̂j CLEAN-UP DAYS-The first extreme heat of the summer greets city workers this week as they make their rounds of all streets in the annual cleanup drive. The young men shown above are part of the crew assigned to picking up lumber and brush. Others were designated to collecting a wide variety of items labeled largely as trash. The volume was said to have been somewhat less than last year. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS McHenry Woman Marks 36th Year With Illinois Boll MARGARET PINKONSLY Long telephone careers hold family significance for Mrs. Margaret E. Pinkonsly, who is celebrating her thirty-fifth anniversary with Illinois Bell Wednesday, June 16. Her husband, William, retired from the compariy after nearly thirty-five years and their son, William, Jr., has over twenty- one years service to his credit. Together the Pinkonsly family totals over ninety-one years of Illinois Bell experience. Mrs. Pinkonsly, a Chicago native, began her long career there in 1941 as an operator. She's held various clerical assignments in Illinois Bell's plant and commercial departments and since 1960 has been a service representative in the company's McHenry business office. She's a member of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church and Fox Valley council, Telephone Pioneers of America. In her leisure time she enjoys gardening, sewing and cooking. She and her husband live at 3010 West Beach. They havfe two sonsr William, Jr., and Robert, both of McHenry. Dr. Frymark Opens Office Dr. Thomas Frymark has opened a two-chair dental of fice in Johnsburg at 2301 Johnsburg road. Dr. Frymark attended Oak Park high school and the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. He is a 1975 graduate of Northwestern University Dental school and married to a dental hygienist. Dr. Frymark formerly practiced general dentistry in Round Lake. Medical Group Adds Specialist Cincinnati, Oh., 1972-73, and his residency in Otorhinolaryn- gology at Cincinnati Medical center, 1973-76. Dr. Chmiel brings a total of eleven years medical training with him. Dr. Chmiel, his wife, Carol, and two children will reside in Crystal Lake. STANLEY CHMIEL. M.D. McHenry Medical Group will add another specialist in Ear, Nose, and Throat (Otorhinolaryngology) to its staff July 1. Dr. Stanley Chmiel will join Dr . Ted Rolander to form one of the few ear, nose, and throat and facial plastic surgery teams in the northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin area. A graduate of Marquette university, Dr. Chmiel earned his Medical degree at Marquette in 1969. He served his internship at the University of Southern California Medical center in Los Angeles, 1969- 70, his residency in General Surgery at Christ hospital. College Honors\ EARNSDEGREE Roger C. Claypool son of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Claypool of 4212 W. Ponca street, McHenry, was one of 132 seniors who received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tarkio college Sunday, May 9, in the college's ninetieth commencement. DEAN'S LIST Rensselaer Polytechnic institute has announced the names of students who have made Dean's list for the Spring semester. From the McHenry area is Elmer Frederick Pflug, III, 1412 West Bayview lane. To qualify for dean's list, can didates must be full time students, earn at least 3.0 grade average out of a possible 4.0 and not have any grades lower than C. • • • * One of the most mis leading factors in any na tional election is forecasts. iv™* TERRY PRINT Softly absorbent, heavy-weight, looped terry towels. Attractive floral prints are in a variety of 2-cok>r patterns. 22" x 42" SOURS MIR HAIRS Soft and elegant towels to mi* and match Co ordinate colorful cotton plaids to looped terry/ sheared solid colors. Fringed ends Reg. 1.99 BATH TOWELS SALE PRICED *117 Reg 2.29 22*' x 42" BATH TOWELS SALE PRICED •167 SKOAL PURCHASE 3 xS-ft. OnMmt American Flag $ *109 TOWELS SPECIALS Famous brand bath towels at a great buy' These fine quality towels usually sell much higher Choose solids, prints, stripes, (acquards. in colors to brighten your bath Reg 3.99 Values I7*54-h. Slit BEACH TOWELS Reg. 14.99 Kodscolor n Film Cartridge-Cl 10-12 or ^frlJP12"12 1.39 ea. without co^wn IX Good only lit BFN (RANKIIN V A L U 4 oHSrSSB •MfTtscmel •137 I Hti RER PILLOWS Comfort shredded foam pil lows with handsome print or solid covers Standard 18*24 m sue *100 «* Thirsty cotton terry towels in a comfortable 27X54 inch size Sik fun patterns, from Ship Ahoy and Cracker Jack to dynOmite1 Pk|. «f S WASH CLOTHS Dependable quality st'ong cotton looped terry cloths in kitchen colors stripes checks 12»'2 m M00 BENtFRAN KLIN 1250 N. Green St McHenry WeekdRys 9-5:30. Friday 9-8:30. Sunday 10-12:30 Legal Nottct STATE OF ILLINOIS NOTICE OF LETTING (1) Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the McHenry Township Highway Commissioner. 3703 N. Rte. 31, McHenry, III., until 10:00 o'clock A M., June 28. 1976. for furnishing materials required In the maintenance of Section "Road Maintenance Bids", McHenry Countv, McHenry Road District and at that time publicly opened and read. (2) Proposals shall be sub mitted on form furnished by the Township which may be ob tained at the office of "McHenry Township Highway Com missioner and shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "Material Proposal Section "Road Maintenance Bids'*. (3) The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals and to waive technicalities Proposal guarantee in the amount of not less than 10 percent of the bid. or as provided in Article 102 09 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, will be required. A surety bond for the full amount of the award will not be required. Where a surety bond is not required, the proposal guarantee of the successful bidder will be held in lieu thereof Failure on the part of the contractor to deliver the material within the time specified or to do the work as specified herein will be con sidered just cause lo forfeit his surety as provided in Article PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER 108 11 of the Standard Specifications By order of McHenry Township Highway Comm . Clarence Regner June 10. 1976 (Pub Jun 16,1978> Legal Notice NOTICE A Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the McHenry Township Fire Protection District for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 1976 and ending April 30. 1977 has been prepared and is available for public inspection at the Fire Station located at 3610 West Elm Street, McHenry. Illinois or at the WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16. 1978 office the Clerk of the City of McHenry, till North Green Street. McHenry. Illinois A hearing on the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance wtH be held at 8:08 P.M. on June 94. 1978 at the Fire Station located at 3810 West Elm Street. McHenry. Illinois, at which time any person desiring to be heard may be present H.G Rodenkirk, Secretary McHenry Township Fire Protection District (Pub June 18.1978) It's eaay for sooe peo ple to believe they're nat ural-born leaders. W )M( .( WM WY ihViA U >1 Automotive values. ROAD GRAPPLER ON SALE THRU JUNE 22. 50-60% nd tire h. -• / ANY 13" TIRE IN STOCK when you buy 1st steel- belted Road Grappler at reg. price plus F.E.T. ea. and trade-in tires. ROAD GRAPPLER N H>.I KM* WHITFWAI4 NIZC Mlil'UI PIU(t EACH' HAU PNM K isoTiait' M* r K T KACH A78-13 $40 •16 1 86 C78-14 143 •21 2 12 E78-14 $47 •19 2 41 F78-14 $5() •22 2 56 G78-14 $53 •23 2 71 H78-14 $57 •23 2 93 G78-15 $55 •26 2 79 H78-15 $60 •28 299 L78-15 < $64 •32 3 31 FREE MOUNTING reme Retreads. ANY 14" TIRE IN STOCK ANY 15" TIRE IN STOCK *15 Plus .32- 58 F.E.T. each and your recappable tire Whitewalln 1 50 additional each Tread design may differ from tire shown lIMITf 0 AS IONG AS VOU OWN CAt MUmfl WAMANTY fo* Ot k>og o\ rov 0**T< <or ** ltolled Word a •' ' epio< «KT>«r>* «•*» A it twit *o» any '•OtO" H Montgoma»r or*9ttn&r *»e *x/#t#r .» »mtofi **ie 'epk» • free •••v " »o OT>y Monty,"^ , Word brorK* I tK»y wn«0*k>*>0' •oc >!«•»•» A V## t*n*o<iot«or> included I evidence cA pw<Hot* wo"!, does <<>* (apply *0 S t o l l e d o r * < 0 M h o r K > \ FITS MOST US CARS WARDS HEAVY DUTY MUFFLER Wards Supreme'* warrant ed against failure for as long as you own your car. Reg. 18.99 Fast installation, labor only, low as S.88 1688 SAVE 28% WARDS ECONOMY GARAGE CREEPER H a r d w o o d frame, plywood body, vinyl cov ered head rest 688 REG. 9.49 SAVE #5 WARDS ECONOMICAL GET AWAY 24 ( iood s ta r t ing power for mos t compact - s i /ed cars Durab le rub ie r conta iner 1Q95 KX( INSTALLED FREE EXCH. REGULARLY 24 95 43% off. HEAVY-DUTY JACK STAND 1 ' . '-ton Stat I C load capacity 9 Adjustable from M 12-17 Steel 88 REG. 4.9» SAVE $8 INSTALLED FREE WARDS 12V LIGHT UTILITY BATTERY Kits moHt popu EXCH. lar model snow mobiles and gar den tractors KEG. 33.95 2588 l i s , SAVE 43% WARDS DELUXE TIRE PUMP 1 n t'l a te ba I Is, m a t t r e s s e s Steel barrel 17" rubber hose 88 REG 4 98 CHARGE ALL YOUR AUTO NEEDS WITH CHARG ALL /V\< )N'fC ,< >/VU KY We care about car care. ihW M U spirit value *7fi lue 1 V/ STORE HOURS: * 1 T 1 105 Northwest Highway Moo. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to S p.m. • r n r O f O 1 1 n l r / \ Route 14 Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Liiy dial LaK6 Phooe 45»4450 Sunday 12 Nooo to 5 p.m. FREE PARKING