} PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JANUARY 21. 1977 Marcia Mary Ball £ Circle Will Host Potluck Luncheon The Marcia Mary Ball Circle of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church met Tuesday. Jan. 4 at 12 30 p.m. at the church. It was decided that members will be the hostesses for the February general meeting to be held Thursday. Feb. 17. at 12 noon This is to be a pot-luck luncheon with the Circle fur nishing the beverages, rolls and butter, and the ladies of the Circles bringing a dish to pass The program is to be "Missionaries at Home". All ladies of the church are invited to attend Florence Colby read the and articles on a festival was 6 which com- "Twelfth Day" '. Both were to those in meditations "Epiphany" held Jan. memorated and "Candlemas' very interesting LORAIN E RADZ1N SET DATE -- Oct. 8.1977, is the date chosen bv Loraine Radzin for her wedding in St Mary's Catholic church when she will be married to Michael Schmitt, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmitt, 3904 W. Kane avenue. McHenry. Nuptial plans have been announced by the bride-elect's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wleser, 1402 Millstream, McHenry. DEBORA L. MUELLER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Frit? and Judy Mueller. 1508 N. River road. McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Debora, to William Dominai, son of Bob and Barbara Domiani, 105 W. Navajo trail. McHenry. Both of the young couple are graduates of McHenry Community high school, Debora in 1976 and William,in 1975. No date has been set for the wedding. Scope Will Hold Class On Pregnancy SCOPE-Successful Child birth and Organized Parent Education-will again be of fering its bi-monthly class for women in their first trimester of pregnancy on Monday, Jan. 24. 7:30 pm., at the First Methodist church in Crystal Lake All women in their first three months of pregnancy are en couraged to attend A dietician, physical therapist. and prepared childbirth instructors will be on hand to discuss nutrition, exercises, drugs. McHeniy Photographer Honored Marianne Nies of Photography by Nies in McHenry has recently taught a program for the Associated Professional Photographers of Illinois en titled "Professional Copy & Restoration from Beginning to End". At the conclusion of the program Mrs. Nies was presented with a merit toward her masters degree from the Professional Photographers of America The seminar was attended by professional photographers from the entire state of Illinois and parts of Indiana r Mrs Nies has been asked to teach and is currently for mulating a program on direct color corrections which is to be presented to the Professional Photographers of Wisconsin during this year. Presently she is the-immediate past president of the Illini Artists Guild, a professional group of color artists associated with the appi. and has held all major offices in that organization. During the past three years she has won first place in the direct color correction category and various ribbons for her ex pertise in light, heavy brush and free style oil categories on all state and national levels. ADV. OR CHOICE DATES! •ROUND TRIP' FLIGHTS FROM CHICAGO FRANKFURT LONDON AMSTERDAM HONOLULU LOS ANGELES FROM *309 FROM $289 FROM *289 FROM *319 FROM *149 NO TOUR NEEDED TO QUALIFY (Flights operated under C.A.B. regulations) CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 'DEPENDABLE TRAVEL SINCE 1961" 3405 W. ELM, McHENRY 385-7500 Announce Nominees For Senior Citizen Officers Although the night was ex tremely cold, sixty-three members of the McHenry Senior Citizens club braved the winds and attended the meeting at East campus cafeteria at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 40 Frank Zima, nominating committee chairman, was introduced and the proposed slate of candidates was read The election took place, and the following officers-elect and chairpersons will be installed at the club meeting Monday. Jan. 24: president, Ralph Lockerbie; vice-president. Henry Rahn; treasurer, Virginia Nix; recording secretary. Eleanor Schuberth; financial secretary, Louise Giel; historian and publicity chairlady. Lvda Radisch; social chairlady, Anne Reh- finger; social co-chairlady. Myrtle Grever; program chairlady. Bertha Quinn; membership chairlady, Marion Schmitt and co-chairlady Madelyn Kunberger Also tour chairman, John Doerr; loop trip chairlady. Claire Knetzer; loop trip co- chairlady, Helen Grenkowitz; bowling chairman, Frank Giel; newsletter editor. Signa Wright; sewing chairlady, Alice Wilke; art and square dancing, Alf Heggeland and greeter Dick Rehfinger. William Wilson will again install the officers-elect A letter from the RTA was read giving the phone numbers for members to call for further information if desired* - and listing where to secure the reduced fare cards available to Senior Citizens John Doerr. tour chairman, reminded the members that Feb 16 the bus will leave the McHenry State bank parkipg lot at 7:30 a m., arriving in Janesville, Wi. about 9 a.m. for the tour through the Chevrolet Auto assembly plant; thfen on to the Northwoods mills were they make "man-made furs" and an outlet store where purchases can be made. Lunch will follow at the Ramada Inn Hoffman House. At 2 p.m , there will be the tour through the Parker Pen fact bound tour me en homeward ayson, loop bus reminded the sign up promptly trip Wednesday, 9. The bus leaves the IcHenry State bank parking lot at 8:45 a m. Mrs Margaret Jones of trie McHenry Senior Citizens council jfave a very in formative talk on the start and growth of the council, urging the club members to become a part of the council., In memory of the thirteen deceased ifi embers in 1976. a special memorial check was sent to the McHenry Rescue squad In addition to the usual annual donations to the McHenry Area Rescue squad ajid the Johnsburg Rescue squad, a donation was also made to McHenry Firemen of Company One. The next meeting of the club will be Monday, Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.m when the officers-elect will be installed. attendance. Florence Colby and Esther Sims were hostesses and served delicious refreshments Gertrude Anderson and Ann Demke will be the hostesses for the meeting Tuesday. Feb. 1, at 12:30 p.m. at the church. Geda McCracken will have the Meditations. Church Women Set Program For New Year * The Executive committee of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church of McHenry met Jan. 4 at 9:30 a m for their first meeting of the new year. The program for the year -" was planned, and new year books will be ready for the members in the near future. Th^ budget was discussed and approved by the committee members, and was presented at the United Methodist Women's monthly general meeting Jan. 20. The Jan. 20 meeting was designated as "An Agape Luncheon" and was served by the executive committee. At this meeting the budget was presented for approval, and there was a pledge service. All ladies of the church were cordially invited. The next meeting of the executive committee will be Tuesday,Feb.. 1 at 9:30a.m. at the church. •>"' Captive Audience For Student From Brazil The first meeting of the year for the Town and Country Newcomers club was held Jan 11 at the new meeting place, St Paul's church. After the business meeting, Heidi Heller, the foreign exchange student from Brazil, gave a talk on Brazil and showed pictures of her hometown and other at tractions in Brazil. The Town and Country Newcomers club is for ladies in the McHenry area, old and new, to get acquainted with other residents of McHenry The club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at St Paul's church, 3706 W. St Paul's avenue. McHenry, at 7:30p.m. The meetings usually consist of a business section and a speaker or demon stration. Activities for couples are planned throughout the year. A babysitting co-op being set up. There will be a meeting to discuss the co-op Thursday. Jan 20, at 10 a m in the home of Mrs. James Bryan. On Saturday. Jan. 29, there will be a dinner at the Branded Steak housp in Crystal Lake for members and their husbands. On Wednesday, Feb 2, at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Pat Przetacznik, there will be a coffee and a demonstration on the art of making crepes. A couple's bowling night is being planned for February and a couple's progressive dinner will be held in March The next meeting will be held Tuesday. Feb. 8, at 7:30 p.m. at St Paul's church. After the business meeting Jim Blum from the McHenry high school will speak on the "Right to Read" progijam. Anyone in terested is welcome, or if there are questions about the club, one may call Mrs. Frank Altenbern ICommunity Calendar Clothing Workshops Offered On Six- Dates TRAIN TIME In support of a statewide safety education program, "Operation Lifesaver", the Illinois Railroad association has produced the film "Any Time is Train Time" about railroad crossing safety. The film is being distributed to driver education classes throughout the state and will be shown free to any organization upon request. Write Ray Peterson, Chief Railroad engineer, Illinois Commerce commission, 527 East Capitol avenue, Springfield, II. 62706 or phone (217 782-7660 to obtain the film. rubella and a variety of other subjects dealing with health and pregnancy. There will be a small fee to cover the cost of handouts Women with questions about this early pregnancy class may call Mrs. Gary S. (Nancy) Willard, Crystal Lake. Learn to sew men's clothing Learn the tricks to make clothes, made at home, that fit and look like tthey were made by an expert. After this class one will be an expert Sponsored by the McHenry county, University of Illinois Extension service, this class will be taught by Mrs. Billie Larocco, who has taught many similar clothing workshops. The dat® will be Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 3. All classes will be held at the Extension office in Woodstock, Rotue 47 and McConnell road. They will start at 7:30 p.m and last until 10 p.m. At the end of the series of classes each participant will have a finished garment. There is a cost for the six-session workshop To make reser vations. call the Extension office. 338-4747 and 338-3737. One may also mail reservations to Nancy Moore, senior Ex tension adviser, home economics, P.O. Box 431, Woodstock. Extension programs are available to all McHenry county residents. For any further informai^jon. call Nancy Moore at the Extension office. DAR Meets To Select Nominating Committee The Monday, Jan. 24, meeting for members and guests of the Kishwaukee Trail5 chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be held at the home of Mrs. William Langdon, 449 Lawn- dale. Woodstock, beginning at 11 a.m. Co-hostess for the day will be Mrs. John McConnell Following the business meeting, which will include the selection of a nominating committee and the election of delegates and alternates for the state conference and Cor. tiqental congress, lunchc&r. will be served. Following luncheon, the program will consist of two parts. First, Mrs. Donald Williams will discuss DAR insignia, and then Mrs. Olive Nolan and Mrs. Vivian Bassett will show slides and talk about their Fall trip taken to the Indian schools supported by DAR The Kishwaukee Trail DAR is a county organization dedicated to patriotic service, historical appreciation and preservation, and educational aid and encouragement. Any persons interested in mem bership srfjtJra contact Mrs. Lotta Andrews, Mrs. Lester Edinger, or Mrs. John Sher man, 459-5074. TRAVEL PKOutiAiVl On Tuesday evening. Jan. 25. the Crystal Lake Kiwanis club will present its fourth program of the Travel and Adventure Series at 7:30 p m in the Crystal Lake high school auditorium The subject is '.'Scottish Kilts and Castles." JANUARY 21 St Margaret Chapter of NA1M - Meeting - St. Mary's Oak Room - 7:30 p m JANUARY 21-22 American Repertory Theatre Presents "Black Comedy" - McHenry Country Club --. Showtime. 8 p.m. - Dinner 6 to 7 p.m - Reservations From A RTS.. Box 542, McHenry. JANUARY 22 McHenry Chapter O.E.S. Bake Sale -- McHenry State Bank -- 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Johnsburg Pigtail League - Registration -- 1 to 3 p.m -- James C Bush School - In formation at 497-3784. JANUARY 23 NAIM Diocesan Installation - - Cloven Hoof. Marengo - Cash Bar. 2 p.m. - Dinner, 2:30 p.m. -- Reservations. Mrs.* Daniel Driscoll. r JANUARY 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m - ~4vast Campus Cafeteria - In stallation of Officers. JANUARY 25 TH E.OS. Meeting -- 7:30 p.m.'-- First-United Methodist Church McHenr# Chapter No.^547. O.E.S. j- Special, Stated Meeting -A8 p.m. Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital --Vnnual Meeting - Election of (*ficeKfeg»Brunch - 11 a.m -- McHenry Country Club - Reservations by Jan. 17 with Mrs. iDwight Wernquist F a m i l i I n t e r e s t e d i n Fostering ajrSpecial" Child - Woodstock^ Courthouse Juvenile Courtroom -7:30p.m. JANUARY 27 N "'"McHenry Garden Club -- Meeting - 1 p rrt "--- Home of Mrs Ralph E Smith. 3612 W. Anne, Edgebrook Heights. •, ARTS. -- Auditions Foi "Ready When You Are, C B " - 7 to 9 p.m. - McHenry Country Club - 675-2066. Job's Daughters -- General Meeting - Acacia Hall - 7 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens. Club -- Driver Refresher Course - First Session -10 a m to Noon - McHenry City Hall - Council Chambers. JANUARY 28-29 American Repertory Theatre Presents "Black Comedy" - McHenry Country Club -- Showtime. 8 p.m. - Dinner 6 to 7 p.m. - Reservations From A RTS., Box 542, McHenry JANUARY 29 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM • CanL - St. Mu;/s Oak Room - 7:30 p.m. McHenry V.F.W. Steak Fry - 6:30 p.m. - Entertainment - Saving On Tickets Bought In Advance From Members^p^At Post Home. JANUARY 30 Benefit Breakfast - First LAST CALL ARTISTS! THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 491 "ANNUAL ART EXHIBIT STARTS JANUARY 29, 1977 ALL ARTISTS INVITED! OVER $400 IN AWARDS! (Dan Czub&k, Judge) FOR DETAILS WRITE: GLEN MESSER C/OP.O BOX 447 McHENRY. ILL. / r i i i I i i American Legion Post 491 - RINGW000 ROAD, McHENRY - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00-9:00 P.M.) • PERCH - ALL YOU CAN EAT • OTHER MENU AVAILABLE . « OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE SATURDAY NIGHT "SECOND TIME AROUND" MR. AND MRS. JAMES D. DOWHIN. JR. HOME IN PENNSYLVANIA - The new Mr. and "Mrs. James D. Dowhin. Jr.. are making their home in Wayne, Pa., following an exchange of nuptial vows repeated before Judge Roland Herrmann Dec. 19. at the home of her parents. The bride, gowned in a floor length white wedding dress which she had made, is the daughter of Mr. antTMrs. Roy O. Lee. 2802 Manitou trail, McHenry. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Dowhin, Sr., 3006 Elder lane, McHenry. A wedding trip to New Orleans was taken prior to the couple's residency in Pennsylvania. ^ PHOTOGRAPHY BY NIES United Methodist Church - 8 to 11 a.m. FEBRUARY 1 Ruth Circle of First United Methodist Church - Home of Mrs. Marian Barrows, McHenry Shores -- 12 Noon Blood Drawing for Aurora Area Blood Bank - McHenry V.F.Wv-- 3 to 7 p.m. - Spon sored by McHenry Jaycees. United Methodist Women -- Executive Committee Meeting - 9:30 a.m. -- First United Methodist Church. Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting - First United Methodist church -- 12:30 p.m FEBRUARY 2 McHenry Grandmothers Club - Card Party -- St. Patrick's Hall -- Dessert Lunch - 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 3 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 9:30 a.m. -- Lakeland Park Community House McHenry Senior Citizens Club Driver Refresher Course - Second Session -- 10 a m to Noon - McHenry City Hall - Council Chambers. FEBRUARY 6 Order of Eastern Star -- Initiation Rehearsal - 2 p.m. - Acacia Hall. Roast Beef Dinner -- Zion Lutheran Church. Rt. 120 West - - Noon to 3 p.m - Public In vited. . FEBRUARY7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Executive Committee Meeting -- 3:30 p.m. - Land mark School. FEBRUARY 8 Town and Country Newcomers Club Meeting -- St. Paul's Church -- 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting and Speaker - - "Right to Read" Program. ^-FEBRUARY 9 'McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Loop Bus Trip - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. St Patrick's Ladies Guild Valentine Luncheon - St. Patrick's Church Hall -- 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Public Invited. FEBRUARY 10 Job's Daughters - Advance Night - Acacia Hall - 7 p.m McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Driver Refresher Course -- Third Session - 10 a.m to Nocr -- McHc-ry Cit^ Hall - Council Chambers. FEBRUARY 12 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner and Meeting - 6 p.m. -- First United Methodist Church. FEBRUARY 14 McHenry Senior Citizens noun family's mow... by Alice Bowman Allied Van Lines Home Moving Consultant, Dear Miss Bowman: I will be making a job-related move soon. Did the recent "tax re form" legislation change the deductions allowed for such moves? If so, what changes were made? Ms. J. L., Phoe nix, Arizona. ^ Answer: No change was made in the unlimited de duction for "direct" moving expenses: the cost of mov ing all of your belongings, in cluding crating, packing, in- transit storage and insurance; and travel expenses for your self and your family from the old to the new residence, in cluding meals and lodging en- route. But there has been an increase from $2,500 to $3,000 for certain outlays for "indi rect" moving expenses. These expenses include (a) premove house hunting trips, (b) tem porary living expenses for you and your family at the new job location, and (c) costs of selling the old residence or buying the new one or break ing or acquiring a lease. How ever, in no case can (a) or (b) be more than«$l,500 of the total $3,000. „ Dear Miss Bowman: My wife and I are planning to retire and move to a warmtt. climate. We would like to buy a home, Dut with rising hous ing costs it seems unlikely that we can afford to. Do you have any suggestions for economical single family housing? Mr. J. W, Kansas City**. Missouri. Answer: You may want to consider purchasing or rent ing a mobile home. As the average price of a single- family dwelling continues to rise--now up to $43,600--mo bile homes have become in creasingly popular. This year, 95 percent of the homes sold for under $25,000 will be mo bile homes. Other factors be sides price are responsible for growing/sales. Today's mobile homes, especially the "double- wide" units made of two trail ers, strongly resemble conven- tional houses. Improved construction, required by new federal standards, has also affected sales positively. MARRIAGE LICENSES Delbert E. Hunt, McHafiry, and Margaret A „ Jfose, McHenry. Club -- Meeting -- 7:30 p. m. --' East Campus Cafeteria. FEBRUARY 16 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Bus-Luncheon Trip to Janesville, Wi. - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank at 7:30 a.m. COCKTAIL HOUR MON.-WED.-THURS.-FR IDA Y 3:30 to 6:00 Cut Prices I I I K I I I I I I WELCOME ATTORNEY r- -- Theodore D. Voska t who has recently opened his McHenry office at 3322 W. ELM ST. v IN THE KENT BUILDING PHONE 385-7318 OR 385-89 944