Celebrate Patronal Day ^egsil Notice I'AQE 15 - PLAINDEALEIM KIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1977 a STATE OF ILLINOIS County of McHenry )ss. ) Original parishioners of St. Paul's Episcopal church were proudly represented when the church held its annual St. Paul's day luncheon in potluck style. 'Reminiscence prevailed among diners including Mrs. Vincent Fish, Fr. Vincent Fish and Robert Hess, pictured above. Other charter members included Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Krapf, Mrs. Robert Hess, Thomas Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Olsen, all of McHenry. Natalie Boak receives a plaque from the Rev. Arthur McKay in acknowledgement of her noteworthy term of office as president of the Episcopal Church Women during St. Paul's Episcopal church annual potluck luncheon held Sunday, Jan. 30. She has served for the past two years in that position. Marian Juniors Rate Well In Test Program Last Oct. 26, all junior students at Marian Central Catholic high school par ticipated in the National Merit Scholarship qualifying test- preliminary scholastic aptitude test. Results recently compiled indicate that Marian's juniors scored in the upper third of the nation for their total ability. A breakdown of the test results indicates that Marian's juniors scored in the upper 68 percentile on the verbal test and the upper 64 percentile mathematically. These per centiles compared Marian juniors with an analysis of all juniors in the nation. Of significant note is that while most schools only use this test as an optional device for the college-bound student, all Marian juniors participate in the program. The PSAT- NMSQT provides a gauge for comparing Marian's academic progress against all other schools in the nation as well as allowing the students to gain excellent experience in preparation for the ACT and SAT tests taken by most juniors in the spring. r SERVICE NEWS 1 Louis Ramer Promoted To Airman Rank Louis W. Ramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arlen K. Ramer of 806 S. Broadway. McHenry, has received his first promotion in the U.S. Air force. Ramer. Dromoted to airman, recently completed technical training at Keesler AFB, Miss., and now serves as a chapel management specialist with a unit of the Air Training com mand at Vance AFB. Okla. The airman is a 1973 graduate of McHenry high school. YOU DON'T PUMPALOTOF MONEY INTO A SUBARU. 41 Highway/28 City MPG* CF HARDTOP DL 2 DOOR SEDAN IVi ,HIM' " in SKKC T entf inc doe-n' t need ; i iatal \ tu ei inverter, our e. i rs tun mi ie«i i l .n Nut t l iemm e expensive unleaded. Yum actual mi leage niav vary because uf i l ie way you dt i \e. ( luvinn condi t ion-, the condi t ion of youi cai and wl i . i tevei opt ional ei |u ipm'ent you nuyl i t have. Hut wi th the mi leage Subaru del ivers on regular, i t wi l l be a lo i i t f t ime before your wal let noes f rom ful l to empty. i in- »-• SUBARU INEXPENSIVE. AND BUILT TO STAY THAT WAJf. BRAND NEW 1976 AND DEMO MODELS AVAILABLE AT REDUCED PRICES ... v •J r Phil Hoaglund's EURO PA MOTORS 2414 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY * 385-0700 In the 19th Judicial « Circuit Court To MARY R. MAXWELL, CLAUDE REESE, VIVIAN ZIEBELL, MAYME REESE and "UNKNOWN HEIRS" You and each of you will hereby take notice that an instrument purporting to be the last will of ESCO HARGIS NIELSEN, deceased, has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of McHenry, Illinois, together with the petition of M A R G A R E T A N N TATARANOWICZ represen ting among other things that the names of all the heirs, legatees and devisees of said deceased, are as follows, to wit: MARY R. MAXWELL, CLAUDE REESE, VIVIAN ZIEBELL, MAYME REESE, M A R G A R E T A N N TATARANOWICZ AND "UNKNOWN HEIRS" and praying that said instrument be admitted to probate as the last will of said deceased, and that the same be ordered recorded. You will also take notice that the hearing on said petition and the proof of said purported last will has been set by said Court for the 24th day of February, 1977, at 30o'clock A.M., in the Circuit Court Room in the City of Woodstock in said County, when and where you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why said purported last will should not be admitted to probate. Dated this 19th day of January, 1977. Margaret O'Neil Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County HARRY C. KINNE, JR. Attornev for Petitioner 3431 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 60050 ' Phone: (815) 385-4284 (Pub. Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4,1977) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on January 11th, A D. 1977, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as McHENRY ICE CREAM SHOPPE, located at 4911 W. Route 120, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 11th day of January, A.D. 1977. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4, 1977) Leaal Notice THE CIRCUIT COURT )F THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF WILLIAM DeVRIES DECEASED, FILE NO. 77-P-6 Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Section 194 of the robate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on Jan. 13, 1977, to Catherine DeVries, 3402 W. Third Ave., McHenry. Illinois, whose attorney of record is Edward L. Parks. 1320 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date ot issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 21,28, Feb. 4,1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION > ESTATE OF STANLEY J. ODACHOWSKI Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-18 Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Section 194 of the robate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on Jan. 17, 1977, to Alice Odachowski, 1505 Palomino Drive, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Arthur J. Rudolph, 3424 W. Irving Park Ra., Chicago, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period I Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock' Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4, 1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ALFRED W. GARSKE Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-5 Notice is nereby given Pursuant to Section 194 of the robate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on Jan. 13, 1977, to Donald R. Garske, 2810 Rosedale, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Edward L. Parks, 1329 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that ONE DAY INCOME TAX SERVICE CALL 385-4410 for appointment A GREAT INSIDE STORY. THiS HOTPOiNT DRYER HAS... • SMOOTH PORCELAIN £NAMEL FINISH DRUM .. .resists scratching and corrosion. | LARGE LOADING DOOR easy to load and unload. | 3 POINT SUSPENSION SYSTEM helps provide smooth, quiet drum rotation. | UP FRONT LINT FILTER easy to see, remove, and clean. J AXIAL AIR FLOW . . . f o r u n i f o r m d r y i n g . • PLUS THESE TOTAL-VALUE HOTPOINT FEATURES: Permanent-press / poly knit cycle • Automatic Sensi-Dry'" control • Four drying selections • Separate start switch • Exhausting flexibility--4 way on electric, 3 way on gas Q Glo Bar* ignition on gas model eliminates standing (Electric & Gas) pilot (saves energy) SAVE $3700 Model I I» LfiirLrd: CUSTOMER CARE [ . . . E V E R Y W H E R E LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT (SOUTH RTE. 31) McHENRY, ILL. 385-0882 period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4, 1977) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on February 1st, A.D. 1977, a certificate was filed in th6 Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as THE BUTLER'S PANTRY (CATERERS.), located at 528 N. Lily Lane, McHenry, Illinois 60050, Dated this 1st day of February, A.D. 1977 Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Feb. 4,11,18,1977) *1! - 7 ( "MEANWHILE BACK AT THE COURTHOUSE" Instant THAT HOMELV ML/TT POLUM ̂ MY EVERY MOU£! BRANCH COURT Associate Circuit Judge Conrad F. Floeter Clarence W. Shastal, 911 Broadway, McHenry, was found guilty of disorderly conduct, and was fined $25 and costs. Brian T. Henshall, 5002 W. Little. McHenry, had his charge of attempted theft under $150 amended to disor derly conduct. He then pleaded guilty to the lesser charge, and was fined $50 and costs. Mark M. Wyatt, 7211 Loros lane, Wonder Lake, had his charge amended from driving while intoxicated to reckless driving. On the lesser charge, he pleaded guilty, and was fined $50 and costs. Wyatt then was not prosecuted on a charge of .improper lane usage. Sharon Ann Leigh, 5215 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, paid $110 of her $300 fine stemming from a guilty verdict on a charge of reckless driving. Gregory H. Jensen, 711 Rt. 31, McHenry, had his charge amended from driving while intoxicated to reckless driving. On the lesser charge, he pleaded guilty, and was fined $50 and costs. He was also directed to enter the DWI project, and was placed on 90 day probation after appealing a seven-day jail sentence. BRANCH II Associate Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan John Wilson, 8411 Dorr drive. Wonder Lake, was found guilty of reckless driving, and was fined $100 and costs. He was also found guilty of improper lane usage, and was fined $10 and costs. Come in and hrowne, you'll pet idea* for furniithing your bath and dim-over many charming giftn. 3012 W. Rte. 120. McHenry East of Ne* Bridge-Free Parking 385-0048 Mon.-Thura. 9-5:30, Fri. 9-9. Sat. 9-5 Complete planning and inMallation of fixture** and acce*tHorie*t. CB RADIOS ^ NEW & USED LAKE & McHENRY CO. LARGEST SELECTION • SPECIAL • SALE on all Midland CB's up to 60% OFF $139« WITH 8 CRYSTALS Bearcat HI From the inventors of automatic (canning monitor* With the Bearcat III you can go to aU.the trouble spots in your city. Without leaving the safety of your home. You see, the Bearcat III is an automatic scanning monitor that lets you listen in on your police, firemen, state patrol and other agencies in action. And unlike ordinary radios, the Bearcat III constanUy scans for action. When one transmission ends, it automatically tunes to another. Which means the Bearcat III can also help you avoid trouble. By filling you in on traffic and weather reports before you hear them on TV. It's available at our store now. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED!! ((((<<"•>.">))))))))) radicomc 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry, H 815-385-4224 Open Monday Thru Friday 8 - 6 Saturday 8 - 5, Closed Sunday COMPLAINT Deputy Douglas W. Parrish charges that on Jan. 30, Charles R. Holden, 8104 Widoff, Wonder Lake, committed the offense of burglary, in that he did, without authorization, knowingly enter * a building of Arthur R. Wedin, with intent to commit therein a theft. Bond was set at $10,000 for a Feb. 3 court appearance. Detective James C. Fit zgerald charges that on Jan. 30, Frederick C. Rades, 5116 E. Wonder Lake road. Wonder Lake, committed the offense of burglary, in that he did, without" authorization, knowingly enter a building of Arthur R. Wedin, with intent to commit therein a theft. Bond was set at $10,000 for a Feb. 3 court appearance. Of the nation's 577.000 women veterans, 285.000 were in the Army, according to the Veterans administration. Police Tickets Raymond F. Karpinski, 7208 Hiawatha, Wonder Lake, speeding 55 in a 40 mph zone. Thomas M. Li»nane, 5112 W. Shore drive, McHenry, disobeyed traffic signal when light turned red. James H. McAlpin, Nor- thbrook, failure to yield to oncoming traffic. Jeffrey J. Hurckes, 2712 Tichfield terrace, McHenry, failure to yield to an emergency vehicle. I Ferrelf E. Rickman, Crystal Lake, driving too fast for conditions. Ferrell E. Rickman, Crystal Lake, driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. John M. Sorenson, Jr., 4120 Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. John M. Sorenson, Jr., 4120 Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Attention Area Subcontractors DEL-MAC BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS . Now Accepting Bids On (96) CONDOMINIUM UNITS TO BE BUILT IN WOODSTOCK Blueprints may be obtained at 1118 N. SEMINARY - WOODSTOCK (Bauman Real Estate) , ALL BIDS MUST BE IN BY MARCH 1,1977 For Appointment Call . - (815) 338-2807 1118 N. Seminary (Rt. 47) Woodstock sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss FEBRUARY SPECIALS!!! FROM THE "KITCHEN SPECIALISTS" Pepperrpill cabipets by BRAMMER beautiful quality surprising price. DISCOUNT! ON ML BRAMMER "LIVING KITCHEN," QUALITY KITCHEN CABINETS PURCHASED FEBRUARY GLAVIANO'S INTERIORS ~THE KITCHEN SPECIALISTS" 414 S. RTE. 31 McHENRY. ILi. 385-3764 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM I