McHenry Queen In The Making ? PAGE 3 * PLAINUfcALfcH-r iuuaI , <«, •••• Release Horse Health Requirements For Year Mrs. Sharon Nye, who is conducting the charm course for contestants in the Miss McHenry Bicentennial queen contest, checks the posture of some entrants. Judging for the contest will take place at the American Legion home on Ringwood road Tuesday. July 22, at 7:30 p.m. Pictured on stage, left to right, are: Vickie Williams. Nancy Peterson. Lisa Sosinski. Sue Maniscalco. Sheryl Bauer and Debbie Carro. Contestants for queen of the Marine Day Festival are being given Instruction In hair care by a professional beautician, Bunny Berndt.who was a former Miss Wonder Lake. Seated at the table watching the demonstration are. left to right. Tammy Jensen. Alyson Hansen, Terry Conrad, Sue Anderson and Merily Fait STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE (.AYLORD Lindberg Outlines 19-Point Plan In Balancing Illinois Budget Comptroller George Lind berg of Crystal Lake has outlined a 19-point plan to balance the state budget and move the state through its cash crisis for the next two years without a tax hike. Details of the proposal were provided to each of the 236 General Assembly members, who were urged by Lindberg to "set aside partisanship and concentrate on the state's number one problem - bringing spending in line with income." In press conference stops in Springfield, Champaign, Peoria and Chicago, Lindberg said: "For the past two years I have consistently warned that we have been living beyond our means in Illinois. Now, the state's finances are in un precedented disarray. The multi-year plan I have presented offers a reasonable and coherent way out of the disarray - step by step. "There is a fiscal time bomb ticking for Illinois right now. If the tomb explodes, it will signal new taxes. "I can already see the long arm of Mayor Daley reaching into the legislature to frustrate my efforts to bring this plan personally before the people most responsible for making it work. If the plan fails, the mayor and his lieutenants will have to accept a great deal of the blame. They have denied me the right to speak directly to the legislature. "I propose nineteen in dividual steps as a way out of the cash shortage which has gripped this state since last September. The alternative to this plan is fiscal chaos or new taxes. "My proposal includes no dramatic calls for mass layoffs or unattainable budget cuts. It will require reasonable sacrifices - living within available means - to make it work. Major deviations can insure fiscal crises more severe than those this year. "The steps I suggest are aimed .squarely at giving Illinois a balanced budget. That is something we haven't had the past two years. "I have outlined for the General Assembly a way to realistically balance the state's multi-billion-dollar budget. We must hold down spending for the rest of this fiscal year. We must sacrifice and have no new programs next year. If we do these things, a year from now we can return to a position of . near normal growth in state programs and a balanced budget. "In spite of my calling fiscal 1977 a year of sacrifice, my proposal includes the money presently in the budget for education and a substantial increase for education in 1978. "It will not be easy to ac complish what I suggest. But if the steps are followed and appropriate actions are taken by the legislature in the next 21 Parade Application (Marine Festival) Sunday, August 1 Theme: Famous People and Places in American History Name Address MINI FLOAT: 1-Humorous (1st and 2nd places) 2-Origina l LARGE FLOAT: 1-Beauty (1st and 2nd places) 2-Humorou s 3-Origina l • G P COLOR GUARDS: (1st and 2nd places) TWIRLING UNITS: (1st and ^nd places) .• .• HORSES: I (1st and 2nd places) L--J (Mini-float category is for any walking entry or small float, no larger than 6x8 feet. Large float category is for floats larger than 6x8 feet) Send entries to Tom Low, P.O. Box 457, McHenry, 60050. Phone 385-6541. QWtu Let us help you get to know your new community as quickly as possible. Our hostess will call on you and present you with gifts, greetings and useful informa tion. T I I N A T I O H A L Call Maiy Ann Belbk *85-5705 JAavuerite Kaiser 385-2710 days, we can avert new taxes and restore budgetary sanity in state government." The points in Lindberg's proposal are: In Fiscal 1976: 1. Fiscal 1976 general funds deficit must be limited to $215 million, including the $18 million income tax refund deficiency. 2. Fiscal 1976 general funds supplemental appropriations must not grow to more than $189 million. 3. Income tax and sales tax acceleration bills for one-time $95 million revenue gain must be enacted. 4. State expenditures must be permanently smoothed by spreading September's $150 million reimbursement (special education and tran sportation) throughout the year. Reimburse schools for $3.5 million interest lost. 5. Monthly common school payment must be split into two payments. Reimburse schools for $1.5 million interest lost. In Fiscal 1977: 6. General funds fiscal 1977 expenditure growth must be held to $395 million. The un derestimation of public aid spending must be recognized and faced now. 7. There must be a moratorium on all new programs unless old programs are eliminated in a corresponding amount. 8. State revenues must be monitored throughout the year so spending levels can be ad justed if revenues come in lower than expected. 9. General obligation bond sales must be kept at an af fordable level of $300 million to control general fund spending for debt service cost. 10. Stdte universities must WATT-NOTT AND GREENLAND 1260 GREEN STREET McHENRY (Next to Ben Franklin) PHONE 344-2788 To introduce our New combined stores, we are offering this special: C O U P O N 6" to 8" NORFOLK ISLAND PINE REG. $2.98 $1 VALUE 1 29 WITH COUPON COUPON GOOD 6-18 TO 6-22 See You Soon! >yw»home insured for whatift. worth,or just for what See me to find out if your homeowners insurance covers you for increased value due to inflation. I'll explain State Farm's low-cost Homeowners Insurance with automatic inflation coverage Dennis Conway 385-7111 3319 W. Elm St. McHenry Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. '"""""J STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office Btoommgtoa llitnoa •MIL IUB spend from their income funds before spending from the general funds , 11. Idle funds must not be pigeon-holed, but moved promptly into the general funds 12. Funds being moved out of the general fund must be closely monitored Make no excess transfers out. but rather move funds out only as needed. 13. Hold welfare spending growth by concentrated effort on reducing ineligibles and medicaid fraud In Fiscal 197K: 14. Hold the growth in ex penditures to the anticipated growth in revenues of $475 million. 15. Cost-of-living increases equal to no more than the rate of inflation are possible for state employees in fiscal 1978 16. Overall growth in school funding, retirement, special education, other grants and operations must be held to the predicted cost-of-living in crease of 8 percent 17. Continue the moratorium on new programs 18. Continue 1977 cash management practices listed above. 19. Hold bond sales to an affordable level of $300 million J list Right A dress should be tight enough to show there's a woman inside of it--but loose enough to show that she's a lady. -Record, Columbia, S.C. The Illinois Horse Industry, together with "the State Department of Agriculture, has toughened its stand on con trolling and eradicating the disease Equine Infectious Anemia (E.I.A.). As in the past, all horses entering Illinois are required to have a negative Coggins test for E l A within twelve months prior to entry and an interstate health certificate Beginning this year, Illinois horses showing at county fairs, the state fair, the Chicago International or DuQuoin fair, must be negative to an agar-gel immunodiffusion <AGID> test for E.I A. within twelve months prior to exhibition As before, these horses must be ac companied by a health cer tificate issued by an accredited veterinarian within thirty days prior to exhibition It is the responsibility of the fairs and horse show managements to require the above items at shows following these exhibition requirements Representatives of the state veterinarian's office will be spot-checking these shows to ensure that the new regulations are being enforced. Just as in the case of other livestock, the horse industry is having to become stricter with health requirements to rid itself of diseases such as E I A. As of Jan I, 1977, all horses being transported for any purpose within Illinois as well as across state lines must be negative to the Coggins test for El A within twelve months prior to the date of transport To be better prepared for such regulations, saddle clubs may want to consider holding E I A clinics or meeting areas where the local veterinarian can draw blood from all horses at once and save the expense of many calls There is no charge for this test at the State laboratory, so the only expense to the horse owner is the charge of the local veterinarian For information concerning these new health regulations, please contact the McHenry county Extension office. , i NEWS VIEWS Tom Hark in. Congressman (D-Ia): "Closing the post office in a small town is close to issuing a death warrant for the town." Bob Packwood, Senator (R-Ore), on child-care bill: "The states should set their own standards." The Gift Dad Will Remember! Gtv* Dod d CUt C#rNflcoto And Ht Con Choot« Hit Own Sook. HARDCOVER & PAPERBACK he Sookmatk V 3438 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-8444 Attention All Trov«l«rs! ^&AAAAAA/VVAAAAA> A Brand New Service From McHenry To 0'Hare Field • Depart McHenry at 6:00 AM and arrive at 0'Hare Field at 7:c A Also A New Service From 0'Hare Field To McHenry • Depart 0'Hare Field at 7:45 AM and arrive McHenry at 9.00 AM This added service will operate Monday thru Friday by 0'Hare Wisconsin Limousine Company. This is in addition to the refular 3 ROUND TRIPS that are operated daily from (Kir office. Chain-0-Lakes Travel Service 3405 W. Elm St McHenry km Cod« (115) 3W-7500 TAKE THE TRAUMA OUT OF TRAVEL! JOIN OUR 19 77 CLUB! Here's a brand new idea to make your vacations painless in the pocketbook. Join McHenry Savings' 1977 Vacation Club now and have a great time next summer (and every summer after that). " - III Our Vacation Club works just like our Christmas Club. You put some money into your account each week and watch it build into a travel nest egg. We pay 5Ve% interest on your club account too. It all adds up to a great vacation for you next year! ^ H i McHENRY 4 S A V I N G S t m i M i i n t i i M McHenry Savings ESLE 1209 Not* G'ee" S'-et' '0520 Va ' S"*»e' * > iiuno'S R nc jr fXj S 3St> 3000 •5 'S 20*5' SA . E AS -»C -PS •) 0C a to 4 30 p m f-G 9'X 10 S 0C 3 '* ' 9 DC a "i to 3 00 p w 0' «e A -vjo* <$idt 1 00 * "" ' - i - " C OSAO N RICNNONA MCHENB* MO»E* MACHINE O'EN HR$, A CA' » * XX