PAGE It - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1976 Zion Completes Half-Year Of Centennial Celebrations Lakeland Park Marilyn Nystrom 385-7014 Radcliffe, June 21; Tom Michaels,. June 28; Eric Ar thurs, June 29; Glen Taylor, June 8 and to my dear brother, Ricky Sturm, June 14. ; - THE REV. W.H. AMEISS ;!At both the 7:45 and 10:30 services this Sunday, June 20, (he youth of Zion will lead the worship in contemporary forms with Holy Communion. Guest speaker for the services is the Rev. William H. Ameiss, executive for Youth Ministry of the Northern Illinois district of the Lutheran Church-Missouri synod. His message on Sunday will be taken from John 20:21, with a sermon theme, "Sent on His Mission". This service will complete Zion's second quarter emphasis, which has been centered around "Spirit of 76 in Zion and the Nation." Coffee and fellowship will follow both services. The public is invited to join Zion as the church continues to celebrate their centennial year. The Rev. Ameiss was born in St. Louis, Mo. He graduated in 1963 from Concordia seminary in Springfield, II., and began a mission congregation in Mobile, Al., in 1963. There he remained until 1967, when he served Redeemer Lutheran simplify your insurance program... see me for ALL your insurance needs I'm your auto, home, health, and life agent. And I'd like to answer all your insurance once. AMERICAN FAMILY N S U R A N C E : TT AUTO HOME HEALTH American Family Mutual Insurance Co. Madison, Wisconsin 53701 ~ CHUCK LEWAND0WSKI 1108 VIOLET ST. McHENRY Phone: 385-2304 church in Joliet, remaining until 1970. In 1970 he joined the Northern Illinois district staff with assignment in Youth Ministry. He serves as leadership trainer for youth and adults and as a consultant to parishes in developing their own youth ministry programs. The Rev. Ameiss was at Zion about four years ago helping with its program. Since 1975 he has also taught a Youth Ministry Development course at Con cordia Teachers college in River Forest. July 11 will be Zion's Reunion Sunday with special events all afternoon and evening. Strange? Doctor--Did you say that there was something wrong with this hot-water bottle? Striker --Yes, sir, I put some water in it yesterday and it isn't hot yet. Lakeland Park Residents Seek Voice In Affairs At the June 10, L.P.P.O.A. meeting it was decided that a motion can't be made from the floor. All motions have to be made through a member of the board of directors. This was the decision of the attorney for the association because of the two motions presented at the last meeting by members. Those motions were to freeze all L.P.P.O.A. funds until an in dependent accounting firm does a complete audit and results are made available to the membership, and to have the special meeting called concerning fencing within 15 days. As members who are con cerned with the affairs of our association and who want to project our interests throughout the year we have to go through the board of directors for motions, requests CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING SPECIAL Complete Package To Fit Most Furnaces. Includes Coil, Condenser, Line Set, Relay And Thermostat Completely Installed. Typical 3 Bedroom Home For As low As ... '780°° 29,000 B.T.U. Prices could vary according to your particular home. Call for FREE ESTIMATE. Absolutely no obligation. R.D. HAHN & SONS SHEET METAL, INC. 209 E. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL. 385-9670 THINK ABOUT IT! THE MANY GOOD REASONS TO ESTABLISH A SOUND CHECKING ACCOUNT. Convenience Safety Accurate permanent record Receipts for tax purposes Credit Reference Aid to keeping a budget Economy . Open your checking account in the bank with the most modern, automated checking service....Come in today, and open your account in minutes for years of convenience. - The McHenry State Bank BAN* .3510 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. 385-1040 A FULL SERVICE BANK ui petitions. The only other time we have any voice is at the annual meeting held once a year. Then we can speak up in our own behalf through motions and requests and the members as a whole can vote on issues. May 6, the board of directors were petitioned for a special meeting on fencing. The reason the meeting has not transpired is because the petition was presented at a time when the yearly membership had come to an end. New members were coming into the association and the addressograph had to be brought up to date. I un derstand this has been done now and at the June 10 meeting a date has been set for July 8. As stated at the meeting, "barring no disasters and God willing, it shall be then". LAKE TREATED The lake was treated for swimmers itch and will be checked periodically. Weed killing chemicals were added to the west end of the lake. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy Birthday to Darin S K Y L I N E R o u t t 1 2 0 - 1 M i l e E a « t o f M c H e n r y OPEN BIBLE SCHOOL - Drivers for Vacation Bible school at the Wonder Lake Bible church are shown beside their bus. Bible school begins Tuesday, June 22, and ends Wednesday, June 39, meeting daily from 9 a.m. to noon. Many exciting things have been planned--Bible stories, music, recreation, handicraft projects, refreshments, and much more. All children ages 5 through eighth grade are invited to attend. Witnesses In Convention Plans For Summer The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses has revealed in New York com pletion of plans for ninety-four district conventions of the religious group in the United States during the summer of 1976. Glenn Erickson, spokesman for the Woodstock-McHenry Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, said four con ventions are scheduled for the Greater Chicago area at Hawthorne Race course, Cicero, each expected to at tract some 8,000 delegates. Other conventions which will attract delegates from this area will be two to be held at Dane County Memorial HEARING AIDS BATTERIES AND SERVICE BOLGER'S sdtrouRgE 1259 N. GREEN ST 385-4500 coliseum, Madison, Wi., Erickson said. Erickson said approximately sixty persons would represent McHenry and Woodstock at meetings at both sites July 1-4., The theme of the meetings is "Sacred Service" and Erickson said the program, comprised of Bible lectures, symposiums, discussion periods and full- costume dramas, will focus on the problems facing society today and suggest positive solutions to these problems. "There will be specific in formation for all family members," Erickson said, "including husbands, wives and young people. The content of the convention program is centered on spirituality and how it can be achieved in these difficult times." Erickson said a baptismal service will highlight the programs Friday, July 2. The principal speaker at the Cicero convention will be W.K. Jackson of New York, who will discuss the question, "Will Serving God Solve Your Problems?" It is set for Sun day, July 4, at 2 p.m. The same subject will be highlighted at all of this summer's assem blies, according to Erickson. The Modern Way He--It will be real simple for us to get married, darl ing. My father is aminister. She --Okey, let's give it a whirl. Mine's an attorney. Bull Rider Square Dance Set June 20 Rainbow Ramblers will hold a Bull Rider Square dance Sunday, June 20, from 7 to 10 p.m/This is a badge dance and club meets at Crown school on Bdftner, one block west of Hwy. 12 in Wauconda. All area clubs welcome. Sunday, July 4, at noon, the club will dance along Main street in the Fourth of July parade. Wednesday, July 7, Rainbow Ramblers will give an exhibition square dance at 7:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Federated church. Camp To Make Summer Happen For M.D. Victims Over 170 victims of muscular dystrophy and related neuro muscular diseases will be able to experience a week of sum mer fun as the fifteenth annual Bob Kennedy Muscular Dystrophy summer camp opens for two one-week sessions in Lake Villa Sunday, June 20. Sponsored by the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the summer camping program is dedicated to providing, free of charge, as normal a camping experience as possible for patients incapacitated by chronic muscular diseases. Two one-week sessions, June 20 - June 26 at Camp Hastings and June 27 - July 3 at Camp Ravenswood, will ac commodate 121 male and fifty- three female campers, ranging in age from 7 to 67 years. For further information, phone MDA at (312) 427-0551. BICENTENNIAL CONCERT "Sounds of the New Land", the concert to be presented by the fifty-voice choir of the First Congregational church of Crystal Lake June 19 and 20, will portray the growth of America over the past 200 years. The concert will be presented at the First Congregational church, 461 Pierson street, Crystal Lake, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door. Both Union and Confederate soldiers are buried in Springfield National cemetery, Missouri. WE AIS0 RAWKE • NOVELTIES • MOTOR OIL • BAG & BLOCK ICE • CIGARETTES 47c • SNACKS & CHIPS • ICE CREAM • LIGHTER FLUID • BAKERY GOODS REG. OR DIET •SEVEN UP RC COLA •DIET RITE COLA REG. OR DIET •PEPSI COLA YOUR CHOICE! A At 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES PLUS DEP. HOMOGENIZED DR PEPPER 2% MILK 1% MILK 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES '1 '1 GALLON GALLON GALLON PLUS KINGSFORD LARGE STYROFOAM W BRIQUETS 10 LB. BAG H UUULtK u $-139 | QO* J 1 X. • Jf 21 . JW_ , 20 LB. BAG ^ $*39 ORANGE \ -A-- CRUSH ^ McHENRY 8-16 oz. BOTTLES | fuiNDEALER * " SOLO HERE! piCNiq COOLER m *orn i/fi PLUS CITGO SALE GOOD JUNE 18-JUNE 20 ALL ITEMS PLUS TAX