p.r-.r j^sWTV,Wm*^M<tM>EA1JfflrTUPAYi OCTOBER*. »"« • vision * WhffiimWWbeks it 9s time to say, *let there be light9 "My pet gripe," said the old-timer, "is against all too many drivers who have developed bad driving and maintenance habits." This old-timer says he found himself trapped on a fine, broad turnpike by a sudden and severe bad weather condition. "I say 'trapped* because traffic was heavy and too many motorists were high balling far above the 55- mile speed limit when the storm broke. TUNE-UP SPECIAL With this Coupon Only including plugs, points & condensor 8 CYL. AMERICAN CARS /GREASE, /OIL & OIL FILTER $10 / WITH THIS COUPON ONLY OAKS MARATHON 4608 W. CRYSTAL LK - RD. MCHENRY. ILLINOIS CALL 385-8441 COUPON GOOD OCT 8 thru OCT 22 '76 • COUPON CB RADIOS ^ NEW & USED LAKE & McHENRY CO. LARGEST SELECTION F \ I * INSTALL AJD * SERVICE VV ̂ • WARRANTEE - PLUS A COMPLETE LINE OF - ANTENNAS & ACCESSORIES BRAND NEW!! PACE CB MODEL 143 J89 95 INCLUDES • TRUNK MOUNT ANTENNA • SLIDE-OUT BRACKET -AND- • GUARANTEED 40 CHANNEL UPDATE REPLACEMENT - LIMITED SUPPLY - FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ( ( ( ( " ( • . n u n ) ) ) ) ) ) ) radicom* 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry, III. 815-385-4224 "Naturally, I turned oil my lights immediately. I wanted the car behind me to realize I was ahead of him, no matter how badly forward vision was impair ed by the mounting dark ness and the foglike mist created by the heavy rains. Too many failed "But too many others failed to do likewise (why, I will never know) which meant that frequently all you saw ahead of you that might be a motor vehicle was a slightly darker shape in the wet gloom. "Meanwhile, if the guy in back of you didn't have some light showing for ward, you'd have to strain to make sure he wasn't engaged in dangerous tailgating. "It was almost impossi ble to turn off the turn pike with any degree of safety -- turnoffs were jammed and motorists were speeding by. "Another hazard was cars that had run out of gas or had encountered some mechanical difficulty which forced them to stop at roadside. Then, in a misguided effort to save their batteries, they didn't even show parking lights. ' Never a breakdown "I've never, during all of my driving in good weather and bad, had to stop because of a mechan ical breakdown, or being out of gas. "This 100 per cent per formance, I attribute to the fact that every car I've ever owned lias been taken in for a tune-up and a complete check of all safe ty features at every 10,000 miles that shows on my odometer. "I got through the 135- mile drive during a vision destroying storm safely - until, off the turnpike and very near my home, I was stopped by a red traffic lunt a ghostly shape through storm. Lights on tell you where and what is ahead. light at the bottom of a little hill. "Yes, it was raining heavily and my lights, front and back, were still on. Seconds after I stop ped, the car behind me ran into my rear end. Other car suffered "Fortunately for me, the impact caused only minor damage to my car. But the other car suffered a punctured radiator. "The driver behind me admitted he had seen the traffic light change and my car, with rear red lights showing, come to a gentle stop. " 'Sorry, sir,' the driver said, 'but my brakes wouldn't hold.' "I examined his tires. The treads were worn smooth. More than brakes "It wasn't only your brakes, I suggested to him, it was the way you drive and take care of your car. "Automobiles today are efficient machines with lots of good safety features built into them; but they can be no better, no safer, than the person who drives them." Locked bumpers unmesh easily There is an easy way to unlock bumpers should your car get tangled up with another vehicle. Drive the right side of the lead car, dragging the other one along, up on the curb, making sure the driver's side wheels of the lead car continue at street level. By the time the right rear wheel of the lead car mounts the curb, the bumpers will unlock -- if you avoid dragging the wheels of the rear car up on the curb. Thin works only if the bumper of the back car is under the bumper of the front «-ar. After Recent Fire COUNTRY AUTO BODY c has Re-opened For Business Auto Painting & Body Work FREE ESTIMATES 606 RT. 31 _ McHENRY, ILL. 385*9741 J V"M Kilometers as well as miles on late models Due to Canada's con version and pending U.S. conversion to the Metric system, some of the new 1976 model speedometers are calibrated to show both miles per hour and kilometers per hour. A kilometer is approxi mately 60 per cent of a mile. The needle indicators on the new models show both at a glance: miles in black and kilometers in blue. THE 1977 P0NTIACS ARE "COME IN AND TEST DRIVE ME." IN ALL MODELS IN STOCK THE BIGGEST CADILLAC - P0NTIAC DEALER IN THE ""COUNTRY" OVERTON H i I J O m i l l H i M \ h l l . n r \ I t I - h O O O PONTIAC