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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1977, p. 16

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/ If • IM.AIMUvM.KKWi:i»\KSI)AY. JANUAKY 12. 1977 Lakeland Park and lakeland Shores V. Sharo.i (iacck Sue Uarreu Anne M«»ore 3S5-3777 3H5-4M>K 385-GH.S New Year Brings Woman's Club To Impromptu Brunch The first gathering of the New Year was very exciting for members of the Lakeland Park Woman's club who attended the meeting last week. Hostesses Lyda Radisch and Mary Dobbins provided many lovely presents and Mary Schaan's homemade sweet rolls were just delicious. Beverly Walinski surprised the ladies with a scrumptious tray of luncheon meats and treats to go with the sandwiches. Club babysitter Penny Schaan watched all the children thus enabling us all to have a fun morning. Other members who attended the meeting and enjoyed the impromptu brunch were: Adele Arndt. M dred Denise. Edna Domres Shirley Koch, Italia Mazzota Willie Meyers, Anne Moore, Mary Lou Pautz, Barbara Rathmann, Ruth Roach, Fleda Rogers and Sue Warren. It was also a productive meeting. Once again the women voted to sponsor Brownie Troop No 464 for this year. Feb 3 is the date set when the women will visit a nursing home and bring the elderly residents cookies and fresh fruit. Plans are formulating nicely for the Annual Spring Luncheon and Card party to be held at St. Patrick's church hall, Wednesday, April 27, and club members should have tickets for sale next month. Another important date was set and that is for the second annual community picnic. This gala event is scheduled for August 7 at the community house grounds. More in­ formation will be forthcoming on these events but be sure to mark your 1977 calendars now for these important dates, that's April 27 and August 7. NEW YEAR'S PARTY The Godt's also spent an enjoyable evening out New Year's eve. Ron and Bonita helped bring in the New Year with friends and neighbors at the home of Gene and Virg Felske. Other friends and neighbors included, Kathy aflfT * Bud Huff, Stu and Sue McVicar and Cecilia Oakford Hot sandwiches and a lovely buffet were served at midnight and dessert, pumpkin pie, was served sometime later. All had a super time ringing in the new year. New Year's day was spent for most, catching up on sleep. The Godt's enjoyed an afternoon of sledding with iheir children at Veterans Acres. The new sleds, Christmas presents from Uncle Michael, really helped the children zip down those hills. It was a bitter cold, but certainly a funfilled afternoon. A CELEBRATION! Bruce and Sue Warren were the host and hostess with the mostess at their home New Year's eve. Friends who shared all the delicious treats, "good cheer" and even better com­ pany were John and Mary Lou Pautz, John and Sharon Gacek, Steve and Anne Moore and Sue's sister, Cathy, and her husband, John Louden. A fun time was had by everyone as they toasted the departure of 1976 and welcomed the arrival of 1977. GOOD NEWS! We're happy to hear that our friend and neighbor Marie Cross is on the path back to ^%good health following her recent serious illness. Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Marie, for a complete and speedy recovery! CRAFT-SOCIAL CLUB The craft-social club will resume meeting tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. at the community house, 1717 N. Sunset. The club is open for membership for any woman in our community who would like to do their individual crafts while chatting witlMfriends and neighbors. Your children are invited but it is suggested you bring along crayons and coloring books or something to help keep them entertained. If you are interested in joining this new community club, do attend the meeting tomorrow morning We'll see you there! PETITION WINDOW OPEN It's election time once again in McHenry. This year we will elect a Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and one Alderman for the 4th Ward. Petitions may be filed with the City Clerk's office begin­ ning Jan. 10. Information regarding the number of signatures required for ad­ mission to the ballot, as^^dl as blank filing petitions, may be obtained from the City Clerk's office. All petitions must be returned to the City Clerk's office by Feb. 14. Remember to support your candidate vote in the city elections. and ATTENTION: SNOWMOBILERS The Lakeland Park Homeowners Association has rules regarding snowmobiles on the lake. These are being updated and revised and will appear hi the next column Some of the old rules that will still apply are stay at least 150 feet away from the shore lines and please stay away from the ice skating rinks. When you drive over the ice you ruin it for your fellow sportsmen who prefer to skate. Also stay off of private property, you can be caught .and arrested for trespassing. DUAL CELEBRATION it was a dual celebration at the Alan Etheridge household last week Mary Eik ai. 1 Her mom, Marilyn. u r. bir­ thday, ,1 .n :> . ,d they celebrated toother with boys, Mark and Billy and husband and daddy, Al. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs of Johnsburg, parents and grandparents of Marilyn and Mary Ellen along with Al's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Etheridge of Crystal Lake enjoyed the birthday dinner and watched whiti*motner and' ....daughter opened their many gifts. / * Special guest was Mary Ellen's great-grandma and Marilyn's grandmother, Mrs. John Fuchs of Humphrey, Nb., who is visiting her family over the holidays. < It was four years ago that Mary El|en surprised her mom on her birthday and we'd like to , wish them many more happy birthdays together. LUNCHEON Sister Elizabeth Fuchs of the St. Francis order enjoyed a luncheon with her niece, Mrs. Al Etheridge and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs of Johnsburg. Sister Elizabeth teaches at St. Anthony's school in Columbus, Nb., and was here visiting for the holidays. Also"' enjoying th^ afternoon outing was Mrs. John Fuchs of Humphrey, Nb., Siste*- Elizabeth's mother IOWA iiiip - The Dpvju N, landers left bright and early New Year's. H - for Iowa to visit with wane's brother, Bruce * tiaylor and his wife, Barb of Princeton, Ia4 The Nylandei? children, Jeff, Christopher, Julie, Eric and Timmy enjoyed visiting and playing with their cousins, Dawn,' Alafn and Carmen. Mrs. Gertrude Gaylor of Newton, la., took a bus trip to Princeton to be with her children and grandchildren and to help celebrate the New Year. The Nylanders returned to McHenry Sunday which made it a quick trip but a very en-1 joyable one. CHRISTMAS VISIT Brad, Steven, Jeff and Carrie-- Godt, children of Ron and Bonita Godt enjoyed Christmas with a visit from grandma and grandpa, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bennon ofc Chicago, Uncj£ Michael and his friend, Sue and Uncle Morrie Bannon, also of .Chicago. Santa had arrived early at the Godt household, Thursday night and brought gifts for everyone including Dynamite, their German Shepherd, and Bingo, their Schoodle, but Christmas eve brought many more gifts and excitement. Bonita served a scrumptious turkey dinner with all the trimmings much to the delight • of all her guests and family. " Mr. and Mrs. Bennon spent the weekend with their daughter and family before returning to Chicago FAMILY TRADITION Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings and son, Shawn, followed in the family tradition again this year. For the past six years they have spent Christmas with a visit from Linda's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peterman and children, Cindy, Lori, Wade and Penny of Des Plaipes. Then for New Years, the Hastings returned the visit and the two families celebrated the New Year by first going out for dinner and I hen enjoyed a parlv with neighbors and friends. All enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to next year's visit./ OURSYMPATHY We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Lee Mai and family. Joanne's mother, Mrs. Anna M. Lidl of Chicago diied Jan. 2 after an extended illness. BELATED BIRTHDAYS Jan 7 was special for Barb Meurer and Terry" Arroyo as they celebrated their bir­ thdays. Joan Krater celebrated Jan. H and Doug Toussaint enjoyed his birthday Jan. 9. Jo- Lynn Glosson and Kevin Hahjpdorf shared Jan. 10 for their special day. Jo-Lynn had twelve candles on her birthday "take. Scott Fish celebrated yesterday. Belated wishes to you all. ...AND NOT BELATED! Mary Johnson has a special birthday today and Mark Rogers also celebrates today, Jan. 12. Les Eckhart and Phillip Flemming share Jan. 13 for their birthday. Steve Bremer will have fifteen candles on his cake, Jan. 14. Jimmy Paul will celebrate his birthday, Jan 15 Pearl Koester will enjoy ;.i,other birthday at her home Jan. 18. Happy birthday wishes to you all! BELATED ANNIVERSARIES. Can't believe we let Bruc .and "Sue WarrenV*-eighth wedding anniversary go by unmentioned. The happy couple celebrated their special day Jan 4 and we know thCv had a wonderful time. Belated warm congratulations to them both! Walter and Leah Nuss were also forgotten last week. They celebrated their twenty-third wedding anniversary Jan. 10. Belated but happy wishes of continued happiness to you both. AND NOT BELATED! Ron and Barb Meurer will celebrate their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary Monday, Jan. 17. We wish them con­ tinued happiness and a very happy anniversary! January Sky The winter skies in -January, often clear and cold, offer star gazers beautiful nights for the study of the stars and planets. _ The Hig Dipper is still far down on the horizon but is beginning to move back up into the sky. Mpming stars (actually * planets of the solar sys­ tem visible to naked eye) will be Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The bright evening sthr (planet) will be Venus. Study the stars and you will find it rewarding and stimulating. POET'S CORNER THE NEW YEAR. BAD OR GOOD?"' Once again this time of yeai* has gone by us too quick And what have we accomplished as time so swiftly ticked? * Three hundred and sixty-five days t have passed our way Has it really seemed that long? Seventy-six to seventy-seven Somewhere it all went wrongjv- When Daley died so many cried, as I did on that day... The year was filled with sorrow Though Christmas was on its way? Jimmy Carter was voted in for the Presidency this year. Though the election was a close one He's now grinning ear to ear. America's 200th birthday has passed us right on by. A year which held some bad and good, Should we laugh or should we cry? 1977 is ahead of us this year, I hope that it's a good one Without any fear... By Mona Zmich BIBLE VERSE 4. Where may this state­ment be found? "We are every side, tressed." Who wrote statement9 1. troubled on yet not dis- the above 3. To whom was he writ­ ing? Where was he at the time of this writing? Answers To Bible Verse 1. The Apostle Paul 2. The Christians located at Corinth, Greece. 3. In Macedonia. 4. 2 Corinthians 4:8,9. A r g u m e n t s u s u a l l y aren't worth it TOTS' a. Pre-Season Spring Sale. Aluminum frame is lightweight, making it easy to carry and set up. Nylon fabric is lightweight and tough for lasting wear. Acri-drlfinish won't rub off and resists leakage and mildew. C 4-man capacity inflatable fishing raft Rubberizfd-nylon.raft has -• 2 wooden seats, wood tloor I I Keg. 169.99 slats, carrying handles. 2 man r. p. H«>.<>9. 19.88 l/e Price Rugged Dacron " 88 polyester sleeping bag. 4-lb. polyester f i l l . C o t t o n flannel lining, nylon shell,,. 15«8 Reg. 31.99 Vn Price Convenient camp bed for outdoor comfort. 1 " mattress of polyurethane on aluminum frame Helical springs. 1488 Re*. 29.95 Manufactured with flame retaraant finish to meet Standard CPAI-84. M«>del Wards spacious 9x12' family tent. Save *50 You'll feel at home in Wards 6-man camp tent. Straight walls and 7' peak height allow plen­ ty of room to live in. Ventilation's a breeze with full-width screened door, oversized rear window and extra-long side windows. Inside zipper cutains, yellow roof and blue walls. 99«» Regularly 149.95 Our most popular 12' aluminum semi-V. 259?' 299.99 Has 52-in. beam, 17-in. depth with a 455-lb load capacity. Light green non-skid interior. Rated for a 7.5-hp motor. h * Save 840 to $87 now on water-cooled outboard motors that feature full- gearShifting and include 6-gallon gas cans. 6-hp, reg. 506.98 . ; 459.97 7.5-hp. re*. 586.98 529.97 10-hp. re*. 686.98 599.97 7.5 hp. re*. 269.99 229.88 Air i 350-lb rapa«-il> trailer for boalN to 14\ re*. 199.99 169.88 c, Model 1580 Cultivate savings. *60 off our dependable 5-hp heavy-duty tiller. Power through tough garden chores easily. Dependable Briggs & Stratton engine and power safety reverse for easy handling Durable cast-iron geclr case. Sixteen 14" steel tines, adjustable tilling widths. \\Y Spld IttMt vearfor 289.95 Model 1531 Save *40 Our lightweight, easy- handling 3V2-hp tiller. 189 k? 229.95 Take the hard work out of gardening. Reliable Briggs & Stratton engine and power safety reverse make this tiller powerful, maneuverable. Steel tines adjust for varying row widths. Save 50% WARDS CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC L o w - c o s t available. i n s t a l l a t i o n 40c Reg. 80' run. ft. Save *50 Model 33814 •*s Our 10-hp electric-start lawn tractor. Transaxle transmission assures peak pg^formance. 4 5 cutting hts., 36" mower. Regularly 799.95 We've got your spring needs /V\OIVT(,()/VAERY i\Vi\ UII STORE HOURS: MOD. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 12 Noon to 5 p.m. Crystal Lai' 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 459-3120 FREE PARKING

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