SUPPLEMENT TO PLAINDEALER - PAGE II • WEDNESDAY. JUNE You don't have to ache and strain to stay in condition By Sydney Branch TOTAL FITNESS IN 30 MINUTES A WEEK, by Lau rence E. Morehouse* Ph.D., and Leonard Cross. Pub lished by Pocket Books, New York, $1.95. Dr. Laurence E. More house, Professor of Exer cise Physiology and Found ing Director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Cali fornia at Los Angeles, has developed an entire new approach to physical fit ness and health which may very well revolution ize the concept of exercise. Dr. Morehouse is a pio neer in the field of physical fitness. It was he who developed the exercise pro gram to keep America's astronauts fit. He has published 12 text books which are in wide use in universities through out the country. Through his over 40 years of study and observation in the field of physical develop- ment, Dr. Morehouse strongly contends that "exercise as it has general ly been practiced is not simply boring; it is puni tive, dangerous and inef fective." Dr. Morehouse has de veloped a method by which "just three ten-minute ses sions a week of easy, effec tive exercises can produce total fitness, with notice able benefits in only four weeks." Hence his claim that "even if you haven't exercised once in the last 20 years, you are just two hours (in cumulative time) away from good physical condition." Dr. Morehouse advocates a simple routine of exer cises to strengthen all of the muscles, including the TIPS TO HELP YOU mm us: This information has been supplied by experts at The Society of Chartered Prop erty A Casualty Underwriters, the national professional society whose members have earned the CPCU designation by meeting high educa tional, ethical and experience requirements. Q. My 11-year-old was trying to fix our portable television set and it is now be yond repair. The damage was not exactly caused by an accident, so I have no hope of collecting under our home owners policy. Right? A. You can collect. Under the supplementary coverage of your homeowners policy, damage caused by children under 13 years of age is cov ered, whether accidental or intentional. However, the maximum amount your insur ance company will agree to pay for any one accident is $250. * * * * * In the quest for suc cess, just remember that there is no substitute for character or service. very important muscles of the heart. His program is geared to monitor the heart rate and the pulse rate, the two best indica tors of general physical stamina. By approaching exercise in this manner, one is ac tually striving for increas ed physical endurance which, as Dr. Morehouse points out, may eliminate the possibility of heart attack due to sudden over exertion. It is Dr. Morehouse's firm belief that no exercise should leave a person sore or exhausted; his aim is rather to achieve complete relaxation and good feel ings through exercise. In one particularly in teresting chapter of the book, Dr. Morehouse com pletely shatters 15 com mon "myths" regarding exercise and health. For example, he states that the consumption of water during exercise is good for you, contrary to popular belief, and that it is not dangerous to go swimming after a meal. He disproves the theories that sugar raises the energy level and that extra protein makes you stronger. Deeply concerned with the relation between exer cise and the aging process, Dr. Morehouse states that it is possible to improve our physical condition at any age, but we must first learn to avoid both the excesses of inertia and fanaticism and work for an enjoyable middle ground of physical activi ty in order to enjoy our mature years. THE MAN rasual look of Wrangler "No-Fault" denim. Introduced in regular siaes and fuller cut men's siaes, the new jeans and Jackets give freedom from wrinklea, puckers and shrinking, yet are softer and fade the way denim should. WESTCLOX pOUKHTOn FATHERS MY GIVING MADE EASY WITH THESE OUTSTANDING GIFT IDEAS FROM BOLGERS! R0NS0N & ZIPPO LIGHTERS REMINGTON MIST AIR HOT COMBS COLOGNES OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE & COLOGNE BRITISH STERLING IFT SETS J ENGLISH LEATHER GIFT SETS N0RELC0 ROTARY RAZOR KODAK INSTA-MATIC CAMERAS WALLETS & ACCESSORIES • TIMEX WATCHES • PIPES & RACKS • TOBACCO'S • PEN & PENCIL SETS BOLGERS DRUG STORE 1259 N. GREEN McHENRY Ph. 385-4500 Sgisfi I nTTvTTT»