PAGE 16 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11. 1976 Return To Tradition Of Another Era At Church special service of worship will be in the style of the congregation's forefathers. As in former days, men and women will sit on opposite sides of the church; the language will be in German (with English translation in the bulletin); the sacrament will be distributed from Zion's original communion ware. The of ferings will be lifted with Klingenbeutels (velvet bags attached to long handle poles). The chief difference from early times is that the sermon will probably be shorter than the 45- 60 minutes that founders heard. Everyone is urged to share this experience of worship whether they understand German or not. Cite Dangers To Drivers With Night Blindness "Night blindness" is as dangerous to drivers as it sounds, warn^ the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Driving for several hours in bright sun without sunglasses can seriously retard your eyes' response to the demands for night vision. Wear sunglasses, during the daylight hours (never at night), and your eyes will be better accustomed to less light and make the tran sition to darkness much faster. "Night blindness" may also be due to a Vitamin A deficiency in the diet, says the REV. H.W. FISCHER On Sunday, Aug. 15, in a special service at 9 a.m. Zion Lutheran church will continue its year long centennial celebration with a service in German language and tradition, with English text provided. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Hillman W. Fischer, who was born in Salem, Oregon. The Rev. Fischer is a graduate of Concordia college of Portland, Oregon, and served his vicarage in Chicago. In 1959 he received his B.A. and B.D. at Concordia Theological seminary in St. Louis. He has \i6ne graduate study in philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis, and graduate work in theology at the University of Chicago, at Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany and at the Lutheran School of . Theology, Chicago. • ' The pastor was a Fulbright grantee at Heidelberg in 1959- 61, and the president of the . Ecumenical institute, Heidelberg, 1960-61. He was translator for the World -Council of Churches at Geneva, Switzerland. He has con tributed to Cresset and Una Sancta, and was assistant professor of systematic theology at Concordia Teachers college, River Forest, from 1967-71. He also was an assistant college chaplain there from 1970-71. Since 1971 he has been associate pastor of St. John's (Mayfair) Chicago, having responsibility for the congregation's German language work. He is a member of the American Theological society and is listed in Who's Who in American Religion. Pastor Fischer's sermon text will be taken from Exodus 13:14 with a theme of "Pass It On". This Registration For Prairie Grove School Prairie Grove school, District 46, will hold registration for the 1976-77 school year Aug. 16, 17 and 18 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Prairie Grove school. Parents with the last names beginning with A through J are asked to register their children Monday, the sixteenth; K through S, Tuesday, the seventeenth; and T through Z, Wednesday, the eighteenth. Children entering kin dergarten and fifth grade are required to have a physical examination. Parents are requested to bring a birth certificate for those children entering kindergarten if they have not previously done so. At, Wed. thru Sat. Aug. 11 thru 14 8x10 color portraits 99 i Wdcome -- Children. Adults Limit: one per child, two per family Additional portraits available at reasonable prices Groups at SI 25 each additional child Complete Price Photographer"* Hour*: Dailv 10-1. 2-5. 6-8: Sol. 10-1.2-4:30 Our aim? Pleasing you. IV/il M /VU ,( )/VU RY Crystal Lake 105 VirtliMnti HighMu*. Houte I I Phone I.W-3 I 20 KRKH'AHklX, Standards For Day Care To Be Discussed All day care mothers living in Lake and McHenry counties are urged to attend an im portant meeting to be held Saturday, Aug. 21, at the College of Lake County, 19351 West Washington- street, Grayslake, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Blue Lecture hall to receive their copy of the society, and older people most commonly suffer from it. Inability to see well when darkness falls can also be a symptom of other eye problems, and indicate the need for an eye examination. revised Licensing Standards for Day and Night Care Homes. Glenn Oltman, state-wide day car licensing coordinator from the Office of Child D e v e l o p m e n t , I l l i n o i s Department of Children & Family Services, will discuss these standards that will become effective Sept. 1. Representatives of local health and fire departments will also be available to answer questions. Coffee and rolls will be served mid-morning. A small registration fee will be charged to cover the mor ning's expenses. These Standards for Licensed Day and Night Care Homes are the guidelines th?t all licenced day care mothers throughout the state of Illinois must follow in caring for children in their homes. In order to protect the safety and welfare of children, a home providing care for art unrelated child for more than ten hours a week must be licensed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. For more information, call 312-249-1550. Scientists have discovered a new enzyme in human sperm with qualities that could be useful in rape investigation and in the study and control of male fer tility. The discovery opens up a possibility for the development of tests that could be used to shar pen evidence or help to clear in nocent suspects in rape cases. Workwise Q. I dropped out of high school and can't find a job. I don't want to go back to school but I know I need more education to ever get a decent job. Isn't there something like a job training program? A. Job corps is a program where young people who have not finished school have the opportunity to complete their education and to receive vocational skill training to help them find and hold good jobs. It is a residential program; all participants live at a Job corps center from six months to two years. Spending money and money set aside for graduation are part of the program. You can apply for Job Corps at your local Employment Service office. Q. Where does money for unemployment benefits come from? 1 say it's part of the Social Security benefits deducted from my paycheck but a friend insists that 1 don't pay into it at all. Please settle this argument. A. Unemployment Insurance benefits are paid from em ployer's contributions and are based on wages paid to em ployees by that employer. An employer pays 2.7 percent of taxable wages for the first three years he is in business; then the contributions vary from l to 4 percent, depending on the past employment ex perience of that employer. (Submit questions to Work- wise, Room 1830, 910 South Michigan, Chicago, II., 60605) EXHIBITS ART Woodstock's noted artist, Rudi Considine, will be a special guest exhibitor at the Plaza Del Lago Arts festival in Wilmejte Aug. 21 and 22, sponsored by the American Society of Artists. A member of the Northland Area Art league and American society, Con sidine studied art many years in France and other European countries. He works primarily in watercolors, pen and inks and scratchboard or "scrapper board." he is one of the few experts of "scrapperboard", a 200-year old English technique of engraving on specially prepared board. A salesman needs one of two things; self-confi dence or the gift of gab. WUffl HOME IMPROVEMENT SALE Save *60 on Wards best gas furnace. 259 Regularly 1319 53/80,000-BTU dual flame gas furnace has 2 flame sizes for mild or bitter cold. Automatic blower speed change can han dle central air conditioning. 67/lOO.OOO-BHl. reg. 9339. 9279 84/125.000-BTIJ. reg. 9379, S319 67/lOO.OOO-BTlJ counterflow, $289 Dual flame thermostat is required for operation, extra. •30 off .80,000-BTU space-saver gas furnace. 9 189 Reg. S219 Compact design fits in tight spaces. Factory wired. Front flue outlet for easy installation. Multi-speed blower. Steel burn ers for long service life. lOO.OOO-BTU, reg. S239 $209 SAVE 29 Vi-HP OPENER WITH CONTROL 88 Dependable. Has safety instant reverse and auto matic convenience light. 109 REGULARLY $439 9% to 25% off. * SEALDON™ SELF-SEALING ROOFING Seals into a one-piece weathertight shield Reg. |»«r bundlr. «-»r». 33^j »q. ft.. 9..{.J H. 11 -You-haul-il" prirr per bundle. Hlark on I* ft.W 'SHINGLES ONLY. INSTALLATION EXTRA Custom sizes, colors available SAVE 7412 48"X66" VINYL FAMILY BOOTH Mar-resistant table top. • #•••188 ('.hair, r«*g. low price. 34.95 299 REGULARLY $374 "SALEM SQUARE" KITCHEN CABINETS Give your kitchen an Early American look with these oak-finished, wood-veneered cabinets. Self-closing hinges, Countertop, sink extra. C.abinriM unit, installation extra. SAVE •20 .5 GAL./DAY HUMIDIFIER Reg. 69.95 Easy to install i n f o r c e d - a i r heating system. mm® SAVE 4095 ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER Removes dust, d i r t f r o m a i r . Mounts to fur nace duct. 219.95 179 Low.cost installation available by Wards. Call for free estimate ... no obligation to buy. Phone 459-3120, Ext. 76 SAVE 711 INSULATING DOOR 44" Regularly 52.99 Extruded aluminum construction. Weather- stripping, hardware and tempered glass. 32" or 36x80". White. * "Take-with" price Value. INSULATING WINDOW 5 for IO788 Up to 101 combined in. Natural finish extru ded aluminum frames. Painted finish avail able at additional cost. REMODELING YOUR HOME? USE WARDS CREDIT TO BUY WHAT YOU NEED NOW Do it yourself. We'll help, [tfran • spirit of value 76 STORE HOURS Mon.thruFri. 10a.m. 9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. 5 p.m. Sunday 12 Noon 5 p.m. Crystal Lake 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 459-3120 F R E E P A R K I N G I