DON'T WORRY! We Can Put Your Car Back Together Again "CALL US IF YOU NEED US" TOWING REFINISHING COMPLETE BODY & FENDER WORK • JIM ADAMS AUTO BODY 2902 W. RTE. 120 > t J*. MCHENRY 385-4640 Lf*4 Performance is the key to success. It clearly separates the winners (busin esses that grow) from the not so fortunate (businesses that fold). Tor- kelson Lincoln-Mercury is a winner. And Pm proud to be part of that team. Since we opened our doors in 1975 we have served over 3,000 friends and neighbors of McHenry County. Our secret? It's easy. They've combined an alert sales staff with a knowledge able service department that has a knack for getting the job done "right the first time." No tricks, nogimmicks, just hometown concern for you, the motorist. When you put this all together, with the fact we sell a handsome, de pendable line of automobiles such as Lincoln-Mercury, the job gets easier and easier. Thank you McHenry, for your support. Brought to you by Jim Janicek SALES f* t •"I 1*1 il TORKELSON LINCOLN-MERCURY mi W. Rte. 120, McHenry, ,344^00 »* %iwwmmPB*MWqwwa per cent of fatal accident* involved faulty vehicle* prior to PMVI in 1968 and 5.6 per cent in 1972 after PMVI. • Department of Trans portation (DOT) said brake problems alone ac count for 1,600 to 3,000 death* a year. • Institute for Safety Analysis estimated defec tive vehicles were involved in more than 5,000 deaths and 200,000 serious inju ries annually. Until the passage of the Clean Air Act in 1970, safety was the only pur pose of PMVI. Now, an inspection system is vital for another reason, the air we breathe. Except for the state of New Jersey and a limited number of com munities, the emissions in spection program is still on the launch pad. As the law now reads, two agencies of the Fed eral Government are re sponsible for periodic in spections -- the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), for safety; the Environ mental Protection Agency (EPA), for emissions. The Automotive Information Council says that adminis tration of PMVI should be given to one agency, point ing out that inspection for safety and emissions could be completed at one time. Certainly, that would be far more convenient for the owners of more than 100 million vehicles in operation. Huge daily savings Perhaps the program would gain even greater icceptance if it were called "fuel economy inspection" or "engine efficiency in spection" with the empha sis on saving gasoline and money. DOT conservative ly estimates that inspec tion could save 375,000 barrels of crude oil a day. Here are some results of studies that clearly dem onstrate the advantages of an efficient power plant: 19 hold out IVriodic motor vehicle inspection (PMVI) is practiced in 31 states. State* not having manda tory *afety inspection for all cars arc Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Califor nia, Connecticut, Illinois, I««a. Kansas, Maryland, M irhigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington and Wisconsin. Total car registration in these states is nearly half of the nation's cars. Motorists living in these states wishing to have PMVI laws enacted, should write their state legislators. • EPA gave 70 cars loaded emission inspec tion and after adjustment recorded an 8.4 per cent dip in gas consumption. • Champion Spark Plug Company, in nation wide emission and fuel economy tests, found on average an 11.7 per cent fuel economy improve ment after needed tune- up. One car in every 35 is so poorly maintained that it wastes from 20 to 33 per rent of its fuel. • Gulf Oil tested 120,- 000 vehicles over a year, found 23 per cent of the car* with inefficient en gine*. The company esti mated the average lest car wasted as much as 140 gallons of fuel a year, or nearly tl00 at today'* prices. • New York City ran an inspection program on 1,200 taxis, found a sub stantial reduction in hy drocarbon (HC) and car b o n m o n o x i d e ( C O ) emissions and fuel saving* up to 10 per cent after correction*. When CO levels are ex cessive, it means poor car- buretion. Some causes: too much fuel in the mixture, low idle speed setting, in operative choke, clogged Alter. High HC usually comes from an ignition problem. Causes: ignition timing advanced or re tarded too much, poor condenser, worn out spark plugs, low battery voltage, vacuum leaks. Make it nationwide Of course, improper car- buretion and ignition waste gasoline. Couple that with the facts that show PMVI saves lives and there is every reason to believe that America is ready for an across the nation vehicle inspection program including emis sions of at least once a year. Motorists re Drivers learn to save on fuel; pollution levels diminished; accidents are reduced PAGE 10 -syppj^^TO r w <i By AL ROTHENBERG Former Automotive Editor of Look Magazine, now Executive Director of Automotive Information Council. The energy crisis has been no bargain, but some good may come out of it. Perhaps it already has, as many safety leaders trace a decline in the highway accident rate to energy-forced lower speed limits. The Automotive Information Council points out higher petroleum costs and fears of future shortages could also make the public more favorably inclined toward motor vehicle inspection. An efficient engine that meets emission standards delivers more miles to the gallon and a regular inspection is the best way to determine if the standards are being met, AIC claims. to show that vehicle con dition was a key safety factor. Solid evidence • Today, there is solid evidence that defective veh ic l e s have f igu red prominently in accidents causing deaths and in juries: • Nebraska reported 10 Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia now have periodic motor vehicle inspection (PMVI). The number has been vir tually constant since the dawn of this decade. Vol untary programs were the vogue during the '50s and half of the '60s but PMVI generated little support because of a lack of data OUR SBtm IS COMPIETE SUN ELECTRONIC TUNE-UP - BRAKES ALIGNMENT - WHEEL BALANCING ROAD SERVICE - AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC ON DUTY 7 MVS TIL 10 ̂ P JOE'S @ SERVICE I 2500 W. RT. 120 385-9820 McHENRY All New Jersey car owners must submit their vehicles to annual emissions inspection as part of their overall vehicle checks. In a survey made of motorists in the Garden State, only two-and-a-half per cent stated objections to the program. Maybe that is because New Jersey emissions officials estimate a car can save $80 in gasoline bills a year when it is brought into good tuned-up condition. TEMPERATURE FALLING! YOUR CAR Am THE mm SPECIAL OFFER • up to 2 gal. ANTI FREEZE • FLUSH SYSTEM • PRESSURE TEST • CHECK ALL HOSES & BELTS no95 GOOD THRU OCT. 30