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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1977, p. 10

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V WiE 10- PLAINDFALER-WEDNESDAV. JANIARY12. 1977 Legal Notice NOTICE OF CAUCUS Pursuant to action taken by the Board of Auditors. Nunda Township. McHenrv County. Illinois. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, februarv 1st. 1977. at 8:00 P.M. a caucus, will be held bv the; voters of the Democratic t'arty of the Township of Nunda. McHenrv County, Illinois, at the American Legion Hall. 406 Woodstock 'Street. Crystal Lake. Illinois. Being within the said Township of Nunda. McHenrv County. Illinois, for the purpose of nominating Democratic candidates for the offices of Supervisor. Town Clerk. Assessor. Road Com­ missioner and four Trustees No person will be eligible to vote at said township caucus unless he is a registered voter n the township and in the Democratic Partv BOARD OF AUDITORS Nunda Township McHenrv County. Illinois Dated: January 10th. 1977 Pub Jan 12. 19. 26. 1977) Legal Notice NOTICE OF CAUCUS Pursuant to action taken by the Board of Auditonr Nunda Township, McHenA Countv„ Illinois. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 1st. 1977, at 8:00 P7M. a caucus will be held bv the voters of the Republican Party of the Township of Nunda, McHenrv County. Illinois, at the NortV Elementary School, Multi-Use \Room. 500 Wood­ stock Street. Crystal Lake. Illinois, b>ei)ng within the said Township of Nunda. McHenrv County. Illinois, for the purpose of nominating Republican candidates for the offices of Supervisor. Town Clerk, Assessor, Road Commissioner and four Trustees No person will |be eligible to vote at said township caucus unless he is a registered voter in the township and in the Republican Party. OF AUDITORS T Nunda Township McHenrv County, Illinois Dated: January 10th. 1977 * (Pub Jan. 12.19.26, 1977) Legal Notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Nunda Township Cemetery Board of Trustees is now inviting bids for the maintenance of ground, in­ cluding mowing, and trimming of grass areas at the three township cemeteries: Prairie Grove, Ridgefield and Holcombville for the 1977 season. In addition, bids are requested for the planting of various evergreens and maintenance of same for the period of one year in Ridgefield* and Pairie Grove Cemeteries; Two (2 > 35' flag poles and the installation of same in the Ridgefield and Prairie Grove Cemeteries; and the sealcoating of the blacktop driveways in both Ridgefield and Prairie Grove Cemeteries. Bidders may obtain :ifications at the Nunda ip Office, 95 Grant St., Crystal Lake, Illinois, Monday spec Towi through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Sealed bids, specifying the service and-or material to be furnished, will be due Monday, January 31st, 1977, at the township office, and the bids will be opened at 7:00 P.M. that same evening at the township office The Board of Trustees reserves the right to rejct any or all bids submitted. Anita Sherwood, Executive Sec'y NUNDA TOWNSHIP j CEMETERY TRUSTEES (Pub. Jan. 12,19, 26, 1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Sophie Ross Deceased, FILE NO. 76-P-383 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on December 30, 1976, to Charles Kersch, 2414 Sterling Dr., McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Looze & Kinne, 3431 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois! Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate v hich is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock. Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivers to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 12, 19,26,1977) TURNONS n YOU NEVER SAW A MAM YOU DIDN'T L IKE? NOT ME. I'M BUND. \ A8P \ Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each ACrP Store, except as specifically noted in this ad. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. JAN. 13 THRU SMF. JAN. 15,1977. .. Scott Paper Sale! Ground Beef Whole r Fryers SCOTT JUMBO Towels . v LADY SCOTT 31°° Facial Tissues 2;'!88 FAMILY SCOTT TISSUE [L Bathroom Dir APPROX. 72% LEAN 5-LB. PKG. OR LARGER OR BOX-O- CHICKEN BOX-O-CHICKEN CONTAINS: • 3 BREAST QTRS • 3 LEG QTRS „ *3 NECKS • 3 GIBLETS • 3 WINGS * SCOTT Napkins 9100 mm pkqs I JmaJi fiakhi} (BiujA! Sandwich Bread Ground Whole Y Smoked Meat Loaf Fryer Legs Picnics QQ, LB. 09 us. 1 GOVT/ ~d 79 WHOLE -- -- OR HALF "It DU LE OR FULL RIB HALF LB. Turkey Drumsticks BULK STYLE U.S. GOV'T. INSP. LB. ASSORTED 24-02/ LOAVES FRESH BAKE OR COUNTRY FAIR Sap's Danish Sweet Rolls Rainbo White Bread Master Baker Sliced Pound Cake "«£ 79c 47c ift-OZ QQP SIZE Pork Chops OSCAR MAYER 1-LB. PKG. Sliced Bacon TENDER SLICED Beef Liver INCLUDES • 2 SHOULDER LB. Sandwich Jixbu A4P Chipped Meats VARIETIES ALL MEAT CHICKEN ADDED LAND OF FROST Chunk Bologna A4P Beef Wieners A&P Sliced Luncheon Meats X! '* Oft SMOKED POLISH Smoked Sausage Count ry Treat Whole Hog Sausage Swift'sBrown & ServeSausage 3 U«» LB. !£ U>» LB. 1-LB. ROLL Kellogg's Cereal FROSTED FLAKES 20-OZ. BOX 79 Gold Medal Flour Tomato Soup Italian Festival Values! ENRICHED CAMPBELL'S PURPOSE BRAND ANN PAGE ASSORTED VARIETIES Spaghetti 9 Sauce "• POUND JAR CONTADINA ANN PAGE ELBO A Macaroni or o HQ Spaghetti fj!f Tomato Paste CONTADINA Tomato Sauce CONTADINA Stewed Tomatoes CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE BEEF-A-RONI O Spag. & Meatballs 4 6oz QRo CANS 6 T° "•'cs,0139 2 88 GALLON MILK <110 2% LOWFAT A&P A&P LOOK FIT *}QMhal VYl&ftchandi&si & (Bomrty Vte&dh ^ASSORTED VARIETIES £ ^4FLLAA Yogurt 4 100 Gloves SMALL, MED. & LARGE PAIR A&P 68 Assorted Puzzles • WELCOME BACK KOTTER • KING KONG •STARSKY &HUTCH EACH \ SfcA A&P FIVE GRAIN Aspirin 49" SELSUN BLUE 4-OZ. SIZE $1FLQ Dandruff Shampoo I Q-T|PS QQ k Cotton Swabs OO 15C 0FF LABEL Aim Toothpaste " 89 KRAFT QUARTERED Parkay Margarine KRAFT PROCESSED Velveeta Cheese 1-LB. PKG LOAF 1-LB. SIZE 49 99 (EXTRA ABSORBENT-DAYTIME Pampers 24-CT PKG. < PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1977 AT YOUR Blade Cut-Beef Chuck Roast UP TO $1000. WINNER $1000. WINNER RAFAEL MEJIA CHICAGO. ILL $1000. WINNER ROSEMARY GINNlS HARWOOD HTS , ILL. $1000 WINNER SOLD AS ROAST ONLY Center Cut Chuck ROAST 7-BON CUT I LB. 59 Round Bone n Chuck Steak Swiss Steak CHUCK ROAST # ||(> ARM CUT M LB. • ̂ 3 CENTER 7-BONE fjfl SOLD AS VvAfly STEAK ONLY • • LB. R B°OU,NED DDO ARM CUT LB. G round Beef APPROX 77% LEAN 3-LB LB. 89 IRENE CROFT $1000. WINNER • JOSE SANCHEZ CHICAGO. ILL $1000. WINNER falin Qohu LOhahfl Jack Salmon H & G Whiting Greenland Turbot Fillets Cap'n John's Ocean Perch Fillets Van De Kamp's Fish Nabobs Van DeKamp Halibut El Dorado Breaded Shrimp LB. BOX LB. $199 99c ^ *129 16-02. PKG $159 PKQ. SIM PIECES JJ59 1-LB. PKQ. CUT FROM CHUCK Boneless BEEF ROAST LB. SMALL END Beef Rib Steak AGAR PRESTIGE 1-LB. VAC. PKG. Sliced Bacon LB. 9» *169 *119 KIMBERLY STELLEMA MICHIGAN CITY. IND ROSE MARIE CHODL CHICAGO. ILL ODDS CHART as of DEC. 13,1976 nun V*Uf HO Of mas OOOSKHI OM STOW VIST 0005F0« 11 stow VISITS 0005(OH nSTOM VISITS 1 11.010 00 200 I7.MWI 7.500 10 1 1.750 Ml 10000 1600 12.117 101 >37 to 1 4® to 1 20 00 4,000 4.I7S to 1 175 to 1 117 to 1 sot 12.000 1.125 10 1 125 U1 iltol 200 31.000 Ml Hi 45 lot 21 to 1 100 234 ON U Ml laol 1 to 1 TMIk •(*«• 2*4.100 Ntol 5 " ' 2ft lo 1 ALL NEW 44 SERIES This game being played in 130 participating A&P Food Stores located in Northern Ill inois. North­ western Indiana and Dubuque. Iowa SCHEDULED TERMINATION DATE OF THIS PROGRAM: MARCH 14, 1977 SUBJECT TO EXTENSION PARTICIPATJNG STORES 26 TIMES DURING CHANCE IN 2 1/2 OF WINNING A CASH PRIZE! GOOD ONLY IN CHICAGO DIVISION PARTICIPATING A*P FOOD STORES IF YOU VISIT T»\E PARTICIPATJ THIS PROMOTION YOU HAVE 1 Laundry Bleach A&P GALLON JUG 56 Wesson Oil FOR COOKING OR SALADS 48-OZ. BOTTLE Barrelhead Root Beer OR CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 16-OZ. BTLS. PLUS DEP. 79 JhoyutJoo a&fi'A J Ac Ah (p/wduce OoIusia! I Temple 8-OZ. SIZE /M C, BANQUET ASST. VAR. DOZEN ICECREAM IBQZOPIZZA CHOC. MARSHMALLOW I UWfcw I !••••• • CHOC. MARSH MALLOW FLAVOR ONLY-ANN PAGE HALF GAL. CTN. SAUSAGE S FROZEN 19-OZ. ^ Tomatoes YELLOW OR THIS WEEK'S FEATURE WEXFORD CRYSTAL FOOTED SHERBET LBS. FOR Zucchini Squash LB 49c sweet fA *100 Golden Yams 4 LBSI select h $100 Cucumbers 1Fon I FLORIST QUALITY \ T AFLQ "6-INCH Z9 Mums P0T Ueâ IT TAKES A LOT TO MAKE AFOOD STORE GREAT... We're working at it! \ ft « Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) BEFORE THE McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD } ) i * a. ^99ys Ziggysziggys ziggysziggysziggysng^ 7IApyfC ECKRICH ALL MEAT | ZIGGY S BOLOGNA LB. .59 •f FANTASTIC w 5 " I . . , L E O N ' S O L D W O R L D n A t 3 S DELI BEERVKURST It? 89 J <66a sA66<zsA66a«sA66asA66izsA66izsA6K> OF APPEALS IN THE MATTER OF THE AMENDED PETITION OF THE BANK OF NAPERVILLE, AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT NO. 2361 and RALPH G. and ESTER M. GUNDERSON, his wife, FOR A VARIATION FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE COUNTY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS. • LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Or­ dinance, that a public hearing will be held before the Zoning Board of Appeals of McHenry County upon an Amended Petition requesting a Variation of the said Zoning Ordinance as to a portion of the following described property: That part of the East Half of the East Half of Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Prin­ cipal Meridian described as follows: Starting at the Northeast corner of said Section;"thence West along the North line of saia Section 287.2 feet to the place of beginning , thence South on a iine which is parallel to and 287.2 feet West of the East line of said Section a distance of 656.1 feet; thence West parallel to the North line of said Section 338.0 feet; thence North parallel to the East line of said Section 656. l feet to the North line of said Section , thence East along said North line to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is located on the South side of McCullom Lake Road and is commonly known as 7003 McCullom Lake Road, Wonder Lake. The property is presently zoned F Farming District. The petitioners request a Variation to permit a business use of the barn and a parking area within the "F" Farming District The hearing upon the Petition will be held at 2:00 P.M. on February 3, 1977, in the McHenry City Hall, 1111 North Green Street, McHenry Illinois, at which time and place all those who may be interested may appear and be heard. Zoning Board of Appeals of McHenry>County BY: -s-June Girard Chairman FRANZ, NAUGHTON LEAHY : • -v Attorneys for Petitioners 453 Coventry Green Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 815-459-8100 (Pub. Jan. 12,1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF FRED J. SMITH Deceased, FILE NO. 76-P-378 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on January 6, 1977, to Fred H. Smith, 746 S. 4th Ave., DesPlaines, II., and Harold B. Smith;,2201 W. Johnsburg Rd , McHenry, Illinois, whose at torney of record is Donald W. Truckenbrod, 4108 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. --^ MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 12, 19,26, 1977) & WHO KNOWS? 1. When was the first na­ tional election held? 2. When was gold dis­ covered in California? 3. Name the first man to set foot on the moon. 4. Who invented the bi­ focal lens? 5. When did prohibition begin? 6. When was „ the first wireless sent to Ger­ many? 7. Who was the first Sec­ retary of State? 8. What is an erg? 9. Two southern generals were born in January, name them. ^ 10.Who invented the mo­ tion-picture camera? Answers To Wfco Kmvs 1. January 7. 1789. 2. January 24. 1848. 3./Neil A. Armstrong. 4. Benjamin Franklin, in 1760. 5. January 16, 1920. 6. January 27, 1914. 7. Thomas Jefferson. 8. A unit of electrical energy. 9. General Robert E. Lee, General "Stonewall" Jackson. 10.Thomas A. Edison;

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