Pioneer Center Asks Clarification Of Grant Robert Lambourn, executive director of Pioneer center, has asked Congressman Robert McClory for assistance in clarifying the status of a federal grant application which Pioneer center became eligible for in mid-September./ The federal government is funding a respite care program throughout the country, a program Lambourn has had in force for some time. This program provides short-term assistance to families with developmentally disabled adults and children. Residential care is provided for a short period at the time of a family crises or when it is appropriate, Lambourn said. Because of the short deadline, Lambourn was unable to apply for the federal grant proposing to prepare details on the program and procedures that have proven beneficial in McHenry county. He said he believes the McHenry county program is the most advanced in Illinois. Others planning to take ad vantage of this federally funded program could benefit from McHenry county's experience. Illinois has only three respite care programs altogether. • Congressman McClory has assigned a staff member to check into the status of the Mi SEATS STARTS FRIDAY! $J00 SHOW PI AC I / RHS 14 & 31 4S5 100S HELD OVER! "MARATHON MAN" FRL&MON.-THURS. 7 & 9:15 SAT.&SUN. 2, 4:30, 7 & 9:15 E znurtriHut J WILI IAWS ST DOWNTOWN STARTS FRIDAY "WOODSTOCK FRL&MON.-THURS.7:30 ONLY SAT.&SUN. 5 & 8:15 P.M. SHOW TIMES FRI-SAT-SUN. 7:00 & 8:45 SPECIAL LATE PERFORMANCE FRI. & SAT. 10:30 P.M. M0N.-THURS. 7:30 ONLY SHOWPiMt 2 RTfS 14 I 21 455-1005 HELD OVER! FRI.&MON.-THURS. 7&9 SAT.&SUN.13:05,5:10.7:15&9:20_ T^VBSESESES I JBilLWwiwP STARTS FRIDAY! "SUMMER of LAURA" x AND "DEEP TANG0"x LAURA AT 7 & 9:45 TANGO AT 8:30 X2UTDOO IGKAYSLAKE RT 120 & 83 223 8155 OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY STARTS 7:30 FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY PTHUMHfiQff L •*» LATE SHOW FRL & SAT. UGKTF0°R RBREAKHEART PASS"pg McHENRY/TOWNE/SHOWPLACE 3 SPECIAL KIDDIE MATINEE SAT. AND SUN. AT 1 and 3 P.M. N. W. RUSSO PRESENTS QNEE UPON A TIME THE GREATEST FAIRY TALE OF THEM ALL! G v AT LAST... *i*r * • •• ,v SN \ $ ;• ». . <' . . v \ i L v, mm S ?; • m " : 4 ^ • < . * < jL* ***/ / iW * You roll on the rich look of textured plaster with NTC Roll-On Ceiling Texture. It's easy to do and the results are beautiful Just add water, mix and you're ready to roll! This is the one you've been heanng • about -- developed by National Texture Corporation, "the roll-on people " Dnes hard and tough. And you can color it or paint it, if you wish. ONLY $9.95 10 lb box makes over 2 galbns of texture and covers approx. 120 sq jt S«e HOW Easy It Is! Professional Demonstration in Our Store Sat, Oct 30,10 A.M. • 2 P.M. Don't Miss It! grant application and to learn why the deadline for ap plications was only a few days. The procedure is for the request to go to the state office which administers and coor dinates the federal funding of the program. Lambourn said in July and August, McHenry County Association for the Retarded staff members placed forty- five children in the respite care program. While meeting with Lam bourn, Congressman McClory toured the rehabilitation facilities at Crystal Lake and d i s c u s s e d L a m b o u r n ' s projected needs for a second Community Living facility. The McHenry County Association for the Retarded now operates a Community Living facility for twenty people in the former Marian Central convent. "We could help forty people if we had facilities. I'm proud to say in the past couple of years Dentist Will Address Lamaze Group Meeting PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1976 *1 Dr. Fred Fitzpatrick, children's dentist, will address the bi-monthly meeting of the McHenry County Region of NI- ASPO (Lamaze Prepared Childbirth Association) on Thursday, Oct. 28, at 7:30 p.m. we have been able to place t h i r t e e n p e o p l e f r o m t h e Community Living facility into their own apartments. They are living on their own with the help our program gave them," said Lambourn. L a m b o u r n a s k e d Congressman McClory to learn if construction funding for a Community Living facility is available through a federally- financed program. at the First Congregational church in Crystal Lake. The church is located at 461 Pierson street behind the water tower park and will be open to the public. A small donation will be requested at the door to cover expenses. Firzpatrick did his un dergraduate work at the University of Illinois, served with the United States Air Force and returned to the U. of I. to receive his degree in Pediodontics. Fitzpatrick will answer questions from the audience of all phases of oral hygiene for children. * * * * Unfortunately the world isn't interested in good excuses. UNICEF '.mil j UNICEF Day collections get a new look this year with the easy- to-carry carton shown at right. Both this new design and the traditional Trick or Treat boxes will be used this fall to gather coins and folding money that will provide urgently needed help to the millions of African, Asian and Latin American children aided by UNICEF. The black and orange Halloween colors remain unchanged. In Nepal youngsters like this face a high risk of early death from unsanitary drink ing water. Halloween contri butions help UNICEF lay pipes for clean water sys t e m s . ( U N I C E F P h o t o b y W h e e l e r ) *? v u m wtAMcme EPARTMENT And Plywood Minnesota has all the supplies you'll need for that remodeling job. We're ready to assist you, supply you and save you money. NEHNisia PANELING • Largest stock in the Upper Midwest • Hundreds of beautiful panels, hardwoods, vinyls, embossed hardboards CARPETHG' •$999 $1160 mL to 11 sq.yiL New Wallcoverings 111 $398 Choose from over 300 beauti ful rolls, including vinyls, prints, textures, prepasted fnnm and unpasted. trwm n • 80% of our carpeting in this price range I • Largest selection in the Midwest. Hundreds mm of colors, styles, patterns, textures in both • rubber back and jute Huge inventory 1 of carpet remnants at bargain prices].. double poll Bathroom Vanities Do-it-yourself! CABINETS I Save $3 out of $4! It's the cabinets that cost the least in redoing your kitchen. We fit any kitchen--over 80 size and shape cabinets in each of ^seve ra^ ty le^ in i she^^^^J * < , f t We also have a few showroom cabinets and vanities at savings up to 75%. Hurry while they're here. DISPOSALS Congoleum Floors s tar t a t w Kitch-n-vent RANGE HOODS $2g5° 1 starting as low as sq yd • Shinyl-vinyl finish means no waxing, easy • Available in a variety of clean-up. warm pleasing colors Custom-cut Formica Countertops We'll even custom-cut the Formica countertop to fit your cabinet layout. Suspended Ceilings Our large stock includes Owens-Corning and Armstrong, MODERN MAID Cook 'n Clean Center Compact 3-in-1 appliances center (only 30" wide!) MICRO-WAVE OVENS v FAUCETS ^ PEERLE/T FAUCET ( ( SINGLE HAND KITCHEN FAUCETS SINKS V.iitl.n SimI Uty douiii (oarAimiNT Discount Warehouses for Paneling, Carpeting & Cabinets PLYWOOD MINNESOTA! 1 BANKAMERICARD I E222HSBI WOODSTOCK 815-338-1440 225 East Calhoun FINANCING AVAILABLE HOURS: Monday and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 'til 6 p.m. Saturday 'til 5 p.m. IT" Time Payment Plans mrvtimmumm Closed Sunday t McHENRY PAINT • GLASS1 & WALLPAPER 3411 W ELM McHENRY 385-7353