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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1976, p. 22

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SECTION 2 - PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1976 I £ Members of the Wonder Lake Wonder Workers 4-H group with special guest from Japan, Kumiko, and her hostess, Lori Harney. From left sitting, Jetta Rodgers, Mary Oieszczuk, Mary Bazan, Cheryl Biggers, Janet Sullivan, Janie Biggers, Paula Harney and Teresa Seaver; standing, from left, Kathy Keany, Cherie Miller, Gay Wright, Kumiko and Lori wearing kimonos handmade for the girls by Kumiko's grandmother in Japan, and Barb Bohac. Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 Japanese Visitor Prompts En/oyable Culture Exchange The summer of 1976 will 'be long remembered by Betty Harney and her family." The reason why is explained in Betty's following comments which she was kind enough to share with us. "As a part of the Japanese Labo and American 4-H ex­ change program, twelve and one-half-year old Kumiko Vchiyama who lives near Tokyo, Japan, visited the Ralph Hameys this summer for one month. 4-H member, Lori Harney, fourteen, had stayed at Kumiko's home last summer for a month. Kumiko is in Labo which is an organization mainly to teach English through plays and parties. Kumiko has English in school, too. Although Kumiko can write English better than speak, our family had a great time with her. She went sailing, swim­ ming, visited Hogan's farm, went to McDonalds, Kentucky Fried chicken, Farmer's Market and a two week tent camping vacation with us to the National forests in Wyoming. She loved our food, especially hot dogs, steak, spaghetti, ice cream and all our desserts. Kumiko took home pudding mixes, cake mix, Jello, chicken noodle soup and Kool Aid mixes for her family. She brought green tea, rice balls, chocolate covered cornflakes and rice curry for our family to try. It was interesting how fine and neatly Kumiko chopped potatoes, onions and carrots for her curry dish. Sleeping in a bed was a fun experience because at home she sleeps on the floor on mats. My electric can opener was fun to run. She has a hand one at home. Kumiko went camping with our 4-H club at Rush Creek conservation area. She taught the 4-Hers her Labo song in Japanese. Kumiko loved to play and many hours were spent with frisbees and a Japanese version of paper, rock, scissors game. Ralph and I think we should send our kids to Japan for a few years to learn not to fight and squabble. Kumiko said, "My sister and I do not fight". It was a tear jerking time to say goodby at the airport and our house seemed empty af­ terward with all her gifts to us and the many ol^ami birds she had taught us Mmake. Of course goodby was hard but letters back and forth will help. Kumiko's mother wrote: "Kumiko arrived in Omiya, first speech is "very hot". Thank you very much for letting Kumiko stay with you. She talked me many things of every day. She had the won­ derful time at your house. Thank you for the beautiful cooking book and everything you gave us. I'll learn American cooking by this book. Our living room is crowded with many things she brought. Kumiko said, American people are friendly, foods are very nice, she likes Wyoming camp very wonderful scene, sailing pleasant. She had very pleasant time! All of your family welcome to Japan." Sincerely, Shizuko Vchiyama" YOUNG AT HEARTS The Wonder Lake Young at Hearts will be offering "The Best of Their Kitchens", at their upcoming bake sale on Saturday, Sept. 11. For a choice selection of some mouth­ watering delicacies, be sure to come early to Christ the King hall where the sale begins at 9 a.m. There will also be a "This 'n That" table with some real bargains for the shoppers. Proceeds of the sale help to defray costs of the trips that the group takes throughout the year. At the regular meeting of the Young at Hearts Wednesday, Sept. 1, final arrangements were made for an outing to Shady Lane where the day's activities will include luncheon and a stage play. Young at Hearters with September birthdays honored at the meeting were Stan Polcyn, Dorothy Ark, Laura Willow and Louise Ar- mamentos. During the colorful month of October, a longer journey is being organized by President Marie Robinson, to Nauvoo, II., at the Iowa border The next meeting of the Young at Hearts will be Wednesday, Sept. 15, at Christ the King church. FIRST CHILD Announcing the birth of their first child are John and Sandra Hendricks of Riverdale, II Donna Marie Hendricks was born on Aug. 28 at Little ^Company of Mary hospital, IChicago, weighing in at 6 lbs., »15 oz. Proud paternal grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks of Wonder Lake and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dudley who reside in South Holland, II. ANNIVERSARY Happy third wedding an­ niversary to Jerry and Anne Rodenkirch Sept. 8. GARDEN CLUB The Wonder Lake Garden club's annual picnic was held in August at the home of Mrs. Helen Gilliland with Miss Mary Polerecky as hostess. Julia Child - "eat your heart out!" as the potluck buffet was a gourmet delight. Our roll call subject was "Fall Flowers and Their Foliage" and with one of our talented guests providing music at the piano, we had a regular "sing along". Along with games, it was a full and delightful day! Our next meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 9, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Gretchen Pose, 8310 Howe road, Ringwood. Hope all interested in gardening will join us. Mrs. B. Alderson, Publicity Chairwoman BIRTHDAYS Happy ninth birthday to Scott Burrows, son of Audrey and Tom Burrows, Sept. 8. Happy tenth birthday to Steve Stilling, son of Pat and Roger Stilling, Sept. 8. Happy tenth birthday to Kip Miller, son of Sonia and Earl Miller, Sept. 8. Happy> second birthday to Laura Anne Rodenkirch, daughter of Jerry and Anne Rodenkirch, Sept. 8. Happy thirteenth birthday to old "Gas Burner", Kevin Goulet, Sept. 10. Happy bir­ GEM DRIVE - IN SERVICE CLEANERS 3004 West Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-2231 McHENRY'S FINEST FABRIC CARE SPECIALISTS BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS , DR|VE.up WINDOW j (NEVER LEAVE YOUR CAR) I i •QUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE SKIRTS • SLACKS PLAIN ! 2 PIECE MEN'S OR LADIES' ! SWEATERS III PlflMwd NO LIMIT Caupon Must Surrendered with Incemlnv Garments 990 EACH 91.28 VALUE SUITS *1" I EACH | I | . COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 1«, 1f7« y | • SKIRTS SLACKS PLAIN SWEATERS Ctnmtf ft PlnMwd NO LIMIT Coupon Muit B« Surrendered With Incoming Garment* 990 EACH 81.29 VALUE !*STEAMEX RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANER RENTAL •LEATHER & SUEDE CLEANING •DRAPERY SPECIALISTS HOURS: Cleaned ft Finlihed g2 NO LIMIT VALUE i COUPON MU9T BE SURRENDERED! I WITH INCOMING GARMENTS . I A1 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. It, 1*74 r~PrECE"MENVoi"LADlI?"| i SUITS Cleaned ft Finished NO LIMIT $2.50 VALUE ! COUPON MUST BE 9URRENDERED j ! 7:15 TO 6 P.M. MON. thru FRI. COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 2S, 1*7* CLOTH UNTRIMMED COATS $os9 Cteowdft Plndhed &EACH (Furtrim,pHeft tip mm liner antra) •JJ* NO LIMIT VALUE COUPON MUST BE SURRENDERED WITH INCOMING GARMENTS SAT. 8 - 5:30 COUPONS GOOD ON REGULAR SERVICE ONLY WITH INCOMING GARMENTS ' y 4 j COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 25, 1*7* y | ! i Monav lavar Couom •nVHof WWIrVII loood For Worth 60# on «ty i s^c. "CLEAR ONLY" ! Only I I I I I I I I $199 EACH CLEANING •On Henfen • In ̂ •4 IP. mln. $2.75 PLAIN DRESSES Except Formal, Laettier or Suada Cleaned 4 Finished NO LIMIT COUPON MUST BE SURRENDERED S2.50 VALUE ) WITH INCOMING GARMENTS A j j ?TCn 1 | WITH INCOMING GARMENTS A COUPON «-T ... .m VJ I .COUPON PER OROER" AJ L . . i coupon expires sept, is, ii74 V i ----rjriririririririririr-- CLOTtTONVRiMMEO ' 1 r ' COATS »2« •EACH (Fur trtm, pHe ft alp MM liner em) _ jJ-JTU NO LIMIT VALU* COUPON MUST BE SURRENDERED WITH INCOMING GARMENTS (coupons Coupon" • Good For Worth 60# on wiy i R«9. j Servica Only COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 23, 1*7* •J ! Na "CLEAN ONLY" CLEANING • On Hansen* In Beft iin« • 4 lb. mln. $2.75 1 COUPON PER ORDER COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 2S. 1*7* • PLAIN DRESSES Except Formal, Leather or Suada Cleaned A Finished NO LIMIT $199 EACH $2.50 VALUE COUPON MUST BE SURRENDERED WITH INCOMING GARMENTS COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 2S, 1*74 ft thday to "Grandma" Mary Ruggero. Sept 11. Happy birth­ day to Art Weber Sept. 12. YACHT CLUB The Wonder Lake Yacht club Butterfly fleet sponsored a Fun day on Aug. 24. Thirteen But­ terfly sail boats raced and had chill dogs for lunch at Bea Pond's home. Cup trophies were awarded to the winners. Centerboardless race, first. Midge Christy; second. Ken Schroeder; third, Shelby Switzer; Obstacle race, first, Don Schroeder; second. Lori Harney; third, Shelby Switzer; Trade a Boat race first, Pat Sullivan; second. Ken Schroeder; third, Don Schroeder; Trade d Boat race II, first, Lori Harney; second, Don- Schroeder; third. Bea Pond; Trade a Boat race III, first. Joe Sullivan; second, Pat Sullivan; third, Bea Pond. Balloon race, first, Joe Sullivan, second, Lori Harney; third, tie. Ken Schroeder and Midge Cristy. Other sailors participating were: Billy Hartmann, Mike Jensen, Paul Fallaw, Eleanor Wright and Ixjis Mathews. PINOCHLE CLUB Like to play pinochle0 Like the companionship of other folks with the same interest9 Then you may want to join the Pinochle club which will meet for the first time on Sunday, Sept. 12. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month at Christ the King hall. For more information, please call Mrs. Clarence (Lorraine) Stahl or Mrs. Frank (Marion) Draffkorn. CUTBACKS Early on Friday morning, Aug. 27, there was a power failure in Wonder Lake and many residents were without electricity. That Friday also happened to be the first day of school. We had known for some time of the great financial difficulties at Harrison school and at the supper table that night the conversation was mostly school talk. One of our sons was explaining some of the cutbacks, such as fewer bus runs, no extra curricular ac­ tivities, shorter recess periods and with some indignation, he continued with what seemed to be the last straw. "Do you know, they didn't even have the Plan Jews For Jesus Program At Covenant A special program of drama, testimoney and song will be presented at the Chain O'Lakes Evangelical church located at 4815 W. Wilmot road, McHenry, Tuesday, Sept. 14, at 7:45 p.m., by Jews For Jesus newest group. "The Natural Branch." Jews for Jesus is a national organization with its headquarters in San Rafael, Ca.. a suburb of San Francisco. They rose to national recognition in the early seventies when a substantial number of young Jews began believing in Jesus. Presently, they have branch works in Los Angeles. New York, Boston and Chicago; as well as their San Francisco outreach Under the leadership of Moishe Rosen, the organization has maintained a high profile with regard to their stand on being both Jewish and Christian. Says Rosen, "All the early lights on this morning!" HAPPINESS IS.. Happiness is.Juanita Keith's kids giving her a super birthday party on Saturday, Aug. 28 Happiness is...the joy that radiates around Kathryn Hendricks as she talks about her new grandchild. Happiness is ,.a kid coming home with a big grin on his face and saying "School is yummy!" Happiness is. Shannon Heaver, giving a surprise farewell party for her friend, Tracey Black, who is moving with her family to Indiana. Happiness is . tacos for supper Happiness is...the Harney kids, speaking and writing some Japanaese after the visit of Kumiko. COMMUNITY CALENDAR September 9, Wonder Lake Garden club meeting, 8 p.m. home of Gretchen Pose. September 11, Young at Hearts bake sale, Christ the King hall, 9 a.m. till ? September 15, Young at Hearts meeting. September 25, Tax Referendum, District 36, Harrison school Christian believers were Jews and the New Testament was written by Jewish people, so when people tell us that we are a contradiction of terms, we just ask them to take a better look at history." The Natural Branch is a group of two Jews for Jesus women. Steffi Rubin, 26. and Jucfi Papermaster, 28. Steffi Rubin, originally from the Bronx. New York, is the office manager of the Chicago branch of JFJ and serves as an assistant to her husband, Barry "Reuben" Rubin, leader of the Chicago work. She is a graduate of Simpson Bible college, San Francisco, and was responsible for very much of the development of the new Jewish-Gospel music group "The Liberated Wailing Wall," with whom she served for two and one-half years. As Art director at headquarters in San Francisco from 1975-76 she was instrumental in illustrating and writing many of the "Broad­ side" gospel tracts which Jews for Jesus hand out by the thousands on busy street corners, campuses, shopping centers, wherever crowds gather. Steffi is also a member of the board of directors of Hineni Ministries, the organization that governs the ministry of Jews for Jesus. Judi Papermaster, the other half of "The Natural Branch," is originally from Los Angeles. Judi is an approved student and recipient of the Jews for Jesus council scholarship, a special grant for promising Jewish Christians. She attends Moody Bible institute and is working for a certificate in Jewish and Modern Israel Studies. She has been chairman of their Hebrew prayer band as well. Since moving to Chicago, Judi has initiated two areas of outreach for Jews for Jesus, one in literature distribution and the other in Jewish nursing home visitation. Both young women extend an invitation to the public to come and hear why they believe that Jesus is for the Jews and Gentiles alike. Admission is free. TAX FACTS Although 1976 is more than half over, this is an excellent time for taxpayers to review their federal income tax withholding rates. Why9 Because some taxpayers were surprised this year that they had to pay federal tax in ad­ dition to that withheld during 1975. Too often taxpayers do not realize that they will owe more tax until they prepare their tax returns. If the tax is a few dollars more, it may not be a problem, but if a person finds that it will be $100 or more, this could be hardship. The tax­ payer also could incur a penalty for failure to pay estimated tax. Charles F. Miriani, IRS district director for northern Illinois, suggested that tax payers review their withholding now and compare it with the tax they had to pay with their last return to be certain that enough money will be withheld by the end of 1976. "If the amount is too low, taxpayers may want to in­ crease withholding or file Form 1040-Es, Declaration of Estimated Tax for Individuals, and make estimated tax payments," said Miriani. Miriani reminded taxpayers that the toll-free telephone tax assistance is available from the IRS on a year-round basis For individuals living in Chicago, the number if 435-1040. For residents living in area 312. except Chicago, and those listed in the Joliet phone directory, the number to call is 800-972-5400. All other northern Illinois taxpayers should call 800-252-2921. Assistance is available week days, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. GOOD WORD from tin Ihblc No man can serve two masters: For either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6. 24 eptembek 3004 West Rt 120 McHenry Gem Drive-In Cleaners 815-385-2231 Wednesday , September 1 Thru Saturday, September 11 STP Oil Treatment Reg. $1.95 B&D SPECIAL Car Ramps Reg. *39.95 $ i 9 9 5 H - Pennzoil Ifqfljrt Great B&D SPECIAL lS' STP Oil Filters Reg. '4.95 B&D SPECIAL ,*010*°^ v. 10W40 B&D SPECIAL Buy Limit 12 Cans Full 23 Channels Citizens Band Radio 5 WATT INPUT 4 WATT OUTPUT Automotive SUPPLY OPEN NIGHTS Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 8 1719 WEST ROUTE 120, McHENRY, ILL. MODEL 24 Model 2400 Specifications B&D SPECIAL Saturday 8 to 6 Sunday McHenry Store Open 9 to 5 on Rte. 120 Reg. $139.95 ± 95 ALL PHONES 385-2034 459-0541 5409 NORTHWEST HWY., CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL.

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