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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1977, p. 8

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PAGE 8 - PHI\DEALER-FRIDAY. JANUARY 28. 1977 CITY WAGE AND BENEFIT i DISCUSSIONS HELD (Continued from page 1) the sumra-er throughout months. Until last Vear. the city hired a part time individual to watch the city park However, last year that program was eliminated M ever recommended that one of his full time men be placed in charge of the park with summer help being hired to supplement the man's normal work load On the subject of summer help, the topic of wages resulted in lively debate We haven 't raised the summer wages in four years." Pepping said Presently, summer help regpives $2 25 per tsour worked kjnallv/ the committee the wage structure •or city officials,, The present rate for aldermen is $50 per meeting The aldermen receive nothing extra for committee meetings such as the two-and- i-half hour session Monday- night "1 believe the $50 per meeting is sufficient." Alderman Bolger *>aid The mayor's salary is presently $75 per meeting, and 'lie committee will consider raising the wages to a flat S3.200 per year The committee is also con­ sidering raising the treasurer's salary from $600 to $1,500 per year "The important thing to fremember." Pepping said, "is that nothing definite has been decided These are just preliminary meetings to discuss possible changes in the uage and benefit structure We will discuss definite .courses of action at future meetings. Pepping concluded > To that end. the committee scheduled another finance committee meeting for Mon­ day. Feb 14. at 7:30 The committee will listen, at that time, to any individual working {or the city who wishes to voice an opinion as an individual, or as a representative of a group The meeting was delayed until the second week in February because there are regular City Council meetings the next two weeks. Those who need advice rarely want it; those who ask it seldom follow it. SET LEGION ART EXHIBIT , (Continued from page 1) 30 for Hugh Hefner He studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and th£ Leica school. Wetzlar. Germany Mr Czubak has been honored with awards from the New York Art Directors club, the Chicago Art Directors club and the Artist guild Awards include a $100 first prize for drawing and painting. $50 for second and $25 for third: a first prize of $100 and second of $50 for three-dimensional, and $50 first prize and $25 second for the open category >- Presentation of awards will be made Saturday evening at 8 p.m. in the Legion clubhouse SKI OUTING ENDS ABRUPTLY WITH THEFT DISCOVERY (Continued from page 1) Further inventory awaits the return of the owner At 1:55p.m. Tuesday . Lucille Elger. 7420 Marblehead road. Wonder Lake, .reported to sheriff's police £hat someone had gained entry to her car and stolen two stereo speakers in wood cabinets, had cut interior wiring, and also damaged the exterior of the vehicle Ms Elger stated she had left her car parked at the corner of Hilltop drive, locked, and that someone during the early- morning hours had broken into the vehicle Apparently there were no witnesses Early Sunday morning Henry Koch. Prairie View, reported to sheriff's police that during the past week: someone stole a snowmobile from a barn on his property at 2014 W. Rt 120. McHenry Koch reported that a battery was stolen from a tractor stored in the building also. Although a tenant lives on the property, the offender was not seen Police are continuing their investigation. At noon Sunday, sheriff's police investigated af burglary at the summer home of Henry Koda. a Chicago resident, at 5227 Cleveland. McHenry Sometime during the past several weeks, someone gained entry by breaking a window Determined to have been taken were a portable radio, a clock, and a porchlight globe xvc?\x«iiat>\\voa»»??aa>9>et J. i J. -HI wwuwwwmyiftBi Snowmobiles 1977 MODEL 300 400 340 Cyclone 340 Liqiifire 440 Liquifire 440€yclone 340 Liquifire 440 Liquifire LIST 1195 1695 1950 2350 2495 SALE $975 1295 1595 1875 2050 1976 1995 2195 2295 $1595 1750 1850 FINANCING A VAIL ABLE - NO INTEREST CHARGES UNTIL JUNE! • DYNO TUNING • WE SERVICE MOST MAKES • TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES 8 H.P. Snow Blower 685 $610 7 H.P. Snow Blower 625 565 Clothing ft Accessories up to 50% off « ATTENTION Now i$ a good time for buying lawn and garden tractor$ or riding mower$ - no finance charge$ until April 1 and No pay- men t$ until May 1. CRYSTAL LAKE LAWN and LEISURE ^ mile We»t of Rl 31 Rt. 176 CRYSTAL LAKE 815-459-5847 1 froccij w i: i j j wimxiwwmwmwimiwmimmo; Apparently there were no witnesses, and the incident is still under investigation. At 10:55 a.m. Friday. Allen Homquist, 107 S. Emerald drive. McHenry. reported to sheriff s police that sometime after*noon Thursday, someone * pried open a vent window of his van parked at his residence, and opened a briefcase inside Taken was a bank bag con taining $427 85 in cash and checks The money was from collections from his newspaper route, and was; to have been banked Nothing else in the vehicle appeared to have been disturbed Last week, county police were called to Johnsburg elementary school. 2117 Chinch street. McHenry . to investigate an apparent burglary. Sometime during the nighfc someone gained entrance to the building by prying open an outer door Several inner offices had been searched, with cabinets and desks opened The thief apparently escaped with just $65. Amario Rea. Richmond, pleaded not guilty to a charge of theft under $150 in court Thursday. Rea had been charged in connection with the alleged theft of two round steaks from Van's supermarket. Richmond.' on Jan 13., He has been out of jail on $1.000 bond, while awaiting trial OPTIMISM, NO ACTION IN NEGOTIATIONS (Continued from page 1) At Tuesday's instructional meeting, a lengthy film. "Pegasus Prancing", presented by Dr. George Walter dean emeritus of Lawrence university. Wis., was shown Dr Walter was filmed during his recent appearance at a local school His talk focused on the value of teaching appreciation for the finer things of life. REP. HANAHAN GOES ON TRIAL (Continued from page 1) D McHenry. and two other House members. The charges relate to legislation to regulate the car rental industry. The trial will be heard before Judge Alfred Y Kirland of the U.S. District court. According to prosecutors, the 1971 car rental bill sponsored by Hanahan was what is known t)pas a "fetcher" and nevermeant to be passed Such a bill, if it is signed into law. would provide problems for a particular in­ dustry- According to procedure, when such a bill is introduced in the General Assembly, the intention is for "fetching" lobbyists who will pay to have it killed The legislation which Hanahan introduced reportedly would have forced companies to identify rental cars as such before they were sold, thus depressing their value The 1974 indictment of the McHenry legislator charges that a payment of $1,500 from the Illinois Car Renting and Leasing association was arranged by the lawmakers and the Hanahan bill was then put quietly into committee Rep Hanahan is a labor union business agent who serves as McHenry county Democratie chairman THREE NEW ALDERMEN IN PROSPECT APRIL 19 (Continued from page 1) The up-to-date list of filings for city positions includes Datz and Clint Clavpool in Ward 2. Elizabeth Nolan in Ward 1 and Anna Mae Cuda in Ward three. In ward four, a close race is shaping up between Ernest hooley and Cecilia Serritella. he two most recent filings. In the mayoral race, in­ cumbent Joe Stanek w ill run for reelection against second ward Alderman George Harker, while City Clerk Barbara Gilpin and City Treasurer Bill Brda are unopposed at this time. BOOK FAIR SET AT EAST CAMPUS JAN. 31-FEB. 4 (Continued from page 1) Smith, school psychologist. . They will be aided by three volunteers from the Parent Advisory council. Mrs Richard Allen. Mrs. Lois Prust and Mrs. John Heidler Volunteers from the East Campus Community Government have prepared posters to publicize the fair. Students and staff members will be able to browse and order books, with payment made in advance Books ordered during the fairfyill be shipped to the school within two weeks. East campus students have a special reading period each Monday morning called SQUIRT (for "super-quiet- uninterrupted-reading-time"), and it is hoped that the fair will * encourage student V interest in reading and in building home libraries Icy Roads Continue To Cause Auto Crashes CB RADIOS ^ NEW & USED LAKE & McHENRY CO. LARGEST SELECTION QAM • INSTALL • SERVICE • WARRANTEE PLUS A COMPLETE LINE OF - ANTENNAS & ACCESSORIES PACE CB MODEL 133 *49 95 $139« WITH 8 CRYSTALS Bearcat ID From the Inventor* of automatic scanning monitor* With the Bearcat III you can go to all.the trouble spots in your city. Without leaving the aafety of your home. You aee, the Bearcat III la an automatic acanning monitor that lets you listen in on your police, firemen, state patrol and other agencies in action. And unlike ordinary radios, the Bearcat III constantly scans for actioh. When one transmission ends, it automatically tunes to another. Which means the Bearcat Ul can also help you avoid trouble. By filling you in on traffic and weather reports before you bear them on TV. It's available at our store now. ® FIRST COME, FIRST SERVEDII ( ( ( ( " " j 1 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) r a d i c o m e 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry, III. \m 815-385-4224 Open Monday Thru Friday 8 - 6 Saturday 8 - 5, Closed Sunday Continuing poor driving conditions resulted in several accidents during the week, with few injuries being reported. Harvey V. Palmer, 4508 N. Spring Grove. McHenry. was injured last week in a three car pileup on Rt. 120. Palmer was injured when his car was caught between cars driven by Harold L. Palmer, 2013 W Indian Ridge, McHenry. and Lorraine M. U>ser. 1114 Quincy, McHenry. with all three vehicles receiving in excess of $100 damage Ms. looser stated she was eastbound on Rt. 120 in the inside lane, and started to change lanes to the outside. She further said she observed a vehicle in the outside lane and applied her brakes, but skidded on the icy pavement and struck the other car Harvey Palmer was then shoved forward, banging into the rear of a car driven by Harold Palmer There were no citations given Sally A Belzer. 1716 N Meadow lane. McHenry, was injured in a two-car accident Friday night at the Rt. T20- Crystal Lake blacktop in­ tersection Ms Belzer was injured when her car collided with one driven by Candace C. Spasojfevich, 513 Silbury court. McHenry. causing more than $150 damage to each vehicle. There were no tickets issued in connection with the accident. Ms Spasojevich stated she pulled off Crystal Lake blacktop and turned left onto Rt 120. She added she looked and didn't see the Belzer auto eastbound and the collision occurred as she entered Rt. 120. Ms. Belzer stated she was eastbound on Rt. 120 in the center lane She added that there was a car on her right turning right onto Crystal Lake blacktop when the Spasojevich car pulled out and hit her right rear fender. Glen E. Ziebel, 3205 Still Hill drive. McHenry, was taken to McHenry hospital for treat ment of injuries sustained early Saturday morning when the car he was driving slid off the pavement and struck a tree. Ziebel was not ticketed in the accident, which caused $500 damage to his car. He stated to McHenry police tbat he was southbound on Careen street when he slid on a patch of ice and hit a tree. Phillip A. Gorbachik, Rock- ford. was ticketed for tran sportation or possession of alcoholic liquor following a one- car accident Monday afternoon on McCullom Lake road. Neither Gorbachik. nor a passenger in his car, Thomas F. Vetor, 5310 W. Maple Hill, McCullom Lake, was injured in the collision, which damaged 55 feet of shrubbery belonging to Thomas Hodges. 4106 Mc­ Cullom Lake road Gorbachik stated he was eastbound at 40 mph when he lost control of his car He added that his vehicle swerved across the westbound lane and rolled across some bushes at the roadside. The police report noted that an open and partially full quarter bottle of beer was found in the vehicle. Richard J. Bellairs, 7703 Oakwood lane. Wonder Lake, fortunately was not injured when a car he was driving struck and killed a deer Tuesday morning on Valley View road, near Bull Valley road. Bellairs stated he was south­ bound on Valley Hill road at approximately 35 mph when he suddenly observed a deer in the roadway. He further said that because of icy road conditions and the sharp downward grade in the road, he could not stop in time to prevent his car from striking the deer. His car sustained $100 worth of damage Keith J Baran, 3717 W Freund avenue. McHenry. escaped injury Saturday, when his car struck a bridge on Midstream drive, causing $250 damage to the bridge and more than $150 damage to his car. Baran was not ticketed. * He stated he was northbound on Millstream at ap­ proximately 25 mph when his vehicle began to fishtail on the snow and ice covered streets. He added he tried to regain control by braking, but his vehicle slid into the bridge restraint guard rail Rita L. Zullo. Lake Villa, was not injured following a three- car collision last week on Green street. Ms. Zullq's car collided with a parked car belonging to Edward H. Rieke, 812 Wiltshire drive. McHenry. which was then forced into a car belonging to Jerome F Kalk, 5119 W Maple Hill. McHnery Kalk's car was not damaged, while Rieke's vehicle sustained $450 in damage, and Zullo V $350. } No ticket was issued, and there were no injuries. Ms Zullo stated she was northbound on Green street and was unable to control her vehicle on the icy roads. She further stated she slid to the right, into a parked car. Stephen H Taylor. 7612 Howe road. Wonder Lake, was ticketed for improper passing, and also for driving while-tinder the influence of alcohol following a two-vehicle ac­ cident Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. at the intersection of Bull Valley road and Barreville road Neither Taylor, nor the driver of the other car, John E. Palmer, 3320 Bull Valley road. McHenry. was injured in the collision which caused more than $250 damage to each car Taylor stated he was south bound on Barreville road at approximately 40 mph and began to pass Palmer s truck at an i intersection when the collision occurred. Palmer stated he was south­ bound on Barreville road at approximately 15 mph, slowing down to turn onto Bull Valley road. He added that he had his NOTICE TOM SANSONE WANTS TO TAILOR FIT YOU WITH A SNARL- FREE LEASE FOR THE 1977 $ CALL HIM AT 815-344-1200 ALSO DAILY RENTALS AVAILABLE AT LOW DAILY WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES TORKELSON INCOLN M[R McHENRY, ILL. turn signal on, and that as he entered the intersection, he began to turn left and then hit the truck. A witness^ Donald Peterson, McHenry, stated he was traveling behind the Taylor vehicle, and that on three separate occasions the vehicle went into the dlher lane of traffic. Just prior to the collision, he stated that Taylor passed Palmer fight at the intersection, causing the crash. Donald E. Trebes, Harvard, was ticketed for failure to yield at a private road or driveway following a collision with a car driven by Donald E. Hen- derlong, 502 Amand^, McHenry, Monday afternoon on Rt 120 Trebes stated he was nor­ thbound from a driveway at 2800 Rt 120 He added that his rear view mirror obscured his vision momentarily, and he struck the Henderlong vehicle. Henderlong stated he was eastbound on Rt. 120 when he was struck in the right rear by the Trebes car. He further stated he traveled about 25 feet on the road shoulder before rolling over. Fortunately,, neither driver was injured, although the Henderlong vehicle was demolished. Trebes' car sustained only $100 worth of damage Youths Treated following Fracas In Establishment A local youth • was tran­ sported to McHenry hospital by the McHenry Rescue squad at 12:55 a.m. Saturday, after being injured in an altercation at the Pizza Hut. 4301 W Rt 120, McHenry. Steven Leary, 514 Clemont Lodge, McHenry, was injured ' in a fight with Ronald Staggs, Woodstock. Staggs was also taken to the hospital by the rescue squad for treatment of injuries. The incident is under con tinuing investigation by the McHenry Police department Thus far, no arrests have been made. POSTPONE LAKES MEETING Due to a schedule conflict, the meeting of the Chain of Lakes-Fox River commission scheduled for Friday, Jan 28, has been cancelled The meeting has been rescheduled for Friday, Feb. 4, at the Fox Lake village hall. Fox Lake, at 1:30 p.m. Frightened Youth Eludes Police On Snowmobile After a wild and lengthy chase, a McHenry youth was apprehended last week, and charged with three snowmobile violations by the local police department Thomas Tonyan, 1406 Palomino drive. McHenry, was arrested and charged with illegal operation of a snowmobile on a highway, having no taillights, and for reckless, negligent, or careless driving, after allegedly eluding police last week while ap­ parently riding on city streets. According to the police report. Tonyan was spotted riding his snowmobile down Main street in the wrong lane of traffic for half a block. He then straddled the middle of the street and drove in excess of 45 mph Tonyan turned behind the Dura Wax building, followed by the police The report states that the officer called to him to stop from a distance of just 5 feet away, but the driver responded by cranking the throttle and driving off The snowmobile then cut through an alley onto Mill street, and then cut through a private yard, where none of the three police units were able to follow Tonayn was finally cut off at the intersection of Rt 31 and Kane avenue, from where the suspect was taken to the police station. Tonyan stated he, "got scared when I saw you were a cop." He posted bond and was released "Frog Klssln" Experience At McHenry Church Leaders in the "Frog Kissin' " experience at St. Patrick's church hall Saturday. Jan. 29, are asking. "Are you a prince or princess who looks and feels more like a frog?", and "Are you waiting for that nobility in you to be awakened with a kiss?", The program starts at 9 a.m. preceded by a brief registration period. Six hours of the day will be spent in quick moving, mischievous fun in getting to know one's neighbors and one's self. Lunch and refreshments are included in the registration fee Deaths WILLIAM T. DURANT Private services were held at the George R Just en & Son funeral home for William T Durant of 2224 N. Ringwood road. McHenry, who died Saturday, Jan 22, at McHenry hospital. He would have been 69 years old March 6, 1977 Instant Minor Blaze At Wonder Lake Home Late last week, sheriff's police responded to a report of a fire at the home of Drew Christensen, 3001 Chestnut drive. Wonder Lake, to which the Wonder Lake Fire department was also sum­ moned Upon arrival, policc recognized the fire was con fined solely to the kitchen stove area, and by use of the squad fire extinguisher, succeeded in extinguishing the blaze prior to the arrival of the fire depart­ ment The Veterans administration reports there are fewer than 2,000 women veterans of World War I living among the nation's 577,000 women who served in the armed forces. LONGHORH STE2H HOUSE 2 RE-OPENING FEBRUARY 1 st AT 11:30 A.M. and Looking Forward To Serving You Again. Route 120-2'/J Mi. East Of McHenry Illinois TTTTTTTTTn . /: ,i> \ m :'W . % BUMPER STICKERS ONLY DOPES USE DRUGS & See !U6 &t> - t . . . i n a l l y o u r insurance needs! AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U R A N C E AUTO HOME HEALTH LIFE ® AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. MADISON, WISCONSIN S370I CHUCK LEWAND0WSKI 1108 Violet St McHenry Phone 385-2304 -

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