophisticated "Wheat" or lovely "Colonial Lace". Deaths MARIE ESPEY M rs Mane Espey, wife of McHenry Police Chief Kenneth Espey. died Monday. April 26, in Rtx'kford Memorial hospital Arrangements were in complete at the Peter M Justen & Son chapel at press time 1SABELLE STRAMA Mrs Isabelle Strama. 75. of Roberts road, rural McHenry. was pronounced dead on arrival at McHenry hospital Monday. April 26 She was the last of a family of thirteen' Mrs Strama was born in Nashville, II . April 4. 1901, daughter of Constantine and Johanna Marx Andrews She came to this area from Liberfyville twenty-five years ago Her husband. Stanley, died Sept 22. 1959 She is survived by two sons. Stanley. Jr . of Marathon. FJ , and Robert of Schaumurg; two daughters. Mrs Marvin (Bernadine) Weinken of Mantowish Waters, Wis , and Mrs. Harold <C»eorgine> Little of McHenry; also ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren The body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son chapel from 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday. A funeral Mass for Mrs Strama will be offered at 10 o'clock Wed nesday in Transfiguration church. Wauconda. with burial in Ascension cemetery. Libert yville. . Contributions in her name may be made to the Lakes Region Rescue squad. Island Lake MARIE BARTA Mrs. Marie Barta. 83, of Wonder Lake, died in MacNeal Memorial hospital, Berwyn, April 26 Mrs Barta was born Jan 6, 1893, in Kostamlaty, Czechoslovakia, the daughter of Frank and Katherine Nemec Formerly from Chicago. Mrs Barta had been a resident of Wonder Lake for the past thirty-six years. Survivors include three sons, John of West Covina, Ca., Frank of Chicago, and Emil of Brookfield, II.; two daughters. Mrs. Harold (Rose) Roberts, Willow Springs, Mo. and Mrs. Paul (Pola) Lawrence, Bolingbrook. eleven gran- children. nine great gran- children; and a sister, Mrs. Zdenka Covar of Cicero Mrs. Barta's husband. John, and two brothers, James and Frank Nemec. preceded her in death. Visitation was scheduled for Tuesday. 7 to 9 p m and Wednesday. 2 to 9 p m at the Peter M Justen and Son funeral home Funeral services will be held Thursday, at U a m at the chapel, with burial in the Ringviood cemetery FRANK DISTLER Frank Distler. 83, of 844 Wheeler street. Woodstock, was pronounced dead on arrival at Memorial hospital. Woodstock. Thursday. April 22 Mr. Distler, a former resident of McHenry for a number of years, was bom in Wauconda Aug 6, 1892. the son of John and Margaret Heinlein Prior to retirement, Mr Distler was employed for twenty five years with the Woodstock Die Casting as a die caster Survivors include nieces and nephews Visitation was held Friday evening at t^»e Peter M Justen and Son funeral home, with services Saturday mor ning at 9:30 Burial was in St Mary's cemetery, McHenry MARGARET BETHKE Mrs Margaret Bethke. 55, a former resident of Wonder Lake, died Friday. April 23, at Cox Medical center. Springfield. Mo Mrs Bethke was born May 21. 1920. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joe Joseph She had lived in Wonder l^ake for twenty four years, having come from Chicago Mrs Bethke was a charter member of the Wonder l^ake Volunteer Firemen's auxiliary Survivors include her husband. Fred, two daughters. Mrs John (Darlenet Geraci. PAGE a PIAINDFAIJ-I*WEDNESDAY. A PHIL ». IfM Tuesday and from l£to 9 p m Wednesday Catholic services will be held in the chapel at 10 a m Thursday with Father Mathew Kauen officiating Interment will be in All Saints Polish National Catholic cemetery. Chicago Texas, and Mrs Hoy <Pam> Meyers. California. her mother. May Kane, of Texas, a brother, John Brehanney. of Missouri, a sister. Mrs RTchard < Joan > I>ver and eight grandchildren Mrs Bethke's body is being donated to science Con tributions can be made to the Margaret Bethke Memorial fund, c-o Halm s Wonder l«ake funeral homr WILLIAM F GUNTHER. SR William F Gunther. Sr., at 922 W. Valley road. Lilymoar, died in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, April 26. at the age of 60 Mr. Gunther was bom in Chicago Jan 6. 1916 He was a veteran of World War II and a firefighter with the Chicago Fire Department for many years The deceased was a member of V.F W Post 4800 Survivors include s daughter Mrs. Frank (Barbars) Cannatoro of Florida , a son. William F Gunther. Jr of Elk Grove Village; six grandchildren, a brother, Joseph Gunther, end two sisters from Cslifornia His wife, Jean, preceded him in death, in 1966 Friends msy call at the George R Justen and Son funeral home from 7 to 9 p m nmcmnmif This information has been *uppiied by experts at The Society of Chartered Prop erty A Casualty Underwriters, the national professional society imhoae members have earned the CPCU designation by meeting high educa tional, ethical and experience requirements. Q. My mot tor-in-law , has Just moved in with us Under our auto insurance contract, ia ah* covered while drivii^ our car? " A. Ym Under the circum •tanrea you deaenbe moat policies inaurinf private paa •enfer autoa would provide coverage for your molher-in law, and without additional charft However, your policy will not provide coverage for your mother-in law driving a car that ahe owna LAUGHTER: "Msdicina to weary bone*." Carl Sandburg Plant A Garden The Easy Way! RENT A ROTO TILLER We've Got A Model To Fit Your Job! HORNSBYS 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry, Illinois Dally 9 to 9 SuntHy 9 til 6 - v. p.% pter , I • r i i i I I Thb McHenry Puindiamr I I I I I I I I 3612 Matt €im Strict EitaWnHid 1676 Phona 305 0170 McHenry. Illinow 60060 Published Every Wednaaday 6 Friday at McHenry, Second Claaa Nlfl Paid at McHenry, llltnoti By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY llltnoM I I Larry £ Lund •* Publiahar Adete FroeWtch • Editor 5 IIHWH / NATIONAL NEWSPAPER (rtlNu I »in MNA SUSTAINING MEMSII --1175 SUBSCRIPTION RATES II ^ear $10,50 t War $15. In McHenry and Laha Outside McHenry i | County | Lake County you drive race cars, or cross busy streets between intersections... you're living dangerously... BE AUTY SALON TIKS WED. (Senior Citizens Day) THURS.-KRI. y-9 SAT. 9-5 Famous Maker print vinyl tablecloths 397 189 1656 « but yourVlANClIB /membership still insures you for $10,000.00 Accidental Death. (Age 70 and over reduced amounts) And, our McHenry State Bank BanClub also provides unlimited checking activity, regardless of the number of checks written.; AND all the personalized checks you'll ever need. All this and MORE, lor lust $3.00 a month. Shouldn't YOU check into BanClub today? McHenry State Bank 3510 W. Elm St. McHeniy, III. 385-1040 Each Depositor Insured for $40,000 - By the FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION IMGUI 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry, Illinois 385-4100