R t A L E S T A T E By Owner, Whispering Oaks, 2 bedroom Brick and aluminum sided ranch, corner lot, beau tifully landscaped, lots of trees carpeted, central air, mamtex- tras 385-8059 6-18/6-25 10 acre wooded Wisconsin home approximately 3-3/4 hours from McHenry. River Road Realty Cooperating 344-1183 6-18 Three bedroom stone and cedar contemporary ranch, nicely landscaped and with 80' of frontage on the water Exposed wood beams in the ceiling and floor to ceil ing thermopane sliding glass windows lend a spacious ness to the interior. Two piers. $49,900.00. JOHN JUNG REAL ESTATE 815-459-9300 460 Virginia St., Crystal Lake IF YOU DON'T KNOW REAL ESTATE- KNOW YOUR REALTOR THINKING OF SELLING? CALL US FOR FREE MARKET EVALUATION "TIP TOP SHAPE" **************************** * * * * * * * * * * * § § * * * * * * * * * EXTRA SHARP Three bedroom cedar sided four year £> £ old Raised Ranch. Hardwood floors throughout. Kitchen •£ with appliances, ceramic tile bath, finished family room £ with fireplace on lower level. Storage shed, sun porch, JL electric garage door opener, to mention just a few of the jl £ extras. TWO WOODED LOTS, $48,900.00. J * This home would be IDEAL for a young couple just * starting out. Three bedrooms, living room., LARGE * * kitchen, attached garage, rear yard fenced in. 80* x 130* * * lot. PRICED FOR YOUR PICKETBOOK $29,900.00. * "DON'T SIMMER THIS SUMMER" On those extra hot days, stay in this three bedroom ranch and stay cool with the central air conditioning. Located „ in MILLSTREAM SUBDIVISION, this home has a new « * kitchen, new bath, carpeted living room, dining room 1% 7 * car attached heated garage, fenced rear yard, patio, ? * blacktop driveway. WON'T LAST LONG $36,000.00. * I "WOODED LOT" * * * * * * * f * * * * * Nice Tri-Level located on 120* x 120' wooded lot, in £ WOODED SHORES. Three bedrooms, two baths, kitchen £ with built-in appliances, family room, plus 22* x 21* J sub-basement, 2 car garage, circular drive. BEACH £ RIGHTS TO WONDER LAKE $48,900.00. * "GOT A BOAT" R I A L E S T A T E GORGEOUS RIVFWFRONT HOME! On a well landscaped lot, this 3 bedroom home is a delight to the most dis criminating buyer. Beamed ceilings throughout match up with brick walls in the living room. The kitchen has loads of cabinets and a breakfast bar plus all appliances. The yard is fenced with a kennel and there is a double pier and canopy with hoist. Call us for an appointment. YOUR FIRST HOME. This 2 bedroom home will make an excellent started It is paneled and comes with car peting, drapes, f unit air conditioner, stove, and re frigerator. There is a 2 car garage and the home is 1 block from the nver. ONLY $19,000.00. FOR A VACATION AT HOME this home offers frontage on a clean, private lake. ft has the convenience of city water and sewer. Recently remodeled, it has 4/5 bed rooms for the growing family. SEE IT TODAY $28,500.00. WANT TO MAKE MONEY? Here's your chance. An es- tablished restaurant in Fox Lake can be purchased for $139,500.00. It comes fully equipped and ready for busi ness. Call and SEE FOR YOURSELF. 115-3154110 Multiple Listing *ervtr 3932 Nat I McHwry, Wm WE'RE NATIONAL BUT WE'RE NEIGHBORLY 2480 sq. ft. of custom built warmth and elegance with view of LAKE from wrap-around deck. Cath. beamed living rm. and dining rm. with thermopane sliding doors. 3-4 bdrm., 2 full baths. $59,500. LAKELAND PARK 2-3 bdrm. alum, sided ranch. Family room, 2 car gar. Country kitchen A GOOD BUY $27,500. mLA ju F MAINTENANCE FREE 1600 sq. ft. 3 bedrm. 2 bath ranch. Huge basement ready to finish. 1st fir. family room adjacent to kitchen. 2% car garage. Oily 4 yrs. old owner transferred. Many extras. $45,500. LOOKING FOR A BUILDING SITE??? WE HAVE THEM# WATERFRONT $13,500 other lots all prices. ANOTHER NEW LISTING SOLID BRICK RANCH IVx Car Garage. MANY EXTRAS washer, dryer, refri gerator, stove, fire alarm system, elec. garage door. BEAUTIFUL SHADED lot covered rear porch. WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER you this home for $39,500. 1W0 LOCATIONS TO CRYSTAL LAKE 50Q6 NW Hwy. '« Mi. W. of Hi. 31 455-1114 | LAKE REGION REALTY SERVE YOU McHENRY 2210 W. RTE. 120 , Mi. \\. ol I lapel Mill ltd 344-1122 i-win ori k I is INDEPIADKNTI \ OWN! I) Regional * * 1£ ....that needs a home?Here's a nice three bedroom vinyl 5 sided ranch on good channel frontage. DOUBLE LOT - * STEEL SEAWALL, 15* x 25* Boathouse. Family room. * patio with gas * $38,500.00. * * * * * * * * * * grill. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT m IESER MORE REAL ESTATE and AUCTIONEERS AND sS<X\ INC. 1208 NO. GREEN ST., McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-4880 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T.P. MATHEWS, REALTORS !( (Mf /^ FOR SALE » BY OWNER Condominium, fully decor ated, 2 bedrooms, l^baths, stove with hood,compactor, disposal, dishwasher, wa sher, dryer, air condition ed, pool, some drapes. Asking $24,900.00. No Brokers. After 5:p.m. 815-385-9435 6/18 AND 6/25 McHENRY BY OWNER H Block from St. Patrick's Church, Income property, 3 rental units, 2 story A 1 single story home plus 2 car garage on two 66' xl32* lots. $50,000. after S p.m. 815-385-1161 815-678-6561 6-18/7-2TF2 R E A L E S T A T E LOT FOR SALE by Dutch Creek Woodlands 385- 0992 6-16/6-18 House for Sale by owner, con tract or cash. 3 bedrm. alum inum ranch and detached garage with 100* concrete drive. Newly remodeled. 2 block walk to Grlswold Lake. UNDER $30,000 For more information. Call 385-6837 6-16-TF-1-2 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*e«e I REDUCED PRICE J • FOR QUICK SALE • « Owner moving out of state « e 3 br. ranch, att. heated • J garage. Central a/c, city * e sewer, 14' x 14' screened e • house, many extras. Very J • reasonable taxes & heating, e • Prly. Beach & River rights • • Appraised low $40*s. Mc e • Henry Country Club Sub. • • 3011 CHARLOTTE AVE. S • 815-385-2809 • Z no brokers. 6-18 J eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PAGE 13 • PLAINDEALER-FlllDAY. JUNE IS. I9M THE GOLDEN BUCK EYE card entitles Ohioans 65 and older to discounts at state parks and a fast-food restaurant chain. Negotia tions are underway to in clude grocery chains, de partment stores and travel agencies in the discount pro gram, the first state program of its kind in the country. R E A L E S T A T E Desirable lot 100 x 120 In Kent Acree. 385-7502 or 385-5902 5-28 TF CONDOMINIUM 2 bedrooms, IH baths, carpeted, drapes,all kit chen appliances, washer /^yer, air conditioning, pool $24,500. 815-385-6488 6-11/6-18 House for aale by owner. 2 bedroom ranch, full basement, 2 car garage, nicely landscaped lot. In town. Priced low 40*s For appointment call 459-7139 6-11/6-18 KIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAIN DEALER CLASSIFIED rBY~OKNER~i43,900"! WHISPERING OAKS \ ADULT LIVING AREA | 2 br. alum, ranch on quiet | Cul de Sac, liv. rm. - a separate dining room, kit- • chen w/breakfast area, lH! car attach, gar. w/work I shop. Cen. Air. Well Main- I tained. Many Extras 815-385-9633 6-16/6-18j| WONDER LAKE BY OWNER Perfect for outdoor living, Ig. fam. rm. w/fireplace & beamed ceiling, patio drs. to Ig. deck built around trees, % acre wooded lot, 3 brs., dble. closets, utility area, pan try, 2& car gar. olus 1 car gar. Lake Rights $41,900. 815-653-9753 6-18/6-23 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 Story Cape ( od. 4 bedrooms. 8 rooms, 2 X < baths, fully carpetedon Fox Hiver. I-arge wooded lot. $59,760.00 3441632 385-6566 344-0748 6-2-TF BY OWNER ? NEAR COUNTRY CLUB Alum, sided 2 bdr. home, with 3 lots. Many trees., City sewer, 30 x 30 gar-, age. Quiet Area. Low Taxes' $34,500.00. | Appointment Only 385-4301 No Brokers. 6-9/6-30 R E A L E S T A T E T" NEW HOME FOR SALE BY BUILDER 1,100 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, attached gar age. $31,000.00. 815-648-4268 6-4/6-25-TF-2 H -- + « • w w INFORMATION TO MARE - The McHenry County college's new eaaapue b m the first deer el the Mala hall building. The I7.8M ajuare feel area houses M.lSt volumes. 1.S80 tapes. 2.918 records. 842 fntrips. I4.CM alMee. 1.1 IS tranaperencles 6.917 ualta of micro-film and subscribes to MO magalines and periodical!. The services offered by the LRC are not only for MCC students hut fer.aM raaiiaH of the Mclloury County college dlatrict. C 8 A I T I I C H I T l l l l i l 1 TO . . » ta t ; i / h . i rd \v fO COLOR me ( I F rm >Mf Representative « **************************** Gallery of Homes is a national referral service having 1500 offices and 15,000 Sales Representatives for the convenience and benefit of both buyers and sellers. WONDER LAKE Charming Cape Cod on 3 lots. Brick fireplace in living room. 4 nice bedrooms, cathedral ceiling family room. 2 full baths, full basement w/workshop and garage. Wooded rolling area with lake right across street. $48,500.00. Nicely remodeled cottage in wooded area. 5 rooms, lovely kitchen, paneled living-dining room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, Gar. Level lot just a few blocks from private lake. $23,900.00. Beautiful old farm house on 1 acre site. 7 rooms, 3 possible bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, carpeting. Kitchen has breakfast bar & Built in appliances. 2 car gar., nice landscaping, new barn, 2 gardens. Com fortable family home. $75,000.00. T.P. MATHEWS, REALTORS 7314 Hancock Drive Wonder lake, III. 815-653-2061 or 815-385-6341 4803 Northwest Highway Crystal lake, III. 815-459-4800 or 815-459-4801 Whitmr your real Mtatt nndi, Buying, Sailing, or Trading a Noma, Put ua In tha pictura ... and color It happy! NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY 3815 W. Elm, McHenry (815) 385-2340 FOR DAD . . . the . -PARTY HOST O McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois (0050 815-385-5922 WONDER LAKE - Situated on a 100 x 125 site is the 3 bedroom home with separate dining room and family room. It also features a 1% car garage with many storage areas. It is very well kept snd has a lot of character. $27,900.00. McHENRY - This is a 2-3 bedroom townhouse with 1% baths, 1 car garage, full finished basement, central air, full carpeting, washer and dryer, plus refriger ator and stove. All for $29,000.00. McHENRY - Being built right now is a 3 bedroom, 1% baths, 6 room home, with a 1 car attached garage. Upon completion, it will be completely decorated and have full carpeting. City utilities. $36,000.00. WONDER LAKE - A beautiful setting of trees surrounds this very nice home. It has 2 bedrooms with a hobby room, family room, and den. It has many desirable extras. $38,000.00. WONDER LAKE - Peace and quiet will be yours In this 2 bedroom, brick home with 1% baths and 2 car garage. It features a tremendous family room with a bar and Hscre site. $49,900.00. OPEN: 7 DAYS WEEKLY AT YOUR CONVENIENCE REALTOR* the professional one This king sized grill is the finest single unit barbeque on the market. The large 375 square inch cooking surface, plus an all- purpose rack for additional cooking or warm ing, makes it a "must" for the professional backyard chef And you can barbeque in any kind of weather because Charmglow barbeque* are made from heavy duty cast aluminum so they won't ever rust. Its perfect, controlled heat gives you year round cooking pleasure. A hallmark in craftsmanship, the fabulous HEJ model Party Host bespeaks quality in every detail and is packed with features that defy comparison LIVE DEMONSTRATION By a CHARMGIOW Representative He will be here to show you outdoor cooking techniques and helpful hints on . . . SAT., JUNE 19th from 10:30 to 2:30 i PET COLUMN GIVE AWAY GERMAN SHEPHERD mother with 4 puppies, 7 weeks old 728-0738 6-18 ~ LOST Lost. Off white poodle type dog, with red harness. Answers to "Tawny". Lost 6/13 vicinity McHenry Dam State Park. Childs companion. Please call 385-7884 6-16/6-18 CHARMGIOW GAS LIGHT MODEL S-15L Power Consumption 30 watts Site 16x16x26, Wght. 27 lbs. 1 0 9 95 | | C H I T I I C I A S T I I I I H B 4400 W. RTE. 120. McHENRY |