Comfort ft bounco in rattan thongs. Thick, wavy bottoms, colorful, volvotaon thong. Woman's sixas. Platform Sandals Handsomo crossband sandals ••l'-wovon straps. ^ Padded insolos ft slight iLv wadga solos. Man's sixas. Smooth, shiny sandals for summar . . . two bands, crossod ovar paddod innar sola. Salf covorad wadga solas. Woman's sixas. Men's A Boy's Basketball Ihoos .?> Lightweight ft durable . . . heavy canvas sneak ars that ara built to last. Sixep: Man's (4%-12), Bay'* (11-2), (2V,- 6). Children's Disneyland Sandals Your child's favorito Disnoy characters now appaaring on colorful thongs . . . groat shoes for tha baach or pool. A 2 choice of Mickey or Donald. Sixas (S, M, I.). "Udweis*1 Ubky Inr tain Masses Cool off on hot summar days with a tall glass of cold bavarago ombossod with your favorito brow. 12 ox. glassos with your choico of Hammi, Schlitz, Pabst, Millar. > »*\ ' UU»y's Spies Bavarago Mains Set of Four Enjoy a set of four 12 ox. beverage glasses in Libbey's popular Spica Garden pattorn. n Libbey's Spice Garden Cylinder Canisters " C A M S T E K S Libbey's popular Spica Gordon Canistor Sat... so frash .. . so natural.. . so country ... so right for your kitchon. Each canistor has a tiaht-fitting cork lid to kaap food frash I Coordinate with Libbey's beveraga glassas ... Companions to<£orningwaro Spica 'O Lifa Bakeware. Save $1.91 by purchasing tha 3*piaca sat. THESE HORNSBY S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt. 34 4 47 Yorkville, III. 110 Woverly Morris, III. Route 136 Havana, III.