•w mmmti ON-TARGET-EOi BANKAMERICARD Coleman Economy Two-Burnor Stove leman Fan Catalytic Heater Fully ad|ustabla flam* famous Band-A-Blu burners, stool caso with nickol-chromo grata Light and oosy to handlo Modal No. 425E499. R*g. 19.97 The catalytic hooter with late of portable comfort . . . and a sofa, platinum catalyst. Exclusive Dlal- A-Tomp ® ad|iMte tha warmth. Approx. Input 3,000-5,000 BTU'l. Modol No. S13A70S. Reg. 31.97 Coleman Fuel Armac Wrangler Sleeping Bags YOUR CHOICE i N G E R Reg. 1.73 Four out of fiva compare £o with Colaman fual acausa it costs lass to lusal 1 gallon will produca Inoarly fiva timas tha [lighting, cooking, or moating powar as a 16.4 •ox. propana bottlo. 11.87 e Denim Sleeping Bag, Reg. 16.97 Doublo weather stripping for additional warmth I comfort. Double tab aluminum tipper*. Hand washable. Finished slxe 34" * 71". e Superman Sleeping Bag, Reg. 15.97 Double weather stripping for additional warmth I comfort. Double tab aluminum tippers. Hand washable. Finished site 33" x *4". Mantle Lantorn 16" Reg. 19.97 Tha lantarn outdoorsman I hava mada first choka for ovar 75 yoars. Lights first tlma, ovorytimo -- and stays lit. Modal No. 220J-195. I TMCtl CARDS 9.87 9r*y hi, «w»» fe" - H* Wostorn Whifg Fly* Clay Targgfs Black clay targets with yellow tops. Packed 135 In carton. WCMISTU HGStn. .SHOIGUNr^ MVE'Qiail! "a"N.nck,MM)E IN USa Dove and Quail Shotgun Shell* Winchester * * H Choose from 12 go 9* gau**. or 20 V»>v Tar0< Ha«4 viWh Torg«* chorrY*°°* Hock r«oto» finish. "*•» tor go**- THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt. 34 & 47 Yorkville, III. 110 Woverly Morris, III. Route 136 Havana, III. Rt. 66 & 116 Pontiac. III. U.S. 6 & Rt. 26 Princeton, III Market Ctr. McMonry, III. Route 47 Woodstock, III. '» "* ' /•* • ? *.*'* • * » r />'