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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1977, p. 6

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Kyr PAGE 6 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. JANUARY 14, lt77 C Elgin and Crystal Lake ffiEBJSALES & CLEARANCES SHOP MONDAY THRU FRH)AY 10-9 SATURDAY 10-5:30, SUNDAY 12-5 Red Carpet Shop Clearance \> YOUNG MEN'S LONG SLEEVED SWEATERS 10.99-27.99 A fabulous group of styles in V-neck, crew neck, collared and square neck sweaters. Solids, stripes, jacquards, scenics in wool, acetate or polyester and cotton. LONG SLEEVED SPORT SHIRTS TOM1^ 9.99-19.99 Latest looks in famous maker sport shirts for young men. Polyester and cotton blends, all cottons and carefree nylons. Solids, stripes, checks, plaids and prints. S-M-L-XL. FAMOUS MAKER CASUAL PANTS ?!?7.oo°° 9.99-18.99 Fall and winter Slacks in a group of styles that appeal to the young man. Denims, cottons, polyesters in sizes 29 38 waist. <.KK-\T »U VS IN \ KSTKI) SI ITS REG 73 00 T 0 ' 00 00 35.90-71.90 ne selection requMi"s and onqs RED CARPET, CRYSTAL LAKE AND ELGIN Save on Panache Contemporary Fashions CLEAR ANCE OF VESTED SUITS S06 99.90-127.90 Get yourself into an Andre Martin or Nino Cerruti European styled suit at great clearance savings. In wool worsteds, polyester wools, texturized polyester solids, stripes and plaids. Distinctive styling tailored to fit and flatter. 38 44 regulars, 36-40 shorts, 38 44 longs. Waist and cuffs free, other alterations at cost. Designer Dress Slacks REG 27 30 JO 00 17.00-23.90 Famous maker qabard .nes and .vors ted A -oo lens in so l ids and 'anc ies F ir rinHHn v i IK- Topcoats. Trench Coals R E G t ? 5 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 86.90-118.90 REG. 13.00 TO 17.00 Pier re Cardm ou te r coa ts m a handsome a r ray o f s ty les and tabr .cs I.OM; <•' * fry DRESS SHIRTS 9.99-13.99 European tapered shirts in polyester and cotton blend solids and fancies. Machine washable and dryable. 14'/2-16'/j M and L sleeves. VELVET BLAZERS, WOOL SPORT COATS REG 90.00 TO 125.00 59.90-74.90 - Pierre Cardin, Nino Cerruti and Andre Martin cotton velvet blazers and all wool sport coats in seasonal colors. Solids and plaids, 38-44 regulars, 39 44 longs. PANACHE CONTEMPORARY SHOP CRYSTAL LAKE ANDELGIN JANUARY STOREWIDE SAVINGS ON FASHIONS AND HOME NEEDS \ p E L G I N F R E E P A R K I N G C R > ST A l LAKE FREE PARKING jASE PAGE PERSONAL SH0PPER Ticket validates first 2 hours upper deck Elgin Plaza Parking D.rect entry ,nto Sp.ess thru enclosed ramp •Convenient frM parkmg lor 2300 cars at Crystal Point Mall 1 For Elgin store, call her at 741-4300 For McHenry County store call her at Crystal Lake 455 3600 M ^MEANWHILE BACK AT THE COl RTHOI SK" BRANCH COURT Associate Circuit Judge Conrad Floeter Dion E. Rathbone, 1605 Balling, McHenry. negotiated a guilty plea to a charge of disorderly conduct, and was fined $125 and costs. Rathbone also negotiated a guilty plea to disobeying a stop sign, and was fined $125 and costs Finally. Rathbope was not provocated for fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer Thomas J Gerambio, 1620 Pleasant. McHenry, was not prosecuted for disorderly conduct. He was also not prosecuted on a charge of battery. Howard L. Freeman, 302 Fritzsche road, McHenry, was not prosecuted for disorderly conduct Probable cause was found against Charles P. Justes. 2004 N. Central. McHenry in a preliminary hearing on a charge of aggravated batterv. BR ANCH II Associate Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan Dawn L. Lancaster. 2805 N. Beachview. McHenry. was found guilty of speeding 40 mph in a 30 mph zone and was fined $10 and costs. Joseph M. Pollard, 5206 Ws Rt 120, McHenry, had his driver's license forfeited on a charge of failure to dim headlights. Judith A Mainock (Schultz», 3719 'Garfield, McHenry, had his bond used to cover his fine and costs of a charge of speeding 45 in a 30 mph zone. Thomas Cullota. 1601 Woodland park, McHenry. was released from supervision BRANCH III ^ Associate Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan Judith L. Abrink. 150 S. Evergreen, McHenry. was found guilty of speeding 49 in a mph zone, and was fined $19 and costs. Jeanette DeBuhr. 207 W. Broadway. McHenry. forfeited her driver's license on a charge of speeding 50 in a 35 mph zone Joseph G. Eagon. Box 805 Darrell road. Island Lake, w^ found guilty of speeding 47 in a 25 mph zone, and was fined $10 and costs. Mary T. Huska. 202 S. ^Barrel/file road. McHenry, forfeited her driver's license on a charge of obedience to a police officer. Michael A. McClure, 3315 W. Skyway, McHenry, was found guilty of speeding 71 in a 35 mph zone, and was fined $50 and costs. James W McNealy. 315 Channel drive, Island Lake, was found guilty of un­ necessary noise, and was fined $30 and costs. Jerry R. Reid, 2409 Bit­ tersweet, McHenry, forfeited his driver's license on a charge of speeding 41 in a 25 mph zone. Tommy H. Shafer, 3621 Briar Hill drive. Island Lajifl*. for­ feited his driver's licence on a charge of speeding 35/ mph zone / Gerald Becker, Jr. Woodlawn park, McHenry. was found guilty of disobeying a stop sign, and was fined $40 and costs. John J*. Janca, 321 Northern court. Island Lake, was found not guilty on a charge of reckless driving. On a charge of speeding. Janca was found iky" and was fined $21 and a 20 1807 FORMAL WEAR RENTALS ALL OCCASIONS fej/k - ....fa ifaebim ^21^N^Grcen^jt^McHenry Elections Board Holds Workshop For Clerks guu costs Timothy Freuntf 4210 Popc^/* McHenry. was found not gjlMty of reckless driving BR ANCH COUftT Associate Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan James ; McHale, 8502 W. Sunset. Wonder Lake, had a motion dismissed on a parking violation Julie M Bullis. 1402 W. Dee road. McHenry. was found . guilty of failure to stop at an " intersection, and was fined $10 and costs ( Peter M DeMore, 1706 Oakleaf/' McHenry. was found guilty of speeding 61 in a 45 mph zone, and was fined $16 and costs Michael G Pickrum. 4419 E Wonder Lake road. Wonder Lake, was found guilty of improper passing, and was fined $50 and costs. He was not prosecuted for transportation of open liquor in a car Robert A White. 1701 Rich­ mond road, McHenry, forfeited his driver's license on a charge of speeding 60 in a 45 mph zone Walter A Emrich,,- 4904 Paulson. McHenry, w£is found guilty of speeding 47 in a 35 mph zone, and was fined $12 and f Costs Lerov D Liotta, 4816 Ridgeway, Ringwood, was found not guilty of speeding r in a 35 mph zone. Nicholas J Troka. 3213 S Waterview. McHenry. was found guilty of improper overtaking, and was fined $10 and costs James P. Carroll Jr 8412 Elm. Wonder Lake, wasf found guilty of speeding 85 in a 40 mph zone, and was fined $60 and costs Jerome Schinkoeth. 3214 W Crescent avenue. McHenry was found guilty of improper lane usage. Associate Circuit Judge Conrad Floeter Gaetano B DeBello. 5509 South street. Richmond, was found not guilty of driving while license suspended or revoked Francisco Nunez, 302 Fritz­ sche road. McHenry. was found not guilty of driving while license suspended or revoked Cynthia A. Reith. 3803 Ann street. McHenry, was found guilty of theft under $150, and was fined $35 and costs. Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District No 156. in the County of McHenrv. State of Illinois, that revised budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976 will be on file and con- i veniently available to public inspection at 3926 W Main St., McHenry. Illinois, in this school district from and after 8:00 o'clockJirnn., on the 17th day of January 1977. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 7:00 o'clock p m. on the 15th day of February. 1977 at 3926 V\T.Main St.. in this School District No. 156. Dated this 14th dav of January 1977 Board of Education of School District No. 156. in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. By Edward J. Neumann; Jr. Secretary (Pub. Jan. 14, 1977) Legal Notice MC-102 ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 44 • <A< of Article V, Chapter 11 of. the Municipal Code be and it is hereby amended by increasing the total number of Class A liquor licenses in force in the City at any time to nineteen (19), and that Section 44 (F) of Article V. Chapter 11 of the Municipal Code be and it is hereby amended by decreasing The State Board of Elections, in cooperation with the Illinois Township Officials association, will conduct a series of election workshops for township clerks, it was announced by Franklin J. Lunding, Jr., chairman of the state board. The workshops will be held from Tuesday, Jan. 25, through Friday^* Jan. 28, in various parts of the state Locally, one is scheduled for the township office, 110 E. Jackson street, Woodstock According, to Lunding, the; township workshops have been scheduled in preparation for primary elections to be held in some parts of the state in February and the April general elections. State Board of Elections staff members will lead the workshops, which will include discussions on township clerks duties and responsibilites. The township workshops are open to all township clerks and interested citizens. Adult Volunteers At Girl Scout Conference Over 100 adult volunteers will be participating in the Sybaquay Girl Scout council's conference for leaders. It will be held at the Holmes Student center at Northern Illinois university Saturday. Jan 15 Among them Mil be Mrs Peggy Grams and Mrs. Darlene Williamson, both from McHenry Ten different class choices are being offered throughout the day. These classes will include subject material on service, out of doors projects for winter, astronomy, songs and games, macrame. ceremonies, and crafts (bread dough, sculpture, quilling, puppetry). A brand new program for Junior and Cadette Scouts entitled "Anything You Want to Be" will be introduced at the con­ ference. Leaders will also have a chance to hear a paihel of Cadette and Senior age girls talk about Girl Scouting Along with the classes, the conference program includes a luncheon and speaker Mrs., Kay Wulff a former Girl Scout volunteer who is currentlv Police Tickets $675 00 Offer good tmtil M A R C H 3 1 , 1 9 7 7 on the Cub® 185 Lo-Boy® tractor Buy now and save big. Only 49" high, 13" grouftd clearance. Excellent stability. Short 9'3" turning radius. 18.5 hp 4-cyl. water-cooled engine. Independent PTO. Hydraulic lift. Ideal for landscaping, haul­ ing, planting, mowing, weed control, spraying, loading, snow removal. You name it. NOW ONLY *3540 00 "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Geo. P. Freund, Inc. 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry 385-0420 serving as the executive director of the Trailways Girl Scout council, mill speak on being a Girl Scout volunteer in today's world Mrs Wulff served on the National Board of Directors for Girl Scouts of U.S.A. for six years During that time she was a member of the Council committee which worked to guide 360 councils and vice- chairman of Region V that included seven mid-western states The Sybaquay council serves girls in Cook, Kane, DuPage, Lake. McHenry, DeKalb, and LaSalle counties. SERVICE NEWS 1 Airman Dittmar Selected For Texas Training Michael W. Nathan. East Dundee, improper overtaking on right John M. Olson. Woodstock, speeding 47 in a 30 mph zone. Lucille A. Elger. 7420 M^r- blehead road. Wonder L4ke, speeding 48 in a 30 mph zcV? Kevin P. Riordan, 2711 W Russet. McHenry, improper backing Thomas M. Linnane. 5112 Shore drive. McHenry. reckless driving Lavern D. Johnson, 416 Magnolia avenue, McHenry. improper lane usage George H. Glaser, 3906 Grove street. McHenry, driving while under the influence jbf in­ toxicating liquor. ) Charles R Hutchin^dn. Elgin, no valid safetv_ sUejwf James Norris, WsPlaines, no valid safety sticker. William M Riordan, Crystal Lake, speeding 45 in ,a 30 mph zone. X Edward I. Seekings, Woodstock, speeding too fast for conditions. Donald M. Kirk, Aurora, no valid safety sticker. Patti L Grzyb, 5210 Hunter drive. McHenry. no valid safety sticker. the total number of Class F liquor licenses in force in the City at any time to four (4). SECTION 2. This ordinance shal^be in full force and effect for and after its passage, ap­ proval and publication as required by law. , Passed this 3rd day of January, 1977, Ayes 4 . v-. vvv ••'*.>.> •. .. Nayst 3 f " Abseril: 1 Approved this 3rd day of January, 1977. Joseph B. Stanek, Mayor fttest: Barbara E Gilpin, City Clerk (Pub. Jan. 14, 1977) DAVID DITTMAR Airman David A Dittmar, son of Mr and Mrs. Alfred J Dittmar of 2815 W. Huemann drive. McHenry, has been selected for technical training at Sheppard AFB, Tx , in the Air Force aircraft maintenance field The airman recently com­ pleted basic training at Lackland AFB. Tx.^ and studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special instruction in human relations. Airman Dittmar is a 1975 graduate- of Richmond high Opjen Air Force % Recruiting Office The U.S. Air Force Recruiting service announces the opening of the new Air Force Recruiting office at 40 Brink street, Crystal Lalfe. Sergeant Gary Roberts, the assigned Air Fcrcc recruiter, is a v ctuctuic tu a^oiat youug men and vvcmcfi who are interested in becoming members of the Aerospace team. Sergeant Roberts can be contacted by calling 455-0217 or visiting his office Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS ISSUE CHARTER Secretary of State Michael J. Howlett announced the issuance of a domestic charter to Taylored Service in­ corporated, 4410 W Rt 120, McHenry. COUPON »; FREE i SNOW BRUSH • AND. : ICE SCRAPER i sr° VALUE j I WITH THIS C OUPON ONI . vj | WHILE SUPPLY LASTS • i COMMUNITY j ; AUTO SUPPLY ! '3021 W. RT. 120. M 'HFNMVi

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