MUSIN' AND MEANDEfclN' (Continued from page 1) PAGE 4 - PI.AIN'DEALER-WKDNESr)AY, APRIL 2*. 1976 was traveling south on the highway when two vehicles in front of him signaled to turn After making their turns, Foreman continued on and hit the rear of the Davies car, which was stopped on the high way waiting for traffic to clear to make a left turn The turn signals on the Davies car were not operating at the time of the crash. A ticket for improper left turn was issued to Scott V. I^ennon of :1408 Fairway drive, McHenry, following a collision at the intersection of Green street and Fairway drive Sunday afternoon Theresa L Sweeney of 3207 Skyway drive, McHenry, was stopped at Fairway when the Lennon car made a turn from Green and hit the front of her auto. Robert C. Caccamo, 8911 Woody trail. Wonder I^ake, was cited for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident after his car ran into a ditch on Tryon Grove road at the Barnard Mill road intersection The accident took place Sunday morning about 3:30. Caccamo told deputies he had no idea how the accident occurred. A two-car accident at the corner of Spring Grove and Church roads Sunday morning about 11:30 resulted in a ticket being issued to Ix>rraine N. Frost of 2915 N. Spring road, McHenry, for failure to yield at a stop or yield intersection. According to the police report, Mrs. Frost made a left turn from Spring Grove onto Church road and hit the rear of an auto driven by Michael Kling of 4001 Blitsch Place* McHenry. it should be It will bo preceded by numerous other events on the topic of our 200th an niversary. Next weekend, '/That's the Spirit" will set the tone for the annual Fast campus variety show. All reports from past efforts indicate a tremendous amount of talent to reach the public, often lor the first time , May 6 will bring to the huge gymnasium of West campus well over a thousand students from fifth grade through high school in a musical offering paying tribute to this special year. Each school will con tribute something of im-' l>ortance from the heritage of our country in what promises to l>e an impressive presentation Business people and homemakers will become Betsy Boss/ Patrick Henry, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln when the McHenry Choral club focuses on its thirty-fifth anniversary, which happens also to coincide with the 140th year since the* first settlers arrived at McHenry, and the nation's big birthday An open house following the opening night performance May 8 is slated especially to honor charter members who are extended special in vitations to attend. All in all, the patriotic flavor that had its start at the !>eginning of 1976 continues unabated. Maybe this is something we have needed. George Cadotte is leaving the local school system after a short local career as a bus driver But in that brief time he has gained the respect of students who have been for tunate enough to ride his bus. A parent called to tell us of the card his young riders signed and presented to him on the last day. R read, "You're No. 1". That's high praise from anyone, and when it comes from the very young, you can be sure it had to be earned. K.A.F. CONFUSED DRIVER RATES ZERO IN LEISURE RIDING (Continued from page 1) Wendy K. Young of 3002 S. Elder, McHenry, were injured in the collision. -Cynthia R. Davies of 1212 Bonnie Brae, McHenry, was ticketed by county police for failure to signal when required, following an accident at 4818 Route 14, Crystal Lake, Sunday morning about 2 o'clock. James W. Foreman of 473 Porter avenue, Crystal Lake. Couple Petitions For Pier, Permit A petition by Raymond A. and Doris E. Blake, 1614 KiversMe drive, north, is one of seven applications for con struction permits received by the Division of Water Resources, Illinois Department of Transportation The Blakes are asking authorization to construct a permanent pier on the western bank of the river. Ten From Area Listed In College "Who's Who" Fruit Products Processor . "THAT'S THE SPIRIT" SETS TALENT SHOW THEME (Continued from page 1) Some of the characters who will be appearing in skits are Nathan Hale, Ben Franklin, John Hancock and Martha Washington. There will also be some musical numbers per formed by a group of dancers and a gymnastics routine. Music will be provide by the East campus stage band urtder the direction of W.N. Toalson. The show is being directed by Dan Stanowski and Roger Zawacki. There will be a small ad mission charged at the door on the night of each performance. Senior citizens will be admitted free of charge to the Thursday evening performance, April 29. All performances of "That's the Spirit!" will begin at 8 p.m. at West Campus. More ill health is caused by too much food than too little. MOTOR Fl EL ALLOTMENT McHenry county has been allotted $80,993.76 as its share of motor fuel tax funds paid into the State Treasury during the month of March, according to the Illinois Department of Transportation Motor fuel tax funds are allocated monthly to the various counties in Illinois for their highway needs The monies allocated are computed on the basis of motor vehicle registration fees. STORM DAMAGE, High winds that caused a utility pole and wires to fall, resulted in a disruption of electrical service in the Claremont Hills area for about two hours Saturday morning. No serious damage was reported following the storm FBLA RATINGS Although the recent rating of Mcllenry's Future Business Leaders in a state spelling contest was believed to be a "first", it was learned this week that Leslie Kilday Nor- denson, also an FBLA member, won first place in state com petition in 1962. Favor Landmark Preservation Edward W. Hall, chairman of the McHenry County Bicen tennial commission and superintendent of schools for the county, announced this week that the commission had gone on record April 14 for preserving the old iron bridge in McHenry as a landmark. BICKNTKNNIAL DAY All senior citizens, age 60 and over, in the Johnsburg school district area are invited to attend the Johnsburg Junior high Bicentennial day Tuesday, May 4. The event will be held at Johnsburg Junior high beginning at 8:45 in the mor ning. There will be an assembly, after which a "coffee" will be held for senior citizens. It's just as well not to yell for help until you need it. Thirty-two students from McHenry County college have been selected for listing in Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges, 1976 edition. Ten are from this area. The students were selected by MCC faculty members and the counseling staff based on academic standing, service to the community and leadership in extra-curricular activities. In addition to being listed. these students will receive certificates of merit from Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges. McHenry students are Joe Bellino, Harry Burmann, Brian Fetzer, Larry^ Fry, Marilyn Hamilton, Betty Keeney, Bob Mueller, Gloria Muise and Betsy Ruth, all of McHenry A Spring Grove student is Walter Boutin. Marian Enrollment Up; Other Schools Show Loss Catholic schools in McHenry county have decreased in enrollment by 1 percent in the current yeir, even though Marian Central Catholic school increased in enrollment for the third consecutive year. Figures released recently by the McHenry county board of Catholic education show that the seven Catholic elementary schools in the county dipped from 2,222 pupils in 1974-75 to 2,157 in 1975-76. Marian Central, however, climbed from 670 students to 704, a 5 percent increase. The total student population of 2,861 is thirty-one fewer than a year ago. In releasing the statistics, Father James Moses, superintendent, commented, "We have watched the pattern of small decreases at the elementary level for a couple of years. But until this year, Marian's increase over shadowed the decreases at the elementary level. Another problem is unequal distribution of applicants. Some of our schools have a waiting list in one grade and empty seats in another." Father Moses also presented to the board's Schools com mission an analysis of staff members. There are thirty religious (priests or sisters) teachers and ninety-six lay teachers for a total of 126. Of these, thirty-five posses^ Master's degrees or beyond, eighty-two hold Bachelor's degrees, and eleven are working toward a first degree Father Moses commented, "Since the adoption of the policy to hire only certified teachers, our staff quality has gone up steadily. The few non- degreed teachers have several years experience since they were in the system prior to the personnel policy of 1969, and many are close to achieving the Bachelor's degree. We can safely say that our staff per sonnel constitute one of the ANNUAL OEN|RALH£CTmC 10 17.6 cu. ft. N0-FR0ST REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER G.E.'s FINEST CONVERTIBLE POTSCRUBBER DISHWASHER With big 4 65 cu ft freezer. Power Saver Switch. See thru crisper and adjustable meat Keeper. 3 adjustable shelves. Rolls out on wheels. Only 30 V2" wide, 66" high DDF 7108 P 2-Speed, 3-Cycle 18-lb. capacity FILTER-FLO® WASHER with Mini-Basket 5 wash/rinse temperature combinations, variable water levels C.SC86. WAS 379 - W.T. NOW '3591? • Built-in Soft Food Disposer • Sound Insulated • Tuft Tub' Interior • Rinse Aid Dispenser • Dual Detergent Dispenser • Faucet-Flo Unicouple AUTOMATIC SENSOR CONTROL ELECTRIC DRYER WW A 83bO P Monitors temperatures--stops when clothes are dry! Permanent Press/Knit Cycle WAS OTI li:ii MODE US A V AI LA BL F. FROM $219.95 GSD376 • 5-Cyde Wash Selection In cluding Power Scrub" Cycle • Power Saver Drying Option. • Rolls where needed now -- can be built-in later. • 3-Level Washing Action DON'T FORGET OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT CAREY Appliance »rv1c! 1241 N. Green Street 385-5500 McHenry Solves Home Canning Jar Shortage main strengths ot our system." The McHenry county board of Catholic education serves the teaching mission of the church through seven elementary schools: SS. Peter & Paul, Cary; St. Margaret Mary, Algonquin; St. Thomat. Crystal Lake, St Mary, Woodstock; St. Joseph, Harvard; St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg; Montini Middle and Primary^ McHenry; Marian Central Catholic high school in Woodstock, which serves all fourteen parishes of the county; programs of CCD (Religious Education), adult education, parent educators, and special religious education for the retarded. Tbe McHenry board is part of the Rockford Diocese Catholic Education system. #TbeNim4§> Washbasket By Bobbie Hill £ The strong voice of the consumer has been heard. After considering 9000 re sponses to its request for com ments,. the Federal Trade Commission has proposed re visions in its regulations re quiring care labeling of wear ing apparel. Major proposed revisions would: . . .expand the rule's cover age to include, among other things, household furnishings and leather and suede wear ing apparel; . . .require that labels con tain various disclosures de signed to give the consumer clearer and more complete care instructions; . . .and provide a uniform glossary of terms used in care instructions. As an example of more complete care instructions, washing instructions would have to include water temper ature and drying methods as well as bleaching and iron ing methods, where needed. The warning, "Do Not Bleach," is contained in many fabric labels. For these items, a bleach substitute, like Bora- teem Plus, has been found to be effective in removing stub born soil and stains without harming bright colors or fab ric finishes. (For a free copy of the in formative booklet "Ideas to Brighten Your Laundry" write to U.S. BORAX, Consumer Affairs Department NW, P.O. Box 75128 Sanford Station, Los Angeles, CA 9007 5.) * * * * If you sacrifice your principles for friendship, you lose something and gain nothing worth hav ing. PEACH GLEN, PA. --With home gardening and canning becoming more and more wide spread. a Peach Glen. Pennsyl vania. fruit products processor is lending a corporate hand to help American consumers fight inflation. Knouse Foods, Inc., has announced that its highly popular Lucky Leaf Apple Sauce and Apple Butter are now being packaged in re-us able mason Jars. As attractive as it is versa tile. the new Lucky Leaf pack age offers Apple Sauce in re usable quart and pint size jars, Apple Butter in pint jars only Although the Lucky Leaf jar lids cannot be used for home canning, this is nevertheless a definite boon to the frustrated homemaker who has found many home canning supplies missing from her retailer's shelves. The new Lucky Leaf package is not only helpful, it's also more convenient, economical and practical for the consumer. Now, when a homemaker buys Lucky Leaf Apple Sauce or Ap ple Butter, she pays nothing extra for the re-usable jar, which means an approximate savings of 19-23 cents per jar. Lucky Leaf Apple Sauce and . Apple Butter comes in quart or pint sizes, the most con venient measurements for home canning. In addition to canning, however, the mason jar has several other purposes as well. It can be used to store leftovers and other foods in the refrigerator. As a catch-all, the mason jar is perfect for storing everything from extra buttons and sewing needs to- trading stamps and paper clips. It's a smart homemaker who can get the most for her mon ey. And, with the new Lucky Leaf package, she now enjoys not only re-usable mason jars, but also quality Apple Sauce and Apple Butter packed in the heart of "America's Or- chardland." FRUIT AND POULTRY FOR MAIN COURSE A delightful combination, fruit acttfT poultry make a delicious entree. Apple Chicken Bake blends apple sauce and chicken in a mouth-watering casserole that will please both family and friends » Apple Chicken Bake 4 cups Lucky Leaf Apple Sauce Vi teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon catsup '•» cup diced celery V\ cup diced onion 3 chicken breasts (split in half) •1> cup evaporated milk 1 V> cups fine cheese cracker crumbs ! i teaspoon paprika !ii teaspoon salt Blend apple sauce with allspice, 1 teaspoon salt, flour, and catsup; stir in celery and onion. Pour mixture into baking dish 13%" x 8'£" x I V. Dip chicken in evaporated milk and roll in crumbs seasoned with paprika and % teaspoon salt. Arrange on top of apple sauce. Bake 350 degrees for about 45 minutes or until chicken is tender. Serves six. APPLE SAUCE CHERRY DESSERT 1 package cherry flavored gelatin 3 tablespoons red cinnamon candies 1 cup hot water 2 cups Lucky Leaf apple sauce Dissolve cinnamon candies and gelatin in hot water. Add apple sauce and stir to blend. Pour into 9" square pan that has been rinsed in cold water. Chill. Serve with whipped cream and finely chopped nuts. Lakemoor Designated For Flood Insurance The National Flood Insurers association(NFIA) recently an nounced that flood insurance has become available for residential and non-residential properties in sixty more areas of twenty-seven states, among them the village of Lakemoor. Damage from flooding is not covered in standard property insurance policies. The federal act requires that communities interested in becoming eligible for flood insurance must take action to restrict unwise land use in flood-prone areas. They must ask HUD to arrange for detailed studies of the flood hazard in the community so actuarial rates can be established. The amount of flood in surance available at subsidized POET'S CORNER HATE The clock on the wall ticks the hours away and problems grey your mind love has sentenced you and you're in a bind The need to be different has ruined the pace and you can't even stand to look at your face no one around can help you now you're beyond anyone's reach and as the hour grows short the pain grows stronger a pain no one can teach You ache for love and can't get it back the feelings everyone has you seem to lack And as the clock on the wall ticks the hours away you learn how it feels to waste a day in some odd way you've sealed your fate 'cause the only emotion you ever learned was the emotion called hate Murray Alford THE STORM ALARM. That's new Weatheralert. It protects you from hazardous weather the way burglar and fire alarms protect you from robbery and fire. Weatheralert has an alarm. An alarm that's set off any time--night or day--when a severe storm threatens. (It can warn a sleeping family.) The alarm is triggered by a signal from the local transmitter of the National Weather Service. Which follows with a complete broadcast report on the danger and survival instructions. ' When conditions are normal, Weatheralert picks up the weather station's continuous forecasts. (The alarm will sound loud and clear whether or not you have the volume turned up and are listening.) AC-powered. Built-in back-up battery automatically takes over should storm knock out electricity. Solid state and crystal controlled. You need Weatheralert. The weather rad io that sounds an alarm when the weather's goingto be alarming. Weatheralert $39.95. rh^Electronics Shopping Center 3719 W. ELM McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-4646 i MUSIC | ELECTRONICS Onraton of Tonw, Inc. rates under the government's emergency program is limited to $35,000 for single-family residences, with maxftnum of $100,000 on all other types of residential and non-residential properties. Low-cost flood insurance for contents is limited to $10,000 for all Residential property and $100,000 on non-residential properties. Tenants may insure contents separately. The NFIA advises anyone who is interested in buying the flood coverage to contact his regular agent or broker for further assistance and in formation on rates, policy limits and conditions and other important details. TIME-SAVING TALES Conserving time is a major concern of today's busy homemakers. One way to keep house cleaning simple is to do little jobs more often! Food spills on stove and counter tops, for example, can be cleaned more simply if you grab a sponge and wipe them right away. Once a spill has hardened, it often takes real muscle to get rid of it. Baked-on foods and dirty cooking utensils, when soaked immediately, also become a cinch to clean up later. An easy way to keep your carpet looking great all the time is to clean it two or three times a year. This pre vents grease from the air and tracked-in dirt from dulling the colors. Finally, don't accumulate things around the house. Get rid of old magazines and newspapers and store those items you rarely use. . Follow these easy, time- saving suggestions and you'll have less worry about house cleaning and a lot more time for fun! (htilitfumfffrisu) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-the iww portable, easy-to-use hot water attraction carpat claaning machine that f u t t f . . . • rinsae carpat fibart with hot. and daaning solution f d lifts all dirt griaM and residues to the they are immediately CLEAN. FRESH and ODOR-FREES cuMttuamt ClfARCR . WW TRIM ClttRCR IRRCKl (S2'/,H*S.. • PER $5.00 MIN.) HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 8:00 P.M. -9:00 A.M. ' $10.00 HORNSBYS f a m i l y t e n t e r s • 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL J t t