spurgeons SKITION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLA1NDEALER-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1976 Local Auxiliary Members Attend VA Anniversary Meet i , ' l la Hogan. Auxil iary Hospital chairman and treasurer and Mary Fergen, Junior Vice- President were in Washington, DC., for the thir t ieth an niversary meeting of the Veterans Administrat ion Voluntary Service Advisory Committee. Oct 20-22. A thousand VA hospital volun teers from across the country at tended the meeting.^ Ila Hogan and Mary Fergen at North Chicago ' V.A hospital <Downey). They are members of Fox River V.F.W. auxil iary to Post No. 4600 I t is one of over :?00 organizations which sponsor the volunteers who serve veterans in VA health care facil i t ies, giving over 11 mil l ion hours of service each year. , Richard L. Roudebush. administrator of 'Veterans Affairs , addressed the volunteers at a luncheon, ex pressing the appreciat ion of the VA for their concern for veteran patients. Jean McKee, act ing administrator of the American Revolution Bicen tennial Administrat ion, was guest of honor at a recognit ion banquet for which en tertainment was provided by a performing group sponsored by the Brit ish Embassy. DON'T STEP OUT IN THE COLD... ENJOY THE • COMFORT • CONVENIENCE • SECURITY OF A AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER ALEXANDER LUMBER 909 N. Front St. McHenry Phone 385-1424 Volunteers heard a report by Dr John D< Chase, VA Chief Medical Director, on current medical plans for veterans, and Edward J. Gregory, professor of journalism at Duquesne university, Pittsburgh, spoke at a special session for youth volunteers. Other sessions were devoted to the completion of two-year nation-wide studies of VA Voluntary service. Results of the studies were presented as recommendations to the Chief Medical Director for improvements in the program. v One of the interesting events was presentation of the James H Parke Memorial Award. This award, named in memory of the first director of the VA Voluntary Service program, is given annually to the out standing youth volunteer nominated by a VA hospital. This year's winner was 17-year- old Michael Prichard of the Tampa, Fl., VA hospital. Volunteers attending the -Meeting also enjoyed a choice of special events arranged by the VA Voluntary Service National Advisory committee. These included visits to the colonial city of Alexandria, Va., hometown of George Washington, to the newly opened National Air and Space Museum, and to the Australian Embassy, where the visitors were guests of the Ambassador of Australia to the United States. The Veterans administration will spend more than $4 billion on health care for veterans this year. Settle Claim Against Sentinel For Sum Of '20,000 The McHenry County Con servation district has settled its claim against the Woodstock Daily Sentinel for $20,000. This claim arose from the inad vertence of the Sentinel to publish a district ordinance in accordance with instructions and requirements of the Illinois statutes. The Chicago law firm of Winston & Strawn, on behalf of the Sentinel, had appealed the Trial court's finding in favor of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway and other tax protestants. This appeal, despite having been brought in the spirit of community responsibility, was un successful. The attorneys for the district. Joslyn & Green, and the at torneys for the Sentinel recommended this settlement. XARS FOR vtONSI^lUATION A record apxfunt of nearly $9 million was awarded to the Illinois Department of con servation by the federal government in Fiscal Year 1976. Conservation Director John McGuire said last week that 73 percent of the grant money has been passed on to local communities in Illinois for recreational land acquisition and development. HURW & SAVEIll It's herellf THE FANTASTIC Halloween JUBILEE MASS - Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill of Rockford diocese accepis Offertory gifts during seventy-fifth anniversary jubilee Mass celebrated at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, recently. Presenting the gifts are Sister Mary Lou Kagan and Sister Ruth May, (partially hidden). Both nuns are parishioners of St. Peter's. In second photo are Bishop O'Neill and Father John Kilduff, pastor of St. Peter's, leaving sanctuary for recessional. Mineral Society Makes Plans For Field Trip Grain Bin Safety Decal Is Available The McHenry County Farm Bureau Women's committee is providing a grain bin suf focation warning sign to be used by farmers. This decal is 8" x 16" yellow and black, and self-adhesive. It should be displayed on all bin door openings. Members of the Women's committee have distributed these decals to your local grain elevator and FS salesmen The number of grain bins on farms have been growing rapidly, and so the Farm Bureau Women's committee is urging farmers to obtain and use these safety decals as a means of preventing suf focation in grain. They are free to farmers as the Women's committee has absorbed the cost. Copies may be picked up at the Farm Bureau office. ONE DAY ONLY -- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 -- FROM 10 to 5 Save now and buy that special gift for Christmas! The Hiawatha Gem and Mineral Society will hold its next regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at St. Patrick's school hall, Washington street, McHenry. There was a good turnout for the silica sand quarry field trip Oct. 9. Final preparations for a field trip on Nov. 20 to the Funk Gem and Mineral Museum near Shirley, II., will be made at this meeting. The museum is 30 years of spare time collec ting by LaFayette Funk II, and is an incredible array of many rare and unusual specimens. The instruction portion of the meeting will cover chemical and crystal identification of minerals. Crystallography is a very interesting study of the crystal arrangement in minerals. SCHOOL FOR TIIE DEAF The oldest state-supported institution in Illinois, the Illinois School for the Deaf (ISD), founded in 1839, has a new superintendent. William Page Johnson, himself, the son of deaf parents, was formerly the director of a large special education district in Iowa. Some 500 students attend classes at the ISD's 50-acre campus in Jacksonville. Anyone interested in collecting rocks and minerals is invited to attend the meeting, or participate in the field trip. Flannel Gowns FOR LADIES Reg. 5.50 1% 97 6.00 \0 LIMIT 2 Thermal Underwear Mens Tops m O T & Bottons • Reg. 3.19 | LIMIT 2 Girls Snow Boots Reg. 8.99 # OT 9.99 n LIMIT 2 Boxed X-mas Cards Asst. 0% mW if Reg. 59* J / • a LIMIT 2 THROUGH THESE DOORS A HISTORY OF STRENGTH, SECURITY, EXPERIENCE Boys Blue Jeans Reg. 7.99 597 LIMIT 2 Ladies Dresses Reg. 12.97 7^7 m i LIMIT 2 Baby Quilt Blanket 7.00 Value -*97 LIMIT 2 3 Mens Winter Coats Asst. styles V O 7 Reg. 29.99 I • m LIMIT 2 Polyester Fabric 100% Doubleknit 60" | Q7 Reg. 2.99 I LIMIT 4 YDS. Marengo Federal offers 50 years of experience in serving the people of Northern Illinois. This mutual association has kept pace with the steady growth of McHenry County - with savings accounts totaling more than $70,000,000 and mortgage loans and contracts of over $72,000,000 . For security - reserves of over $5,200,000 have been set aside to pro - tect every saver's account. You are invited to avail yourself of our many services at any of our three offices. Regular Savings Accounts Improvement Loans Investment Accounts College Loans Certificate Accounts Keogh Retirement Accounts Loans on Savings Accounts | RA Retirement Accounts Save by Mail-Postage Paid Mc~ey Orders-No Cost First Mortgage Loans Travelers Checks-No Cost Free Parking MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and loan association 200 East Grant Highway * Marengo, ill. 568-7258 118 Cass, Woodstock, II. 338 2900 4400 W. Rt. 120 McHenry , II. 344-1900 An $84,000,000 mutual Association Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925, BEE Bring Dad... Bring the Kids!!! SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! Cash & Charge Sales Only No Lay-A-Ways Winter Scarfs 100% Acrylic wovens M Va Reg. 1.19 / • #LIMIT2 4400 W. RTE. 120 - McHENRY, ILL. McHENRY MARKET PLACE -- (815) 385-4100