7>. family centers ON TARGE T FOi SCHOOL S FA D AH MyWn BrW4« Asst. Solid Colors Reg. 1.07 BANKAMERICARD Ml Cotton Asst. Prints Reg. 1.17 PANTY BONANZAI! Replenish your supply. Choose from assorted 'stylos, fabrics and colors. Women's sixes (5, 6. 7). YOUR CHOICE 3:1 ^"l^'OCCor, "•9- 1.07 *rion/Cot»0fl *•9- 1.07 All Cotton BlMnl Asst. Prints Reg. 1.13 Ladies' Knee High Socks 44 = Reg. 93c Ladios First Quality Orion knit knoo high socks. B«autrful heather flocks on a postol background. Chooso from asst. shados. Fits (9-11). Girls' Fashion Crew Socks 3 pair of fashionablo stretch torturod crow socks por packago. Ono site fits 6-S't. 86 Rog. 1.56 pkg. pkg. <A" *Vh« Blkhtl, A»" '""H - *•9- 1.07 Men's Athletic Seeks er Tube Type Seeks Rog. 3.96 2.22 Five Pain Per Package For your odivt days indoors or outdoors . . . chooso tubo stylo or cushion-foot socks. Ono slzo fits (10-13). Available in whito A whito with stripo top. Boys' Tub* Sneaker Socks 96 pkg. Rog. 1.76 pkg. Thrifty pack of 3 pairs of all purpose socks. Tubo sock forms its own hool. Fully cushionod. Whito with stripo top; dark with stripo top. Ono •h. lit® (».«•/.) or (»• Toddler's Tube Socks 2 pairs por pockago. Tubo socks for tots . . . grows with tiny foot. Perfect for ploy I Ono sho fits ($-7%). 63 pkg. Rog. 1.13 pkg. THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY 01 34 A 47 Yorkwille. III. 1 10 Waverly Morris, III. Route 136 Havana, III. Rt. 66 A 116 Pontioc, III. U.S. 6 A Rt. 26 Princeton, III. Market Ctr. McHenry, III. Route 47 Woodstock, III.