Ladies' Pantsum BANKAMERICARD Reg. 14.86 10" Ladies' CoorJhrtt Tops and Pants. Orig. $19-$25«ach Lovely 2-piece polyester knit pantsuits. Choose from the latest In loll colors and patterns. Save $4 while they last I Spectacular savings on ladles' coor dinate group I A Very Famous Brand of polyester and nylon pants and tops In assorted styles. Sizes (8-16). M Junior Orig. $14- $26 Junior |eans from a "Famous Maker"! You'll lovo the assorted denims and a variety of other f abrics and styles. Sixes (5- < 15). All with original price tickets from $14 to $26. 1m do havo ladles' half-sizos, oxtra sizes and. super sizes. Fashion first . . . Portable.. . polyester on pants in assorted cobrs. Sixes (10-lt). while they last! com* pull- soiia Savo Y\ xsr/ . • M. » * V Ladles' Sis eh Isps Spsclal Iswslry Purchase NOW ONLY 41* Now I Fall Jowolryl Fashion (•w»lry In aiwrttd odd lota and •omplo*. CHOOM from nodclaco* .. . pondanta . . . •orrlngi . . bracolota ... all of 41c oach. Values to $3 Comfortable, easy-care polyester* cotton smock tops In assorted prints, solids, and novelty prints. Sixes (S-M- l). Save $2 while they last. Ladies' Robes Great companion lor your new fall pantsult or skirt! Scoop neck ... ribbed Brlte nylon . . . short sleeves . . . white and assorted colors. Ladie '̂ Fashion Vinyl Jacket x Reg. 7.87 Reg. 17.86 "Comfy 'n cosy" Hear length nylon quilted robes. Choose from assorted styles and solid colors. Save $2 from lour regular low low price! Soft, vinyl P.V.C (acket with rayon lining. Choose from solid and em broidered styles. Sixes (*16). Save $• while they last. THESE flORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Pt 34 & 47 Y O r k v i 110, HI 1 1 0 W o v o r l y M o r r i s , I I I . R o u t o 1 3 6 H a v a n a , I I I . R * 6 6 & 1 1 6 P o n t i a c , I I I . U S 6 & R t . 2 6 p r i n c e t o n , I I I M a r x e t C t r H r n r y I I I R o u t e 4 7 W o o d s t o c W