PAGE 16 - PLAINPEALER-FR1DAY. JULY 16, 1976 Ringwood News 653-9008 653-9262 728 0295 Frank Visconti Has Forty-eight To Help Celebrate It was a very big day for little Frank Eugene Visconti last Sunday when forty-eight relatives and friends gathered to help him celebrate his first birthday. Mom and Dad, Frank and Lil Visconti, saw that there was plenty of food and even two birthday cakes, a big one for the guests and a special small cake for little Frankie to enjoy any way he liked. "Uncle" Ray Low en tertained the little folks by HEARING AIDS BATTERIES AND SERVICE BOLGER'S ?E 1259 N. GREEN ST. 385-4500 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE gg; |&1 AMERICA'S MUSIC...Shown performing in the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Armed Forces Bicentennial Band is a 67- piece concert band, with a 24-voice mixed chorus. 44Q0 West Route 120 • McHenry Market Place • McHenry, III. 60050 (815) 385-9000 Serving you in: Crystal Lake - Algonquin - Waucond^ - McHenry giving them a ride an^und the block on his motorcycle. You can be sure they all kept their place in line so as not to lose their turn for a ride. Among the guests present were Frankie's Grandmother Harrison and Grandpa Visconti; also his godparents, Kathy Noble and Ronald Paulson. Godmother Kathy was very fortunate to be present inasmuch as the 4th of July she broke her leg in two places while taking Frankie down a playground slide for his first ride. We're just glad she was released from the hospital in time for the birthday festivities. CHICKEN BARBECUE Just a reminder that serving will start at 11:30 for the chicken barbecue on the lawn of the Ringwood United Methodist church this Sunday, July 18. Tickets may be pur chased from Jim Strom in Wonder Lake, Althea Walkington and Doris Low in Ringwood, and Mary Butler in McHenry. * Saturday afternoon July 17, we will be reminiscing about the "Good Old Days" with everyone joining in a picnic supper at five o'clock followed by entertainment. HERE AND THERE Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Art Jensen recently called on Mrs. Celia Fruehling in McHenry. "Curly" Scidmore reports that her sister, Hazel Bowman, is doing nicely after recent heart surgery at McHenry hospital. Some of the folks enjoying the Visconti birthday party were the Kenneth Brennan family, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, Charles and Dolores Brennan, and Art Jensen. Pattie Miller, Lee and Scott, Donna, Eddie and Marcy Erwin all traveled to Santa's village one day last week with Bonnie Stalker and Brian Betts. A very enjoyable day was had by all. Walt and Doris Low found a cool spot by the river last Sunday. They, with the Jiftry Freunds and the A1 Adams enjoyed a cookout with Ray and Marge Moore on their front lawn on the Fox river. Over the 4th and this last weekend Althea Walkington, son, Lee, and grandson Chad have enjoyed being up at Legion lake, Wi. But Althea said she had to come home and do some housework. One of the curses of the working class! Sunday found the Leonard Ackerman's at a family gathering up at Hebron. The Rick Wagners frad a very busy yard with all Sheltering in the heat, but still played hor seshoes and volleyball. A wee water fight was a welcome event from the heat, although the water was icy cold. UMW. SECRET PAL NIGHT There was no regular meeting of the UMW last Thursday night at the home of Blanche Howe as this was our one social meeting night where we exchange gifts and let each other know who has been fooling them all year. Tis almost like Christmas with the guessing of who has fooled us all year. Sometimes we are right and sometimes no, but lots of fun. Of course we drew names again for another year of surprises. No UMW meeting in August. See you all Sept. 9. SEWING CIRCLE Sewing circle will meet at the hom^ of Clara Cristy on Thursday, July 22 at 10:30 a.m. This is the monthly meeting where the ladies get together to make items for the Christmas bazaar that is always held in November. BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to Vince Tonyan and Cindy Fleming on July 19 and to Eric Betts way down there in Mountain Home, Ar., and to Gary Linstad way up there in Appleton, Wi. July The People Pteasers. . 24 HOUR TOWING! jut* &J, e.. PHONE: DAY-(815) 385 0444 NIGHT-(815) 385-1422 We'll officially open the McHenry office of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Crystal Lake on Saturday, July 17, at 9:00 a.m. Come out and see the 7 story tall Fantasy Hot Air Balloon help us cut the ribbon, weather permitting. The Fantasy will be on display all day. Stop by with the entire famify and enjoy the fun. Show (he kids a 7 sfcorv tall hot air balloon! Free Gifts With Deposits Open or add a qualifying deposit to any savings account and you'll receive a free gift. Come in early for the best selection because supplies are limited. Grand Prize Drawing Be sure to enter our prize drawing. Anyone can enter and there is no obligation. The drawing will be held in McHenry on August 14, 1976. Winners need not be present. 1st Prize: 19" RCA Color TV 2nd Prize: Zenith Allegro 3rd Prize: Magnavox Odyssey 200 Souvenirs for Everyone Stop in and see our new office and you and the kids will receive a free souvenir. Meet Ray Rayner-July 24 th Even Ray Rayner is joining the celebration and will beat our McHenry office on Saturday, July 24, at 9:00 a.m. Take home a free auto graphed photo of Ray and Chelveston and also meet our own First Federal Freddie. \ 23 is that special day for Ruth Segin and Marion Wiedrich. Happy Birthday to both of you gals, July 25 finds Mike Hogan, Ruth Harrison and Marie Eberle celebrating on the same day. Happy, happy birthday to all of you special people. THINGS TO REMEMBER Saturday-July • 17-Do You Remember? 3 p.m., visiting and reminiscing -- 5* p.m., picnic basket supper with entertainment by the Sweet Adelines during the supper hour. 7:30 p.m. Checkerboard Squares will present exhibition dancing and also have some audience participation. Sunday -- July 18 - Church services -- Ringwood church ~ 9:15 a.m.; Chicken barbecue dinner 11:30 -3 p.m. Thursday, -- July 22, -- Sewing Circle -- Clara Cristy's home--10:30 a.m. Workwise Q. A year ago I was not paid ab6ut $200 in commission that I was owed by the company I was working for. I was afraid to make waves at the time because I couldn't afford to lose my job. I have since left the company. Is there anything I can do about it now? A. Unless the company you worked for is no longer in business, you should file a claim with the Wage Claim division of the Illinois Department of Labor. This division helps people who are owed wages -- including vacation pay, fringe benefits, commissions-to collect them. You can write to Wage Claim, Department of Labor, 910 S. Michigan Avenue, Room 1808, Chicago, Illinois, 60605. Q. I had a good job offer but the employer turned me down because the application for fidelity bonding was rejected by the insurance company. Is there anything I can do? A. The Illinois State Em ployment service provides bonding up .to $10,000 (without charge to anyone) to in dividuals who have been refused fidelity bonding by a regular insurance company. Visit your local Employment service office for further in formation. (Submit all questions to Workwise, 910 S. ^Michigan, Room 1830, Chicago, II., 60605). Ask Dad "How many kinds of milk are there?" "Why, there's condensed milk and evaporated milk and--but, why do you^ask?" "Well, I was drawing a picture of a cow and I want to know how many faucets to put on her." Eastwood Manor Mary Ann Bellak 385-5705 Pastor Mclntyre And Family Move \ To Clinton, II. Goodbye and best wishes to Pastor Jack Mclntrye and his family of Eastwood lane. The pastor and his wife will be leaving for Clinton, II. on the twentieth of July. Pastor Mclntyre has been with Faith church in our subdivision since it was built several years back. Many of us will miss the Pastor and his family, but just as much as we all will miss you, we wish you love, health, and happiness, always! LIBRARY NEWS Many Eastwood Manor children are enjoying story time Saturday mornings from f0:30until 11 a.m., at McHenry Nunda District library on Lily Lake road. Mrs. Garn, story lady, reads old favorites and adventures. Four to eight year olds are invited to have fun. Many new books are being purchased. Beverly Cochran, library board president and Eastwood Manor resident, is working dilgently along with other board members to im prove library service. The annual book sale will be the first week in August and the date will be given later. Jigsaw puzzles are in operation! Find a good book to read and enjoy. Summer library hours are now in effect opening at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and at 11 a.m. on Saturday. I'm looking forward to meeting many more of the Eastwood Manor residents there in the weeks to come. Remember, McHenry Nunda District library is your free library - take advantage of this wonderful opportunity! Margaret Karas librarian BIRTHDAYS Belated birthday wishes are extended to Kelly Smith who celebrated her fifth birthday on July I. Many more happy birth days to you, Kelly. Happy Birthday to Ruth Lundgren who will celebrating her eighty-fifth birthday on July 27, many more to you! Belated birthday greetings are also extended to Johnny Wild, Jr. who celebrated his eleventh on July 6. A very special "Hi" to your brother, Curl Wild! Two August birthdays in Eastwood Manor so far. They are for Mrs. G&ri Smith on DNTSTIIP MIMIII '*4ni »*v AIRLINE and AMTRAK TICKETS While You W|it Amtrak* Cham-O-Lokes TRAVEL SERVICE SMS W. Ilm St. McHanry, Illinois *0050 travel service Plonn»nq o Conbboon tru'V*' A »np to Europe MfitCO Howo>i? You con compor* th#m oil under on# roof Oi our oHk«i W« ore og#nt« for st»ormhip% oirt.n#i hot#'\ ughtveemg composes throughout *orld Sine* 1M1 385-7500 Area Cod* 815 Live Entertainment "The Brothers" NOW APPEARING EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE During July and August McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N. John St. McHenry, 111. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 815 385-1072 August 2 and for Peter Smith on the seventh of August. Many more happy birthdays to the two of you. BIKE STOLEN Is anyone missing a 10 speed bicycle which was stolen ap proximately ten days ago in our subdivision on Eastwood and Manor. If you are, there is a possibility that some helptui information might be available, so please give me a call. Please keep your bicycles in a safe place. So often bicycles have been stolen in the past few years that it's about time we did something to change this. ALERT! Several cars in Eastwood Manor have had gas siphoned from them in the middle of the night, especially on Manor Lane. So please be on the alert, park your cars in the garage whenever possible, and keep your cars locked. NEWCOMERS Welcome greetings are ex tended to five new families who recently moved to Eastwood Manor, they are as follows: Mr and Mrs. Dalton and family of 1415 Woodland who recently moved here from the Fox Lake area; Mrs. Schmidt and her son who recently moved to 2505 North Fairview lane from Palatine; Mr. and Mrs. E. Mills, 2317 Oakwood court, who moved to Eastwood Manor from DesPlaines; Mr. and Mrs. K. Johnson and family of 2313 Oakwood court and Mr. and Mrs. P. Carroll and family of 2408 Edgewood. We sincerely hope all of you will be very happy in your new homes. I College Honors .1 EARNS DEGREE John R. Thomas, II, 3203 Fairway drive, McHenry, was among the recipients of Bachelor of ,^rts degrees from the University of Northern Colorado. The honor was conferred during Spring commencemnt ceremonies in early June DEAN S LIST James Chaps, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Chaps, Sr., 3114 Riverstream drive, McHenry, has earned mention to the Illinois State university Dean's list. Recognition for high academic achievement at the Normal college was an nounced for the Spring semester. SUPERIOR STANDING Named to the St. Norbert college Dean's list for the second semester is James T. Stilling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stilling, formerly of McHenry, now living in Cambridge, Wi. To be eligible for the Dean's list, a full time student at St. Norbert must maintain at least 3.5 average, based on a perfect 4.0. DEGREE TO BE CONFERRED Sister M. Jean Amore will receive a Master of Religious Education degree from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Tx., July 22. The daughter of Robert and Mary Amore, 4202 John St., Solon Mills, Sister Amore is presently coordinator of Religious Education programs at Webb Air Force base, Big Spring, Tx., and Youth /Ministry in the San Angek)' jdiocese. Previously, Sister Amore taught nine years at Im maculate Heart of Mary school in Big Spring, Tx. She is a member of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. 'Profoundly affecting... sensationally funny. .. ' EASILY THE BEST MOVIE SO FAR THIS YEAR.' FOR FREE information on making delicious Shd nu tritional sandwiches for less than a quarter, write to: "Raisin Bread, Instead," California Raisin Advisory Board, P.O. Box 5172, Fresno. CA 93755 RATED PG. JUST A BUCK!! vvooristo( k RRI AR«UNQY*y CINDY RONNIE If WILLIAMS HOWARD II ~ OF F "HAPPY/ V,laverNE bAYS"V VSHIRLE ITARRINI HICHARDI DREYFUSS •<OFH 3Awr* WITH WOLFMAN JACK DAILY AT 7 9:16 OOF ON 1 H F A T H E 338 0032 &